Innovation In Health And Social Care Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Supporting Innovation In Health And Social Care

Supporting innovation in health and social care reflects the ideas regarding the understanding of the concept of health and social care. It helps in increasing professional potential which has a positive impact in the health care sector. It helps in exploring the health conditions of the people and provides an overview of physiology and anatomy. In addition to that the supporting innovation in health and social care reflects ideas regarding collaborative working that help in understanding the relationship between the healthcare system and professionals. On the other hand, supporting innovation in health care promotes disease prevention that helps in prolonging life. Supporting innovation in health and social care helps in developing the teamwork culture and provides ideas regarding project management. It also helps in developing ICT skills. The study helps in understanding the core ideas regarding supporting innovation in health and social care (Mathieson, Grande & Luker, 2019). The study helps in developing critical thinking skill that helps in determining the evidence-based approaches for the improvement of the service.

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Examining criticality research skills and Methodologies within evidence-based approaches

Critical thinking and research help in identifying the data source that helps in evaluating trends. The proper methodology is used in analysing the result. The evidence reflects the ideas regarding the particular clinical problem that helps in the decision-making for the patients. The evidence is collected from a medical perspective there helps in processing research. On the other hand, the research methodology reflects the ideas regarding the medical perspective that become challenging and limiting for the nurse. Evidence-based practice can be derived from research knowledge. Evidence-based practice helps in getting information regarding the desirable excellence of professional practice in healthcare. As opined byKoff & Lyons (2020), the evidence-based procedure provides the best healthcare service. It helps in improving decision-making and enhances the medical practice that is supported by the evidence. The evidence-based procedure includes a 5A cycle that helps in developing the health care system. the 5A includes asking about a clinical question and acquiring evidence that helps in developing the answer to the question that was raised. In addition to that appraising the research is an important part and applying the research helps in finding patient care. In the end, there is a need of auditing the performance that helps in the development of future studies.

The cycle starts with the assessment and taking care of the patients. This helps in developing further study in the healthcare sector. There is a need of formulating the PICO framework that helps in formulating clinical questions that helps in developing research regarding healthcare-related issues. It is necessary to identify what kind of methodology is important that provides evidence for the research question. It is necessary to distinguish between systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and clinical topic reviews. In addition to that search for medicine is necessary for the studies that provide recent evidence.

There is a need of identifying the exact terms which include medical subject headings (MeSH). Identifying the article from PubMed provides the current and relevant evidence that helps in acquiring the answer to the question. As opined byvan et al. (2019),evidence-based approaches help in the symptom reduction process.Evidence-based practice is developed over time, which helps in integrating the research evidence. The evidence-based practice helps in developing the value of the patient. The evidence-based practice provides effective care that is available for the patients. On the other hand, it helps in developing the outcome of the patient. There is a need of connecting the dots between evidence-based research and clinical practice that helps in developing the healthcare sector (Tignanelli et al. 2020). Several steps need to be included to minimize the gap between evidence-based research and clinical practice. The steps are i. assessing the patient, ii. Constructing a clinical question, iii. Collecting the evidence through the research process, iv. appraise the evidence that is valid and useful, v. integration of the evidence with the clinical expert, vi. Apply the knowledge that is acquired during the process and vii. Evaluation of that which is learned.

The research skill helps in developing ideas regarding new knowledge that helps in recognizing the existing information. In addition to that verifying the theory including applying the theory to the new situation helps in developing the healthcare system. On the other hand, the use of treatment, procedure and intervention are committed in the clinical process. As opined by Dixon-Woods (2019),evidence-based practice is an important factor that providing effective health care. In addition to that, it helps in promoting improved outcomes for the patient. The well-designed research helps improve the evidence-based research process that helps in improving the health care system. The evidence-based practice helps in improving the skills and knowledge regarding health-related factors. The evidence-based practice helps in demonstrating the basis of the scientific methods. In addition to that, it provides information regarding the components of the research evidence and clinical expertise including patients (Alqahtani, Kitsantas & Rodan, 2020). It is necessary to differentiate the clinical opinion from the research and the data of the evidence that helps summarize the evidence-based practice. It is necessary to locate reliable sources for creating the evidence report that helps in creating the clinical practice guidelines. Explanation of the role of the evidence is the best clinical approach for determining the evidence. In addition to that, it is necessary to analyse the relevance and strength of the evidence that helps in influencing the choice of intervention regarding patient-related care. Participation in creating structure in the working environment helps facilitate the integration of recent evidence. Examining the research skill and methodologies helps in understanding the effect of evidence-based practice.

Identifying the Application of Research and evidence-based approaches for service improvements

It is necessary to identify the application of the evidence-based approach that helps in developing medical-related research. Evidence-based healthcare practice is available for diabetes, asthma, and heart failure patients. As opined byFranzoi et al. (2021), evidence-based datahelps in taking decisions regarding the treatment of patients. In contrast, the evidence base data is not always implemented for the patients. Generally, the safety of the patients is based on the analysis of the data that helps in identifying patient safety issues. The evidence-based practice helps in demonstrating the new practice that results in improving the quality of the treatment of the patients. On the other hand, less research attention is paid to the implementation of the practices. In addition, the information of knowledge that is gathered during the evidence collection is needed to be put into practice that helps in improving the medical treatment procedure. The application of evidence-based develops the safety practice of the patients. In addition, it helps in developing the difficult strategy that helps in changing the healthcare culture (Chen et al. 2020). The evidence from other types of scientific methods helps in developing the non-research evidence.

Different types of evidence-based models help in developing the common elements of the models. The conceptual framework regarding the development of the research results from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) helps in developing the patient's safety. The synthesis of the model helps in transferring knowledge, social marketing, and behavioural change of the organization regarding healthcare.

Knowledge creation and distillation is the first stage of the AHRQ model that helps in developing the research variation that is used in the health care delivery system. The user for research findings that helps in developing the healthcare settings guides the knowledge distillation process. On the other hand, diffusion and dissemination include a partnership with the professional's opinion that helps in developing the service of the medical service (Baslet et al. 2021). Professional organizations like the National Patient Safety Foundation transfer teams that help in effectively disseminating research-based programs like cancer prevention programs. End-user adaptation, implementation, and the institutional process are the last stages of the knowledge transfer process. This helps in using the evidence-based data and results that are used in everyday practice.

Applying and sustaining the evidence-based process includes the complex relationship with the reduction and medication errors. The change in evidence-based change is related to the structure of the organization. The clinical questions of the end users like nurses can be addressed using the existing data. On the other hand, the information is available and used for the development of medical practice (Hsieh & Chen, 2020). The application of evidence-based practice helps in developing ideas regarding the clinical experience. on the other hand, evidence-based practice helps in developing the patient's outcome. A cost-effective process boosts the growth of medical science. The evidence-based practice is needed to be implemented for the development of the treatment. On the other hand, the collection of evidence is necessary to develop the evidence that helps in gathering the relevant information. In addition to that to collect the relevant data it is necessary to listen to the patient and collect the data. The clinical experience helps in developing the data regarding the data collection process. This is used for creating evidence-based data. The opinion of the expert is necessary for developing the evidence. The developed data helps in creating the evidence. Applying evidence-based practice helps in creating strategies that help in integrating the value of the patients (Chien, 2019). Five steps help in creating evidence-based practice. Converting the information into answerable clinical questions helps in developing ideas regarding medical treatment. Secondly tracking down the evidence is necessary to accumulate the evidence that helps in getting the answer to the question. It is necessary to appraise the evidence for validity and impact. Integrating the evidence for decision-making regarding the clinical issue is an important part of the process. Finally evaluating all the process helps in developing evidence-based practice. The information that is shared regarding the application of evidence-based practice helps in understanding the effectiveness of implementing evidence-based practice.

Importance of critical thinking skills in evaluating information within evidence-based approaches

Critical thinking skill helps in developing the outcome of the patient. In addition to that critical thinking helps in developing the quality of patient care and improves the safety outcome of the patients. The problem-solving process helps in identifying the problem and provides a resolution to the problem. On the other hand, critical thinking skill helps in asking a skilled question and evidence-based data helps in getting the answer to the question. Critical thinking reflects the ideas regarding the mental process, which is related to skilful perception and synthesis. This also involves the evaluation process and analysis that helps in making the evidence-based data more viable. The evaluation of the process is done through the communication and observation process. This makes the evidence-based process more important. In medical education, critical thinking is significant in performing daily clinical practice. Implementing critical thinking helps in developing the methods regarding cognitive skills. The skill is required in problem-solving and analysis. As opined by Wiltsey Stirman, Baumann & Miller (2019), critical analysis is applied to different types of questions, which are related to the concept that helps in determining the importance of the information. On the other hand, it also provides rational ideas regarding the appropriate cases. In addition to that, the evaluation of the information is the best approach that is related to the evidence-based approaches. It is necessary to evaluate the global outcome that helps to process to learn from the existing data. The shared lesson is used as evidence that helps in future medical issues. The research question is non-clinical which helps in developing answers based on the evidence (Yoshiji et al. 2020). In addition to that, the collection of relevant data is necessary to plot the problem regarding the factors that are related to critical thinking. On the other hand, assessment and evidence are necessary for developing the answer to the clinical questions. Lastly, the implementation of the decisions helps in formulating new ideas regarding medical issues. Evaluating the evidence is necessary to developing the clinical answers that help the future development of medical issues. Four criteria are involved in evaluating evidence. The criteria are of the evidence must be relevant, sufficient, and comprehensive. The data must be reliable, which helps in understanding the problem of the patients. Evidence-based practice helps in improving the effective care process that is available. In addition to that, it helps in developing the outcome of the patient.

Evidence-based practice is an important tool that helps in delivering high-quality care to the patient. The recent research helps in developing ideas regarding the matter. The evidence-based process helps in protecting the patient. On the other hand, it helps in reducing the cost of patient care. The evidence-based practice helps in increasing the research-based treatments that help in fulfilling the needs of the people. Evidence-based therapy is necessary for developing ideas regarding the treatment. As opined by Speroni, McLaughlin & Friesen (2020), that helps in improving the health care practice. On the other hand, evidence-based practice creates a relationship between researchers and clinicians that helps in improving the medical treatment of patients. Medical practice is more effective, which improves the treatment process. Case-control studies and reports are used as evidence that helps in developing the plan regarding the medical treatment. The clinical research on the patients helps in conducting the experiment that helps in gathering knowledge, which is useful for developing the evidence.

Critical thinking skill helps in developing ideas regarding the treatment based on the evidence. On the other hand, evidence-based practice helps in providing knowledge for future treatment. Evaluation of the information that is gathered is necessary to develop ideas that are helpful for future research processes in medical science. On the other hand, the evidence-based approach helps in developing the medical science and treatment of the patients. The information that is shared in the study helps in developing ideas regarding the evidence-based practice-related issue. Improvement in critical thinking helps improve the evidence-based approach.


It can be concluded that supporting innovation in health and social care is necessary for developing clinical experiments. The study reflects the ideas regarding the evidence-based process and its usefulness for the development of medical science. This study provides information regarding the usefulness of evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practice helps professional practitioners in taking decisions regarding the treatment of the patient. In addition to that, the outcome of the evidence-based practice helps in improving the healthcare system and provides information for future research. Application of the research-based process is necessary for the development of medical studies. Analysis of the existing data helps in making useful data regarding making the evidence. It is necessary to develop a critical thinking process that helps in accessing evidence-based practice. The information that is shared in the study helps in improving the research in the future. In addition to that the use of the reliable source for collecting the evidence is necessary for accumulating the data that helps in improving the service.



  • Alqahtani, N., Oh, K. M., Kitsantas, P., & Rodan, M. (2020). Nurses' evidence?based practice knowledge, attitudes and implementation: A cross?sectional study.Journal of clinical nursing,29(1-2), 274-283.
  • Baslet, G., Bajestan, S. N., Aybek, S., Modirrousta, M., D. Clin. Psy, J. P., Cavanna, A., ... & LaFrance Jr, W. C. (2021). Evidence-based practice for the clinical assessment of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures: a report from the American Neuropsychiatric Association Committee on Research.The journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences,33(1), 27-42.
  • Chen, L., Wu, Y., Zhou, C., Li, X., & Zhao, H. (2020). Value, knowledge and implementation on evidence?based practice among nurse managers in china: A regional cross?sectional survey.Journal of Nursing Management,28(1), 139-147.
  • Chien, L. Y. (2019). Evidence-based practice and nursing research.The Journal of Nursing Research,27(4), e29.
  • Dixon-Woods, M. (2019). How to improve healthcare improvement—an essay by Mary Dixon-Woods.bmj,367.
  • Franzoi, M. A., Agostinetto, E., Perachino, M., Del Mastro, L., de Azambuja, E., Vaz-Luis, I., ... & Lambertini, M. (2021). Evidence-based approaches for the management of side-effects of adjuvant endocrine therapy in patients with breast cancer.The Lancet Oncology,22(7), e303-e313.
  • Hsieh, P. L., & Chen, S. H. (2020). Effectiveness of an evidence-based practice educational intervention among school nurses.International journal of environmental research and public health,17(11), 4063.
  • Koff, E., & Lyons, N. (2020). Implementing value?based health care at scale: the NSW experience.Medical Journal of Australia,212(3), 104-106.
  • Mathieson, A., Grande, G., & Luker, K. (2019). Strategies, facilitators and barriers to implementation of evidence-based practice in community nursing: a systematic mixed-studies review and qualitative synthesis.Primary health care research & development,20, e6.
  • Speroni, K. G., McLaughlin, M. K., & Friesen, M. A. (2020). Use of Evidence?based practice models and research findings in Magnet?Designated Hospitals across the United States: national survey results. Worldviews on Evidence?Based Nursing,17(2), 98-107.
  • Tignanelli, C. J., Rix, A., Napolitano, L. M., Hemmila, M. R., Ma, S., & Kummerfeld, E. (2020). Association between adherence to evidence-based practices for treatment of patients with traumatic rib fractures and mortality rates among US trauma centers.JAMA network open,3(3), e201316-e201316. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.1316
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  • Wiltsey Stirman, S., Baumann, A. A., & Miller, C. J. (2019). The FRAME: an expanded framework for reporting adaptations and modifications to evidence-based interventions.Implementation Science,14, 1-10.
  • Yoshiji, H., Nagoshi, S., Akahane, T., Asaoka, Y., Ueno, Y., Ogawa, K., ... & Koike, K. (2021). Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for liver cirrhosis 2020.Journal of Gastroenterology,56(7), 593-619.


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  • Hoffman. T. 2016. Evidence-based Practice across the Health Professions
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