Organisational Culture,Team Working & Motivation Assignment Sample

The Visual Reflection of Culture in Architecture and Societies: Motivation techniques and cooperation to achieve goals and apply concepts of organizational behavior.

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1. Introduction Of Organisational Culture, Team Working & Motivation Assignment

The influence of culture is reflected to be visual in many qualified places such as in what the people say, what they think, in societies and also in the work of architecture. Motivation is also reflected to be an important norm that is effectively going to help in setting clear goals and encouraging the norms of teamwork. This report is going to analyse the influence of politics, culture and power on the behaviour of other individuals based on an organisation context. Furthermore, this report is also going to analyse the norms of motivation and demonstrate a reflective understanding of how to effectively cooperate with other individuals. The application of philosophies and concepts based on organisational behaviour is effectively applied to one of the biggest multinational companies in the world which is Google Inc.

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2. Influence of power, politics and culture

The influence of culture is effectively classified by power, person and task that has been assigned. As per the view of (Naevestad, et al., 2019), the power of culture is reflected to be the form of a spider's web. Furthermore, it is also reflected to be one of the most crucial aspects that are located inside the centre and a system of shared beliefs which has effectively been developed by regulating the behavioural levels of every employee. As referred to by (Jani?ijevi?, et al., 2018), there are reflected to be four forms of culture inside Handy’s model which are implied by the following:

  • Power culture: Inside the power culture there is reflected to be very few people inside the organisation that effectively takes the decisions and makes qualified rules. In addition, these people are reflected to be present in a higher level of authority inside an organisation such as the director and the board members. On the other hand, the subordinates do not incur any form of power and they are bound to follow the orders that are laid out by the higher authority. However, there are times when an individual is qualified to incur higher forms of power they tend to misuse their given power and makes the working environment very negative. Hence, if the norms of power are given to talented people then they can effectively take accurate and correct decisions and undermine the welfare levels of the other employees and workers.
  • Task culture: As referred by (Storme, et al., 2017), task culture is based on the levels and skillset of the workers and employees in the organisations that assign the task. There is an effective team that is created which is following their qualification levels. Every team member incurs equal and qualified power to take a decision. Furthermore, task culture helps in enhancing both the team and individual's working performance. This also impacts the positive norm and performance of the firm, and the individuals become very confident and very positive towards their brand.
  • Person Culture: As opined by (Gebauer, et al., 2020), inside the norms of person culture every employee inside an organisation is designated to work independently. They also have the power to take their decisions for their own and qualified benefit inside an organisation. In addition, this culture helps in increasing the performance of an individual and they effectively have definite rights to take their qualified and informed decision.
  • Role culture: As referred by (Lazzeretti, 2022), inside the role culture an organisation incurs definite responsibilities and roles according to their interest levels. Furthermore, inside this culture, the overall performance of an employee and the team members is effectively increased due to their responsibilities and hard work. They are also designated to work independently for achieving a unified organisation goal. Google Inc. effectively follows the role culture which ultimately helps in creating an informal environment and incurs fewer rates of conflicts. In addition, every employee inside the company works indecently in contributing to the overall success levels of Google’s business goal (Google, 2020).

Culture-difference awareness is also reflected to be an important derivative and concept that helps in raising awareness levels in schools and workplaces based on ethnic, racial and cultural groups (, 2021). Google Inc. effectively supports the programs of cultural diversity and their reflective ideas that are working towards the development process of the company (Google, 2020). Furthermore, cultural diversity also helps in playing a qualified and crucial role based on the business units. Whenever an individual is aware of the overall cultural differences and their effective values then it also helps in undermining the viewpoint of other individuals. This helps in developing the norms of healthy relationships. In addition, if people are effectively aware of the cultural aspects then it is also going to help in minimising the confusion and conflicts that are recurring inside a workplace.

Politics and power are also reflected to be an important derivatives when it comes to organisational development. It helps in summarising that behavioural tendencies, power and politics are reflected to be the basic needs of groups and individuals. As referred by (Turnhout, et al., 2020), companies utilise the norms of politics and power to control their individuals and members by preserving and maintaining them. Power is reflected to be the form of capacity to influence the overall behavioural aspects of other individuals. It can also be defined as the controlling behaviour of the person that effectively influences the behavioural levels of the employee. The positive norms of power are reflected in a term in which the higher authorities utilise their power positively and treat the other workers without any form of bias. On the other hand, (Las Heras, 2018), stated that politics is referred to a variety of organisational activities that are effectively associated with the influence of tactics and for improving the organisational and personal interests. In addition, it can also be defined as the "utilisation of power" by the company's management for making qualified changes inside the organisation. It can be due to personal needs or for the firm as well. Furthermore, the organisational policies effectively help in supporting the benefits that cannot be effectively achieved without effectively having the overall norms of controlling behaviour.

The positive influence of politics is when a company's management does not play politics and gives the designated rewards to the employees based on their overall business performance. Furthermore, this kind of politics is effectively going to help in motivating the employee and raise their levels of satisfaction. In addition, in this way the individual is also going to perform well inside the organisation and is going to be loyal towards Google (Google, 2020). On the other hand, (Utych, 2018) stated the negative influence of politics is that when the higher authorities promote the norms of favouritism then during this situations the employees are designated to become negative and will not like to effectively work inside the company's large time frames. Furthermore, this is also going to affect the levels of performance and is going to make them more negative towards the brand.

The influence of power is also reflected to be effectively incurred inside a workplace and if Google's management utilises their norms of power in negative forms manner for transferring, demoting, or denying any form of raise then it can create definite conflict or the rates of grievances among the team members and individuals. Furthermore, this is also going to affect the willingness and attitude to perform tasks due to the usage of negative power by the hierarchy inside the company. As per "Hofstede's dimension of culture application and theory" it has been reflected that power and values not only impact the people and their levels but also reflect upon the potentiality derivations and behaviour when it is effectively placed inside a “work-associated context” (CFI, 2021). Furthermore, the dimension of "power distance" is required to be laid and practised by the companies which effectively helps in expressing the extent levels of the members who are reflected to be less powerful inside the society and accept the overall distribution of power that unequally takes place. On an overall basis, it has been laid clear that Google Inc. effectively follows the norms of culture, power and politics and treats its employees in a qualified manner. Furthermore, the company also expects to increase the cultural norms inside the internal environment of the organisation for meeting its targeted business goals during an accounting period.

3. Motivate the individuals and achieve goals

A motivated workforce is reflected to be a productive workforce and it is in the best and qualified interests of an organisation in ensuring that the company's workforce is effectively motivated and updated. As per the view of (Rožman, et al., 2017), one of the primary things that are required to be kept in mind is that every employee inside an organisation is required to be felt valued. This can be effectively performed in many ways such as by providing effective opportunities based on development and training, offering financial incentives and by effectively showcasing the appreciation towards the good work that has been done by them. Hence, it becomes very crucial and essential for any managers to be effectively able to motivate their "teams and individuals" for achieving the best and most qualified organisational goals during an accounting period. As opined by (Burnett & Lisk, 2019), a motivated workplace is reflected to be a more productive derivation and is effectively aligned with the best and qualified interests of a business firm or an organisation. In this case, Google Inc. incurs surveys and performance appraisal derivation for making their employees motivated throughout their working tenure. Furthermore, the company also effectively incurs attractive pension schemes and insurance policies for their employees which makes the workers motivated and thorough towards the company in achieving a qualified business goal (Google, 2020).

One of the most important and qualified derivatives that can help in ensuring that organisations are required to maintain so that their employees effectively feel motivated towards the organisation is by incurring clear norms of understanding of what is effectively expected towards something that is reflected to be worthwhile. In addition, it is also important that they are effectively kept updated with the overall developments within the internal and external phases of the organisation. As stated by (McIver, et al., 2018), it also becomes an important reflection that creates a strong and positive form of working environment where the employees feel effectively comfortable and happy. This also means that providing support and adequate facilities helps in making sure that the workplace is effectively destined to be healthy and a safe environment. Hence, by taking these measurements managers inside an organisation can effectively help in ensuring that the employees and the company's workforce are effectively productive and motivated while they also work towards the goal of the organisation during an accounting period. As per the motivational theory based on leadership and management within the organisations, it is reflected that motivating the employees is reflected to be a primary responsibility based on the management and motivated management effectively helps in enabling the rates of job satisfaction and output range from the employees.

As opined by (Badubi, 2017), there are always greater deals of motivation from both the perspectives of management and psychology rates. According to the psychological motivation theory, management is reflected to be in a very difficult position in effectively identifying and regulatory fulfilling the wants and the needs of differentiated employees who also requires motivational assistance. Furthermore, the managers may also effectively rely on tools for steering the motivation and its directions. Furthermore, this also includes positive and negative reinforcements based on negative and positive punishments. Google Inc. effectively follows the norms of incentives, pension schemes and psychological derivations for their employees to effectively motivate their workforce and employees in general. This makes the company's employees stay motivated throughout the working tenure which in turn increases the goodwill valuation and financial performance of the company in every accounting period.

4. Cooperate effectively with other individuals

While working in groups, individuals effectively share knowledge, experiences, and modes of inspiration. As referred by (Redhead, et al., 2021), each individual has different weaknesses and strengths and if it is used correctly then teamwork is going to be a reflective combination of strengths among the members. In addition, teamwork is also effectively going to help in accelerating and completing the qualified goals. Furthermore, for improving the rate of effectiveness and reducing harm while working inside a team, members are going to be well equipped with the knowledge of factors that can have a negative and positive impact. Some of the factors that effectively influence and improve the levels of cooperation are as follows:

  • Diversity: As opined by (Puritty, et al., 2017), when the team members incur the same style of knowledge and have a similar work style then it becomes very certain that will be in trouble very quickly. The positive influence of diversity is reflected to be a form of problem that is going to be seen in differentiated ways. They can have differentiated ideas to solve a problem and it becomes very possible to exchange the norms of knowledge and rates of experiences between the different fields. Hence, during an established group managers are required to try and incur the norms of diversity by balancing the individuals based on their choice and various factors such as experience, gender and race.
  • Hard and soft communication: Communication is also reflected to be an important skill in an individual's life. It can effectively be developed into hard and soft skills hence it becomes very important to work alongside the groups. As per the view (Dean, 2017), soft and hard communication is reflected to be a way for the team members to effectively talk between themselves. In addition, hard communication is a form of communication which is effectively expressed through presentations, speeches and text. Whereas, soft communication is effectively considered to be a regular form of communication between team members. Google Inc. reflects that soft communication is designated to be an important derivative inside the company's internal environment and this ability effectively helps the company's team members to communicate and for avoiding the form of conflicts (Google, 2020).
  • Competition and cooperation: By forming a regulated group we can effectively ensure that a working group inside a company can design and cooperate effectively but this also does not mean that the group is going to be stable. Inside the work, people incur a definite and competitive mindset to incur qualified and better results which in turn can bring the norms of benefits to the overall work efficiency as it effectively helps in motivating the team members. However, if there is more consensus of cooperation among the team members of a group, then the team members are designated to incur more rates and factors of motivation while facing designated problems. In addition, when the team members compete outside their capability then the overall spirit of the group is negatively going to be affected inside an organisation.

According to Tuckman's team development model, it has been reflected that in the virtual world if any team stays collectively together then over time things are going to change and develop (BB, 2020). However, Tuckman has also mentioned that three major issues are effectively going to help in determining the performance levels of a team. They are emotions, process and content, where the content helps in revealing what a team does, the forms of the process help in undermining how a team effectively work towards the feelings and objectives, while the feelings and emotions effectively relate to how the team members feel for one another (BB, 2020). Some of the primary benefits that companies and organisations opt to work as a team rather than working individually are because it effectively helps in incurring better solutions. As stated by (Kumar, et al., 2019), functional structure is reflected to be a function where each team member inside a company incurs differentiated tasks. In addition, the primary strength of this process is that the members can be effectively clear about their overall work functions and has professional experience in their work. Furthermore, each member is designated to be under the control of the leader and is not effectively influenced by other team members. On the other hand, it also incurs major weakness as this derivation becomes very difficult to manage for the managers and the supervisors.

Matrix structure is also reflected to be a major derivative that effectively helps in exchanging between the groups inside a project. As referred by (Kishore, et al., 2019), the primary advantage of the matrix structure is that employees inside an organisation are required to be accountable to every group they effectively work for. Furthermore, it also helps in promoting the norms of collaboration among the qualified groups. On the other hand, the primary disadvantage of this structure is that when employees work for differentiated groups they can be embarrassed to receive more than one order from different managers. In addition, if the project is complex then it can incur unidentified costs for the company. Hence, it becomes very important that each member of a team is required to be responsible for their work and is required to initiate the norms of communication into their professional and personal life.

5. Philosophies and concepts of organisational behaviour

Path-goal theory is reflected to be a theory that is based on defining the style and behaviour of a manager that is most suited to the work environment and for achieving a qualified business goal. As referred by (Bans-Akutey, 2021), the primary purpose of this theory is to motivate the company's employees and give them levels of satisfaction so that they can empower them to become qualified and loyal members. Furthermore, this theory is also effectively concerned with enhancing the norms of motivation for the employees and also helps in suggesting that effective leaders can ultimately enhance their rates of employee motivation by making their employees more aware of the designated job roles and by rewarding them ethically after completing the allocated or assigned job. However, managers are required to incur the correct approach and style for their employees with the help of the following approaches:

  • Directive leadership: This form effectively helps in explaining what the leader expects from their subordinates by rolling out specified instructions, standards and plans.
  • Supportive Leadership: his form of leadership effectively incurs the norms of fair dealing with the employees. In addition, managers are required to pay regulated attention to the wants and needs of their employees and effectively encourage them.

Due to the constant changes in globalisation organisations are required to keep up but due to various factors, the companies have not changed their working structure. This is due to the following factors:

  • Power: Power is reflected to be the first and primary issue and any form of change in the power system can create effective competition for the position inside an organisation.
  • Function Orientation: Different parts always incur different functions hence while looking into a similar problem the employees can incur different viewpoints and can incur the norms of inconsistency.
  • Mechanical Structure: Every employee inside this structure behaves in a very regulated and predictable way so that the changes cannot be avoided.
  • Organisational structure: As stated by (Bowers, et al., 2017), breaking the culture of an organisation is going to cause effective damage based on the organisation's structure and values. Furthermore, when a manager is reflected to be too conservative based on the old values they are going to fail in discovering new growth opportunities.
  • Habits: Inside Google Inc., some employees effectively going to like the new pieces of stuff while other employees stick to the old tasks (Google, 2020). However, the trend of employees is resistant to change and when they change they are required to work hard to accommodate their norms of innovation.

When I was in a communication class I have been assigned to lead a group of three members. My task was to introduce a reflective overview of the city such as the travel destinations and food venues. During the task division, I tried to listen to the viewpoints of the others and gave them the option to choose their designated likings and tasks and tried to create a comfortable working environment. I motivated my team members and corrected their mistakes along the way and the result has been successful as our team managed to meet the expectations of the lecturer.

6. Conclusion

This report has concluded the influence of politics, power and culture on the behavioural levels inside the context of Google Inc. It has been summarised that culture, politics and power are directly proportional to each other and every organisation and its employees are recommended to follow the norms of these derivatives for achieving a unified organisational goal and also for avoiding the norms of conflicts. Furthermore, this report has also concluded that motivation and the norms of leadership are very important based on the viewpoint of managers and leaders of an organisation. After the successful completion of this report, students can incur varied knowledge about the overall organisational behaviour and can effectively know how to work in groups and avoid making mistakes.


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