Evaluation Of The Experience Of Two Research Methods Assignment Sample

Assessing Two Research Methods: An In-depth Evaluation

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Introduction of Evaluation Of The Experience Of Two Research Methods

Introduction to the report

The purpose of this report is to investigate the impact of tourists on local food consumption in UK. Tourism can have a significant influence on the food industry of a destination, affecting the availability, quality, as well as consumption of local food. By understanding tourists' behaviour as well as attitudes towards local food, local businesses in addition to governments can develop strategies to promote local cuisine and enhance the overall tourism experience. To accomplish this, a pilot questionnaire was designed with 10 questions related to the topic. The questionnaire was distributed to 5 fellow students to evaluate the style, form, and content of the questions. Their feedback was used to refine the questionnaire for future research.

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Quantitative And Qualitative Approaches to Research

There are two main types of research methodologies: quantitative and qualitative techniques. While qualitative research concentrates on non-numerical data like words, images, and observations, quantitative research involves gathering and analysing numerical data. When conducting quantitative research, data is typically gathered using surveys, experiments, or other structured methods (Creswell, 2014) Patterns and relationships are then found using statistical analysis. Research questions are intended to be answered precisely and objectively using quantitative methods, and results can be applied to larger populations. Comparatively, qualitative research includes data collection using techniques including focus groups, interviews, and observations, and analysis is frequently done through coding and theme analysis (Bazeley, 2018) The goal of qualitative research is to investigate subjective experiences and viewpoints. Results are frequently context-dependent and difficult to generalise. The research topic, the amount of data available, and the study objectives all influence which technique should be used because each has advantages and disadvantages. To give a more thorough grasp of the study issue, a mixed-methodologies strategy that includes both quantitative and qualitative methods might be employed (Bryman, 2016).


Interviewing as research

A research method called interviewing includes questioning people or groups of people to get information directly from them. Face-to-face, telephone, and internet interviews can all be done, and they can be either organised or unstructured. In qualitative research, interviews are frequently used to gather information on subjects like attitudes, opinions, and experiences that cannot be quantified. The use of interviews as a research method has a number of benefits. First and foremost, interviews provide researchers the chance to learn in-depth details about a subject from the perspective of the interviewee. These details may be in-depth and offer perceptions into the interviewee's experiences and beliefs. Second, interviews provide researchers the chance to follow up on replies to get more details and go into subjects they may not have previously considered. Finally, interviews can help researchers to establish rapport with the interviewee, which can result in more honest and open responses (Rubin, 2012) Nevertheless, there are some drawbacks to using interviews as a research method. First of all, conducting interviews may be time-consuming and costly, especially if they are done face-to-face. Second, because of social desirability bias or worry about consequences, respondents could be reluctant to express their genuine beliefs or experiences. Thirdly, the researcher's own prejudices and views may have an impact on the interviewing process and the results. Interviewing is a useful research approach that can offer insightful information on an interest issue despite its limits. Researchers can utilise interviews to get a comprehensive knowledge of people's experiences and viewpoints, which they can then use to guide future studies or policy choices(Rossman, 2014).

Evaluation of the interview

The above-created interview questions are well-designed and include pertinent subjects on how visitors to the UK affect local food consumption. The questions are succinct and straightforward, and the answer scales and categories are acceptable. Additionally, the questions are open-ended, enabling participants to provide thorough answers. The given interview questions can be categorised under both open-ended and closed-ended questions. The individual study topic and objectives will determine which style of question to utilise; both open-ended and closed-ended questions have advantages and disadvantages. Closed-ended questions can yield more organised and quantitative data but may exclude crucial subtleties and details, whereas open-ended questions can yield more personal, in-depth replies but might take more time to analyse. The best method for getting thorough data may be a combination of both sorts of questions (Dillman, 2014).

The interviewer's personal bias or impact on the participant's replies is one possible problem during an interview. This may be avoided by making sure the interviewer is impartial and does not direct the participant's answers (Kvale, 2016). Another problem that could arise during the delivery of the questionnaire is the potential for participants to misinterpret the questions and provide false answers. This may be avoided by making sure the questions are simple to comprehend, staying away from jargon and technical terms, and using examples where necessary (Dillman, Smyth, & Christian, 2014). Timing during an interview may also be difficult since candidates may feel pressured or confined in their answers. This may be resolved by giving the interview enough time and making sure the participant is at peace (Kvale, 2016). The prospect of participants giving false information on the questionnaire owing to social desirability bias, in which individuals give information they think the researcher wants to hear rather than their real ideas or experiences, also arose as a possible problem. This can be resolved by guaranteeing respondents' anonymity and confidentiality and highlighting the value of truthful and accurate replies (Dillman, Smyth, & Christian, 2014). In order to ensure the validity and reliability of the data gathered, it is crucial to identify and handle any possible difficulties that may arise during the administration of interviews and questionnaires.

Theoretical Problem and Advantages

The theoretical drawbacks and benefits of using interviews as a research method can have a big impact on how accurate and reliable the data is that is gathered.

The ability to obtain rich and thorough information about participants' ideas, feelings, and experiences is one of the key benefits of conducting interviews. When exploring complex and delicate subjects, this level of depth can be especially helpful because it can reveal information about participants' motivations and perspectives that may not be easily captured by other research techniques (Rubin & Rubin, 2012). However, when using interviews as a research method, there are also theoretical issues that came up. Bias among interviewers is one potential concern. This can happen when the interviewer's personal traits, opinions, or views affect the replies they get from participants. The validity of the study findings may be hampered as a result of erroneous or inadequate data being obtained (Fontana & Frey, 2000). The social desirability bias issue is yet another possible concern. Participants can do this by changing their comments to reflect a more favourable view of themselves or to reflect what they perceive to be socially acceptable attitudes or ideas. This can be particularly difficult when discussing sensitive subjects since people can be afraid to express their genuine views (Kvale, 2016). The topic of reflexivity is another theoretical conundrum. The possible influence of the researcher's own opinions, values, and presumptions on the research process is discussed here. Researchers must be conscious of their own biases and how they could affect the data they gather, and they must take precautions to reduce these impacts (Finlay, 2002). Despite the fact that interviews can yield rich, in-depth information on the experiences and perspectives of participants, there are theoretical issues that could compromise the quality and dependability of the data gathered. To guarantee that the data gathered is as accurate and trustworthy as possible, researchers need to be aware of these problems and take action to reduce their influence.


Introduce using Questionnaires as a research technique

In the social sciences, questionnaires are a common research method for gathering structured data from a large number of people. Participants are asked to answer a series of questions on a pre-designed questionnaire as part of this self-reporting technique. A variety of methods, including postal mail, email, online surveys, and in-person interviews, can be used to distribute the questionnaire. Surveys may be used for a variety of research projects, including examining participant attitudes, beliefs, behaviours, demographics, and preferences (Babbie, 2016). The fact that questionnaires are time and money-efficient is one of their key benefits. Without using a lot of resources, it enables researchers to get data from a lot of people in a short amount of time. Additionally, it gives participants anonymity, which may result in more truthful and objective responses(Bryman, 2016) Additionally, it is simple to standardise questionnaires so that every respondent sees the same set of inquiries, which facilitates data comparison and analysis. However, there are some theoretical issues with questionnaires as well. The legitimacy and dependability of the data gathered are among the primary issues. The reliability of a questionnaire relates to the consistency of replies across various groups or time periods, whereas the validity of a questionnaire refers to whether the questions are measuring what they are trying to measure (Oppenheim, 2022). In spite of these difficulties, questionnaires are nonetheless a useful research method in the social sciences. To overcome the limits of questionnaires, researchers can use a variety of techniques, including pilot testing the questionnaire, combining data from other sources, and statistical approaches for data analysis. In general, questionnaires can offer detailed information that can be used to answer research questions and guide decision-making in a variety of sectors (Tourangeau,2000).

Evaluate the Questionnaire

The purpose of the specially created questionnaire is to look at how visitors affect local food consumption. There are 10 questions in the survey, 10 of which are open-ended and 6 of which are closed-ended. While the closed-ended questions are meant to collect specific information and aid in statistical analysis, the open-ended questions are meant to elicit thorough and personalised responses from the participants.

Participants are initially asked how frequently they travel there for tourism-related objectives. This inquiry is crucial because it reveals how frequently visitors visit the region and their possible influence on the consumption of local foods. The second question asks participants how many meals they eat each day while they are visiting the area being polled. This inquiry is crucial because it reveals the typical number of meals eaten and the potential market for locally produced foods. Participants are questioned on how frequently they eat local cuisine when visiting in the third question. This question is very important because it reveals the level of interest that tourists have in experiencing the local cuisine as well as the demand for local food. The fourth question seeks to pinpoint the elements—such as accessibility, cost, quality, advantages to health, flavour, and environmental concerns—that people consider when deciding whether or not to eat locally produced food. This inquiry is crucial because it reveals potential obstacles to purchasing local food and suggests solutions. Participants are questioned about their normal daily spending on meals throughout their stay in the fifth and final question. This is a crucial issue since it reveals the potential market for regional cuisine and the price range that visitors are ready to spend. The sixth query examines if eating local cuisine improves the overall visitor experience. This inquiry is important because it reveals the effect of regional cuisine on the whole visitor experience and determines if it can be utilised to promote the location. Participants are questioned on their attempts to create local cuisine after tasting it at a restaurant in the seventh question. This question is crucial because it reveals the level of interest that tourists have in discovering local food and maybe cooking it themselves. Participants are questioned about the significance of local dining alternatives when visiting a new place in the seventh question. This inquiry is crucial because it reveals the level of interest in regional cuisine and the degree to which it may be leveraged to promote the area as a travel destination. The ninth question asks respondents if they have observed any changes in the quantity or calibre of nearby food alternatives in the survey area over the previous few years. This question is crucial since it reveals any alterations to the local food industry and their possible effects on visitors' experiences. The tenth and last question seeks to determine possible actions that regional organisations and authorities might take to encourage tourists to eat more regional cuisine. The questionnaire is well-designed overall and fully responds to the research topic. The questionnaire does have some possible drawbacks, though. For instance, some of the questions, like the one concerning the variables affecting the choice to eat local food, may be open to interpretation.

What questions worked well, what didn't

The questions on how often you visit, how often you eat local food, what influences your decision to eat local food, and how important it is to have local food alternatives were rated as clear and effective by your fellow students. However, some students thought the question was ambiguous and unclear when it came to the recent changes in the quantity and calibre of local food options. A few students also proposed include an open-ended question to encourage more thorough and unique solutions. The questionnaire was thought to be well-designed overall, but there was some space for improvement.

What are the theoretical, problems /advantages

The above-mentioned questionnaire's theoretical benefit is that it enables the collecting of quantitative data from a sizable sample, which is then easily analysed to spot patterns and trends. Theoretically, respondents could not provide accurate responses because of social desirability bias or a misunderstanding of the questions. In addition, the questionnaire only covers the topics covered in the questions and could not give a thorough grasp of the study issue. It is crucial to carefully develop the questionnaire, pre-test it on a small sample of respondents, and employ follow-up interviews or focus groups to get a deeper understanding of the subject in order to overcome these concerns.


The questionnaire and interviewing are the two procedures that may be employed in the aforementioned research. These techniques can work in tandem to offer a thorough picture of how tourists affect local food consumption.

The questionnaire may be given to a sizable sample of travellers to get information on their eating habits, including how frequently they eat local cuisine, what influences their choice to do so, and how much they normally spend each day on food while visiting. The questionnaire can also collect information on how important local dining alternatives are to visitors and how they felt about their trip overall. On the other hand, interviews with a smaller sample of visitors can be done to learn more about their eating habits and experiences. The motives and decision-making processes of visitors when it comes to consuming local foods, as well as their impressions of how tourists affect local food consumption, may all be learned through interviews. Researchers can triangulate the data and learn more about the study topic by combining the two methodologies. The interviews can give qualitative data on the underlying reasons and experiences that underlie these behaviours, whilst the questionnaire can provide quantitative data on the prevalence of particular food consumption patterns.


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  • Bazeley, P. (2018). Qualitative data analysis: Practical strategies. Sage publications.
  • Bryman, A. (2016). Social research methods. Oxford University Press.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach. Sage publications.
  • Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D., & Christian, L. M. (2014). Internet, phone, mail, and mixed-mode surveys: The tailored design method. John Wiley & Sons.
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  • Finlay, L. (2002). Negotiating the swamp: The opportunity and challenge of reflexivity in research practice. Qualitative Research, 2(2), 209-230.
  • Kvale, S. (2016). Interviews: An introduction to qualitative research interviewing. Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Oppenheim, A. N. (2022). Questionnaire design, interviewing, and attitude measurement. Continuum.
  • Rubin, H. J., & Rubin, I. S. (2012). Qualitative interviewing: The art of hearing data. Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Tourangeau, R., Rips, L. J., & Rasinski, K. (2000). The psychology of survey response. Cambridge University Press.
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