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Study Skills


In the present time where employee retention would be very much essential so that competition could be met. This is bigger issue within market as companies are not doing much to retain their old employees which must be done which would also be including continuous learning. Organisation need to be build up and then follow strategies which are aiming at development capabilities of employees this is very essential part of corporate strategies. If they need to be very much competitive within market then planning out for employee retention, stimulate them and then guide or support them so that employees are leading to learning process. This becomes role and duty of Human Resource Managers in doing this task so that success of company is extended towards goals. They are responsible to develop which will be including coaching and mentoring of their employees or one who is under their responsibilities.

As the world is becoming and forming part of globalisation with increase in technology and communication process every organisation will be getting influenced by global trend. So according to this trend it is very much clear the employees training, their retention and appreciation would be of utmost importance. Due to this task many organisations over past 10 years have experienced restructuring which impacted on their working and management.


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Only hiring of employees would not be enough for Human Resource Managers what they need to do is to make them all a strong workforce. In this process which is made up to reducing higher employee turnover and also to increase in productivity of employees (Employee Retention â€" How to Retain Employees. 2018). Retention of employees is the most important and essential part of organisation which HR managers need to perform with the help of their motivation and supporting them with all ideas or suggestions which they are coming with. The company must be looking forward with their planning of coaching and mentoring of the employee which will be coping up with immense pressure of work which they would be facing.

Coaching means supporting and guiding of individuals who are in requirement of this so that they then be able to work in most effective manner. In organisation this is very much important to develop individual so that they are able top maintain professional and personal goal aligned to each other (Martin, 2006). It was also found that line managers who are the immediate supervisors of employees are more or less responsible for motivating employees. All the time it is not the duty and responsibilities of HR manager to promote employee motivation and their retention. The effective organisational strategies which are related to learning of employee are known top as both coaching and mentoring of employees. Brining out opportunities that are enabling employees in showcasing their talent, quality and performance would also be a part of employee retention plan. Competition is also most integral part of organisation this will be helping them in gaining competitive advantage with use of the latest technologies.

Only this will not be necessary workers and management need to show up their self motivation and innovation of ideas which will be more be from their side. In this part group or team working will also be playing important role working in collaboration will be attracting more employees who are been associated with company for longer duration of time (Martin, 2006). Whereas, mentoring is more wide concept than that of coaching it will also be including role of mentor in to personal development of his mentee in which he is involved like a peer. Leadership is helping employee in their motivation and thereafter their long term association with same company.

This retention is very much necessary as company is employing its time, efforts and money in this process. Work balance and career goals of employees are per defined so that employers are motivating and inspiring them will be done. Leader is also need to be like a role model for their employees who will be enabling them in inspiring and motivating them (Mundia, 2014). If employees of company are motivated and happy with their job then they would be automatically retained within organisation. The role of HR manager in promoting, coaching and mentoring is important and leading to overall time in developing their employees so that they could retain them. HR manager is been able to provide higher level of employee loyalty as a result of mentoring and coaching to workers. They would also be finding link or connection with their job and organisation where they are working and giving their time where in. Mentoring will be enabling employees in making them feel somewhat more comfortable so that they are able to express views and communicate with management in lenient way.

There are different results which are been produced at times when company is following mentoring or coaching (Subramony, Segers, Chadwick and Shyamsunder, 2018). The way in which employee is working and performing within company would be showcasing that how effectively company is engaging in employee motivation and their retention plans. Thus, making company more and more competitive in all respect. It is all time required on the hand of HR that they are been involved in training and development practice of their workers which will be making employees more linked with their company and with their boss as well.

It is the role of HR manager that they are planning for growth and development of employee. To plan out how, what and with whom to do this retention work as there is no requirement that organisation is engaging themselves in each and every employee retention as this will not be necessary. All employees must not be of too much importance for company maybe they are not involved in decision making process or they are not showing their proper performance. HR will be asking for feedbacks and suggestions from employees which will be then resourceful for them.

It was also seen that larger organisation like that of IBM or Motorola are very much in use with mentoring or coaching within their day to day function. This use is enabling them in increased revenue, market share and ultimately in staff retention. So conclusions are very positive if company is using this procedure (Cuéllar and González, 2018). For this mentor or coach must be having sufficient knowledge and skills within them so that they are able shed their knowledge to others as well. But this must be done in informal way so that this will not be enforcing gender or any kind of inequality. Formal way of dealing with mentees or worker will not b resulting in positive reaction so this must b avoided to greater extent.

The young and talented employees of company must be on more forced part of motivation and retention. As they are the one who are resourceful for company they will be part of successful company. It is also seen that there is no direct impact of mentoring on that of employees but having a culture of mentoring and coaching to employees will be very much impacting (Connor and Pokora, 2009). There are different impact of mentoring or coaching on employees and on company. For an individual or employee who are working within company would be more clear with goal and objective which they need to be achieving for company and themselves. They thus would be developing skills like that of decision making and problem solving on their own they would not be depended on their supervisors. Communication and relationship of employee with that boss would be also increasing profits and revenue generation. Employee would be having self management of their work both in personal and professional life this is also one of the impact of mentoring and coaching only if mentor or coach is good enough. As it is said that sharing is caring so this would also be increased within employees they will be practising mutually understanding with their mentor or other colleagues who are working (Peltier, 2010). Positive attitude is very much needed while working in team or organisation so that they are able to solve problems and issues easily. So this will also be improved within employees who will be having positive approach towards their personal and professional life.

Mentoring and coaching is not up to employees only but whole company will be gaining with this in some many ways. Company which are practising approaches like that of personal and professional development and talent management are meant to have more and more involvement of their employees in organisation and lessening down employee turnover. Factors which are involving in impacting organisation if they are functioning mentoring and coaching will be many. Company would be having culture where everyone is getting themselves involved in decision making process. Culture of company will be more and more reflective in nature as everything would be transparent and clear (The impact of mentoring and coaching. 2018). Career development of their employees would be there which is thus helping all the workers. Higher amount of profits and revenue generation is the most effective impact on organisation of they are following path of mentoring and coaching. Ultimately company would be able to retain its employees which is main aspect of HR. This will also be leading to more skilled and professional employees within organisation they all together involve in higher amount of profits. Market share of company will also be increased with the help of this mentoring and coaching.

This will be making company more competitive in terms of employee retention and then their growth and also in profit earning. Supporting and inspiring employees is also part of employee retention which is making employees work more specifically for that company with all their skills and knowledge. HR role will be to contribute ot success of organisation to the extent of goal and objectives of company (Mundia, 2014). They are specifically not involved in mentoring or coaching of employees as this is duty of immediate supervisors of that employees. But role of HR would be in employee retention as they are the one who hire them. Just hiring would be not enough for company or HR they need to show that they are also interested retaining them.

So for this company must be engaged in structured programs for coaching and mentoring which will be including specified aims and objectives before starting to plan out (Martin, 2006). There are many benefits of this program like that of HR will be having a focused and specified task to be done by them. Which will then be providing training and development strategies according to that objective only.


From the above essay which is on organisational mentoring and coaching then how will this be engaging in employee retention so that they could contribute in gaining competitive advantage from market. It was clearly mentioned in this essay that all employees who are coming in organisation should be given chance of proving themselves so that company could do something to get them involved. It is essential from the viewpoint of institution as they want that market share which they are holding must not be gone to other company. Competition is very tough at present time which is enabling companies to cope up with the emerging new technologies and that with new companies that are coming in market. Employees retention and motivation would be very much important so that they are growing and developing with company. Higher profits and retention of market position is very much important for organisation operating in economy.


Books Journal:

Connor, M. and Pokora, P., 2009. Coaching and Mentoring at Work: Developing effective practice. Buckingham: Open University Press

Cuéllar, C. and González, P., 2018. Challenges and Lessons of Mentoring Processes for Novice Principals: An Exploratory Case Study of Induction Programs in Chile. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences. 5(6).

Martin, G., 2006. Australian master human resources guide.

Martin, G., 2006. Coaching and mentoring. Austrelian Master Human Resources Guide.

Mundia, C.N., 2014. Role of Mentoring Programs on the Employee Performance in Organisations: A Survey of Public Universities in Nyeri County, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 4(8). p.393.

Peltier, B., 2010. The Psychology of Executive Coaching. New York: Routledge

Subramony, M., Segers, J., Chadwick, C. and Shyamsunder, A., 2018. Leadership development practice bundles and organizational performance: The mediating role of human capital and social capital. Journal of business research. 83. pp.120-129.


Employee Retention â€" How to Retain Employees, 2018. [Online]. Accessed Through: .

The impact of mentoring and coaching, 2018. [Online]. Accessed Through: .

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