Impact of sport development on community

Creating Opportunities for Youth Engagement in Sports

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Introduction Of The Impact Of Sport Development On BME Young Adults In Burn Greave Community

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Background of the study

Sport has been one of the widest topics that are highly known and appreciated by the entire world. The impact of sports upon the Sheffield community has been showcasing a positive side and even some negative sides, which it has been carrying in relation to the growth of the BME young adults in the department of sports, majorly in the segment of swimming. Sheffield has been targeting the age group of “18-25” which comes under the black and ethnic minority groups who are most likely to stop playing sports around this age. Sheffield has been encouraging these youth to contribute their time to participate in the most known sports field which is swimming (Santos et al., 2021). As most of the time, these ethnic and black minorities are being highly avoided in terms to obtain jobs and manage to make a career out of such sports as “Swimming”. Therefore, Sheffield CityTrust has been recognized to work with the Local Authority and sustainable groups that will control the breakdown barriers that is existing in the ethnic minority communities enabling them to promote their well-being, and health and help them for career development opportunities.

Major Sporting a venue such as Ponds Forge has been offering out activities programmes to get more people from BME to participate in Sport in the Burn greave community. The Burn greave Community has been trying their best to manage this BME young adult group to receive high-end support, as per the data of employed through the accountant of sports as British employees been recruited with a rate of 85% within the Sheffield, consideration of the Asian employees reflected around 8% opposed to city-wide and last of all the rate of the ethnic and minority individual were recognised at a par of 2 to 3% which was so lesser than others (Mosselson, 2022). Swimming has been one of the key sports that have been increasing the higher chances of muscle gaining, and confidence. It has a strong impact upon the accumulation of health and manages to sustain an effective body in life. Swimming has been a key sport that has been providing more muscle building and strength as it serves so much potentiality to keep each of its lungs and heart to heart to be safe. Sheffield City Trust has been looking for sports centres within the Burn greave community that can manage to help these BME young adult that is aged from 18-25 to get into progressive fields of sports and archive their abilities through swimming. I Can! Being one of the programmes supported by the Sheffield city trust accounted to provide swimming lessons and training to the ones that are unable to pay fees and wants to make a career at the right path (DeGuzmanet al., 2020). This centre has been opened in collaboration to “Alzheimer's Society to serve sports activities to individuals that are infected with the disease called dementia. Another project that has been operated by the Sheffield City Trust with the help of Trans-community groups to serve swimming to the Trans comes from the BME group with all day regular training and sessions of swimming that are reflected outside in the “Rother Valley”. Recalling the barrier that these BME young adults are facing is a lack of support from the overall community and a minimal level of financial hold. It also follows a lack of confidence, therefore looking over to the project for enhancing the sport “swimming” Sheffield City Trust has accounted to promote athletics and swimming in the BME region helping more than 100 young adults to make a career in this specific field of sport and encourage professional life building. Swimming are committed builds more strength and endurance Due to fact the volunteering programmes are running consecutively as because of this side of the BME young adult population, the growth of sports is highly unpredictable. These ethnic and minority adults have been arriving from low-income families and a family within such communities are expected to income lesser if it is meant to earn a minimum of 65% of the “National Median Household income (Smith et al., 2021). The schools have been collaborating with the Sheffield community to manage to support this BME young individual in gaining sports education backup and support these schools to expand to Chesterfield and Rotherham.

Research aim

The research aim is to analyse the impact of sports on the BME young adults in Sheffield community.

Research Objective

  • To assess the impact of sports upon the Burn greave community
  • To analyse Swimming as an better sport career in the industry
  • To investigate major barriers faced by BME young adults in relation to the sports field

Research Questions

  • What is the probable impact of sports upon the Burn Greave in Sheffield community?
  • How swimming can be a good sport for the BME target group to achieve success?
  • What are the major barriers faced by BME young adults in relation to the sports field?

Research Rationale

The Sheffield community has been encouraging the implementation of sports and reducing the probable barriers that are arriving in front of this BME group existing within Sheffield. Burn greave area in Sheffield community trust has already been recognised to state sports projects in collaboration to Phillimore primary, Transactive and I can group to create a career path for the BME Young Adults. Considering to the barrier that the BME adults are facing is a lack of financial backup as their family incomes are much lesser than the Asians and Britishers enacting work in the same community. Lack of confidence to participate in the events and programmes launched or crafted by the Sheffield City Trust. Another reason that might be affecting the BME young adults is the major trauma of facing racism and discrimination within their daily periods of life. This also manages to trigger their mental health when such children are confronted to move toward the wrong path and encourage a harsh phase of life.

Now looking forth to the subject matter of swimming, the Burn Greave in Sheffield has been entitled to connect with “Swim England”, who is convicted to work within a partnership with the known “Black Swimming Association”. They have stood to recognise that sports have been underrepresented within each of the levels through individuals from ethnic minority backgrounds. The enactment of Swim England are here with developed programmes and events that suit to the “unique aquatic” requirements of this BME Male group. They are supporting their journey in sports and enhancing their capabilities to grab the opportunity and the level of participation. On the other hand, the impact of sports is highly uncountable and equal optimisation needs at the forefront every time to achieve balanced success in the field of sports. The major barrier to BME Male young adults was inequality and a poor approach to racism, therefore investment that needed to arrive from the government or from the community upon the public venues and improving physical activities has concisely lacked. Further, it integrated to showcase a rise in health inequalities which was exposed within through the period of the last 18 months. It disturbed the individuals that were existing under the ethnic and minority background which affected their quality of life.

Literature review

“To assess the impact of sports upon the burn greave area within Sheffield community”

Sports have been a major discussion in the world and the impact upon consecutive communities such as Sheffield is widely entangled.

According to sources (Frawley and Schulenkorf, 2022), the burn greave area in Sheffield community has been home to sporting activity and welfare. It has been vastly induced with climbing, BMX and rowing. These have been improving the health and wealth of the individuals that are living in the community, concise with high opportunities. The University of Sheffield has been enacting upon the prospect of the future of the children, as they individuals that are studying within the university are communicated to get trained by the most renowned athletes existing in the UK. This is the most highlighted side of the Sheffield community. They are been led by sports as they are been recognised to provide an elite sports performance scheme that has been helping students and leaner to take participate in the team and play in there sports leagues. They have been looking over to the matter that sports can contribute to their livelihood and they can feed their family through it, with proper guidance and support from valid bodies. This university has been procured by 650 individuals that are shaping the lives of individuals or students in relation to their interests and the fitness level they hold.

The impact has been widely circulated, as from Winn Gardens to the “Darnall and Shiregreen”, the trust led by the Sheffield is procured to run sports tasks and activities around and across the city outside of the venues, with the care homes, local community centres and schools. Within the period of 2010, they have managed to secure over 6 million Euros in grants to help the Sheffield community over the last 4 years and they are confronted to secure funding of 1.4 million Euros for the subjective local groups and organisations existing in the community (Curran, 2022). Contributing to the sport the influence that the Sheffield community has been functioning is highly appreciable, as Steel City Fit Club is supported by Sheffield. It has been contributing to enhancing the quality of life via the structural event of fitness and education within their football location. The probable outcome from such arrangements of activity reflected to making such groups healthier and more confident, further helping to decrease 87% of the participants to reduce their weight and blood pressure in just 10 weeks.

High Actions are enabled by collaborating with the Swim England, transactive, Phillimore primary so that they can approach the BME male adults that are kept uncovered in front of society, helping them to make a step towards the right path and establish their career in the most emerging field of sports like Swimming. They have been targeting the BME Male Group to restructure their family life and assure that each of the individuals gets agitated to pay a similar income to the salary that the Asians and Britishers are grossing in the Sheffield community. Swimming clubs and centres are been approached by the Sheffield trust as they seem to be one of the strong career paths that the BME Male Group can easily go through and showcase their talent. Sports play an important role in shaping and strengthening communities, and this is certainly true for the Burn greave area in Sheffield, UK. The area boasts a vibrant and diverse community, with a range of different cultures and backgrounds, and sports have helped to bring people together and build strong bonds across these differences.

Sports also have a positive impact on physical and mental health, and the Burn greave area has benefited from a range of sports activities and facilities that promote healthy lifestyles. These include fitness classes of swimming pools, and outdoor spaces for recreational activities. Such facilities and activities not only improve physical health but also provide a sense of community and social connection.

Overall, the impact of swimming sports on the Burn greave area in Sheffield has been overwhelmingly positive, promoting social cohesion, physical and mental well-being, and a strong sense of community spirit.

Impact of sport development on community

(Source: Romero,2020)

“To analyse swimming as a good sport for the BME target group in reflection to Burn greave area”

Swimming is one of the key sports of the world meant to assure endurance building, enhance muscle strength and encroach cardiovascular fitness.

As per the opinion of (Fletcher, 2020), the author depicts that the Sheffield community has been providing a future path to BME male adults in relation to swimming who are living in the Burn greave area. Therefore they managed to collaborate with Swim England which is working for the Blacks living in to the society of Sheffield. The approach was to enable opportunities for BME male adults that are avoided and are accumulated to face racism in the community they live in. Black swimming association are helpful to the Burn greave area in the Sheffield community that are supporting them to establish a sports field where this children that lack finances can still implement their career without suffering through such a descriptive crisis (Fowler-Davis et al., 2021). Burn greave area in the Sheffield community has been communicating about the long-term projects they are constructing in the front, as a specialist from the swimming field says that water plays a quick role in calling down a negative mentality. As BME male youths in burn greave area that are unaware of their life can concern about these sports as it will change their mentality and will develop high thinking power by accumulating all the rich sensory experiences. It will develop the versatility of splash pads with its several spray zones that are appealed to all age groups. If a child is supported through the Sheffield community concisely then after making a career in the field of swimming the child will be earning an estimated amount of 26,000 Euro per year which can lead their low stability life. Small swimming centres and clubs that are associated with funding from the Sheffield community are actively helping around 200 children in 6 months to grow their best and enrich their superiority in the sport. Swimming is a key sport that can greatly benefit the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) target group specifically for males in the Burn greave area of Sheffield, UK.

Swimming is a low-impact sport that can provide a wide range of physical and mental health benefits, such as improved cardiovascular health, increased muscular strength and endurance, and reduced stress and anxiety. However, there may be some barriers that prevent members of the BME Male Group from participating in swimming sports, such as lack of access to swimming facilities, cultural or religious beliefs, and financial constraints.

In theBurngreave area of Sheffield, there are a few swimming facilities available, such as the Ponds Forge International Sports Centre and the Hillsborough Leisure Centre. However, access to these facilities may be limited for some members of the BME Male Group due to distance, transportation, or financial reasons. Additionally, some members of the BME Male Group may have cultural or religious beliefs that prevent them from participating in swimming sports, particularly if they require mixed-gender swimming or specific clothing requirements.

In terms of the potential impact of swimming sports on BME Male Group living in Burn greave, it is important to consider the individual experiences and motivations of each participant. For some individuals, swimming sports may provide an opportunity to improve physical health and fitness, socialize with others, and develop new skills and hobbies. However, others may face barriers or challenges that prevent them from fully participating in these activities.

Overall, it is important to recognize and address any barriers or challenges that may prevent members of the BME Male Group reflecting males from participating in swimming sports, while also promoting the potential benefits of these activities for those who are able to participate.

Burn greave UK is a culturally diverse community and swimming can be an important way to promote health, fitness, and social cohesion among its residents.

There are many benefits to swimming for the BME target group, including improved cardiovascular health, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and increased overall physical fitness. Swimming is also a low-impact exercise, making it an ideal choice for people of all ages and abilities. In addition to physical health benefits, swimming can also have positive effects on mental health and well-being of the male BME groups in burngreave area. It can provide a sense of relaxation and stress relief, as well as an opportunity to socialize with other community members.

However, access to swimming facilities and lessons can be a challenge for some residents in the Burn greave area. Addressing these barriers and promoting swimming as a key sport for the BME target group can have significant positive impacts on the health and well-being of the community.

sports development

Figure No.2: Transactive Club Associated With Sheffield

(Source: Dell, 2020)

“To investigate major barriers faced by BME young adults in Burn greave area in relation to the sports field”

According to Allen et al., (2021), the barriers faced by BME young adults (18-25) in relation to the sports field for developing their skills and career in order to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Low Income: It is the most effective barrier that BME young adults face in their community, as it makes people dependent on other people for supporting their activities in order to achieve their goals. Thus, having dependent to other for financial support also bring barriers for BME young adults, as it slows down the initial action for developing their sports career with resolving the money lend that they own for solving the problems and barriers. According to Dashperet al., (2019) low-income, BME young adults also develop issues by having a lack of access to the network for visiting the areas in which children can focus on their activity to overcome form their poverty line by generating more income. Low income also affects the BME young adults living in burn-greave communities, as it decreases the level of education in the community which will affect the ongoing communication for interacting with other people for developing their career in the sports fields. According to Dashperet al., (2019), low income is also an effective barrier, as it decreases the level of resources for BME adults which will cut the action for developing their career in the sports field in order to achieve their personal and professional objectives.

Fewer Facilities: According to Pluharet al., (2019) having fewer facilities is the most essential barrier for BME young adults in the burn-greave area in the Sheffield community, as it increases the level of injury risk for sports people who are practising the activities or tasks in order to achieve their professional goals. Thus, a high level of injury risk with fewer facilities also brings barriers for BME young adults, as it also decreases the level of health and safety which will make adults less effective in practising the sports activity or participating in tasks in order to solve their personal and professional problems. BME young adults in burn greave also develop problems with less facility, as having less facility adults cannot increase the level their performance level as compared to urban city people which enjoy all the effective sports accessories to achieve the desired goal. Having less facilities also develop problems for BME young adults, as it develops unsustainable working spaces which decrease the level of efficiency and effectiveness for practising sports activities or tasks. However, less facility also brings problems for cost maintenance which will decrease the level of action that an adult does for increases the efficiency and effectiveness in developing the performance and action.

Lack of accessibility: The lack of accessibility is considered the physical environment and assistive technologies which are not accessible for BME male young adults for developing their careers in the sports field in order to satisfy its desire and wants. The lack of accessibility is the most effective barrier for BME young adults, as it decreases the level of resources which will decrease the level of performance of adults for practising sports activity in order to develop their personal skills for achieving their goals (Spaai et al., 2019). The barrier that is developed by having a lack of accessibility for BME young adults is the negative attitude of people which decrease the level of commitment level for doing activities in order to develop a career in sport fields (Spaai et al., 2019). Thus, lack of accessibility is also an essential barrier for BME young adults, as it decreases the level of technological equipment that can use for developing the physical aspect of young adults in order to become effective in the sports field for competing with others. The lack of accessibility is an effective barrier for BME young adults living in burn greave area in the Sheffield community, as it develops an unstable practice environment for young adults that demotivate them to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Low confidence: Low confidence is the next barrier that BME male young adults in burn greave face in developing their career in sports fields, as having low confident youngsters get distracted in their activities which brings conflict for achieving the desired goals. Having less confident youngster of BME cannot practice effective communication in the sports field which decrease the moral action for achieving the set target. Thus, low confidence also creates a barrier of self-defeating assumptions which forecloses the action of youngsters without doing any activities or tasks in the sports field. Having self-defeating assumptions the youngsters of the burn greave BME community will not be able to perform the activities in the most effective ways for achieving the desired goals. According to Hein et al., (2019), low confidences also develop barriers to communication which create conflict in the sports fields for doing activities in order to achieve goals. According to Hein et al., (2019 low confidence in BME youngster occur due to their cultural difference which makes them ineffective in developing coordination for working with others in the sports fields in order to achieve personal and professional objectives.

Lack of training: It is the most effective barrier for BME youngsters in burngreave area in Sheffield related to sports fields, as lack of training decreases the level of efficiency of youngsters for participating in the activities or tasks. According to Stevens et al., (2019), lack of training also affects the youngster of the BME community, as they do not get any right direction in which they can walk to achieve their personal and professional goals. Lack of training also affects the BME male youngster, as due to fewer training programmes the youngster decreases their engagement level for adopting new things that can increase the efficiency for achieving the desired goals. According to Stevens et al., (2019), lack of training is the most effective barrier in related to sports fields, as having less training the youngster decrease their confidence level for participating in sports activity and developing their career in the sports field. Lack of training is also a barrier for BME youngsters as getting less training youngsters they become incompetent to compete with others to achieve their desire. The next barrier that is built by having less training programmes in the sports field is that youngsters do not focus on their activities and do not decide what to do or not to achieve the desired objectives.

Burn greave is a diverse area in Sheffield, UK, with a high percentage of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) residents. Swimming and water sports are an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but BME young adults in Burn greave face several barriers when it comes to participating in these activities.

One of the major barriers is a lack of access to swimming facilities. There are limited public swimming pools in Burn greave, and the cost of private facilities is often too high for BME young adults who may come from low-income households. This lack of access can also be due to transportation issues, as some male adults may not have access to a car or live near a pool.

Cultural and religious beliefs can also act as a barrier for BME male young adults to participate in swimming activities. For example, some Muslim women may feel uncomfortable swimming in public due to their religious beliefs or the cultural stigma associated with swimming attire. Additionally, some BME communities may not view swimming as a valuable activity, as it may not be a part of their cultural heritage.

Finally, a lack of representation and inclusivity in swimming sports can also be a barrier for BME young adults. They may feel excluded from swimming activities due to a lack of diverse representation or discrimination they may face in predominantly white spaces.

Overall, addressing these barriers will require a multifaceted approach, including increasing access to affordable swimming facilities, educating communities on the importance of swimming and water sports, and promoting inclusivity in these activities.


The chapter on research methodology is of great importance to any research endeavour and is a crucial element in determining the direction of the project. It is essential to carefully plan the collection, measurement, analysis, and implementation of data during the research process. To ensure that the research remains on track and true to its set objectives, careful consideration must be given to the methods employed for processing data, as well as the reasoning underlying each procedure (Orth and Maçada, 2021). Depending on the nature of the research, different techniques may be used including surveys, experiments, interviews, case studies, and questionnaires. The research methodology is a comprehensive system for conducting research. It outlines the steps and strategies that need to be taken in order to effectively and efficiently investigate the topic of inquiry. It provides the researcher with an organised plan of action, guiding them through the process of gathering, analysing, and interpreting data in order to reach a conclusion. Research Methodology helps to ensure the credibility and accuracy of the research findings by providing an objective and standardised process (Newman and Gough, 2020). It also allows researchers to make comparisons between different studies, to identify potential areas of further exploration, and to evaluate the data and results of their research. Ultimately, its purpose is to ensure that the research project is conducted in a systematic way, enabling the researcher to reach valid and reliable conclusions (Pandey and Pandey, 2021). All the techniques and methods have been determined taking into consideration the objectives of the research and appropriate justification for all has been furnished.

Research Onion

The research onion concept was first developed by Sanders in 2007. It is a useful model for understanding how to approach research. It illustrates the different stages that must be taken into consideration when developing an effective research strategy, with each layer of the onion representing a more detailed stage of the process (Alturki, 2021). At the centre of the research onion is the core – the research objectives. These objectives should be clear and concise, reflecting the main questions or issues to be explored in the research. Working outwards from the centre, the next layer encompasses the research design. This involves deciding on the scope and methodology of the project, such as the sample size, the type of data collection methods to be used (e.g. surveys, interviews, focus groups), and the analysis techniques to be applied. Following this is the layer of data collection, which encompasses the collection and storage of data, such as field research activities, interviews, and surveys (Kumar et al., 2022). The Research Onion framework is a powerful tool that can be utilised by members of the Sheffield community to better understand and analyse various research projects. This framework provides a structured approach to research that can help individuals to break down complex research problems into more manageable components. By using this framework, individuals can ensure that all aspects of their research are properly considered and accounted for. One of the key benefits of the Research Onion framework is that it encourages researchers to consider a wide range of factors when conducting their research.

By ensuring that all relevant ethical considerations are taken into account at each stage of the research process, researchers can maintain the highest possible standards of integrity and professionalism (Asher and Popper, 2019). This can be particularly important for research that involves human subjects or other sensitive topics. Overall, the Research Onion framework is an essential tool for any member of the Sheffield community who is involved in research. Whether conducting research independently or as part of a team, this framework can help to ensure that research is approached in a systematic and rigorous manner. By using this framework, researchers can produce high-quality research that is grounded in solid methodology and ethical principles.

Research Philosophy

Research philosophy is a critical component of academic inquiry in the Sheffield community, providing a framework for the exploration of knowledge and the advancement of new ideas. At its core, research philosophy encompasses a set of principles that guide the design, conduct, and interpretation of research studies, shaping the way that researchers approach their work and the insights they are able to generate. In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, the need for rigorous and thoughtful research has never been more pressing (Tamminen and Poucher, 2020). Research philosophy provides a foundation for this work, encouraging scholars to think critically and creatively about the research questions they seek to answer, the methods they use to explore those questions, and the implications of their findings for broader society.

At its best, research philosophy can inspire interdisciplinary collaboration and the exchange of ideas across fields and disciplines. Through a shared commitment to the principles of research philosophy, scholars and researchers from diverse backgrounds can come together to tackle some of the most pressing challenges facing our world today, from social inequality and environmental degradation to technological innovation and economic growth (Hürlimann and Hürlimann, 2019). In the Sheffield community, research philosophy is not just an abstract concept, but a living and breathing part of academic life. From the development of new theoretical frameworks to the testing of empirical hypotheses, research philosophy plays a vital role in shaping the intellectual landscape of this vibrant and dynamic community. Ultimately, the success of research philosophy lies in its ability to foster curiosity, creativity, and innovation, empowering scholars and researchers to push the boundaries of what we know and to envision new possibilities for the future. As such, it is crucial that we continue to invest in this vital aspect of academic inquiry, supporting the development of new research projects and the training of the next generation of scholars and researchers.

Research Design

The research design is not just a mere component of the research process, but a critical one that can determine its success or failure. A well-crafted research design helps to ensure that the study is conducted efficiently, with specific goals and objectives in mind, and with sufficient rigour and attention to detail. It plays an integral role in identifying the most appropriate methods and techniques for data collection, analysis, and interpretation. For any research project in Sheffield Community, the research design must be carefully crafted to address the unique challenges, opportunities, and constraints that may arise. This requires a thorough understanding of the research problem, the literature, and the theoretical frameworks that underpin the research (Bloomfield and Fisher, 2019). The research design should take into account the scope and nature of the study, the research questions, and the type of data that will be collected.

In addition to these considerations, the research design should also incorporate ethical considerations, such as informed consent and confidentiality, to protect the rights and welfare of research participants. It should also incorporate strategies for ensuring the validity and reliability of the results, including measures to minimise bias and error. Ultimately, the research design should be viewed as a dynamic process that can be refined and revised as necessary throughout the research project (Sileyew, 2019). It is an essential tool for ensuring that the study is conducted in a systematic and rigorous manner, and that the results are both credible and relevant to the research community and to society at large.

Research Approach

Writing a dissertation is a challenging and demanding task that requires a significant amount of time, effort, and resources. One of the most critical aspects of any dissertation is the research approach. A research approach can be defined as a systematic plan for carrying out research to answer a set of research questions. In essence, it is the roadmap that guides the researcher through the entire research process, from conception to conclusion. The importance of a well-designed and effective research approach cannot be overstated, particularly in the context of the Sheffield Community. This is because the success of any research project is largely dependent on the quality of the research approach. A poorly designed research approach can result in inaccurate or incomplete data, which can compromise the validity and reliability of the research findings (Tyagi et al., 2021). To ensure the effectiveness of the research approach, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the research questions being posed. This involves conducting a thorough review of the literature to identify the gaps in existing knowledge that the research aims to address. Once the research questions have been identified, the next step is to select an appropriate research design and methodology. There are several research designs and methodologies that can be used in a dissertation, each with its strengths and weaknesses.

For instance, a qualitative research design is often used when the aim is to explore subjective experiences or perceptions, while a quantitative research design is more appropriate for studying relationships between variables. The choice of research design and methodology will depend on the nature of the research questions and the type of data that needs to be collected. In addition to selecting an appropriate research design and methodology, the research approach should also include a comprehensive plan for data collection, analysis, and interpretation. This involves selecting appropriate data collection methods, such as surveys, interviews, or observations, and ensuring that the data is collected in a rigorous and systematic manner to ensure its validity and reliability (Mehrad and Zangeneh 2019). Finally, the research approach should include a clear plan for disseminating the research findings to relevant stakeholders, including the Sheffield Community. This may involve publishing research articles in academic journals, presenting findings at conferences, or engaging with community groups and organisations. In conclusion, the research approach is a critically important aspect of any dissertation, and it is especially vital in the context of the Burn greave area in Sheffield community. By following a well-designed and comprehensive research approach, researchers can ensure that their research is robust, valid, and reliable, and that the findings are of value to the community and beyond.

Research Strategy

Research strategy is a crucial element for any community, and the Sheffield community is no exception. The ability to conduct thorough research allows individuals and groups within the community to make informed decisions about important issues affecting them. Without a well-defined research strategy, community members may find themselves at a disadvantage when it comes to understanding complex problems or identifying effective solutions. One of the key benefits of a research strategy is that it enables community members to gather and analyse data in a systematic and comprehensive manner (Rong et al., 2020). By doing so, they can identify patterns and trends that may not be immediately apparent, helping them to better understand the issues at hand. This in turn can lead to more effective decision-making and problem-solving, as community members are able to base their actions on solid evidence rather than guesswork or intuition.

Another important aspect of a research strategy is that it helps to ensure that all members of the community are involved and have a voice. By working together to develop and implement research projects, community members can promote collaboration and inclusivity, fostering a sense of shared ownership over the process and its outcomes (Mottron, 2021). This can help to build trust and strengthen relationships among community members, which is essential for creating a cohesive and resilient community. Of course, developing an effective research strategy requires careful planning and attention to detail. It is important to identify the specific goals and objectives of the research, as well as the methods and tools that will be used to collect and analyse data.

Process of data collection

One of the most vital sections of any research project is the technique for data collection, which enables the researcher to gather the research's pertinent data and information from the necessary sources (Alam, 2021). In order to accurately recognise the aims of the study, the data-gathering procedure is carried out in a way that produces sufficient data and information. Primary and secondary data processes are the two main kinds of data-collecting methods.

In order to gain insight into the experiences and perspectives of its members, a rigorous interview process was conducted with a total of 50 participants. The interviews were carefully crafted to elicit detailed and nuanced responses from the participants, covering a range of topics including their backgrounds, beliefs, experiences, and aspirations. Participants were selected from a wide cross-section of the community, ensuring that a broad range of perspectives were represented. Throughout the interview process, participants spoke candidly and openly about their experiences, providing valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing the Sheffield Community.

Sampling techniques

Sampling technique is an integral component of any research study and data analysis process. It involves selecting a subset of individuals or objects from a larger population to study and analyse, with the aim of gaining insight into the characteristics and behaviours of the entire population. Sampling techniques can be used in various fields such as sociology, psychology, marketing, and public health, among others. In Sheffield Community, sampling techniques are particularly crucial for obtaining accurate and representative data about the community's demographics, attitudes, behaviours, and needs. This information is vital for policymakers, community leaders, and organisations to make informed decisions that will positively impact the community's overall well-being. There are several sampling techniques that researchers can use, each with its strengths and limitations (Stratton, 2021). For instance, random sampling involves selecting participants at random from the population, ensuring that each individual has an equal chance of being chosen. This method is useful for generating a representative sample and minimising bias. However, it can be challenging to implement in practice, especially in large populations.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Inclusion and exclusion criteria are fundamental components for any community, and Sheffield is no exception. These criteria are vital in ensuring that the community is inclusive and welcoming to all individuals. Inclusion criteria refer to the characteristics or factors that qualify individuals for involvement or participation in a particular activity or program. On the other hand, exclusion criteria refer to the factors or characteristics that disqualify individuals from participating in a specific activity or program (Jalusic et al., 2021). In Sheffield, inclusion and exclusion criteria have become critical for ensuring that the community is a safe and welcoming space for everyone. Inclusive criteria may include age, gender, ethnicity, language, disability, and socioeconomic status. These criteria ensure that everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources within the community. Exclusion criteria, while necessary, are equally sensitive and require careful consideration to avoid any discrimination or bias. Exclusion criteria may include criminal history, substance abuse, mental health issues, and conflict of interest. It is important to note that the use of exclusion criteria must be justified and reasonable in meeting the goals and objectives of the program or activity (Fernández-Olit et al., 2020). The application of inclusion and exclusion criteria in Sheffield has been instrumental in creating a diverse and inclusive community.

Ethical consideration

Research is a crucial aspect of any community, as it has the potential to provide valuable insights into various issues that impact society. However, it is essential to recognize that research comes with ethical considerations that must be addressed to ensure that the data and findings are accurate, reliable, and valid (Hancock et al., 2020). This is particularly important in Sheffield Community, where the need for trustworthy data is paramount. Ethical considerations in research refer to the principles that guide the conduct of researchers when interacting with participants, collecting data, analysing data, and disseminating findings. These principles include respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. Respect for persons means that individuals have the right to make their own decisions and should be treated with dignity and autonomy. Beneficence requires researchers to minimise harm and maximise benefits for participants (Thompson et al., 2021). Justice involves ensuring that the benefits and burdens of research are distributed fairly. In the Sheffield Community, ethical considerations are critical for several reasons. Firstly, the community is diverse, with people from different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. Therefore, researchers must be sensitive to the needs and values of the community to ensure that they do not cause harm or offend anyone.

Analysis and Results


Question Respondents 1 Respondent 2
1. What sports activities entailed for the Burn greave community? I have recognised swimming arrangements are provided with concern as a sports activity provided within the burn greave area in Sheffield community I acknowledged that swimming activities have enhanced the burn greave area that has been a highlighting factor in the Sheffield community.
2. What is the probable impact of sports on burn greave area in Sheffield community? With refer to the personal development the individual are supported thoroughly by the community of Sheffield Ethical confidence and encouraging mens to prosper in the field of sports or their interested criteria
3. What is the advantage of sports in the world? I have been recognised that upliftment of mental strength has been an major advantage to adapt for any sports within all over the world I saw that the high end personal growth over the period of sports activities managed to develop my child's confidence and mental strength in its life
4. What are the disadvantages of sports for individuals? Here I want to expel that around 45% of the individual got unemployed because of sports over education I have been acknowledging that the sports encourages individual to become more aggressive
5. How well Sports can manage a career for Burn greave in community like Sheffield? Sheffield has been an small community that has been existing in the UK, therefore it will be supporting the BME Male adults to manage difficult pressures I want to showcase that the competitive spirit has been one of career goals that community can induce upon themselves.
6. What are the challenges to incorporate in swimming sports? I have considered that sports prohibits one individual to suffer through circulating finance I have acquainted that supporting from the family also suspects to be a challenge in the sports. Most of the time BME male adults do not receive support from their family that de-motivates their ability
7. How far communities can rely upon sports field? Communities has been constantly been supported by the sports association so that they can manage their children take part in sports activities Most of the time, some of the areas are funded and rewarded due to the individual that showcase their talents. Managing communities to support children that are minor and underage to be playful and active in swimming.
8. What is the actual ambition of sports for individuals? I signified that the right ambition for the sports for the individual is to enhance their potentiality and sustainable growth within their life I recognised that developing talents are the major consideration for the sports industry to help individual to attract an career
9. Does it have a career further to the root? It has an career if the individual been supported by any national sports academy or source I appreciate that career can be made out of the sports, as it is involved with so much progress and success. Supporting children’s to be more concern and discipline at the front end
10. What is the major consideration to sports? Support from the parents and local communities could be best consideration to the sports I knewed that if any community want their children to grow through activities of sports it could be an excellent factor to push their male children’s within by the Sheffield community

Q1. What is the age of the participant?

Options No of respondents Total no of respondents Percentage
Age 20-24 20 50 40%
Age 24-29 20 50 40%
Age 29 and above 10 50 20%

Q2. What is the gender of the participant?

Options No of respondents Total no of respondents Percentage
Male 30 50 60%
Female 15 50 30%
Others 5 50 10%

Q3.What are the designations of the participants?

Options No of respondents Total no of respondents Percentage
Locals 10 50 20%
Sports Community 30 50 60%
Parents 10 50 20%

Q4.What is the importance of sports communities?

Options No of respondents Total no of respondents Percentage
Increase in potentiality 20 50 40%
Enhances confidence 20 50 40%
Improves personal development 10 50 20%

Q5. What is the benefit of the sport community for BME Male Youths ?

Options No of respondents Total no of respondents Percentage
High Job opportunity 15 50 30%
Sustainable Career 25 50 50%
Implemented growth 10 50 20%

Q6. How well Burn greave communities are appreciating sports activities?

Options No of respondents Total no of respondents Percentage
gly engaging 30 50 60%
Not concerned 10 50 20%
Benefitted 10 50 20%

Q7. What are the developments that have been recognised within the Sheffield community?

Options No of respondents Total no of respondents Percentage
Children's Playschool 30 50 60%
Managing one day meal 5 50 10%
Children parks and spaces 15 50 30%

Q8. What is the contribution of sports upon the Burn greave in the Sheffield community?

Options No of respondents Total no of respondents Percentage
Enhancing academic potential 10 50 20%
Overcome personal challenges 20 50 40%
Enhances professional growth 20 50 40%

Q9. What are the challenges that the Burn greave community faced due to sports?

Options No of respondents Total no of respondents Percentage
Lack of finance 15 50 30%
Inadequate resources 15 50 30%
Lowering concentration into studies 20 50 40%

Q10. How do they strategise to solve the issue?

Options No of respondents Total no of respondents Percentage
Launching funding sports 35 50 70%
Sports events and support 5 50 10%
Train children as per choice 10 50 20%


Discussion on Interview

The First question was asked about the various sports activities of the Burn greave area in Sheffield community. The first respondent has answered that he has identified some of the major sports activities like football, swimming arrangements, cricket and athletics within the community and how it supports the children by engaging the children of Burn greave area in Sheffield community. The second respondent has stated that he has identified hockey and running as one of the most important sports activities reflected within the Sheffield community. The second question asked to the respondent was the probable impact of sports on the Bun greave Sheffield community. The first respondent has answered the first question that the individuals are supported effectively by the Bun Greave community in order to enhance their personal development. The second respondent replied that the sports have impacted the women's sports positively. The women of Burn greave area in Sheffield community were gaining ethical confidences that are willing to prosper in the field of sports. The third question asked to the respondent was what the advantages of sports were. The first respondent has answered that he has identified that upliftment of mental strength is one of the major advantages of sports in the world. The second respondent has witnessed the high end personal growth in the period of sport activities which managed to develop the personal strength and confidence within the child. The fourth question asked was about the limitations of sports for individuals. The first respondent has stated that nearly 45% of the individuals have got unemployed due to sports over education. The respondents have stated that sports have encouraged the individual to become aggressive.

The fifth question asked to the participant was how sports could handle a career for communities like Sheffield. The first respondent of Burn greave area in Sheffield community has said that Sheffield is a small community which exists in the UK and therefore it would support children to handle the various pressures. The second respondent has highlighted that he wants to show that competitive spirit is one of the most effective career goals which the community could induce upon individuals. The sixth question asked whether Sports can handle challenges to incorporate in sports. He has considered that sports limits one individual to suffer with the help of circulating finance. The second respondent has stated that support from family is one of the greatest challenges that children face while participating in sports. The seventh question asked to the respondent is how far communities can trust the sports field. The first respondent said that the sports association is constantly supporting the communities.

The second participant states that most of the places are funded and rewarded where the individuals portray their skills and talents. It is necessary for the communities to handle children who are minors and under the age to remain playful and active in swimming, hockey and football. The eight questions asked by the interviewer are what the actual ambition of sports is for individuals. The first respondent of Burn greave area in Sheffield community stated that the proper ambition for sports for individuals is to improve their capability and sustainable growth in life. The second respondent is to recognise that developing talents are the various considerations for the sports industry to enhance individuals to appeal to a career. The ninth question asked by the interviewer is that does it have a career further to the root. The first respondent said that it provides a career if the individuals are supported by the national sports academy or source. The second respondent said that he appreciates that a career can be developed if one is interested in sports. The tenth question asked was what the major considerations to sports are. The first respondent highlighted that they think support from parents and local communities is one of the best considerations to sports. The second respondent is that communities require the children to grow with the help of activities and it is an excellent thing. So the discussion made it clear that the individuals are gaining much confidence in the domain of sports. The individuals are obtaining mental strength and they are developing their personal growth. It will provide sustainable growth in the life of the people.

“Discussion of Survey”

There are about ten questions asked to the participants of the Bun Greave Sheffield Community when the researcher conducted the survey. The total number of respondents who are asked for the survey is about 50. Different types of questions were asked to the participants to gather quantitative data regarding the impact of sports on the Sheffield community. The first question of the survey is what the age of the participants is. According to the survey report, 40% of the respondents belong to the age group between “20 to 24”. The percentage of respondents belonging to the age group 24-29 is about 40%. The percentage of respondents belonging to the age group who are the 29 and above is 20%. The second question asked is about the gender of the participants. According to the survey report, there are three types of options as Male, Female and others. The percentage of male participants is about 60% and the percentage of female members is about 30%. The percentage of other genders is about 10%. The third question is about the various designations of the participants who are participating in the survey.

As per the survey report the percentage of locals is about 20% and the percentage of the sports community is about 60%. The percentage of people who belong to the parent group is about 20%. The fourth question is about the importance of sports communities in Sheffield Community. The percentage of individuals who state that sports increase their potentiality is about 40%. The percentage of individuals residing in the Burn greave area in the Sheffield community and believe that it improves confidence is about 40%. The percentage of people residing in who agree that sports have enhanced personal development is about 20%. The fifth question is about the various benefits that the sports community has for the children. According to the survey report the percentage showing the high job opportunity is about 30%. The percentage which reflects a sustainable career is about 50%. The percentage demonstrating the implemented growth among the individuals is about 20%. The sixth question is how well the communities are appealing to sports activities. The percentage of people who feel that it is strongly engaging is about 60%. The percentage of people who are not concerned about the various sports activities in the Sheffield community is about 20%. The percentage of people who think that they benefitted is about 20%. The seventh question asked is about the development which is recognised within the Sheffield community. The percentage who stated that it has developed Children's Playschool is about 60% in Burn greave area in Sheffield community. The percentage of people who stated that it has handled the one-day meal for the low-income or minority group is about 10%. The percentage of people who believe that the Sheffield community has developed children's parks and spaces is about 30%. The eighth question asked is about the contribution of sports to the Sheffield community (Faghyet al., 2020).

According to the report, the percentage of participants who have agreed that it enhances academic potential is about 20%. The academic potential will help the individuals to grow their careers. The percentage of participants who have overcome personal challenges by making themselves engaged in sports is about 40%. The percentage of people who think that sports enhance professional growth is about 40%. The ninth question is about the various challenges that the Sheffield community faced due to sports. The percentage which reflects that lack of finance is one of the barriers is about 30%. The percentage of people who have inadequate resources is about 30%. The percentage of people who reveal that sports have caused lower concentration in studies is about 40%. The tenth question is about how the Burn greave areas in the Sheffield communitywould strategize to solve the issue. The respondents reveal that launching sports is the best solution for about 70%. The percentage of people who think that supporting sports and events would help to solve the issue is about 10%. The percentage of people who think that training children as per their choices is necessary to solve the issue is about 20%.Therefore it is clear from the discussion that the various sports activities have improved the lives of people living in the Burn greave area in Sheffield community. It has benefited the children and the others to live a healthy and effective life.

Conclusion and Recommendation

This report has concluded regarding the impact of the Sheffield community upon the UK, as they have been contributing to the pace for the future growth or development of the BME community. As most of the time, this community has faced high traumas in regard to gender discrimination, as they belong to the black caste which is involved or appreciated by half of the population living in society. As sports has been one of the major elements that have been exhaling the growth of the economy. Sports within the Sheffield community in the UK are acquainted with councils and trust that are offering this BME young the opportunity to grow in the sector of the field. As the BME community has been leveraging their strengths to adopt a career in the field of sports that signifies swimming. Sports within the Sheffield community are less urged that consumes that te fact community trust has been expelling their hand towards the development of this sections so that the equal chances to place in the culture. The sports community has been commuting that young talents from all over the world come to the forefront. The community has been meant to find in the period of 1991, these have been communicated with the leisure and sports and the most of the key concern facilities that will help the children to execute their ideas and thoughts and uplift with constant commitment towards success. They have been controlled and projected to aim that is managed to help the BME individual to expel their ingenuity toward the sports and swimming being one of the key sports are transmitted to support the individuals with enhance their mental and physical abilities, encoding their wellbeing and mental state so that each one of them living in the same place Sheffield can opt to recognise each par capabilities strongly. Racism is a brutal issue that the report has found and after that lack of communication, understanding, lack of consideration, financial issues and lack of support for resources. This trust has been an independent one that has been formulating sports activity with the help of clubs that are helping them to treat 120 individuals in a month and manage rhythmic to know the rhythmic state of the sport in the world and the way it has been entitling youths to achieve their potentiality and success. The project procures objectives that are accounted with that confront regarding the BME facilities that are been provided by the Sheffield trust, looked after to the challenges that the BME young individual faces or suffered through are compiled by the society and their perspectives.

As around 50% of the individuals that are working in the community are constructed with a highly specified job but, most of the unemployed are still jobless because they are black and they are not adaptable. These statistics have recently interrupted the cause of the issue that the Sheffield community trust has procured that if they want to support these minorities then thye need to enact or collaborate with the councils or institutions that are ready to help and provide a financial backup to these individuals. The community need to be bewildered as they have been working with SWIM England, that are associated with the black force swimming recognises for an individual that is arriving from the BME community. Sheffield has been expanding their hands with some of the programmes that are appointing 1000plus individuals within their segment of work, and they are enabling physical activities in the UK. This has been driven by both primary and secondary research, which recalls surveys, interviews and literature reviews, as they are entitled to enact more depth in cultivation to acquire information regarding the sports community and BME that exists. BME has been supported through SWIM England and they are been entitled to provide strength to ethnic minority individuals existing in the country. Most of the time, these youth are not helped or encircled by both their families and society so they get dismantled within their life and create a space for wrong tasks. Asians are highly appreciated in the culture of business and organisations Therefore this primary and secondary research has helped to get through the issues and challenges that these ethnic and minority group consumes. The respective body that are optimising these issues in the culture are considered to take some of the actions, these commitments are commuting to appoint an executive that are sponsoring the race, this has been capturing the data regarding the BME group, and circulating regarding the progress of data. They are managed to provide a space that will control a clear concern about equality in the workplace that will be avoiding discrimination, equal pay, and tolerance of bullying and harassment. Volunteering opportunities are being supported by the local community projects that are implementing some of the training sessions to concentrate and enact according to the community's activities or tasks. Further lack of investment in the areas or venues and implementing all the physical activities and tasks that are directly stretching out to cause health issues. These have been vastly impacting and influencing the BME groups or young individuals overall, demolishing their health. They are also helped by the transactive that has been situated in the UK supporting this small minority to sustain a career in the part of swimming. About 50% of responses have been covered in articulation to gain knowledge about the project, this confronts the the ability to increase their flow of support in the community is through accepting these BME groups as their own community members and they are united. This is the root of the cause that Sheffield will be looking out for, as they need to build a network with the Americans who are offered the highest facility and positions that they are concise within the Sheffield community. Sheffield community in the UK needs actions that must be procured by the causes or issues.

The community is hereby recommended that they need to start making more programmes that can help the Sheffield community trust; this integrates to start contacting the senior department of sports councils that will provide an opportunity space equally for both the Whites and BME groups. Sheffield needs to find a source that can provide them a way to finance all these programmes to train and contribute to the confidence of this BME youth that has a high-grossing future ahead. Events can be best for the community to rise in a projected area of the UK, which will help this Sheffield community to bring out talents and showcase them in the event. The investors should be called and reported about the event managing to support the BME young youths that are suffering through subjective issues. The fundraising event will be the best idea and they can connect to another trust that acts the same in the community. Encouraging sports can be best sourced by the volunteering programmes that are settled by the community for these children. Crowd funding could be an external source that will enhance the power to collect an estimated amount of capital for running up activities of the BME groups. This has been in concern are contributing to the factor managing both the BME groups and sustaining them through assessment and checking their family financial income and profit (Kenny, 2019). This will help the community to react in a different manner and can enact more sports activities according to the ability, interest and support served by the family itself. More clubs like Transactive that are connected with the Sheffield community should be entitled to the culture that will cultivate the mind of these BME groups and settle more effective communication routes so that they underrated the value of their future. These are the suggestions that needed to exacerbate within the community and if they are supported by the government then it will be best for them to enact their sports functioning more superiorly.


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