Material Digital Technologies Assignment Sample

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Material Digital Technologies Assignment

Part 1

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Dodd-Frank 1502 is an insufficient answer for an emergency that has nothing do with mineral abundance except for everything to do with bombed initiative, absence of political will, and bungle of public assets. Any significant assessment of the effect of this regulation should initially recognize this reality. Over the last few decades the global fitness which have investigated the connectivity links between the lucrative trades in tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold also have to go through the issues at Congo for conflict. The conflict regarding for the minerals has involved several countries in the central Africa and whereas due to this several deaths has occurred which was predetermined and the conflict in Congo is difficult to understand as it supports through political tensions along with ethnic grievances and disputes over the land. In the year 2016, there was a record tracking of extracted out an about 38 US$ million dollar from at a region of Congo and the communities. After mining the natural minerals from Congo they had taken place into supply chain globally and after these considerations they had spread the manufacturing principle and hence they produced industrial and consumer products. Above all the “conflict minerals” provision which is commonly known as section 1502 Dodd Frank act. And this acts in the year 2010 the US govt. has set rule according to the list of the companies for their supply chain strategy.

Aimed at members of the general public:

The main and crucial matter is that some of the members are unable to accept the full considerations of the Dodd Frank Act 1502 though the US authorities have given access for lending and whereas also put restrictions due to for the financial industry and also making of the programs in order to terminate the mortgage organization with including the lenders from taking the advantages of the consumers. Dodd Frank has already produced serious protocols which has enabled by the government in order to regulate, maintain in a more organized manner for enforcing the laws against of the banks and as well as for the other financial institution’s.

Explaining arguments for and against the sections repeal:

The most and far reaching for the Wall Street which reform previously, Dodd Frank Act will prevent the excessive risk taking strategies which led towards the financial crisis. The law which has acquired with common sense protections for the American families along with creating customer in order to measure the mortgage organization and the lenders from exploiting the consumers. The one thing is that the biggest disadvantage or the negligence for Dodd Frank Act towards the neglected address for the consequences like mortgage industry giants such as Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae which were both the epicenter of the crisis and enhance to dominate the finance market and whereas the government guarantees or owns maximum no of home loans.

 Dodd Frank Act


The above figure is on the characterizations of the digital material technology and its considerations for it. Any kind of learning through the internet can be called digital learning and for suitable selection of the digital materials (Damsa, 2019). The above figure is classified into five groups and from which an approximate idea could be extracted. To discuss more efficiently there are an eight digital transformation technologies which are enlisted at below;

  1. AI Artificial Intelligence.
  2. AR Augmented Reality
  3. Blockchain
  4. Drones
  5. IoT Internet of things.
  6. Enhancing in Robotics
  7. VR Virtual Reality
  8. 2d, 3d printing

All of the above points have usual meanings when it comes to distinguishing with the other materials for different functionalities. One thing is that digital material technology has a long way to go or it can be determined as a never ending process (Krymov et al. 2019). The technology has transformed on a regular basis and now the world has acquired the importance of digital material technology.

Part 3

Basically to me Dodd Frank Act 1502 has a greater importance when comes to rationalize each of the factors consequently and to be more specific the reason behind this act is by creating the consumer financial protection bureau which are assigned to protect the consumers from predatory and deceptive financial practices by confirming the banking principles, student loan and mortgage mechanism involvement and whereas the credit card organization manipulate the set of instructions or rules. By through researching the article I have gained that there are approximately five areas under the Dodd Frank Act such area below;

  1. Resolution authority.
  2. Systematic risk and its maintenance.
  3. Rule of Volcker.
  4. Consumer protection.

The Dodd-Frank Act (completely known as the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act) is a United States administrative regulation that places guidelines of the monetary business in the possession of the public authority. The regulation, which was sanctioned in July 2010, made monetary administrative cycles to restrict risk by implementing straightforwardness and accountability.



Damsa, C.I., 2019. Learning with digital technologies in higher education. Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology9(1).

Krymov, S., Kolgan, M., Suvorova, S. and Martynenko, O., 2019, March. Digital technologies and transformation of modern retail. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 497, No. 1, p. 012126). IOP Publishing.

Obukhova, A., Merzlyakova, E., Ershova, I. and Karakulina, K., 2020. Introduction of digital technologies in the enterprise. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 159, p. 04004). EDP Sciences.

Travush, V.I., Belostosky, A.M. and Akimov, P.A., 2018, December. Contemporary Digital Technologies in Construction Part 2: About Experimental & Field Studies, Material Sciences, Construction Operations, BIM and “Smart” City. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 456, No. 1, p. 012030). IOP Publishing.

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