Encryption Technique In Cloud Computing Assignment Sample

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Encryption Technique In Cloud Computing Assignment

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1. Introduction

1.1 Introduction

This study, examines the cloud encryption process in detail and its application in cloud computing. Considering the clear and transparent visualization the entire structure is this project is mentioned in the introduction part. Questions of the research, motivation of the research, significance of the research are discussed in this part.

There are few techniques that are generally used for cloud computing and that possess encryption of the files, codes, and many more in the procedure. The service of encryption is generally provided by having a number of ranges with the connection of the limited type of the data. It can be uploaded to the cloud service which verifies the facility by not providing through the cloud service. It can help with the third-party tools which can be used for the cloud cryptography methods. In this phenomenon, the mathematical algorithm can help the transformation of the data that is required in the cloud computing process.

This study also involves using JMP software that helps to analyze the cloud computing method, artifact method and encryption process in the project. Depending on that process, it depicts the challenges that can be faced with the appropriate solutions along with overcome methods.

In the time of modernization everything is depending on the computer systems. In this case, cloud computing plays an important role. This can manage the customer services for any organization. This study tries to develop some new method with the help of encryption techniques to stop the data bridges and try to protect vital information for any firm.

1.2 Background of the research

This research is centered all cloud computing with the help of encrypted code. As per the opinion of the researchers, it is very much common to the system that the cloud service providers have used this kind of procedure to make the system flow easy and circulate the data and storage into the cloud computing in the procedure (Mahmood and Ibrahem, 2018, p. 182). As kind of process are in very much demand so that it can be beneficial for the company and other processes as well.

There are security loopholes which remains often their even after chaining security by implementation of encryption techniques. Since, encryption comes through the mathematically guaranteed process that can be cracked by the hackers though it has been properly implemented. This is how it gets disabled by the hackers that can be shared in an insecure way and such news is common even for gigantic firms like twitter and facebook. Many kinds of issues that have emerged recently are also discussed in this study and its mitigation has been examined by this study to develop the cloud computing process further. In the current condition, cloud computing also helps by storing the data in the procedure and that can be beneficial for this study. Additionally, many models had been used in the study that can help to provide security based on the encrypted codes and techniques that are involved in implementation of secured cloud computing. However, there are many tools used for enhancing the security and if it do not integrate well can lead to the miss-configuration.

For the protection of the secure information the technique used is known as encryption that can keep the sensitive data secure by converting the block of texts into the secret codes. It can unscramble the methods that can create several algorithms by twisting the data into the formats. The benefit of the methods can complete the protection that can provide the entire process. It also relates to the encryption that plays a significant role into the cloud computing. The process can be encrypted with the technique so that it gets accessed the facility of decommission. This also provides to help into the credentials that can create the benefit with the data of the service providers.

On the other hand, one specific software is used in the project is known as JMP software, which is used in the research to mitigate the statistical problems in the research and that can be helpful for making this research efficient. It can check high volumes that can tend to provide the wrong senses by creating a gap between defend.

1.3 Research Aims and Objectives

Research Aim

The aim of the research is to analyze the necessity of the encryption technique by cloud computing in the service provided despite all the issues, the encryption technique has a huge advantage for the cloud computing service as it avoids any data breach and protects sensitive data. This can manage the web traffic to find out any unnecessary operation and try to stop this from hacking.

Research Objectives

  • To identify the advantages of the encryption techniques in cloud computing method.
  • To analyze various aspects of security that can develop the cloud computing service.
  • To mitigate the challenges that is emerged in the project related to cloud computing.
  • To recommend the better encryption method for security method in cloud computing.
  • To understand the benefits and create the steps of the cloud computing services.
  • To suggest the methods which is used for securing the data in the cloud computing methods

1.4 Academic Challenge

This faces with the working of the research that can create the time frame with the help of the proper resources. It also helps in the unavailability which isinaccessible with the overall process. The main challenge of the time can come with the constraint that can use the service providers.

1.5 Plan of Work

Figure 1.1: Work Planning

(Source: Created using Microsoft Project)

1.6 Research Question

RQ1: What are the benefits of data encryption in the services of cloud computing?

RQ2: What are the approaches that must be used for securing data in cloud computing?

RQ3: What are the issues related to security in cloud computing?

RQ4: What are the mitigating factor for better security and development in cloud computing?

RQ5: What are the benefits after the development process for encryption techniques and cloud computing?

1.7 Research Hypothesis

H0: Encryption involvement technique that cannot be beneficial for the cloud computing method

H1: Involving encryption technique that can be beneficial for the cloud computing.

1.8 Motivation of the research

In the research, the importance of the development in cloud computing is very much vital for the project. The motivation of this research is done by using the JMP software and analysis of the issues that are based on statistical and other formats as well. In order to make the project significant, this research can be helpful for the project and further processing in the process. Cloud computing is developing in every factor and that can be essential for the mitigation of the issues in the procedure. The approaches of the researcher make the researcher more motivated in the process and that can be very much helpful.

1.9 Significance of the research

This research is very much significant for the present condition as many companies are using this function to make the process more efficient. The encrypted techniques can be beneficial for the process and are very much useful for the research as well. The research can be helpful for further processes in the companies as well because the companies mainly used encrypted codes to make this research healthier and that can be beneficial in the process. The software JMP makes its way to make the significance of the research and helps to develop the efficiency in the project.

1.10 Structure of the dissertation

 Structure of the dissertation

(Source Self- Created)

1.11 Resources

The hardware requirement for the cloud computing creates the standard server of the 64 bits. The SAAS, PAAS, and IAAS can create the software requirements for the encryption that requires the proper software. This requires the ransom ware tools that can verify the private key token for the RSA process.

1.12 Milestones

The research helps to explain the development of the cloud computing through which the business market demonstrates the requirement of the user. The customers can check the networking capabilities by having the regional market evolution. The delivery of the business applications goes through with the development toolkits. The technique of the computing is going to check from the issues which can avoid the breaches by being protective. It is totally based on the paradigms which are already fixed by the early access. The characteristics also help to show the true value of this entire method in explaining the steps.

1.13 Summary

In this part, the encrypted techniques can be beneficial for the processes related to this process in various types of companies. Cloud computing helps to store the data and encrypted codes through algorithm based encryption methods. This part consists of background, aims, objectives, and other things as well to make the research more efficient.

2. Literature review

2.1 Introduction

In the review of literature the study is going to discuss theories, concepts related to cloud computing and implementation of encryption techniques. This section contains information related to types of cloud computing, effect of encryption techniques in cloud computing, data encryption schemes, encryption algorithms, and so on.  With the above mentioned information the challenges of the cloud computing data encryption and challenges mitigation process data encryption is also described in this part. This information helps to support the existing theories and models of the cloud computing.

The review of literature is associated with a concept that merges various theories, models, and concepts taken from various books, published articles, and literature. The term literature in the review of literature refers to all the existing research and published papers on a specific topic. The term review is associated with the explanation of the research topic based on the literature or existing article. A literature review helps the researcher to support the models, concepts, and theories related to a particular topic. In this context, the researcher going to discuss a literature review related to encryption techniques that are used in cloud computing.

2.2 Conceptual framework

Figure 2.1: Conceptual framework

(Source: Self-created)

2.3 Classification of cloud computing

In recent days cloud computing is a well-known term for technologists and this can be referred to as a configuration of web hosting that is an essential part of organizations and businesses. This cloud computing needs a large level of operation time from the services of web hosting that maintain security at a high level. Cloud technology permits IT resources recycling to host complex applications, store large databases, and expand the strength of the computer, compound application development, and so on. It also assists in eliminating or decreasing software, and infrastructure expenses in association with the pay-per-use model that can reduce the cost of the IT sector.

According to Meshramet al. (2019), cloud computing can be divided into four sections based on the service or on the location in which the cloud is offering. The four important sections of cloud computing are hybrid cloud, public cloud, community cloud, and private cloud.

Figure 2.2: Types of cloud computing

(Source: Mahmood and Ibrahem, 2018)

Public cloud

The total infrastructure of the computer is situated in the surroundings of a CSP or cloud service provider that provides services of the cloud on the internet. It can be considered as one of the economical options for IT organizations that do not want to spend a large amount of money on cloud services. In a public cloud, it has been observed that the resources are divided between different users who are known as tenants, and the cost is calculated by the amount of consuming IT resources (Chennam, Muddana, and Aluvalu, 2017).

Community cloud

A community cloud can be defined as a type of cloud infrastructure that is classified by the users of common organizations who share the same objectives. Huang et al. (2018) have stated that the development of this cloud infrastructure can be started after understanding the requirements of the community and it includes various factors such as security policies, compliances, and so on.

Private cloud

The organization that selects private cloud can obtain a proper infrastructure that they must not share with other organizations and it is particularly developed for a particular organization. The control and security level is high for a private cloud than any other cloud. The private cloud is managed by the particular user and CSP does not give any security or services for this type of cloud (Hidayat and Mahardiko, 2020).

Hybrid cloud

This type of cloud involves the attitude of both public cloud and private cloud and it permits the sharing of application and data among the public and private services. According to Amara, Zhiqui, and Ali (2017), this type of cloud infrastructure is only applied by any organization that requires scalability therefore; it can achieve the demands of the business.

2.4 Data encryption schemes

According to Hidayat and Mahardiko(2020), the encryption scheme permits various parties that share a common key to decrypt and encrypt any message. A systematic data encryption technique comprised almost three algorithms. The one algorithm is applied to encrypt a message applying a key, one is for creating a secret or private key, and one is for decrypting ciphertext or other secrets messages. There are three sets of data encryption schemes are associated with cloud computing they are ciphertext space, key space, and message space. These three algorithms consist of the same types of behavior of input or output.

Amara, Zhiqui, and Ali (2017) have stated that the implementation of strong schemes of encryption can defend the communication from a cyber attack. One of the important things that are helpful for making decisions is the length of the key. 

Chentharaet al. (2019) visualized that a scheme of hybrid cloud computing is based on the algorithms of Paillier that has been associated with the RSA encryption algorithm, and GM encryption algorithm. The RSA encryption algorithm is a multiplicative homomorphic and GM encryption algorithm is single bit or homomorphic. It has been observed by the researchers this hybridization of both multiplicative and homomorphic encryption schemes can be more effective to defend the cyber attacks, and it also provides advantages to resist the attacks. The encryption algorithm can enhance the speed, and decrease the computational time by almost 66% from the existing one. It helps to increase the data confidentiality that has been stored in a cloud with increased security. This hybridization encryption technique is applied to provide authentication and high security to the cloud.

Figure 2.3: Encryption schemes

(Source: Chentharaet al. 2019)

2.5 Analysis of various encryption algorithm used in cloud computing

According to Biksham and Vasumathi(2019), cloud computing is known as one of the rapidly enhancing technologies that provide different services through the internet. It helps to complete various facilities in an organization like platform, resources, infrastructure, and others by paying an amount based on the demand within the network along with the functionality to increase or decrease the needs. This cloud computing technology can achieve any needs of the IT organization and serves various facilities related to hardware and software. These facilities are important for a company to manage, store, create, and run any applications of customers present on the cloud on a rent or lease basis.

Alloghaniet al. (2019) have stated that a science that is applied for securing sensitive data is known as cryptography. Confidentiality can be defined as the common services of security given by cryptography. This confidentiality is applied to keep data invisible from any unauthorized or unknown users. There are various components of a cryptosystem that has been applied to secure data they are encryption key, decryption key, plain text, ciphertext, encryption algorithm, and decryption algorithm.

According to Senyo, Addae, and Boateng (2018), there are different encryptions algorithms have been applied to secure cloud computing. It plays a crucial role in the field of the security of the cloud. Various algorithms are available to secure the cloud and in this section, the researcher is going to discuss helpful algorithms for cloud security. The algorithms are as follows,

Homomorphic algorithm

It is one of the crucial encryption algorithms that give various computational facilities over the ciphertext and offers a proper outcome. This algorithm can solve various issues associated with confidentiality and security issues. In this process, the decryption and encryption are obtained in the site of the client and the provider site operates on the encrypted data.

Advanced encryption standard (AES)

It can be defined as a block cipher with a symmetric key published by the NIST or National Institute of Standards and technology. According to Butt et al. (2019), AES or advanced encryption standard is one of the most accepted symmetric encryption algorithms. It can operate mostly on bytes instead of bits such as it can treat plaintext of 128 bits as 16 bytes.

Data encryption standard (DES)

It is also published by NIST and a symmetric block cipher. It applies a secret and single key for both decryption and encryption. It can operate 64-bit data blocks along with a key of 56-bit. In this process, the total plain text is classified into various 64-bit blocks. Various combinations and permutations are applied to enhance the difficulty of cryptanalysis and performing cipher (Alam and Benaida, 2019).

River-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)

Sudolska, Lis, and B?a? (2019) stated that RSA is one of the well-known encryption algorithms with asymmetric keys. This algorithm applies different sizes of blocks and keys. It contains two different types of the key for decryption and encryption. It applies to create two basic numbers of the private and public keys.

Figure 2.4: Data encryption algorithms

(Source: Sudolska, Lis, and B?a?, 2019)

2.6 Effect of encryption technique in cloud computing

Encryption is a process that is used to encoding the data. The main aim of this technique is to convert the main representation of the information into an alternative representation cyphertext (Meshramet al. 2019, p. 13127). Encryption is a security process, which allows the user to maintain the security of their private data, which means no outsider, can visit or use their data. There have two types of encryption, one is systematic key encryption and another one is public-key encryption.

In cloud computing, the encryption process is used to encode the data before transfer the data in the cloud storage, that no one can hack the data in the data transfer path. The encryption used the algorithms in order to transform the data, which may be a code, image, text or any other form, to unreadable data. In this process, cloud storage providers encrypt the data and give the encryption key to the user, that the user can decrypt the data as per their requirement. Decryption means, transform the unreadable encrypt data into a readable form (Chennamet al. 2017, p. 2031). Now an age much organization used cloud encryption in order to protect their cloud data. While encryption meets with other security measures, it allows the organization to achieve the requirements of the stringent compliance of PCI DSS, SOX, and HIPAA.

2.7 Security issues in cloud computing

Cloud computing is a delivery of computing services, such as database, software, networking, intelligence, analytics and storage through the internet in order to provide faster innovation, economies of scale and flexible resources (Mahmood and Ibrahem, 2018, p. 183). Nowadays much organization used this system in order to store their data in a proper manner and reduce the maintenance cost of the data storage system. But there have some security issues in the cloud computing system, which creates big issues for the users. The issues of cloud computing is mentioned in the below section:

Hijacking of account

Account hijacking is a very big issue of cloud computing, as the organizations are progressively reliant on the cloud-based application and structure for the fundamental business function. A hacker with the cardinality of an employee can access all the functionality or sensitive data and compromised customer credentials allow for the entire control over their online account.

External data sharing

By using the cloud computing process user can share their data in an easy manner, so maximum p people used the cloud sharing method in order to send or receive their data through the internet. In this case, in the middle section of the data sending and receiving process, the hackers stole the data of the victim. Sometimes user clicked on an unknown URL, during the data sharing process, and for this reason, hackers get access to the victim’s sensitive data (Roy et al. 2019, p. 39793).

Except the above-mentioned issues, there have many other issues in the cloud computing world, such as cyberattacks, malicious insider, denial of service attacks, data leakage and so on.

Figure 2.4: Security Issues in cloud computing

(Source: Huang et al. 2018, p. 36594)

2.8 Challenges of encryption technique

In the encryption technique, with several advantages, there have many disadvantages also. Some main problem of the encryption technique is mentioned in the below section:

Cloud platform differences

Differences in cloud platform create complications in data encryption (Wang et al. 2019, p. 4222). There have several types of model in data encryption, such as Saas, IaaS, and Paas. These models act as a security solution and do various tasks in order to give security to an immense data amount.

Key management complexity

Key management complexity is the most complicated issue of data encryption. It is a process of safeguarding encryption key from unauthorized access, corruption and loss. It is the mani reason, that is why organizations always tried to avoid data encryption in their data.

Compliance regulations in different countries or locations

One of the important issues of data encryption is the different types of compliance regulation in various territories (Akhil et al. 2017, p. 4). Data encryption is not easy to process, before completing the data encryption in a proper manner, the data has to pass from various steps, which is very complicated. For example, if a business wants to obey the regulation of its country but the data are encrypted and stored in the international format, then other regulations in other country get the first chance to done the data assessment.

2.9 Possible ways to mitigate the challenges in the encryption technique

With the problems there have several solutions to solve those problems, which after mentioned in the below section:

  1. i) The user has to change their encryption key or password in a regular manner, because if the user keeps a password for a long time, then it may decrease the security of the data encryption (Huang et al. 2018, p. 36594). During changing the password the user has to give a strong password, which is not breakable by the outsider. In order to make the password stronger, the user has to avoid the date of birth, phone number as a password and has to include a special character, numbers in the password, which makes it unique and stronger.
  2. ii) During the data encryption, the user has to face some unsuccessful error, which may create problems. In order to avoid this problem, the user has to reset the data encryption factory. But during the reset process, all the data of the data encryption factory become loses from the device. In order to avoid this problem, the user has to keep a backup of the encrypted data.

iii) In order to avoid the unsuccessful issues of the data encryption in the android phone, the user can use a new ROM in the devices. Some time by flashing the new ROM people can avoid the unsuccessful challenges of data encryption (Hidayat and Mahardiko, 2020, p. 55).

2.10 Literature gap

During this research, the researcher has analyzed different issues and gap of cloud computing and data encryption. The company, who has their own IT staff, cannot fix the problems of cloud computing on their own. During this situation, they have to connect with the cloud computing service centre to solve the problem. Although cloud computing is not redundant and it has no backup format, and people faced different types of bandwidth issue during the use of cloud computing. The researcher has found the network and technical related issues in cloud computing, which means if the net connection is poor then they cannot get the proper services from the cloud computing. With the normal problems, the researcher has visualized some data encryption-related problems in cloud computing, such as in any case the user has forgotten the password of the encrypted data, then he or she cannot further decrypt the data. Although if the user used cloud computing services in their computer for protecting their data, then it can raise suspicions (Agarwal et al. 2021, p. 525). In data encryption, the user may face different types of data security-related issues, which means if the user used a weak password for the data encryption then it can increase the data hacking chances. Sometimes the user keeps one password for a long time, which is not correct for data security. In order to maintain proper data security, the user has to change their password in a regular manner. Through time there is a number of development occurs in the cloud computing. Every operational system is different from one to other. The developers are trying to solve such issues of differences in the structures, designs and so on. That can make easier to use by each people who are not comfortable to use such systems.

In case of future development the developer tries to put different unique features which help users to perform their task properly. This system can identify different unethical movements of hackers. After identification this can provide security message to the user. This can stop the hacking of the systems.

2.11 Summary

This is the last part of the literature review and in this part; the researcher is going to summaries the proper information of the literature review part in an effective and proper manner. In this part, the researcher has added all the theoretical information of the encryption process and cloud computing. Challenges of the encryption techniques, security issues of cloud computing, challenges mitigation process and much more information about cloud computing and encryption are mentioned in this section. The effect of encryption in cloud computing, classification of cloud computing, data encryption schema is also discussed in the literature review section. During the creation of the literature review, the researcher has faced different types of problems, which are mentioned in the literature gap part.

3. Research Problems and Research methods

In this research, the analysis of the issues is very much important to mitigate them in a bigger scenario. The issues at these stages are emerging in a huge way and as this also possesses advantages in the process this can make the research more beneficial as the system can be improved as per the requirement of the researchers and clients (Alloghaniet al. 2019, p. 102). In order to make an encrypted file or code as per the researcher, that can be destroyed in the process and that is also making a huge impact on the process. The data that is encrypted in this procedure is very much important to make the process more efficient by mitigating the issues.

In this research, the issues are very important for the research to identify at the first process that they can be mitigated in this process (Chentharaet al. 2019, p. 74). Encryption helps to keep the data safe and that is the most beneficial factors in the process. In order to increase the number of hackers in the process, the encrypted data in the system also gets affected and this is the prime reason for this process. On the other handcloud computing also has several issues related to this process and that should also be mitigated for developing the system as power the requirements of the consumers. The encryption of the data can help to make the method helpful and that can make the system duller in the process.

In recent condition, technologies are developing in a huge manner and that is also helping the processes on the system in a huge way by making it fast and developed in the procedure (Sharma et al. 2019, p. 898). The encryption technique is safe for the researchers and that can some backward points to make the process slow and that is not capable to take new technologies in the process or system.

The researchers shed light on the research for making the development of the project in a better way and that can be beneficial for the researcher as well to provide a better-designed techniques and storage system in the procedure. The access of the data can be done very easily but in the system, there are many hackers removing and creating issues in the system of cloud computing and that becomes a huge issue in the procedure.

3.1 Research methods

In this method, the evaluation of the procedure is explained and that can be very helpful for the cloud computing techniques and encryption techniques. Cloud computing is mainly a method for transforming the data and encoding the data in the procedure. The cloud storage is handled by the encryption method and techniques and that can be very beneficial to make the correction of any kind of small issues that emerged in the process (Namasudraet al. 2020, p. 1). The data is encrypted in the process and stored in cloud computing and very safe in this procedure. If the consumer has to make that storage use the security must help to analyze the factors and then the file has to decrypt to make the use of the file or code. A security method that is used for the information that is mainly needed in this procedure accessed by the user and can be used by the correct encrypted key in the process. This process also includes the use of cypher text and which can be helpful for the appearance of the unreadable data and entity in the procedure. In this procedure, JMP software and is mainly for tackling the problems in the process such as routine and statistical problem. In order to make the process easier, the data that is collected from various sources can be accessed easily and that can be helpful for the research (Hidayat and Mahardiko, 2020, p. 49). As per the perspective of the researchers, the data that are collected are reliable and have preparation tools in the procedure and that can perform as per the choices of the statistical analysis. This kind of software is used by the business units and that can be effective for the research to process the required method in the system and for the company as well. In recent condition, the software is very technical and mainly used to meet the requirements in the research.

4. Analysis of problem and improvement

4.1 Problems

The cloud computing environments and infrastructure are very easy to handle for various business organizations and they can simply access the best for their businesses. It is also useful to optimize and share the resources of infrastructure with very low costs. It has been observed that most business organizations are not so aware related to the security issues of cloud computing and it bring a serious risk for their business environment from the cloud(Nzanywayingoma and Yang 2017). Therefore a huge barrier has been observed to implement cloud computing technology. It is essential for a cloud computing user to understand the information related to security within cloud computing, standards of cloud security, compliance, and regulatory of migrating the model of the cloud, data privacy, and so on. There are various security issues that have been observed in cloud computing are as follows.

Network availability

In a specific environment, the value of cloud computing can only be obtained when bandwidth and connectivity achieve very few needs. The needs refer to that the requirements of the customer that must be available whenever they ask for.

Security incidents

A specific security incident when observed it is important to inform both the tenants and users by the service providers. In order to respond in an assessment and audit, the user or tenants must need a support of a provider. The service provider can support the user to mitigate any issues.

Loss of physical control

It is mostly observed in the particular data and applications and gives rise to various risks such as control over data, and privacy, and data.

Breaches of data

The researcher observed that one of the top threats in cloud computing is data breaches. It has been observed that a hacker can open virtually a system and get access to all types of data when it is connected to the cloud (Zangirolami-Raimundo, Echeimberg, and Leone, 2018).

APIs or Insecure application programming interfaces

The interface security provides various ways for the programmers to join each other but it has been observed the connection of joining is not guaranteed to be secure every time. Accessing people with malicious files can be harmful to the sensitive information present in the system, and it can create a loophole within the security.

There are various other problems of cloud computing that have been observed by the researcher they are hijacking of accounts, handling of data, the security of data streaming, regulatory and legal compliances, agreements related to service level, and so on (Abdullahi et al. 2019).

4.2 Improvements

The cloud is most essential to obtain the trust of the managers of an organization. It has been observed that the cloud is the new future of computing. The person who takes the charge of local installation of the cloud can make sure the security of the cloud implementation. Therefore, to improve cloud security the researcher can be applied various strategies they are.

Responsibility examination

One of the important issues is the data breaches that can lead to loss or theft of various sensitive information of the firm.

Allocate and recognize the value for the properties

The asset of an IT organization includes data related to CRM or customer relationship management, antivirus apps, details of the personal customer, operating systems, hosted web servers and so on (Feoktistov et al. 2018).

Necessities of study compliances

It has been observed in various markets healthcare and finance are instances of governmental and industrial regulations to establish the criteria for managing digital information.

Security password

It is one of the important components of cloud security. Any important data can be secured through a personal password, and a broken password can break the trust of the employees within the organization.

Several other security solutions that can improve the security of cloud computing are complex passwords, impair remote management, check out the file related to cloud security allowance, application of WPA2, development of se4curity controls, and so on (Jošilo and Dán 2018).

5. Design of artefact

This part contains the entire analysation and design process of the artefact. The main aim of this part is to develop the design process. In this case, the nature of the artefact is analyzed as an outcome of the entire design process. The artefact is a by-product of software development and it is created for the development of the software (Challagidadet al. 2017, p. 15). In order to develop the performance and the structure of the software, artefact included various things, such as setup scripts, data model, and diagram in the software design. Human-computer interaction, information system development, computer-based cooperative work and many other fields used the artefact in order to create a board range of discipline from the cultural analysis by using hardware and programming structure. The artefacts are used in different filed in the world; sometimes research fields have also used the artefact in order to make their job perfect. In this case, the researcher is going to use some dataset in order to design an artefact in a proper manner. For developing this artefact SAAS software is used by the researcher, which is hosted in the cloud infrastructure. In the below part the researcher has visualized all the artefact design of cloud computing, with a clear visualization.

Figure 5.1: Dataset import

(Source: Created using JMP software)

Based on the above-mentioned dataset the researcher is going to create the design of the artefact. In order to create the design, the researcher is used the JMP software. JMP software is an analysation tool, which is used by software developers in order to analyze the statistical calculation in a proper manner. With the statistical analysation, they can create the visualization of the dataset which is another part if the analysation. It helps the user to understand the data clearly. In this case, the researcher has chosen the cyber-security related dataset. This dataset contains 14 columns and 1055 rows.

Figure 5.2: Bubble plot

(Source: Created using JMP software)

The above-mentioned image visualized the bubble plot of the data encryption table. In this case, the researcher has created the design of the artefact by using the bubble plot. A bubble plot is one type of scatter plot, where the third dimension is attached. In a scatter plot, the user can only add the two dimensions, but in a bubble plot, the user can added three dimensions. In order to create the above-mentioned image, the researcher has used the data of name_of_coverted_entity and name column. Where name holds the name of the organization and number holds the rank of tube organization.

Figure 5.3: 3D scatter plot

(Source: Created using JMP software)

By using the cyber security dataset the researcher has created the 3D scatter plot, which is visualized in the upper mentioned image. In order to create this visualization, the researcher has used the data of number, column and name column. 3D scatter plot is used to place the data in three axes in order to display the relationship between three variables (Balusamyet al. 2017, p. 570). As the user chooses the user can plot the data for the fourth axes, based on the sizes and colors of the markers. This is mainly used to visualized the relationship between two columns, and the relationship between two columns is known as correlation.

Figure 5.4: Ternary plot

(Source: Created using JMP software)

In figure number 5.4 the researcher has created the ternary plot based on the chosen dataset. The ternary plot is one type of barycentric plot on three variables that sum to a constant. It is used to represent the ratio of 3 variables as positions in an equilateral triangle (Namasudraet al. 2020, p. 539). In this case, the researcher has used the data of the individual affected and the date of the breach.

6.Implementation, testing and validation of artefacts

This process can expand the use of cloud that can go through with the accelerated pace in maintaining the competitive edges (Eltayieb et al. 2019, p. 166). Many situations can transform interactions with customers and employees. The organisations can build a foundation that helps in using innovation and efficiency. The artefacts are a product that is used in software development so that they can create a piece in developing the products. There is a datasheet that is explained according to the cloud computing process to get the proper result.

Figure 6.1: Datasheets for the cloud computing process

(Source: Created using JMP)

It can act as one of the most crucial parts that help in using the process of the entire situations. It can create a complex process that can easily develop the slog part of the process. The data encryption is based on the methods of cloud computing that reflects the various results regarding the entire process. Many images are related to the requirements that include the things of the data that can respond to the scripts with the broad term when it comes to software development.

Figure 6.2: shows the stages of solution

(Source: self-created)

Figure 6.3: Distribution plotting for data encryption

(Source: Created using JMP)

The above image explains the methods of the database distribution that checks the involvement of the cybersecurity process. It can be measured with the weight and proper frequency that can get through the calculations of the entire methods. Many variations are based on the sources for the process (Mollahet al. 2017, p. 39). The entire outline is created according to the graphs for the datasheets. The action can be taken according to the state columns which are created with the help of the encryption methods.

Figure 6.4: Fitting of the graphs

(Source: Created using JMP)

The above image explains the graph that is based on the proper fittings of the X and Y plots. It helps in the creation of the process that is mandatory with the entire methods. These are selected according to the year that is based on the solutions for the entire systems. It can get through the methods for which the numbers are ranked according to the entire purpose. This also explains the weight of the entire methods that explain the proper outline.

Figure 6.5: Text Explorer of Cloud computing in cybersecurity

(Source: Created using JMP)

The above image explains the process of the text explorer that can go through with the entire methods of the cloud computing process. It explains the details about the terms, cases, tokens and a lot more that helps to cover up the entity for the solutions. This can also take the phrase list and text breach that can check the entire counting process. Several variables are included that can go through with the entities of the text explorer (Shynu and Singh, 2018, p. 288). It can also check the individual steps that help in mentioning the entire systems by using the process.

Bitlocker process

This is a process that checks the volume features of the window server. It can go through with the entities that can measure the file volume with the entire database server. This is also based on the party that can steal the whole drive with the proper attachment. This also integrates the process that can check the measurements of the user process in the SQL runner. It can be locked with the entire server process that can create the entire copy with the new sites. There is a server that can take the entire process through which it can go through with the situations. It can break the proper attachment of the entire database.

Working of the BitLocker

This can secure the data that can go through with the entire methods that are having the other encryption model. It can use the windows models that can also help in securing the passwords. These are also having several reasons that can take the place for data encryption. This also chooses the entire security that can create device theft with the proper encryptions. It also helps in capturing the information from the entire serial numbers. This makes sure about the information that can be verified with the respective methods (Al-Janabiet al. 2017, p. 63).

Through this design the researcher is trying to figure out the different unnecessary works which created by hackers to stole valuable information. It can provide safety message to the user. Through this the user can be alert in proper time and take steps to avoid this situation.

7. Critical evaluation

Cloud computing has become the next-generation architecture that can help to reduce the complex systems for the entire enterprise. It decreases the primitives and the common function units that can measure it a thousand times (Hammamiet al. 2017, p. 398). This helps to generate the data as an important factor that can obtain the highest level of privacy. There is an algorithm that can maintain the role of privacy. This can go through with the random testing that is done according to the cloud computing environment. This can go through with the statistical testing that presents the independent platforms of the entire environment.

This process also helps to eliminate the complexity and cost of buying that are based on the building and deployment of the applications. It gets delivered as a service that can be helped through the entire environment. There are encoding algorithms that check the data integrity with the symmetric algorithms by using the different file size of the recording. This helps to get the computation cost that can check the process of the entire payload. It also helps to perform the particular work with the number of observations that can perform the process.

The attacker attempts to break the user of the system that are required in entering the private key. They can also be successful in getting the encrypted data that can access the methods which are possible. This helps to provide strong security in the computer systems that can help in the usage of resources. Many mobile devices are having characteristics with proper restrictions. It increases the less security that cab provides that requires mobile resources with the proper restrictions (Stergiou et al. 2018, p. 175). The victim device can be terminated with the locations that can easily change the mobile device changes. There is a lack of balance between resource usage and security level that needs to be investigated.

Figure 7.1: Encrypting data in the cloud computing process

(Source: Stergiou et al. 2018, p. 175)

The above image is explaining the process of data encryption that is based on key generation. These are connected with the user that can change the encryption scheme. This helps to connect with all the applications that examine the measurements by taking the advantage of the different levels. It can easily slow the network links that can check the situations of the entire process. It can go through separate network connections. It helps in maintaining the illustrations of the traditional algorithms. The published application can select the encryption strength through which the applications are required.

The technology topic receives a positive interpretation that can easily practice science (Fu et al. 2018, p. 2360). Many technical issues can be evaluated easily with detailed analysis. This can be easily operated at the lower cost that goes through the versions at the data centres. It can also scale in the option with the help of the growing traffic that is having the responsibility of most web startups. It can be revealed in the respective articles that checks the proper positions for the respective articles. This can be based on the negative sentiment that can go through with the entire situations of the respective process.

There are many security issues that can be discussed with the fair positions of the entire topics that are related to science. These are having jobs that can take responsibility from the comprehensive process of the clustering algorithm. There are many other descriptions that can help with the systems of the process. This can help to summarize the success factors which are having the basic solutions through the strong research field (Liu, 2020, p. 16751). There can be the following sentence that is required with the respective process so that it can take the entire details. It also helps in notifying the customers with the federal states that can regard the legal actions. There are other concepts that are used for the developing of interconnection security. It can provide a developing process that can deal with the security issues by having the same kind of situations. There are also practitioners who can be more interested in revealing information about marketing actors.

An industry-standard technology can be independent that can be worked with well-based solutions. There is a client to the server that can encrypt the packers with the digital solution of the products. It can get proper communications that can be secured that are allowing the administrators. This is how it implements the entire process that can go through with the entire systems of the cloud computing process (Ning et al. 2017, p. 95).

Through the help of key generation the researcher can connected the encryption schemes with the help of this software. The entire system is developed a proper communication skill to the users. This will be a new feature which is not exists in the other designs. The clustering algorithm helps to solve this situation and make it better then another one. Quantitative data is used to evaluate this situation. That can help to identify the movements of different users in this particular system. It can make the task easier of the developers.

8. Future plan (milestone 3)

The concept of cloud computing has become a fundamental requirement for the organisation, the concept of cloud computing is massively rising in India’s current days. Many companies use cloud computing for their preparation of financial reports. The organization is expanding their understanding with enormous benefits of the software which effectively produces financial statements. It decreases the workload on the management and lead to migrate entire application on cloud. The effect of Covid-19 has increased the ability of the technology to provide better service for the organisation. The cloud helps to focus on the goal of providing benefits and improving flexibility as well as the performance of organisation. In future the technology will solve the complex ability and it leads to improve the condition of the business. The future plan of the implementation of this software is to provide more flexibility in the computation of various financial statements which will be easier for the organisation to analyse its profit as well as success (Joshi and Shah, 2019, p.420). The cloud computing is expensive and powerful hotels to grow the future and it leads to provide many benefits to the company. The computing regarding cloud is cost-effective and it can be used by companies for their improvement in the process of production. The future of the cloud and its computing is bright and it will provide benefits not only to the company as well as its customers. Cloud computing is expensive and powerful which helps to grow the future and leads to many benefits for the company. The computing regarding cloud is cost-effective and it can be used by companies for their improvement in the process of production. The future of the cloud and its computing is bright and it will provide benefits not only to the company as well as its customers.

9. Conclusion 

9.1 Linking with objectives

Linking with objective 1: To identify the advantages of the encryption techniques in cloud computing method

Considering this research report, in chapter 2 of the critical review under the subsection of 2.6, the advantages of cloud computing has been explained in a detailed manner. Basically, “Encryption” is a security process that allows the user to maintain the security of the personal data such that unauthorized individual can access the cloud data of the particular individual. This process of encrypting the cloud storage provides unique credentials to each user such that unauthorized access would be restricted. “Algorithms” are used to encrypt the data like a code, image or text to an unreadable format, only the user would access the data with the help of a unique credential that works as a key.

Linking with objective 2:To analyze various aspects of security that can develop the cloud computing service.

In this research, in chapter 2 of critical review of literature under the subsection of2.5 various ways of encrypting data in cloud storage has been explained in a detailed manner. Application of the Homographic algorithm encryption provides various computational facilities. This algorithm resolves issues related to confidentiality and security.Advanced encryption standard includes a defined block cipher with a symmetric key. The AES Encryption standard is one the widely accepted symmetric encryption algorithms.The “RSA” is the well-encrypted algorithm with asymmetric keys. This key allows various sizes of blocks and keys. This allows the users to differentiate two keys such as private and public keys.

Linking with objective 3:To mitigate the challenges that is emerged in the project related to cloud computing.

The ways to mitigate the challenges of cloud computing has been discussed in chapter 2 of critical review of literature under the subsection of 2.9.The user needs to change the respective login credential such that it is used for accessing the cloud storage. The process of changing the login credential would help to restrict the entry of intruders. The cloud computation includes “unsuccessful errors”, these errors would be debugged by the process of resetting the data encryption factory. To mitigate the error cloud storage needs to be reset then all stored data may get lost. This data loss would be rectified by taking data backup at a regular interval of time. To mitigate these problems that may occur to android phones, flashing new “ROM” would help to mitigate the issue.

Linking with objective 4:To recommend the better encryption method for security method in cloud computing.

Enabling Wireless access to control the Data has been focused in the literature review section that shows use of different wireless network protocols for desired operations. Limited use of Administrative Privilege is very essential for the use to limit the use of admin privilege facility. Automated tools would be used to “inventory” to those administrative user accounts and verify each user's device. Implementation of complex credentials would help to create a strong firewall.The wireless networks have been employed for scanning tools and detection. The detection of wireless traffic at a regular interval of time would help to resolve “unwanted traffic” from the network that has been discussed at chapter 2 of critical review of literature.

9.2 Recommendations

The researcher found many scope to improve the quality of encrypting the cloud computing.

The users of the cloud storage consumer would be ensured with total governance and secured access to the data. The provision of data recovery or data backup in case of any errors would encourage the user to cloud storage in future. The provision of “Boundary defense” in cloud storage would restrict commercial advertisement for the user. This defense system would easily restrict any malicious object that may attack users’ accounts.


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