Psychiatric Therapeutic Relationship Assignment Sample

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Psychiatric Therapeutic Relationship Assignment

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According to the interview of many scientists from the United Kingdom, they stated that they have been involved in having a good relationship with their client. They also state that they help them to have a better idea regarding the personality of the client which sometimes have direct relation with their mental illness. As per the article published in the lancet magazine, a new mode of establishing a warm relationship between the client and doctor can be considered as one of these papers in the therapeutic treatment of the client. So it is very important to analyse this aspect of client to doctor relationship. This is designed to analyse the theories regarding the proper psychiatric practice and will try to establish the relationship between the theory and the modern practice performed by the psychiatric by the help of evidence based practices.


The first instances of having a close relationship with the client during the counselling was initiated by the eminent psychologist Eisenach in 1952. According to him each human has there own psychological trait. Hence it is partially short-sighted to deduce rigid theoretical framework which can be used for the treatment of all the client. He stated that it is been seen many time that the client it doesn't really connect with the psychiatric even though society is posseting according to the therapeutic guidelines instituted by the medical board. Previously the medical board of the United Kingdom clearly stated that psychotherapists must refrain from having any personal relation with the client in order to maintain the efficacy of the therapeutic treatment (Markus et al. 2019). His views were further analysed by many eminent psychotherapists and they also concluded that sometimes it is important for the psychologist to have a warm relationship with the client.

I also find this process quite complying as it can be quite difficult for a psychologist to really connect with the client without knowing the personal details of him. As per my view and also by many psychotherapists, having this kind of relationship with the client can have a serious influence in shortening the recovery time of the client. There is quite a saying in our field of psychology that the maximum work must be done by the client in order to uplift their own condition (Rokkum et al., 2019). So it is very much important for a psychologist to know the exact mental state such as ego anger issues, some mental complexes which can significantly influence the recovery time and efficacy of the treatment.

As I found this kind of relationship with the client can have a serious importance in the recovery process. Sometimes it is said that even though the client recovers from the illness, there are some chances that they might get affected again by the same kind of disease due to some situations. Having a personal relationship with the client can be quite beneficial as it can provide a more clear image about the situation which can be treated as the chief cause for onset of these mental illnesses (Angell et al., 2019). This also helps the psychologist to reduce more effective treatment procedures for the client by having a proper knowledge about the pattern of situation which can be responsible for the onset of mental trauma in the client.

As I found in my journey in the psychiatric school the basic step to treat a client is to have a clear Idea regarding their mental state. We generally state this process as psychoanalysis. This process of understanding the psychology of the client was started by the eminent psychologist Sigmund Freud. According to him I found that the principal attribute which can cause the change in the behaviour of the client is often regulated by the conscious mind or subconscious mind of the client. This actually cut the idea of having a relationship between the doctors and the client. Since most of the time according to Freud the chief cause for the psychological problem is the subconscious mind, hence most of the time clients feel unable to acknowledge the thoughts of their subconscious mind and unable to properly state them to the psychiatrist (Weber et al., 2018). This leaves little room for the psychiatric to communicate with the client.

But modern life makes this process quite difficult so there is a new theory available for the proper psychoanalysis of the client. As the field of psychology started to expand and mood complicated cases were found, the general idea of psychology changed thoroughly. Nowadays psycho analysis involves knowing the environment then where the client lives. So it requires a photo in detail knowledge about the client for the psychologist to properly treat them. Many times in accomplishing this the psychologist is involved in having a proper relationship with the client (Canuto et al., 2017). The basic principle appointed for this kind of relationship as per my view is having a warm and trustful communication with the client. It is found during my study in the psychiatric school the sense of Trust is very important in treating the client as it can enhance the communication between the doctor and the client. Since the evidence also supports that having a cordial relationship with the client can help the doctor to identify the chief cause for their mental problems and try to provide remedy to them.

There is lots of evidence available nowadays in order to concrete the hypothesis that having a coordination ship with the client and improving the recovery time for them (Christensen et al., 2018). Recently the psychology society of the United Kingdom in the interview stated that they have seen an overwhelming success in the shortening of recovery time for the client when the doctor is more attached or spending more time getting to know the client to establish a cordial relationship with them.

Secondly, ego and superior complexes also play a great role in regulating the relationship between the doctor and client. Most of the time it is seen that the client is suffering from excessive ego which generally hampers the communication between the doctor and the client. In this kind of instance we are instructed to retrieve the necessary information from the client by helping to strike their ego (Berkman and Wilson 2021). The attribute of superior complex is slightly different from the ego. While the ego is generally involved in causing excessive pride to the client, the superlative complex initiates a sensation where the client feels like they are far better than most of the people. It generally involves establishing a wall between the client and doctor which generally involves decreasing the efficacy of the treatment. So it is very much important for the doctor to find a channel of conversation with them in order to create a sensation of trust.

Lastly self actualization and self realisation also plays a great role in the theoretical approaches in the psychology. As I found through my academic life there is a line of difference between self actualization and self realisations. The self-actualization involves having a sense of proper self judgement within the client (Tackett et al., 2021). On other hand self realisation involves having an Idea regarding the causes which involves the onset of the psychological abnormalities within himself. In both of the process, communication pleasure great role. The psychology is often to try to initialise a good relationship with the client in order to to generate a smooth sense of Trust Hood. This ultimately helps in the treatment procedure. I also found that this kind of practice is highly e helpful in order to treat the elderly client.

I found that they also highlighted a case of child abuse in this purpose. While analysing the case document I found that the name and the place have been changed in order to maintain the confidentiality e of the case report. The principle overview of the case are like this a child in his early teenage has been victim of subtle sexual abuse from a family member. While the social service of the United Kingdom addressed the issue the child in his fear failed to disclose any sort of details of that incident (Hester and Gray, 2020). So the social service took the help from the eminent psychologist in order to get more detailed information regarding this scenario. psychotherapists at first tried to become the friend of the child by using different fun activities like playing games and reading comics. This helped him to generate a warm and trustful relationship with the child. Finally the child opened up about the whole incident and social service took action regarding that. After that the relationship between the doctor and the child also played a great role in the process of mental recovery of the client. I found that the doctor continued to establish the same mode of communication with the child and I have found that eventually the child became more open about his trauma (Handelsman et al., 2017). This helps both the doctor and child to get more detailed information regarding the scenario.


To be quite honest in this context I found there are no certain theories or theoretical procedures which can be followed every time in order to get results. From the analysing of the theories and evidence it can be said that the presence of a cordial relation increases the trust between the client and doctor. This can eventually cause a great reduction in the recovery time for the client. So it is generally used by the modern day psychologist that they try to create a sense of communication between the clients. I also found that this relationship must be well executed in order to get an idea regarding the personal traits, behaviour pattern and the environment that the client is living in order to perform the more accurate psychoanalysis for the client. Other than this from my experience in the rehabilitation centre I can say that this communication was not faced it with the doctor to client but the the psychological personalities can improve their communication with each other. This can significantly increase the efficacy of the treatment and further reduce the recovery time.



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