BMLW5008 Tort Law Assignment Sample

Discover negligence and identification of personal losses. Valuable outline of Caparo v Dickman case!

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BMLW5008 Tort Law Assignment

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The legal system is considered to be working in England and Wales where it is considered to be a common law system. It is taken into consideration that there are substantial differences between the common law system and civil law system which are considered to have informal judicial decisions related to courts on both the lower and the courts that have made the decision. It is identified as a system of presidents. Law of torts concerned with the civil wrongs where it is considered to be the largest area of law with the taught in the law of negligence principle in the setting of individual injury claims the injured person is considered to be most likely to have a right to English law in negligence. Some of the things which are related to the same. The report will identify the different factors that are related to the standard of care in negligence where it provides a flexible balance between the interests of the person. It includes the identification of various rights that are related to negligence and standard of care.

Discovery of negligence by country courts

It is taken into consideration by the courts of the country to make a discovery of negligence. Payment must prove the numeral of things related to the negligence against the defendant. It is identified that there are various factors that a defendant must implement a duty of care for this was identified in the famous judgement of Donoghue versus Stevenson. It is identified that it was rejected In The House of lords with the previous line that the liability of carelessness existed only in several separate specific situations where it was considered to be an idea of the general duty. It is taken into consideration that there are various forms of reasonable care to avoid that are related to the reasonable foreseen (Cornford, 2019).

This is identified that the standard of care is an essential concept that helps in determining whether the person is considered to be negligent or potentially liable for a tort. It is also identified that with a person with the standard that applies to know that case that they are to be liable for the negligence that has been caused by them. The standard of care usually revolves around the concept of reasonable connection with the case having an average personality through which they would be having a different course of circumstances (Dowie, 2017).

Case of Caparo versus Dickman

This is taken into consideration that the most recent specialist on the inquiry of creating an omission related to the inquiry starting a duty of care was identified under Caparo versus Dickman.

This was identified that the code finds the duty of care in the applicant where it can show that the injury that was suffered was foreseeable therefore it was identified that nearness between the claimant and the defendant is considered wherein all the conditions it would be fair, just and sensible to execute the obligation on the defendant. This is identified that where a denial of duty of care is considered that means that even if the perpetrator was considered to be at responsibility was caused due to the loss of the claimant. Then there would be no obligation. It is considered to be one of the most important immunities from the liability for the perpetrator against the present and the future applicants (Khan, et. al., 2020).

This is defined and the breach of duty is not sufficient for a individual to prove that additional person is over the duty to them. The injury lawyer is having a consideration that they must also prove that the careless path was breached as a duty to the other individual hence it includes that the defendant which is such a duty by failing the reasonable care then that is required to be fulfilled. It is also identified that would decide whether the defendant has exercises will care and handling the accident or not in case if it has done reasonable care then they would not be considered to be liable.

Types of identified losses under negligence

This is identified that negligence is often defined as a constituent factor for a breach of duty where the duties in such a case can be defined only as a duty to care. This is accounted that the duty of care is one of the important aspects for any business organisation where the claimant has the position where they would have to consider whether the tort has occurred or not (Joneydi and Takhshid, 2021). Here this has been made that the typical personal injury is the case that helps the claimant to understand whether this would be compensated or not, this includes the following,

  • Pecuniary losses: These are the loss of earning or the cost of medical care or the out of pocket cost or incidentals that have arisen since of the tort.
  • Non-pecuniary loss: These are the damages or the loss that are related to the amenity or the pain or the suffering that has been caused to the user.

It is taken into consideration that once the applicant has shown where the perpetrator owed him a responsibility of care a must show that the defendant was considered to be at fault therefore it is identified that there is a breach of a duty of care this helps in decisive whether the defendant was at fault. This is identified that even the claimant contents the test where he shows that the damage was suffered was considered to be too isolated from the defendant's negligence hence the should be considered as one of the most important factors which may result in identification that the defendant is considered to be liable for the damages (Levmore, 2019). It is identified that damages suffered by the applicant must be a type of injury that can be improved under the law of negligence it is taken into consideration that for example where the applicant has agonized the loss of chance by evading any of the physical injuries then that type of loss will not be considered to be compensable. This is also identified that the claimant has negligently failed to diagnose what they have suffered from the different factors made this was identified in the case of Gregg v Scott (Maria, 2018).

This is identified under the law of demand at the standard of care is the moon and degree of prudence and caution what is required by an individual who is under the duty of care for staff at is identified that the requirement of the standard is closely dependent on the circumstances where these would include the care should have been breached in determined by the driver of the fact. This is usually faced as the term where the reasonable person is not fulfilling its requirements. It is identified that negligence is an act or failure to act in a way that causes injury to the person. It is taken into consideration that there is no one perfect and accidents can happen due to negligence. This is also identified as the reasonable person in the law of negligence as a creation of legal fiction. This is also taken into consideration that the test related to whether the person has acted in a reasonable person then it is considered to be one of the most important factors which must identify the specific ability of a defendant. A person needs to identify how the intelligence or chronicle carelessness can be held more impactful of higher intelligence (Pandit, 2018).

This is taken into consideration that the jury generally decides whether the defendant has acted reasonably or not various elements of negligence are required to be considered in the decision making where the jury generally considers that the defendant's conduct, the right of the defendant was considered to be perceived or not (Plunkett, 2018).

Identification of future-losses consideration

This is identified that in case an engineer continues after the tries the judge is required to be having criteria where they can assess the compensation required for the future loss of earnings these are considered to be one of the most important aspects where damages cannot be reassessed after a later date. Some important points are required to be noted but the personal injury litigation is where the first point includes the native damages which are not always available in the law of negligence. It is also very important for identifying whether the awarding damages is considered to be compensation for a claimant they should also be the identification of the facts where the defendant is liable for the same or not the second current in this includes that negligence trial judge and not a jury both here and decides about the cases. In the various cases, this is different and the defendant has several defences that are available to him. They can rely upon the various factors that are related to negligence. It is taken into account the defendant can exclude the liability completely where they can show that the claimant consented for a particular kind of risk of injury. It is one of the most important factors where the claimant was acting legally at the time. It also includes that the difference is considered to be successful because of the resulting harshness to the claimant (Selbst, 2020).

This is identified that lives cases are based on the law of the contract between the parties may be known to each other and there may be strangers to the cases where the two drivers are considered to be involved in the accident. Here this has been made that the lack of any agreed relationship between the parties may affect the question of the user and may also impact the overall performance of the users in the negligence. Here this has been made that negligence is the relationship that must first be established as per the duty of care, this includes future accountability where the users may be considered to be professional and negligent in the various cases. Here this has been made the claimant were the shareholders of the company they relied on the auditor of the company. Here this was accounted that the auditor of the company purchase more shares with the view where they would be making a takeover of the bid. Hence in this case this was discovered that the company had a loss that was very huge instead of the profit.

The case of Barnett v Chelsea and Kensington HMC

Comparable to carelessness, issues of causation and distance will, in general, be thought about self-sufficiently. The critical test for causation is known as the 'yet for' test, which fundamentally finds out if the misfortune would have been supported 'yet for' the litigant's carelessness. The main case here is Barnett v Chelsea and Kensington HMC (1969). Here this has been made that the petitioner should show up the usage that is related to the stomach torments (Stoyanova, 2020). He was sent home without being inspected and along these lines kicked the bucket.

This was identified that there are specialist who owned an obligation that is related to penetrated obligation where the break of the obligation was done with the help of the patients who were demised, this was considered to be harming where the patient showed up at the emergency. Here this was considered that the clinic was not able to save even with the brief treatment that they did. This was likely to be considered to be very important for the users.

The one of the vital form of factors that is related to negligence includes the predictability where this has been made that the negligence sometimes results in various factors that are related to the tort law. Here this has been made that in the case of Sydney harbour the petitioner were considered to be welding where they didn’t stop doing that after seeing the oil. This was considered that the prompted flash would not be light in the outer layer where the water was continued. Here this has been made that the trash lying on the outer surface or the layers continued to work. This was considered to be the aspect where the oil catches fire and harmed the petitioner. Therefore in this case it was held that the litigants were not at the risk where this was predictable, this was considered to be contaminated as opposed to the fire.

In the other case of Jolley v London this was brought into account that neighbour neglected to eliminate the unwanted boat for a long time where a 14 years old boy was harmed due to the boat where he attempted to lift the boat to fix it (Burton and Kyd, 2019). The authority was found responsible since it realized that youngsters consistently played on the boat, so it was predictable that a kid would be harmed. This didn’t made any different with the inquiry which could not be predicted. Here this was considered that this might seem to struggle where the wagon mound centres on the predictability that was considered as a kind of harm. This was also identified that there are various factors that are required to be considered where the motivation behind the corporate and business law were considered to be central issue that helps in recalling a distance in misdeed of carelessness depends on the mischief that has been done by the users (Uma, et. al., 2020).


Note that the law of carelessness thinks about expectedness twice: once analogous to the obligation of care and again consistent to the remoteness. Recall that, in case there is no obligation of care, the question of distance doesn't emerge. Caparo v Dickman is a valuable outline of this. It very well may be foreseeable that present depositors would be subject to on a review account in closing whether to enlarge their shareholding. In any case, the examiner didn't owe an responsibility of care to likely monetary backers. This be contingent on dissimilar parts of the duty test: vicinity and whether or not it was reasonable, just and sensible to dynamism an obligation.


Cornford, T., 2019. The Negligence Liability of Public Authorities for Omissions. The Cambridge Law Journal, 78(3), pp.545-569.

Dowie, I., 2017. Legal, ethical and professional aspects of duty of care for nurses. Nursing Standard (2014+), 32(16-19), p.47.

Joneydi, L. and Takhshid, Z., 2021. Defenses to the Tort of Negligence: a Comparative Study of the Iranian and the US Legal Systems. Journal of Law Research, 23(92), pp.147-170.

Khan, H.A., Bastiampillai, A. and Mon, S.W., 2020. Mediation as a suitable dispute resolution method in medical negligence cases: Special reference to the Malaysian position. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 28(3), pp.2309-2323.

Levmore, S., 2019. Richard Posner, the decline of the common law, and the negligence principle. The University of Chicago Law Review, 86, pp.1137-1156.

Maria, L.E.E., 2018. The sources and challenges of norm generation in tort law. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 9(1), pp.34-47.

Pandit, G., 2018. The Basic Concept of Tort Law. verdict, 2(4), pp.57-64.

Plunkett, J., 2018. The Duty of Care in Negligence. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Selbst, A.D., 2020. Negligence and AI's human users. BUL Rev., 100, p.1315.

Stoyanova, V., 2020. Common law tort of negligence as a tool for deconstructing positive obligations under the European convention on human rights. The International Journal of Human Rights, 24(5), pp.632-655.

Turton, G. and Kyd, S., 2019. Causing controversy: interpreting the requirements of causation in criminal law and tort law. N. Ir. Legal Q., 70, p.425.

Uma, P.K., Ramani, P. and Sherlin, H.J., 2020. Knowledge about Legal Aspects of Medical Negligence in India among Dentists–A Questionnaire Survey. Medico Legal Update, 20(1), pp.111-115.

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