Design & Simulation Of Ammonia Cracking Device Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Design & Simulation Of Ammonia Cracking Device Assignment

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The design and analysis of ammonia cracker is modeled into Catia software and its respective results are analyzed with using of Ansys fluent flow. This device used to separate hydrogen and nitrogen with help of cracker device. The hydrogen and nitrogen gas is separated with after performing chemical reactions in the device. The results are simulated with using of Ansys fluent flow for evaluating maximum pressure, velocity and mass flux that is acting on the ammonia cracker device.

2.0 Results and analysis

The CAD model designed is supplied fluid region with defining its inlet and outlet boundary conditions. The designed model is then analyzed for meshing process in which quality of meshing is taken as high.

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Meshing of ammonia cracker

(Source: Self-created in Ansys fluent flow)

The above figure shows meshing process that is carried out for designed model. The meshing structure and element size can be analyzed from above figure. The size of meshing is taken as 0.1 m while overall length of model is 2 m.

 Mesh skewness analysis

(Source: Self-created in Ansys fluent flow)

The above figure shows the enhanced meshing quality of the designed model with help of skewness that is analyzed for the above model. The maximum skewness analyzed for the body is 0.84 while minimum is analyzed as 5.002 in above figure. This skewness ratio describes the deviation of meshing elements from each other after performing meshing operation process in Ansys.

The solution setup is then prepared with providing boundary condition at the inlet and outlet of model. The material at inlet is selected as ammonia and at outlet it will come out as hydrogen during the combustion process and chemical reaction that is carried out in Ansys software (Alrebei et al 2022). The inlet mass flow rate is provided as 0.425 kg/s while at outlet mass flow rate is analyzed as 0.0375 kg/s and this is used as boundary condition that is provided on the Ansys software. The initialization of solution process is done and simulation process is run and results are analyzed with help of Ansys software. After performing required number of iterations, the solution is converged and results are analyzed in Ansys software. The fluctuation of mass flow rate is analyzed at each iteration with help of graphical representation.

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 Mass flow rate of fluid within device

(Source: Self-created in Ansys fluent flow)

The above figure shows mass flow rate graph that is analyzed after simulation process in Ansys software. The maximum mass flow mass flow rate analyzed is 0.6 kg/s and minimum mass flow rate analyzed is 0.1 kg/s. The graphical representation shows the value of analyzed mass flow rate in Ansys software. 

The results are evaluated for analyzing velocity vector, velocity and pressure contour, streamline flow and mass flux contour plot in Ansys software.

 Velocity vector plot for ammonia cracker

(Source: Self-created in Ansys fluent flow)

The maximum magnitude of velocity analyzed is 16.1 m/s/. This velocity is analyzed along the outlet section of the ammonia cracker from where hydrogen gas comes out. This means hydrogen gas comes out with velocity of 16.1 m/s and this can cause damage to the body of ammonia cracker as there is maximum velocity.

 Velocity contour plot for designed model

(Source: Self-created in Ansys fluent flow)

The maximum velocity analyzed is 15.96 m/s and this contour plot shows variation of velocity on all over the body of ammonia cracker. The contour plot shows that maximum velocity will be analyzed along the outlet section of the ammonia cracker and hence there is a chance that body will start to fail from that section under the effect of fluid flow.

 Pressure contour plot for model

(Source: Self-created in Ansys fluent flow)

The pressure contour plot is analyzed and maximum pressure is foundalong the outlet section from hydrogen comes out from the device. The maximum pressure analyzed is 123.20 KPa and minimum pressure analyzed is 1.05 Pa.

 Mass flux contour plot

(Source: Self-created in Ansys fluent flow)

The mass flux contour plot is analyzed for ammonia cracker device and maximum mass flux analyzed is 9424 kg/s/m^2.0 while minimum is analyzed is negligible.

3.0 Conclusion

The design and analysis of ammonia cracker is carried with total length of model in about 2 m. The results are analyzed with the help of Ansys software to evaluate maximum pressure, velocity and mass flux acting on the ammonia cracker device. The meshing section is analyzed with help of aspect ratio. The results are analyzed for mass flux contour, pressure contour and velocity vector flow in Ansys software.

Reference list


Alboshmina, N., 2019. Ammonia cracking with heat transfer improvement technology (Doctoral dissertation, Cardiff University).

Alrebei, O.F., Le Page, L.M., Hewlett, S., Bice, Y. and Amahmed, A., 2022. Numerical investigation of a first-stage stator turb

Franco, M.C., Rocha, R.C., Costa, M. and Yehia, M., 2021. Characteristics of NH3/H2/air flames in a combustor fired by a swirl and bluff-body stabilized burner. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute38(4), pp.5129-5138.

Ganeshkumar, S., Kumar, S.D., Magarajan, U., Rajkumar, S., Arulmurugan, B., Sharma, S., Li, C., Ilyas, R.A. and Badran, M.F., 2022. Investigation of Tensile Properties of Different Infill Pattern Structures of 3D-Printed PLA Polymers: Analysis and Validation Using Finite Element Analysis in ANSYS. Materials15(15), p.5142.

Maleki, H., Fulton, M. and Bertola, V., 2021. Kinetic assessment of H2 production from NH3 decomposition over CoCeAlO catalyst in a microreactor: Experiments and CFD modelling. Chemical Engineering Journal411, p.128595.


Appendix 1: Designed model of ammonia cracker

(Source: Self-created in Catia)

Appendix 2: Element quality in meshing

(Source: Self-created in Ansys fluent flow)

Appendix 3: Ammonia liquid properties selected at inlet

(Source: Self-created in Ansys fluent flow)

Appendix 4: Turbulence kinetic energy contour plot

(Source: Self-created in Ansys fluent flow)

Appendix 5: Velocity streamlines analysis for model

(Source: Self-created in Ansys fluent

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