Current Criminal Justice System Assignment sample

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Current Criminal Justice System Assignment sample

Introduction Of Issues And The Challenges Faced In Current Criminal Justice System: Anti-Social Behaviour And Gangs In London

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The judicial system against crime in the UK is in front of those who have not paralleled logjams in court cases and record the criminal's identity numbers regarding the anti-social behaviours and gang activities. This is the kind of burden which could be the outcome of postponements and late hearings in the cases like anti-social behaviour and gang activities, during the epidemic of COVID – 19 and the strategy of the government to give an additional 20, 000 police force for the rise in the number of pupils who face criminal charges (Stoicea et al., 2019). As per the partnership-based publication of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, the total prisoner's population is estimated to increase up to 90,000, being the highest possible level till the time and may rise to 95, 000 till 2023 to 2024. Over the last ten years, the prisons of Wales and England have almost filled to their capacity with an enhancement in the cases relating to the self – harm and violence (Stoicea et al., 2019). The government of the United Kingdom has made the resolution to provide an extra 10, 000 places to form prison involving in gang activity as well as anti-social behaviour but this number is not sufficient to meet the possible rise in the number of prisoners in the coming years as per the predictions.

In fact, as per the estimation, an additional amount of £250 million is measured to be spent for the maintenance of the prevailing performance in the jails. Also, the lockdown occurred due to the pandemic that let the courts shut. However, some of the cases are found to be the priority, and judiciary hearings are found to be postponed together with this. It has been revealed by the research that the cases of crime are increased by more than 70 % in the last six months because of time taking process of hearing caused by the pandemic and letting the victims as well as the offenders to wait for more than half of the year by the trial process in the courtrooms. No doubt, this late hearing is creating the greatest ever waiting period as per the records. And for solving this problem of backlog, the government is required to spend more of £55m to £110m per year for the two years for processing of extra trials required (Stoicea et al., 2019).


According to the author (Douglas et al., 2017), there are various systems of suppressing the prevailing anti-social and gang activities in the country of the United Kingdom, which has been facing so many challenges that would also have included the persistent violent crime in the urban areas, as well as in the addiction epidemic and cybercrime. And also, as it is seen in various dramas of television, where these crimes have been solved very easily as the trials have been concluded very neatly that too in just about one hour, but in real life, it is not very same (Douglas et al., 2017). The process of handing down justice to the guilty and also obtaining adequate justice for those victims is complex and the level of the complexity has been increasing in today's world (Douglas et al., 2017).

According to the author (Broadhurst et al., 2017), the criminal justice system of any nation like the United Kingdom, must know about how to deal with a constant barrage of threats that might be either old, or new, but this is the right of everybody in the country who must have been feeling the public safety, and it is the duty of the professionals, who are somewhere involved with this area, and who have high skills, knowledge, and expertise in this area. In a scenario like today’s environment (Broadhurst et al., 2017), when there is a huge demand for such professionals in the region, and therefore, are being relied on the prosecutors as well as the police officers of the nation. Hence it could be understood that they are under huge pressure for bringing a greater level of improvement and innovation in their critical work (Broadhurst et al., 2017).

According to the author (Akiyama et al., 2020), poverty is considered as a recidivism and constraining prevention. Among all the causes of crime, mental health and the use of drugs are the chief issues, which enhance anti-social behaviour by the gangs. The huge amount of money that is spent on detention and policing should be rather spent on treatment and social preventive measures (Akiyama et al., 2020). The author has also suggested that the recent pandemic of coronavirus has also emphasized the ineffectiveness in the system relating to incarcerations. If the Civic Pell Allowances were restored to inmates, it can again decrease the illegal gang activities. These allowances support the educational system and grant financially to assist the rehabilitate, who was incarcerated and they are provided with a second chance for being indulging in anti-social behavioural and gang activity (Akiyama et al., 2020).

According to the author (Radburn et al., 2019), Juveniles are generally tried as grown-ups in the system of criminal justice, and mostly no payroll is provided as per their eligibility. Many times, the policing in the neighbourhood and nearby educational institutions commits slight criminal offences but still becomes a part of the criminological acts and pointless violence. This can contribute to mental trauma or stigma, further contributing to the increased number of anti-social activities (Radburn et al., 2019).


Aim of the research

The research is purposing to conduct primary research on the identification of various crime issues and the challenges which are faced that is anti-social behaviour and gangs in London. The research is done aimed at gaining the assessment regarding the anti-social behaviours and activities which are related to gangs, in the country of United Kingdom for undertaking these specified criminal issues (Rivenbark et al., 2018).

The objective of the research  

The research was done with an objective which is discussed as follows are-

  • For ascertaining the thinking of the people regarding anti-social behaviour and gang activities being prevailed in some selected area of London.
  • Focusing upon the behaviours of anti-social gangs and how it affects the people who have been living there. (Rivenbark et al., 2018).
  • Finding the better ways that how the people actually could eliminate these activities.

Research methods 

As this is the primary level of the research-based up on the qualitative method of the research, hence we have selected the city and a region specifically Barking, Stratford, and East Ham, and randomly around some hundred and fifty people were selected in which seventy-five were males and seventy-five were females. All the selected people were those aged between 25 to 40 years old (Maxfield et al., 2017). The questions were being asked from them, were related to the crimes that were anti-social behaviour and gangs’ activities in those selected areas.

Research questions

  1. Do people living in the area of Stratford, Barking, and East home faces anti-social behaviour or gang activity in their area (Payne et al., 2018)?
  2. Are these crime issues that are anti-social behaviour and gang activity common in these places?
  3. Are these criminal activities like threatening, fighting, which are categorized under anti-social behaviour causing any adverse effect to their life (Maxfield et al., 2017)?
  4. Do you take any steps against these incidents of anti-social behaviour?
  5. Do they see any interference of the government regarding anti-social behaviour and gang activities through their laws (Payne et al., 2018)?
  6. Have they ever faced any issue or any kind of financial or physical loss while being out of home?
  7. Do they feel safer while not being in your area (Khan et al., 2018)?
  8. Have they made any complaint regarding the same to the concerned authority?
  9. Have any kind of law reforms regarding anti-social behaviour and gang activities crime has been seen by them?
  10. Have they ever talked about taking some steps regarding anti-social behaviour to their neighbours (Khan et al., 2018)?
  11. Do they feel if any kind of law that is stricter should bring out to face the issue like gang activities and anti-social behaviour?
  12. The crimes like anti-social behaviour could result in other serious problems. Yes, or No (Payne et al., 2018)?

Research processes

An interview was conducted by the researchers of the group, at the time of the primary research being conducted regarding the current issues and the challenges that are being faced by the women and men of the society living in Barking, Stratford, East Ham (Williams et al., 2018). For this, we have selected three main reasons for the country the United Kingdom was specifically Barking, Stratford, and East Ham. The study helped in the assessment of the participants or the people who have been selected about their thinking regarding the crimes being prevailed in the society in which they live, qualitatively. Additionally, the interview was focused on aiming to seize various ways that how these people and the participants have coped up with the high level of crimes and how they were associated with the crimes being prevailed in their society (Williams et al., 2018).

First, to conduct the study, the participants were randomly selected as being part of the society, while some working people have suffered from the various issues of anti-social behaviour and gang activities (Williams et al., 2018). This primary research has assessed the participants through the easy questionnaire survey which is being done by them. The questions were based on anti-social behaviour activities, and also the gang activities which were being faced by them. The participants were also asked about the impact of these crimes on their mental health as they were having thoughts regarding suicide as well as depression (Al-Rousan et al., 2017). After doing the survey, simple data have been constructed as they have identified some prominent factors which affected by the crimes that are being commonly occurred in society (Al-Rousan et al., 2017).

Data collection

Table- 1: A collection of primary data through a questionnaire survey.


No of the participants said Yes.

No of the participants said no.

No of the participants who were having no opinion or were neutral regarding the current issues of crime.

Total selected people for primary research

1. Do people living in the area of Stratford, Barking, and East home faces anti-social behaviour or gang activity in their area (Payne et al., 2018)?

89 participants- said yes

36 participants- said no

25 participants- no answer

150 participants

2. Are these crime issues that are anti-social behaviour and gang activity common in these places?

80 participants said yes

45 participants said no

25 participants- no answer

150 participants

3. Are these criminal activities like threatening, fighting, which are categorized under anti-social behaviour causing any adverse effect to their life (Maxfield et al., 2017)?

92 participants answered yes

33 participants said no

25 participants give no reply

150 participants

4. Do you take any steps against these incidents of anti-social behaviour?

75 participants said yes

48 participants said no

27 participants give no answer

150 participants

5. Do they see any interference of the government regarding anti-social behaviour and gang activities through their laws (Payne et al., 2018)?

91 participants said yes

37 participants said no

22 participants give no answer

150 participants

6. Have they ever faced any issue or any kind of financial or physical loss while being out of home?

 65 participants said yes

57 participants said no

28 participants do not answer

150 participants

7. Do they feel safer while not being in your area (Khan et al., 2018)?

111 of the participants said yes

14 participants said no

25 participants give no answer

 150 participants

8. Have they made any complaint regarding the same to the concerned authority?

65 of them said yes

60 of them said no

25 participants give no answer

150 participants

9. Have any kind of law reforms regarding anti-social behaviour and gang activities crime has been seen by them?

97 participants said yes

33 participants said no

20 participants do not reply

150 participants

10. Have they ever talked about taking some steps regarding anti-social behaviour to their neighbours (Khan et al., 2018)?

98 participants said yes

25 of the participants said no

27 of them give no answer

150 participants

11. Do they feel if any kind of law that is stricter should bring out to face the issue like gang activities and anti-social behaviour?

125 participants said yes

None of the participants said no

25 participants do not answer

150 participants

12. The crimes like anti-social behaviour could result in other serious problems. Yes, or No (Payne et al., 2018)?

110 participants said yes

16 participants said no

24 participants give no answer

150 participants.


Out of 150 participants, there were 89 people in the area of Stratford, Barking, and East home who have faced the issue of anti-social behaviour or gang activity in their area (Payne et al., 2018). And eighty people have accepted that crime issues that are anti-social behaviour and gang activity common in these places. And ninety-two people said that criminal activities like threatening, fighting, which are categorized under anti-social behaviour were causing any adverse effect to their life (Maxfield et al., 2017). But only seventy-five people out of 150 people said that they are trying to take some steps against these incidents of anti-social behaviour. And ninety-one people interference with the government regarding anti-social behaviour and gang activities through their laws (Payne et al., 2018). While sixty-five people have accepted that they have faced any issue or any kind of financial or physical loss while being out of the home. And surprisingly around 111 people in the area feel safer while not being in your area (Khan et al., 2018). Only sixty-five have made the complaint regarding the same to the concerned authority. And there are around more than sixty per cent of the people that is 97 out of 150, agreed that there is any kind of law reforms regarding anti-social behaviour and gang activities crime has been seen by them. And ninety-eight people said they have a conversation about taking some steps regarding anti-social behaviour to their neighbours (Khan et al., 2018). Out of 150 people, 125 people feel that any kind of law that is stricter should bring out to face the issue like gang activities and anti-social behaviour. And around 110 people accepted the fact that the crimes like anti-social behaviour could result in other serious problems. (Payne et al., 2018).

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As per in the survey, also can refer to table 1, we find out about what is the thinking of the people of the society regarding crime (Rava et al., 2017), and what are the challenges they have been facing due to these crimes (Rudin 2019) like anti-social behaviour and the gang activities and what is the significance of awareness in the area.

Thus, as per the survey done regarding anti-social behaviour, there is an urgent need for the interferences of the government, so that the problems of the people living in society, especially females and children who are major victims of this crime like fighting, eve-teasing that is categorized under anti-social behaviour or violence, must get rid of it. The government of the United Kingdom must spread awareness so that people facing this crime, could boldly report it to the police regarding this domestic violence (Rudin 2019). Below there is figure 1, which helps us in knowing through the primary research being conducted that the number of crimes regarding anti-social behaviour is going up day by day, while people taking some against them is very low.

As per in the survey, also can refer to figure 2, which is being done on gang activity in the country of United Kingdom, it is found that there is lack of awareness among the citizens of United Kingdom, regarding the crime like gang activities (Branson et al., 2017). The figure shows that what are the ages and what group of the ages of people who are involved in the crime like gang activity. Those are high in numbers when comes to the people of age 16-20 years old group (Branson et al., 2017). It can adversely affect the financial and economy.


As there is no precise definition of gang activity or antisocial behaviour (Goodman et al., 2017). Broadly, it could be understood that these crimes are being responsible for behaving in such a way that causes or might be likely to cause either an alarm or distress to either a single or more than one people in another household of the society situated in the areas discussed in the country of United Kingdom. If there is a requirement of the classification of antisocial behaviour, the behaviour must be persistent. There might be a very thin line between antisocial behaviour as well as the disputes that take place between the neighbours over relative inconveniences which are quite minor, although these might be, if persistent, could become a categorization under antisocial behaviour (Goodman et al., 2017). Antisocial behaviour can include: noise, swearing and fighting, shouting, intimidation of neighbours and others through threats or harassment, actual violence, including racial harassment or sectarian aggression. More about harassment also includes abusing verbally, bullying children in public recreation grounds, and also being on the way to school or even on school grounds. It also might include those behaviours if normal school disciplinary procedures do not stop the behaviour (Goodman et al., 2017).


INTRODUCTION Of Current Major Problems Of Criminal System Of The UK

While conducting the secondary research, we are here required to know about the outdated criminal system of the UK is becoming a cause of various major problems, which includes many problems, and some are described in this section. There should be enforcement of policies and the law happens when the armed officers are sent in response to 911 calls, it mostly causes the circumstances as that of the demise of Ray Shard Brooks, which happened in Atlanta in the period of mid – 2020 (Kappeler et al., 2017). As per the estimation, 80 % of the countrywide calls to 911 are not just as the reason for violence or offences relating to the property – related issues or anti-social behavioural issues and gang activities. It is an indication that the response of the police force is not ought to that. In addition to this, a large number of people, specifically, from the minor groups, never calls for any urgently needed services as they feared that the person responding might be a police officer (Kappeler et al., 2017).


According to the author (Gavrielides 2017), while addressing these challenges like anti-social behaviour and gang activities, he believes that constant determination is required to transform the crime-based judicial system, reduce a large number of incarcerations, and lessen a large number of criminal cases. For larger public safety, many of the matters in respect to the retention of prosecutors, efficient technology, officer wellbeing, good community relation, and other such topics are raised by the means of reports (Gavrielides 2017). These are important steps for decreasing the level of misconduct and crime done by the prosecutors in regards to the anti-social behaviour as well as the gang activity and the officers and thus let the guilts come to an end. Further, the author has stated that with a partnership with RTI International, as well as RAND Corporation, the University of Denver and Research forum of Police Executive, the Prosecutor's Panel and the Chief's Panel and by the funding of the OJP's National Institute of Justice exhibits their report to assist the situation (Gavrielides 2017).

As per the research conducted by the author (Berk et al., 2018), regarding current issues and challenges in crime which are concerning gang activity and anti-social behaviour, there are seven million people are there under correctional control in the country of United Kingdom. This makes it the front-runner in respect to incarceration. Out of these seven million pupils, approximately, 2.2 million individuals serve sentences, and the rest of them are involved under the surveillance of the community or are on payroll or probation (Berk et al., 2018). Also, as per the calculations, 100 million are already having criminal records. The reforms in criminal justice especially in the context of anti-social behaviour and gang activity, it is very important because it is found that most of the cases of incarceration are due to the sticking towards quite punitive sentencing commandments and policies rather than the rising rate of crime and unlawfulness in society (Berk et al., 2018).

According to the author (Barabas et al., 2018), one of the largest results of the reforms in the current justice policy of the criminological cases which are anywhere in relation with the gang activities and the anti-social behavioural issues, is its influence upon the minor community people resulting in a vicious and never-ending circle of incarnation to be condemned by the whole community. It again leads to inequalities based on racial, economic, and social inequalities (Barabas et al., 2018). This further would create unemployment, relapses, and social handicaps while having no real evidence to reduce the crime.

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According to the author (Huq 2018), the criminal system for the whole as well as for the anti-social behaviour, and the gang activity where is required to be reformed for ensuring that the appropriate response is sent to work with the particular condition, mostly when it is related to the drugs or psychologically related suffering cases (Huq 2018). Again, the problem arises, as per the author because of the demand for bailing fees in cash payments which cause threatening. As per the records, it is found that every three pupils out of five, have to accept imprisonment even without committing any crime because they are poor and are not able to pay the required amount for getting bail (Huq 2018).


Aim of the research

The research is purposing to conduct secondary research on the identification of various crime issues and the challenges which are faced that is anti-social behaviour, and gangs in London (Hartley et al., 2019). The research is done aimed for gaining the assessment in a quantitative way regarding the anti-social behaviours and activities which are related with gangs, in the country of United Kingdom for undertaking these specified criminal issues (Hartley et al., 2019).

The objective of the research

The secondary research was done with an objective which is discussed as follows are- 

  • For ascertaining the data given by the official national statistics in contexts of the gang activity and anti-social behaviour of the country United Kingdom (Stratton et al., 2017).
  • For finding out what are the steps that the government has been taking for the protection and the safety of the people from the crimes like anti-social behaviour and gang activities in the country United Kingdom.

Research questions

The questions on which the secondary research kept a focus are-

  • How did the gang activities take place?
  • How many numbers of businesses were affected because of anti-social behaviour in the country of the united kingdom (Stratton et al., 2017)?

Research methods

The chosen method for this research which has been done is quantitative, as data which have been selected for discussion and analysis, are from various sites by the government, as well as official national statistics has also provided numerous of the data for doing secondary research on the same (Stratton et al., 2017).

Research processes

There was the conduction of the secondary research regarding the current issues and the challenges that are being faced by the women and men of the society because of the anti-social behaviour. For this, we have selected various official websites of the government from where the data has first been collected, and then the proper analysis has been made. The study helped in the assessment of the data or the information which have been received quantitatively (Hetey et al., 2018). Additionally, the research with the help of the secondary sources was focused on aiming at a large number of the population of the United Kingdom who have coped up with the high level of crimes and how they were associated with the crimes that are being prevailed in their society (Hetey et al., 2018).

Data collection

There are around one hundred and thirty-six thousand people in a country like Britain are believed that they are forcedly subjected to become labour or have been trafficked according to the estimations made by the united nations (Winkelman et al., 2018). It is also estimated by the department of Home Office that there are more than five thousand victims who have gone through with the issue or crime like anti-social behaviour and the gang activity for the exploitation regarding sex in the country of United Kingdom at any one time (Winkelman et al., 2018).

Various authorities are competent and have currently been sitting in the United Kingdom Human Trafficking Centre (UKHTC) which is part of the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), and the United Kingdom Border Agency. As it also comes to know about the making of NRM more accessible by enabling more part of the organizations to refer victims to it (Cole et al., 2018). It is estimated a total of 40 million people are trapped within the anti-social behavioural, with 1 in 4 of them being children (Cole et al., 2018). 


There is also some inclusion about the anti-social behaviour as well as gang activity in the Crime Bill of 1994 is noted to raise the length and numbers of incarcerations as well as a greater amount of funding for the construction of prisons and jails. Along with this, the chances of earlier bail are decreased. All these steps assist in the enhancement of fund as payment of taxes, that could be further invested in the implementation but this leads to misappropriate cases of incarcerations amongst the American – African men. Its influence on the safety of the public is very less (Goodman et al., 2017). It is the minimum sentence, that is the court can provide for any particular misconduct, also in the case of exceptional situations. Unluckily, there is not much increase in the safety among the general public, despite the relative steps taken for the incarceration of approximately more than a half of the federal convicts. The prosecuting attorney is often sent to jail, and they could choose the charges for sending someone into the jail. As quoted by the writer of "Prisoners of Politics: Breaking the Cycle of Mass Incarceration", Rachel Barkow, in one of his interviews with the CBS news, the prosecutors are given the right to choose the sentence rather than the decision of the court (Goodman et al., 2017). This is quite challenging as the judge is a third party having no personal stake in the result of the case. But the prosecutor could threaten the individuals with the compulsory requirements to plead the criminal (Goodman et al., 2017). There is around a thirty-one per cent increase in the cases that occurred during the height of the pandemic from May to June. As per the data which has been analyzed by few researchers, it has revealed that how more than three thousand businesses fell a victim to the crimes that were related to the issue of gang activities being prevailing in the country of United Kingdom. It was during the period of September in the year 2019 to September in the year 2020. And out of all these cases, only around eighteen hundred cases have been reported of the anti-social behaviour in those areas, since the lockdown was imposed in the country (Hannah-Moffat 2019). And this has led to the loss of around two decimal nine million euros. It was also revealed that when after the pandemic there were millions of people, who switched from businesses to work from home, there was a high increase in the issue related to noise, shouting, abusing, and other anti-social behaviour in the societies.


As per reports of the United Kingdom in the period of last five years, the foreign as well domestic victims are largely exploited by the gang activists. As per the latest records of the government, around 10,627 probable victims are found to come through the NRM, along with an estimate of approximately 13,000 victims being in the UK itself. These gang activists affect mainly the solitary migrated kids and the children in the care arrangement, being prone to the risk (Besemer et al., 2017). Youth people and their trafficking are again very common by the gangs, who forcefully direct the drugs as carriers from big cities to rural places all over the UK. The children, as well as adults, are forced to take up the work in the field of cannabis cultivation, food processing, agriculture, construction, hospitality industry, factories, nail salons, food services, fishing boats, and those in the car washing works. The probable victims are found to be of 123 nationalities constituting from the regions of Albania, Vietnam, and the UK. Out of the total, 26 % of the probable victims are exploited in the areas that are fully in the outer of the UK. The most common type of exploitation among the young pupils and the minority groups includes these crimes regarding gang activities. And half of the total identified victims are from the child age group. According to the report in 2017, it was suggested by the Office for National Statistical Research that around 10 % of the women in the age group of 16 – 19 years are more influenced by this matter every year (Besemer et al., 2017).


Lack of social behaviour is a chief matter of civic concern. Numerous reports showed by ASBU have directed that during September in the year 2003 Wales and England are noted to have approximately 66,000 cases of anti-social acts, as done by the agencies. From 2003 to 2004, the reports of the British Crime Survey (BCS) revealed that around one-quarter of the general people observe certain behaviours relating to that very similar to graffiti, vandalism, teenagers, and litters facing these kinds of problems in their locality and the surrounded areas. However, as per the public observations, the situation has been a little enlightening these days. The estimation of BCS in 2003 - 2004 exhibits that16 per cent of the people observe a greater degree of anti-social behaviour in their surroundings and locality, as compared to their estimation of 21 per cent prevailing in the year 2002 – 2003.

Concerning the ability to tackle anti-social behaviour effectively. It is essential that the practitioners with accountability for the concerned problem would have a vibrant familiarity and knowledge regarding the unwanted behaviours happening in the local areas. But slight determination and work were printed to date on the manner of conduction of the anti-social behaviour and the way it could be measured and demarcated. This publication indicates the probable procedures for explaining and computing these behaviours at the local level and causes of evidence that could be strained upon for this resolution. It is, further, not envisioned to be rigid in terms of the recommendations on any one of the techniques or method. Instead, it gives a wide range of methods including some probable strong points and weaknesses of each of the approaches. It represents a sequence of subjects relating to the practitioners for reflecting when to identify the utmost suitable method.

The publication exhibits a large number of foundations in particular:

  • As per the one-day count of the ASBU, it stated anti-social behaviour in 2003 and teachings from this;
  • a typology is established by the Home Office Research Development and Statistics Directorate (RDS) on this topic, anti-social behaviour; and
  • a supplementary study by RDS on one - day count constructed on meetings and interviews and an example of respondents to the one–day count, which includes the Community Safety Partnerships and Crime (CSPs) and Disorder Reduction Partnerships (CDPs), the businesses and service providers that obtain information in respect to the anti-social behaviour.

These investigations are denoted as the study on RDS all over this report and facts of the methodology of the research are mentioned at the end of the statement. This statement recognizes the aids of gathering information on these behaviours which is a problematic situation inside a CSP or CDRP zone. The publication has tried to provide the kinds of data that probably be already obtainable nearby and approaches of gathering the information and data on anti-social behaviour. Every method has its own merits and demerits, which the practitioners are required to study earlier to the decision–making regarding the technique(s) to be used and formerly using and understanding the collected data. Data gathering should allow partnerships basis for improved planning of the programmed to be performed on anti-social behavioural tasks and it should appropriately aim their properties. Also, it should permit partnerships to govern if the initiatives are applied to confront this unwanted and anti-social behaviour more effectively.


In contrast to this, the major criminals are found to be released very safely even after being sentenced for severe crimes. The effective use of the expanding technology is persuaded by both of the groups. Some of the technologies include the body camera and the social media platform to enhance the evidential sources. Offensive behaviour intended to cause suffering or terror to the particular public, for instance, aged or incapacitated individuals driving in an unkind or uncaring mode, as an example, motorists accumulating in an expanse for competing for clearance of nonsense animal annoyance, together with dog snarling, wreckage, goods impairment, and graffiti. Actions should be taken around the disruptive behaviour and should be initially attempted and created who is accountable for this kind of behaviour. It is again significant to start if the behaviour is cautious or unintended.

The steps to be taken are dependent on the kind of behaviour one would complain around and upon the outcome needed. Further, the challenge of limited funds and problems regarding staffing is to be solved in an efficient manner (Wexler 2018). The whole group is the fund to share the concerns to get an improved relationship with the society, which is quite useful and valuable to reduce the number of crimes. There is also an urge for the requirement of influencing technologies to cope with the problem of cybercrime. The issues discussed above are only a part of the huge cases, as mentioned in the report (Wexler 2018).


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Week 1

Week 2 to 5

Week 6 to 12

Week 13 to 17

Week 18-21

Week 22 to 23

Week 23

Identifying the topic

Primary research and secondary research

Literature review in both pieces of research

Methodology identification in the research

Choosing the techniques of research in both primary as well as in secondary research

Data collection in primary and secondary research

Analysis of the data which had collected.

Results and findings

Conclusion and recommendation

Summarising, referencing, and proofreading.


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