Assessing Ecosystem Services For Sustainable Urban Regeneration Case Study

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Assessing Ecosystem Services For Sustainable Urban Regeneration

Introduction of Assessing Ecosystem Services For Sustainable Urban Regeneration; A Case Study Of Birmingham

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The considered research work will mainly focus on evaluating the ecosystem services for sustainable urban regeneration and this idea will be acquired by considering the case study of Birmingham. According to the case study under consideration, Birmingham is the very first sustainably megacity in modern British history. Living, learning, working, and visiting there will be a pleasure: it would be a worldwide metropolis with a strong sense of place (Wilkinson and Osmond, 2021). Birmingham 2026 will revolutionize the city's 'accessibility' ; a modern elevated rail link would link the town with mainland Europe and get it within 45 minutes of London, reducing travel time by half. International destinations and significant development areas including China, India, as well as North America would be easily accessible from Birmingham via direct air connections. Tourists are able to travel to and from the airport using a specialized high airport rail connection. Birmingham 2026 would be the first ecological megacity in the United Kingdom. They intend to significantly cut its dependency on pricey natural gas and oil. Its lower power network will offer dependable and reasonably priced heat, electricity, and conditioning to people's homes and companies, as well as to other buildings. Additionally, as a city, they have proved their ability to withstand the effects of global warming by demonstrating great resilience in the midst of flooding and scorching waves. In addition to providing cooling, the new parks on the surface and "fields in the sky" will soak up rainwater.

Research Aims

The main aim of this particular research paper is to evaluate the overall case studies associated with ecosystem services for sustainable urban regeneration by considering the impact of a case study on Birmingham. Even the concern will be given to evaluating the different decision-making processes adopted in the case study for developing the sustainable city goal of Birmingham.

Research Objectives

  • To understand the process adopted in the case study for developing the sustainable City
  • To understand the overall requirement that needs to be met for the formation of a smart city
  • To make significant utilization of the secondary research process for reviewing the case study
  • To make significant utilization of literature review focusing on a similar concept of sustainability goals

Literature Review

According to the provided case study on ecosystem services for sustainable urban regeneration, it was recognized that in the opinion of the Be Birmingham Alliance, a strong economy is the most important impetus for providing what is important to Birmingham residents, guaranteeing that the town is a wonderful place to live, learn, play, and explore in general. Nevertheless, the city of Birmingham makes a considerable contribution to the economic growth of a country. That is, in this Sustainable Community Policy, the business receives a great deal of attention. Due to the fact that the city center is critical to the overall economic development of the city – it plays a key role in luring people to global office settings, retail locations, big events, and academic facilities – it is a priority for the local government (Caird and Hallett, 2019). The Big City Strategy takes this effort a step beyond, with the goal of revitalizing regions to the south and north of the city. The Strategy will eventually result in the expansion of the central city to a scale and scope that is acceptable for Birmingham as the provincial capital and a worldwide city with a population of more than one million inhabitants. In 2007/8, there have also been substantial gains in street cleanliness, garbage control, and composting, however a survey of people has revealed that 'clean streets' continues to be the component that needs the most development in the area in question. The county has been designated as a Beacon for its collaboration with the communities it serves, which has resulted in fairer and more inclusive financing and commissions possibilities, as well as an appreciation of the sector's duties in advocating and engaging with the general public.

According to the researcher Zhong (2021), In the urban context, ecosystem services are indeed the internal and external advantages that inhabitants receive as a result of ecosystems working well. Urban green spaces, such as parks, urban forests, and other green infrastructures, are critical elements of urban ecosystems, and they should be protected and enhanced. The above green ecosystems, which are dispersed throughout cities, could provide a wide range of ecosystem services that improve the urban environment, civilian health, and overall living reliability, thereby attempting to play critical roles in the realization of urban environmental sustainability and achieving urban sustainability. In several cities, appropriate lands for the building of additional green spaces are now becoming extremely scarce as urbanization continues to spread throughout the world, particularly in densely populated urban areas. Additionally, the land scarcity for additional green spaces is particularly acute within these cities that have undertaken increased density and proportioning methods for urban sustainable growth, which are particularly detrimental to the environment (Knowles et al. 2020). Because of this, many cities throughout the world have begun to devote substantial resources to the green economy of "after-use" natural assets.

Existing adaptive urban ecosystem services frameworks

It was recognized that the main concern stated in the overall case study is to develop Birmingham as a Sustainable Global City in modern Britain. it will be proved to be a significant place to live, work, and even for acquiring tourist experiences. Exceeding the rate of environmental degradation and other issues has developed a great interest in people to develop a smart city that will be completely sustainable (Blanco et al. 2022). It is anticipated that its new revitalized nearby towns and expanded town center would provide a sustainable residence for up to 100,000 additional people, while also maintaining and reducing the load off its neighboring green areas. Birmingham 2026 places a strong emphasis on the development of sustainable cities. Birmingham 2026 is organized all around the achievement of five 'core objectives,' which were established via analysis and research, conversation, and conversation with the people of Birmingham. Significant physical growth, such as the transformation of New Street Station, £18 billion in expenditure in the city, startup companies and housing around the town, and an expansion of the runways at "Birmingham International Airport" are all planned for the city by 2026. Birmingham 2026 outlines ten "groundbreaking reforms" that will help the city accomplish its most important goals faster than it has in the past.

 Essentially, this approach establishes a cohesive plan for the city's destiny, that serves as the foundation for all other city approaches (for instance, the Core Strategies as well as Big City Plan, which are both components of the Regional Development Platform). All local agencies are required by law to indicate how they want to promote the business, social, and ecological well-being of their communities, and also how they intend to participate in the achievement of sustainability throughout the United Kingdom (Zhang, 2018). The Be Birmingham Regional Planning Partnership, which is composed of the town council and its stakeholders, collaborated on the development of this plan. It embodies the entire idea for the city, and it serves as the foundation and guide for enhancing the overall standard of living for the inhabitants of Birmingham as well as the surrounding areas.

This general long-term aim was identified and agreed upon after more than a year of hearing from local residents, companies, and public and volunteer groups, among others. The achievement of the goal will have a huge impact on the communities of Birmingham.

Accordingly, the local community has said it is vital that this strategy describes specific objectives and outcomes. The Birmingham 2026 Collaboration looked at a lot of factors to begin the process of constructing and growing Birmingham 2026. Present and future important developments and challenges impacting the city are discussed (Ronchi, 2021). They collaborated with the Audit Commission to create an 'Area Profile,' which gives a comprehensive image of local authorities and the living standard of inhabitants of Birmingham. To accomplish this, they consulted quality-of-life indicators, data, inspections records, as well as the perspectives of the local population as well as care recipients.

After considering the case study it was recognized that there was a presence of a certain existing urban ecosystem strategy which focuses on making economic development, staying in a safe and clean green city, being healthy, acquiring a high-quality life, and contributing to the social development approaches. All these aspects were considered as the main strategy of the existing adaptive urban ecosystem services framework to be considered in the over development of ecosystem services in the region of Birmingham (Nzimande and Fabula, 2020). This concern was laid due to the aspect that a sustainable environment can be developed which will promote people to lead the best possible life in a sustainable way. In the overall case study, it was recognized that more stress has been given to developing the quality of life and local services by utilizing end of life, inspected reports, and use of service users and local residents. The vision of Birmingham involves significant neighborhood work by focusing on the upgraded local services, upgrading local democracy as well as strengthening communities. This particular development of the framework enables to specify a significant long-term strategy for securing the position of Birmingham as a significant global city and forming the place in which everyone intends to live, work and learn. This particular reason is being developed to ensure that the long-term prosperity of the place can be enhanced by providing the structure for both public as well as private sector Investments. By considering the provided case study it was recognized that there was the presence of certain early priority for the activities which involve developing community cohesion. Even integration among residents belonging from different backgrounds. It also ensures in motivating the citizens to be involved in the neighborhood and citywide forms and events along with exceeding the satisfaction with the local area is vital. It was recognized that initially there were presents associated with the area. more than three-quarters of the people living in the place assume that the local area is significant in which people belonging to the different communities can communicate with another word effectively. Even there was the identification of racial crime by around 6% among the residents as the initial issue. In the strategy associated with the community safety agencies have recognized certain priorities that are required to be minimized hate associated crime formulated communities and difference or other groups

Analytical Framework

It was recognized that this strategy was developed for the single reason to ensure that the future of the city can be enhanced which focuses on all other strategies in the city incorporating strategy and big city plan which develop a segment of the local development framework. In this particular framework, all the local authorities are needed to elaborate that they intend to develop the economic, social, and environmental well-being in the region. This strategy is being developed by the Council of the region and associated partners who have developed the local strategic partnership which is regarded as “Be Birmingham”. This particular strategy incorporates the overall vision for the city that has the capability of providing the bases as well as the path for developing the overall quality of life of the people living in Birmingham. This strategy is considered the prime analytical framework which intends to significantly prioritize and target the aspect that is vital for the local community. This particular Framework is specified in the process of developing the strategy which involves working combinedly by developing the place of Birmingham with the help of similar ambitious long-term goals. It also involves working combinedly for developing services that form local people's requirements and needs at the same time providing value for the money. forming innovative and significant solutions to acquire the best result is also a segment of this particular legal framework. Another aspect of this particular Framework is developing a significant aspect of aligning the resources with optimum priority.

It can be stated that the ecosystem services are a significant framework that helps in recognizing the advancement associated with ecosystems that can be acquired by the society and specified as the fundamental natural resource management process. In recent decades this particular ecosystem service Framework has acquired a significant concern among the community and even has become one of the most discussed areas in the form of political agenda. Strategy to specify a significant structure and develop a framework for forming tools to acquire environmental performance ideas along with the territorial changes interconnected to variant progressive requirements. It mainly helps in the process of developing urban planning and is utilized by the ecological economist both in local and regional areas for understanding the accomplishing goal of ecological regeneration in the context of the urban scenario. It can be stated that the analytical framework forms the critical analysis and review of existing resilience as well as strategies that focus on incorporating resilience planning to upgrade the view from procedure to be utilized for the development of this specific research work. This specific framework is segmented into three vital procedures which is highly important for conducting all kinds of research associated with ecosystem services. The first step is recognizing the main requirement and properties of ecosystem services. The second step involved planning strategy and accessing the risk of other processes. The third step incorporates a visual assessment of developed vacancy criteria set in sections 1 and 2 for recognizing the segments of resilience

Step 1: The resilience associated with the key property is important to be considered in the framework it is vital. This will enable the consideration of variant scope associated with ecosystem services (Koro?ova and Treija, 2018). With the help of its analytical framework, it was recognized that the city in change emerged as one of the most reliable cities globally. It intends to emerge as a highly physically active UK City in which there is the presence of an active lifestyle. The stated framework set in the case study focuses on developing a city to which will be best in all terms involving the environmental aspect, social aspect as well aspects. In order to achieve these different strategies have been set to ensure that it can provide advantages to human beings in all aspects.

Step 2: After developing the requirements associated with the individual scope the concern is given to the resilience approach to update the standard of the procedure. It can be regarded that the overall case study has focused on Environmental social and economic effects developed to meet all the set objectives of developing ecosystem services in the city of Birmingham.

Step 3: The third step incorporates comparing the overall process and monitoring the different aspects associated with ecosystem services to understand the critical circumstances in a significant way of developing resilience. This particular step will enable us to understand the development made so far and the way the overall strategy and goal can be accomplished within the set deadlines.

Case study and framework application

Framework application specifying the services to be developed in the city of Birmingham

(Sources: Self-created)

In the above figure, it was recognized that this particular case study focuses on the development of ecosystem service with the help of incorporating sustainable elements in the city of Birmingham. In context to this, it intends to focus on environmental, social, and economic aspects. This particular Framework is able to reduce the inequalities in terms of health and mortality rate in the city and provide significant support to people to select a healthy lifestyle and develop their overall well-being. Initially, the case study focuses on meeting the environmental factors by providing a city in a sustainable way to ensure that it can emerge as a leading City that has been able to acquire most of the sustainability goals and reduce the impact of human operation on the environment. In terms of meeting the environmental factors, the case study focuses on initiatives to reduce the carbon dioxide emission and managed road condition in the City in which it was seen that the range of commuting by cars is tremendous in Europe. In context, this particular city intends to develop an integrated transport framework that incorporates secure and safe walking as well as cycling measures for the community. The City intends to manage the requirement of innovation and upgrading the rail capacity as well as spending the unit works of the metro. In context to this in the process of developing the new sustainable program and compact, the city will engine to ensure that the oval purchasing of the power must help the local economy in a significant social and environmentally friendly manner. In terms of meeting the social aspect in Birmingham, the concern has been given to developing a city that is secure from crime as well as Anti-Social behavior to ensure that most of the people can feel safe in the City. In order to develop a place in which there will be a presence of healthy lifestyle, living in a safe environment, enjoying life not only provides the requirement of social factors but also helps in acquiring economic wellbeing. The development of such ecosystem services in the city enables the promotion of a better lifestyle and better working conditions which also help in upgrading the economical capacity of the place and promoting growth. This ultimately also helps in increasing the earnings of the city and we'll also maintain an economical balance reason highly important for developing significant ecosystem services in the city of Birmingham.

Frameworks possible outcome

The developed framework provides a significant outcome in the area of developing a sister City that will emerge as a leading city providing ecosystem services and incorporating sustainability in the best way. Over the previous 20 years, the city has progressed and has already been acclaimed as one of Europe's great successes, and it keeps on improving with over £10 billion of budget allocation in the region itself. " Birmingham's Big City" Strategy has been developed that will develop and rejuvenate the city center within the next 20 years, drawing on that tradition. Residents, businesses, and other stakeholders will help shape the plan to make the city healthier, better, fairest, and much more attractive. The main plan will handle the requirements of exceeding population, with a special emphasis on changing climate, infrastructure, and economic expansion (Zhang, 2018). Suburbs will be updated to make them more ecological and accessible, as well as to provide a better mix of education, increased transportation linkages, health, recreation, and retail. It was recognized that this kind of strategy developed in the case study is associated with operating as well as supporting the funds in the process of developing a sustainable place to live in. It was recognized that the overall operation that is being conducted in the case study is the concern of developing a framework to provide a place for people where they feel excited to live, learn and work. The significant management of social economic and cultural development has resulted in the development of different advancements for human beings and emerging as a leading city. The strategic partnership, organization, and the representatives from different community sectors work combinedly in the process of developing the local community and developing growth to ensure that there can be regeneration and development of Birmingham for ensuring future economic development, it will be as well as prosperity to the citizen living there.


From the above discussion, it can be concluded Essentially, this strategy establishes coherent planning for the city's growth, which serves as the foundation for all other city approaches (for instance, the Core Plan and Big City Planning, which are all components of the Regional Development Platform).

All relevant authorities are expected by law to indicate how they intend to promote the economic, cultural, and ecological well-being of their communities, as well as how they intend to assist in the achievement of its objectives throughout the United Kingdom. The Be Birmingham Local Strategy Collaboration, which is composed of the local authority and its stakeholders, collaborated on the development of this plan. It incorporates the entire vision for the town, and it serves as the foundation and guide for enhancing the overall standard of living for the inhabitants of Birmingham and the surrounding areas. This overarching and long-term aim was identified and agreed upon after more than a year of consulting to local residents, companies, and public and volunteer institutions, among others. The achievement of the vision will have a huge impact on the communities of Birmingham. Renewable sustainability, the next generation of sustainable development, is founded on an integrated vision and strives to create healthy complete life forms as a goal. It brings together medial and lateral worlds of sustainability and concentrates on changing fundamental success factors in ecosystems in order to effect transformative change on several scales at the same time.


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