Development Economics & Planning Assignment Sample

Exploring the Role of Garden Communities in Economic Development and Urban Planning Strategies

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Introduction Of Development Economics & Planning Assignment

Economic Planning is part of a development plan and it helps to realize the community's vision. Proper planning is needed for controlling the future of the economy. In the public sector, proper planning helps the community to achieve its economic goals. Economic planning has maintained the economic goals and provides strength for getting long-term goals. Basically, the development plan focuses to reduce the unemployment rate and poverty. Generally, the economic cycle has four phases such as "Expansion, Peak, contraction, and recovery". Therefore, many economic strategies help to build a proper development structure. Further, this study will discuss the promotion of Garden communities.

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Discussion and Analysis

Community empowerment is very essential for improving the housing crisis and in the present situation, the UK and US governments have been promoting development economics. Empowerment is a main part that helps to encourage local people who are the neighbourhood of the local places (Jelonek et al. 2022). The government has applied various stages for encouraging the promotion of housing during the crisis. Therefore, the government for the promotion of housing and reducing risks and crisis generally uses “Garden Communities”.

Garden Communities

Garden Communities has offered rent of the apartment in "Arizona, Los Angeles, California" and others places. This apartment has two or three bedrooms and has a luxurious apartment rental. In spite of these, this apartment is affordable housing such as it is fully pet friendly (Ullah et al. 2021). This apartment is located in an ideal place because it provides various offers for its residents. Garden Communities help to provide offers for shopping and enjoyment and other creational works for all people from children to adults (Westwood et al. 2021). In this housing area, qualified schools have been situated and fitness centres and shuttle services have been presented in this place. Garden Communities are the main jersey-based owner and builder (Joghee et al. 2020). The Garden Communities have taken good experiences in the market. It is expanding in the US markets such as New Jersey, New York, and Maryland as well as others places. Californian countries have the most profitable Garden Communities and it provides many offers. "Garden Homes Development" and "Garden Commercial" have offered stability. It offers the experience to build properties for "65 years". This community helps to utilize the sustainability of the people (Beck, 2020). Proper infrastructure is built with the help of "Garden Communities".

Background & Aims

Garden Communities have many high apartments and which leads to "New Jersey-based" real estate. Therefore, it has commercial experience with 60 years in the market. In the US countries, Garden communities have situated in many places and in these places have presented their property. These countries are- New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Florida and most of California countries. This community has taken good experiences in the market (Scott et al. 2020). Basically, in Californian countries, Garden Communities have the most profitable and it provides many facilities for more attraction of customers. This community has built a proper infrastructure and helps to utilize the sustainability of people. "Garden Communities" is one type of idea that outlines before a century. Ebenezer Howard is the first person who wants to build a garden city. He aims to build a pleasant and beautiful city where people lived in peace and always enjoy green areas. In spite of these, in these places, people are working and raising the economic condition of their families and they are travelling easily in every place. The Residual Method has various types of strengths and weaknesses. It helps to promote participation in housing and empowers to build a proper environment in the housing places (Westwood et al. 2021).

Community empowerment is very essential for improving the housing crisis and in the present situation, the UK and US governments have been promoting development economics. Empowerment is a main part that helps to encourage local people who are the neighbourhood of the local places (Jelonek et al. 2022). The government has applied various stages for encouraging the promotion of housing during the crisis. Therefore, the government for the promotion of housing and reducing risks and crisis generally uses “Garden Communities”. It is expanding in the US markets such as New Jersey, New York, and Maryland as well as others places. Californian countries have the most profitable Garden Communities and it provides many offers. "Garden Homes Development" and "Garden Commercial" have offered stability. It offers the experience to build properties for "65 years". This community helps to utilize the sustainability of the people. Proper infrastructure is built with the help of "Garden Communities”.

In the past, when a shelter less "Industrial Backdrop" occurs then a great and good place is needed to secure life. In those days, most people earned low and their house price is their average income eight times. The government of this country tries to control this situation and fulfil their basic needs (Chowdhury et al. 2020). In 2010, the government has provided more than a million houses and in 2020, the government aims to increase houses and 300,000 new homes are building in the New Year. In the US countries set up a "Garden Communities programme" in the 21st century. It is an opportunity to improve economic growth and it provides innovative technologies and builds beautiful green spaces. In this place, this “Garden Communities Programme” has expanded to 23 places and this community delivers 200,000 houses in the mid of the 21st century. The announcement of this programme is important because it improves one step and builds a serious council that always focuses to build proper planning of housing and development rates (Khanom et al. 2020). This community helps to build a partnership with the central government and local government also. Basically, this community aims to deliver houses to fulfilling the country's needs. It helps to encourage local communities and local authorities and all private sector have engaged in this community. Many local people and ambitious people have accepted this announcement and tried to build the "Garden Communities" that helps to build housing and fulfil their vision.

Strategic Fit

The "Garden community has followed many types of strategies". It helps to provide many offers and opportunities that help to fulfil long-term growth in the local places. This community is working to fulfil people's needs and improve society for future population implementation (Chowdhury et al. 2020). The community has maintained many types of strategies for increasing their "productivity and economic growth". "Garden community" provides many job offers when it builds housing and builds infrastructure. Therefore, at this time, more people have been needed for work and timely completed work.

People engagement

People engagement is the most important part to fulfill any long-term goals. Local leadership is a principle that helps to develop and delivered a long-term goal for achieving the announcement of "Garden Communities". Local Authorities in these places have maintained this community’s announcement (Liao et al. 2020). In spite of these, local authorities have built a collaboration with local people and always try to fulfil the goals or vision of this community. It ensures that it helps to benefit local growth and supports "local partnerships". "Community engagement and involvement" are most important for improving the goals of this community.

Qualities of garden communities

The garden community is providing high-quality housing and many facilities for fulfilling needs. This community has set a vision for maintaining the development of the community. This community has published many types of principles for increasing the development of housing plans and provides many facilities also (Khanom et al. 2020). Some key qualities of this community have mentioned below:

  • Clarify Identity: "Garden communities" wants to clear identity for building housing and want to provide attractive to local communities. This community helps to clarify their identity and always helps people who faced challenges.
  • Sustainability: This community aims to fulfil people's needs and provides them with pleasant places. This community aims to develop the infrastructure and always helps to promote local communities. Basically, economic growth and housing needs are fulfilled by this community and try to mitigate all goals (Pearce et al. 2020). This community provides luxurious apartments and two or three bedrooms and always provides affordable housing. Generally, in these apartments are located in a perfect place for easily providing many opportunities. "Garden Communities" helps to provide many job offers for all people from children to adults.
  • Well-designed areas: This community provides high-quality apartments that have pleasant and green areas. Therefore, many retail opportunities and creational working facilities have been provided by this community. In apartment areas, qualified schools and fitness centres have been situated.
  • Health places: It provides a healthy life for human beings because these apartments are surrounded by green trees. As a result, green areas get from these places and people stay happy and safe in their local health (Wesener et al. 2020). Safety Health is the most important part of living so this facility has attracted people.
  • A strong vision of people: The local community of these places has focused on the announcement of Green Communities and always tries to fulfil their needs. People of these places have engaged in a community and always help each other in building proper housing and a good environment.
  • Transport: Garden Communities help to provide transport and support the well-being of residents. It helps to promote public transportation system and cycling systems. This community has provided job, education, and others services.
  • Legacy: It provides a legacy for the next generations and builds security for their housing systems. As a result, people are satisfied to get all facilities and opportunities. It is said that Garden communities help to fulfil all needs of people and provide more peace for people.


The first recommendation is that the Garden Community can follow proper strategies. It did not need expensive efforts but needed more maintenance of their funding. Housing building is more expensive so fund checking is an important part. The local authority can be maintained the garden to see the fund's ability (Chen et al. 2020). A specific package should be kept for garden maintenance such as for seeds, soil and all materials of construction. From starting to maintain, the total budget set is most important in case of saving funds.

The second recommendation is that this community can follow proper planning. Every place has some principles so many types of management rules should be followed in this community. This community has built a garden but did not follow any rules or regulations. As a result, various types of challenges have been faced by this community (Westwood et al. 2021). This community can take approval from the local authorities and other managing individuals. The local community can work in a perfect place for a Garden so it is very important for improving this Garden.

The third recommendation is that security is needed for saving human beings. At night, the garden plot is needed for light facilities and others sides of the Garden needs LED lamps because it is very essential for securing human life. Many dangerous animals have affected people so need more security. Various types of procedures and regulations have been improved in the Housing system. Therefore, Garden communities suits for development of any place.


It is concluded that Garden Communities has provided high-quality apartments and well-designed bedrooms. In spite of these, many types of opportunities and facilities have been provided by this community. People engagement is the most important part that helps to improve this community's goals and vision. This community provides retail opportunities and many creative working facilities that help to develop economic growth. It is a long-term project that helps to deliver a new garden community and build a proper infrastructure with the bits of help to strategic principles. In spite of these, legacy facilities have been provided by this community for getting more attraction and provides security for people. Most local people have engaged in these communities for achieving the announcement of this. It is said that in the future, Garden communities are increasing their structure and expand their facilities around the world.



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