Media, Power and Politics Assignment Sample

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Introduction of Media, Power and Politics Assignment

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Media plays a vital role in every domain of society. As, in current days they are the main source of circulating information regarding any kind of issues related to various environments like- politics, regional issues, educational sector and many more. Even media plays a crucial role through the medium of programs that basically focuses on human and the involvement of media communication in enhancing the process of politics, which assists people to play an active role in political and public affairs through the medium of political campaigns that include the government entities (Yessenbekova et al, 2020). Through the help of media, political parties are actively coming up with their thoughts regarding the issues affecting the structure of society through the medium of debates, advertisement, and marketing of the image of the various political parties. Even political journalism acts as a helping hand in promoting the background of any political party through the medium of opinion polling (Perloff, 2021). The different things that would be discussed in the essay to enhance our knowledge are what the scenario of political parties was before and after the emergence of the internet and how it helps drive political communication in the current era.


Before the emergence of the internet or in the pre-digital era, it was very common for people to use to lack the active lifestyle-induced in politics. There was a lack of information and reach to information (McGarr, 2020). The only medium of interacting and involving in politics was the medium of newspapers and direct speech delivered by the political speakers or representatives, which used to be quite inconvenient. The era used to lack the facilities provided by the emergence of social media, which indicates that there was a lack of flexibility during that period. There was a lack of awareness regarding the political policies, which are basically introduced for the betterment of the general people and enhancement of the political parties. A lot of hardship was beard by the leaders for advertising their ideologies taken by them to benefit the local peoples, which would create an opportunity for the political parties to form a government (Laberge, 2021). Even due to the lack of digitalization, there was a lack of clarity of actions taken by the political parties due to a lack of active interaction between the general public and the political representatives. This directly affects the involvement of the general public in the path of politics. Therefore, it was not easy for them to come up with their needs and demands for meeting their daily needs and to meet their safety needs on a public and global platform (Anderson, 2020).

There are 3 long periods of political verbal exchange: the primary age from the Nineteen Fifties characterized by the aid of smooth get right of entry to the media, political verbal exchange reflecting partisan positions, sturdy and strong political establishments. The second one, the Nineteen Sixties to 1980s, was marked with the aid of restrained-channel community TV, “consumerism, and public skepticism about elites, growing significance of political conversation, and increasingly more essential function for media in political technique, the modern publicity process.” And the 1/3 age from Nineteen Nineties to the prevailing has been witness propagation inside as well as other than conventional media, the plenty of channels, limitless attainment, and opportunity meant for interactivity. The web has prepared a feasible digital public sphere and e-democracy. Many media have ended in hyper-opposition: “7X24-hr programs, information cycle, and vying for TRP. Populism has set in, and there may be the help of talk-show-democracy” for all to see.

Although the 21st century is regarded as the most active period and such an era which is mostly digitalized in nature in which the role of media is really involved along with the advancement shared by the presence of social media has helped a lot in enhancing the political communication (Gilardi et al, 2022). As in today’s era, it is common that people are totally dependent on the internet and is quite reliable on the social media for almost every single thing in their life, as it is a global platform that is induced with diverse ideas, perceptions, and ideology and it is very easy to interact on a worldwide platform and get influenced by the public and political figures. Although, there are several kinds of political communication and political media (Guess et al, 2019). In this sphere, social media is widely utilized in the modern political environment. Basically, there are three vital elements for enhancing political communication, and those are: “the ideology, the propaganda, and the persuasion.” Social media is playing an active role in representing the ideology of the political parties, advertising the propaganda or the agenda of the political parties, and helping allot in enhancing the number of voters on a global platform which is basically a boon for the political parties, which was not available in the pre-digital era. “The political significance of computer mediated communication lies in its capacity to challenge the existing political hierarchy’s monopoly on powerful communications media, and perhaps thus revitalize citizen-based democracy.” Due to increasing access to the internet even in the remote areas of the globe which has made social media a “virtual public sphere” which is uplifting the democracy on an online platform. As the internet is helping to convey the messages to the public and it is easy to interpret the message and come to a conclusion, by the medium of the active campaign done on both offline and online platforms for putting an emphasis on the image of the political parties (Jamil et al, 2019). The ever-present existence of “social media” has taken control of modern creature existence in nearly all its components. “In a networked society, the real power shift is from the producer to the consumer, and there is a redistribution of controls and power. On the Web, Karl Marx’s dream has been realized: the tools and the means of production are in the hands of the workers.” That is all of the extra complications for the reason that social media has been right here most effective for a decade or so. It is an exaggeration to the nation that social media has ushered in the most important media revolution for the reason of that invention of the printing press. Being very a good deal aware of the omnipresence of the social media, the political elegance as an entire and individual leaders and applicants for diverse political posts have taken to the social media in a huge manner.

For instance, “Barack Obama’s powerful use of it during the 2008 US Presidential elections.” From then on, there was no searching again, each for politicians and electorate as some distance as the usage of social media as a device of political verbal exchange. By means of the usage of social media as a marketing campaign application, “Obama” changed into capable enough to seize the imaginations, particularly of the youngsters both inside the US and overseas. Evidently, the youngsters grew to become the most important proportion of supporters and electorates for “Obama’s” social media refrain: “change we can.” The public medium momentum as a device for political verbal exchange turned into stored up in the course of the 4 years of “Obama’s” time period workplace and used it even extra vigorously and successfully within the 2012 US election. Once more, achievement turned into “Obama’s.” The political magnificence and leaders in India attempted to duplicate the United States scene. Within the “Indian elections of 2014 Narendra Modi” got here out successfully because of his greater resourcefulness and huge use of the applications (Rao, 2018). Consequently, within the two biggest democracy of the arena, social media hooked up itself as the very best and probable the least highly-priced tool of mass touch and verbal exchange. The utilization of “Twitter, Facebook, Instagram” are playing a great role in enhancing the political communication.

The use of net might also have the ability to make an incredibly crucial contribution to the political procedure due to the manner wherein it enables reciprocal as opposed to simply one-sided verbal exchange. Preferably, it is able to allow billions of individuals on a global platform, improved possibilities to put their views, post, bring together, and teach themselves regarding the relevant issues. Via the net, individuals can get right of entry to massive quantities of exceedingly unfiltered facts (Howard, Woolley, and Calo, 2018). These statistics may be used to formulate reviews and examine authorities’ moves and choices. The claims of others may be checked, and assets validated. Via the utilization of e-mails, individuals can get hold of and circulate statistics quickly and cost-effectively to and from hundreds of human beings. Interactive chat centers allow citizens to air their perspectives and disclose them to the perspectives of others. The populace can doubtlessly offer elected officials at once with facts regarding their perspectives, and in turn, elected political figures can talk directly with the mass of individuals easily and price efficiently.

Many political enterprises and individuals have created web pages. At their most effective, web pages offer facts regarding the group or person’s guidelines, to the information of parties and a few brief biographical data, and possibly hyperlinks to associated pages (Stier et al, 2018). Extra sophisticated net pages offer interactive facilities in order that the person of the page can provide remarks about the content of the web page, express evaluations approximately the guidelines or problems, provide help via donations or volunteering, install software programs, and use specially designed applications to locate specified statistics. “The subsequent listing summarizes a number of the facilities which can be discovered on political net web sites including the policies, strategy and rules and regulations of an organization. It also involves the details regarding the important individuals of the parties including links to their home pages, statements about achievements, news items and press releases, links to stories at news Web sites that support their point of view, listings of mistakes made by opponents, or details about social ills they blame on opponents, registration forms for potential volunteers or interns, guest books, so that visitors can leave their comments, and/or user surveys that can be used to improve the site, links to sites belonging to organizations they support, subscription forms for e-mail distribution lists, links to how opponents have voted on issues, links to pages that denigrate opponents, spreadsheets that can be used to calculate the effect of an opponent’s policies, interactive ‘chat rooms’ where citizens can share and debate ideas and where politicians can participate in question and answer sessions, links to audio or video resources, calendars of events and chronologies that may be searchable, links to Federal/State/Local governments, free software that can enable the user’s browser to access extra resources that is real video technology, screen savers consisting of images of key individuals, slogans, etc., games which reinforce their political messages, sales of fundraising merchandise, forms to solicit donations.”


It is to be concluded from the above discussion that, through the help of media, political parties are actively coming up with their thoughts regarding the issues affecting the structure of a society through the medium of debates, advertisement, and marketing of the image of the diverse political parties. Even political journalism acts as a helping hand in promoting the background of any political party through the medium of opinion polling. The pre-digital era used to lack the facilities provided by the emergence of social media, which indicates that there was a lack of flexibility during that period. There was a lack of awareness regarding the political policies, which are basically introduced for the betterment of the general people and enhancement of the political parties. A lot of hardship was beard by the leaders for advertising their ideologies taken by them to benefit the local peoples, which would create an opportunity for the political parties to form a government. The essay also involves the benefits derived from the emergence of social media and how the internet is playing an active role in promoting political communication in the society.


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Rao, S., 2018. Making of selfie nationalism: Narendra Modi, the paradigm shift to social media governance, and crisis of democracy. Journal of Communication Inquiry42(2), pp.166-183.

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