Implementing Public Participation in EIA Plans for Construction Projects

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Implementation Of Site Public Participation In EIA Plans At The Stages Of Construction Projects

Chapter 1 - Introduction of Public Participation in EIA Programs Assignment


The public participation is a big step towards protecting the environment from being destroyed. Therefore, people needs manage the environment so that it can be sustained. Public participation in EIA is required that the formation of energy can be liberated immensely so that heat gets produced during the process (Levidow and Raman, 2020). This heat is collected and stored to use as a form of energy. Several types of data centres have taken initiatives to utilize waste products as useful resources.

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According to the thesis of public participation in EIA, the transformation of heat energy is a very useful process for protecting the environment from pollution. The transformation process of waste into energy resources is affected by different types of factors (Amaya et al. 2021). Therefore, sunlight acts as an affecting factor that contributes to the decomposition of waste products. It can be said that if the intensity of the sunlight increases then the rate of decomposition will increase accordingly.

Aims and Objectives


The aim of public participation in EIA is to assess the positive and negative effects on environment, social and economic from a project completion. Moreover, it aims at making the world a healthy and safe place to live in.


  1. To understand this process is cultivated to negative and positive effects of completing a project.
  2. To eradicate the effects of pollution in the atmosphere.


This research work is based on different types of the data collection methods. The methods used in analyzing this research work are based on the use of qualitative and quantitative methods (Foster et al. 2021). Moreover, this research work will be carried out with the implementation of qualitative methods to obtain the objectives of the research. The completion of the field-based objectives will require human resources to fulfil the aims of the project.

Scope / Limitations of Research

The scope of public participation in EIA is based on a short time. This process uses positive and negative aspects of the projects on economy, society and environment (Elling and Nielsen, 2018). Other than this, long-lasting products such as casings of automobile parts and other products require the decomposing process to transform into energy resources.

There are different types of limitations to public participation in EIA such as it is not always a pocket-friendly process. In addition, this process requires sites of incineration and therefore, the sites become harmful places (Nižeti? et al. 2019). Other than this, the gases liberated from the incineration grounds, are harmful and cause different types of diseases.

Introduction to the Dissertation

A dissertation is referred to as a process of thesis or a research program. This degree is incorporated by the students of post-graduation and undergraduate students. Moreover, this degree allows the students to come to conclusions on the proposition and questions that arise in the research work. The main objective of the research work is to test the research ability of the students regarding a topic (Fazli and Rodrigue, 2020). There are two types of dissertations followed in research programs namely, non-empirical and empirical dissertations.

Chapter 2 – literature review public participation in eia and implementation


The implementation of public participation in EIA is very essential for the assessment of the environment with the utilization of proper management techniques. Moreover, the public participation in EIA refers to the tool through which the negative and positive effect on environment, society and economy can be determined (Perey et al. 2018). This process enables the treatment of the wastewater released from domestic areas in systems and separates the waste. Later, after the water is treated properly it is released into the agricultural fields.

Negative effect on environment

Negative effect on environment

Figure 1: Negative effect on environment

(Source: Nižeti? et al. 2019)

Public participation in EIA would require tools that will help the environment to assess the positive and negative effects of projects. The environment can be effected when the public is focused on the changes in environment (Makmor et al. 2020). Moreover, they are comparatively clean and heterogeneous products liberated from the construction sites. These wastes include the debris gathered from the demolition of buildings, bridges and many more. Recent times have seen a rapid rise in waste generation in different parts of the world (Hasmori et al. 2020). These wastes are known as Construction and Demolition waste (CDW) and are used to fill the lands that require a rise in elevation. According to the analysis of different case studies regarding public participation in EIA of the construction site, it is concluded that the CDW released per year has been recorded up to 119 million tonnes. This information was revealed by the government of the UK and stated that approximately 12.5 million tonnes of CDW have been unused materials in the construction site.

Environmental impact assessment

Environmental impact assessment

Figure 2: Environmental impact assessment

(Source: Torkashvand et al. 2022)

According to the site public participation in EIA legislation, different types of plans have been passed to specify the incineration or management of the waste products generated. These obligations are formulated based on the requirement of the clients except the domestic clients. Moreover, the Environmental Protection Act has been formulated and it involves the processes of managing waste products (Ali et al. 2019). This act looks after the issues that arise regarding waste generation on the land. It also discusses the various actions and objectives taken to manage the waste and the authorities of the local area people.

Why Waste Elimination?

The elimination of waste is defined as a process that deals with the processing of waste products with the help of different modern technologies and chemicals so that they can be transformed into useful resources. The main objectives of this process are to eliminate waste products from the environment and make it a healthier place to live in. Moreover, this process helps to check the level generated from the different industries and keep a record of that. According to Ding et al. (2018), the compilation of waste products in nature is harmful to the environment as it comprises harmful gases. The emission of gases from waste can cause harmful diseases and cause the existence of humanity and other living creatures dangerous.

Barriers to Public Participation in EIA

The affect generated by different industries is very crucial as it will show an impactful change in environment. The public participation in EIA is that very much required to save the environmental changes (Omenge et al. 2019). However, there are certain challenges faced by this elimination process and there are many limitations to it. The most common barriers faced by public to participate in EIA are the management of time and cost in completing the process of decomposition. The equipment required for carrying out the process is very cost-effective (Button et al. 2020). In addition to this, the Maintenance of environment by public requires very high cost; therefore the maintenance cost also affects this industry.

Current Implementation of public participation in EIA Plans on Construction Projects

Site public participation in EIA is based on various rules formulated by the authorities of the UK government according to the obligations and requirements of the clients involved. According to the analysis of different case studies, it is concluded that the construction industry of the UK is the largest in the generation of CDW. Therefore, it is very essential to formulate an on-site plan before the construction project initiates (Friedrich and Ku, 2021). This planning of public participation in EIA focuses on the reduction of waste generation by different industries. It also aims at the proper utilization of the raw material that is used in construction sites. Although there are no strict rules to implement the Site wastes Management Plan, using it in a project will help the developers to utilize the resources more efficiently.

Chapter Summary

This whole chapter is on various processes involved in waste management. It mainly focuses on the implementation and legislation of public participation in EIA processes in the construction industry. Elaboration is made on the waste that is generated from the on-site construction areas and focuses on the management of the CDW. The analysis also deals with the limitations and barriers to public participation in EIA and how to manage them with the aim of protecting the environment from being polluted.

Chapter 3 – Research Design And Methodology

Overview of different types of research methodologies

This research work is based on the different types of methodology used to improve the pollution rate of the environment. Therefore, different types of research methodologies are used by the researchers to conclude the findings of the project work. Research methodology is defined as the process that helps researchers to conduct their tasks through a systematic pattern. Moreover, in order to carry out research work proper planning is required. Therefore, research design is known as an effective plan that will help to conclude the project more precisely. However, the research design is different from the research methodology. This research on human interference in the waste incineration project defines the different methodologies used to complete the analysis.

Research Strategy and Data Collection Methods

The research strategies used by this project work are different types of public surveys and interviews. Other than this, the public participation in EIA process is also demonstrated over online platforms which grabbed the attention of the common people (Torkashvand et al. 2022). Utilization of social media and modern technologies are also used to develop the analysis of public interference in public participation in EIA processes.

The data collection method is a very essential part of research work. It focuses on the collection of data from various reliable resources and analyzing them with the help of various modern technologies the analysis will help the researcher to elaborate the project more precisely and manage the completion of the project within the stipulated time. The methods used in this analysis are based on the group discussions organized by the authorities of the UK.

Pilot Study

This research work is based on public interference in the environmental assessment of waste incineration projects. Therefore, it focuses on the detailed study of the waste elimination process and how to manage the waste products generated from the industries (Akhund et al. 2018). Moreover, it can be said that the proposal provides elaborate and qualitative information regarding the processes of waste management. This type of pilot study is essential for a research paper as it determines the goals and objectives of the topic and manages the completion project within the time.

Limitations to Research Strategy

There are different types of challenges and limitations that the researcher has to face during the analysis of the project. These limitations can be categorized as an elaborate analysis of the aims and objectives of the study (Shooshtarian et al. 2020). Moreover, it also specifies that the researcher faces the challenges the problems of gathering resources from different resources. In addition to this, the lack of statistical measurements in the collection of the data affects the research work as well.

Chapter 4 - Analysis And Findings

Discussion and Presentation of Findings from Secondary Research

The different secondary resources enable the researcher to understand the objective and aims of the project more precisely. Therefore, according to this assignment, the secondary resources have helped the researcher to analyze the importance of public participation in EIA and how it will help in the eradication of pollution from the environment.

Discussion and Presentation of Findings from Primary Research

The secondary resources used in this assignment have helped the researcher collect data that are useful for the study. Moreover, it also helped in the management of data collection and the completion of the project within time (Sandham et al. 2019). The primary resources also enable to provide a complete overview of the project topic and make the researcher more confident about the work.

Interpretation of Findings

According to the aims of the assignment, the study focuses on the importance and strategies incorporated by the UK government to manage the waste generated from construction sites (Shooshtarian et al. 2020). Therefore, it mainly specifies all the research designs and methods incorporated by the industries of the UK.

Development and Presentation of Proposed Strategy

The proposal is based on the presentation of different methods that can be incorporated by the public participation for the benefit of the environment. Therefore, it elaborates on the importance and consequences of waste incineration projects. It also specifies the outcomes of the research work.

Chapter Summary

According to the laws made for the management of waste products, these rules are to be followed by all the municipal authorities controlling the waste of the city. Their activities of collecting waste and incinerating or decomposing them into useful resources require certain processes. Therefore, it enables to manage the waste products wisely.

Chapter 5 – Conclusions & Recommendation


The use of technology can resolve the challenges faced by the public participation in EIA industry. This will help them to execute the objectives of the study. Moreover, this journal is based on the positive aspects of public participation in EIA projects held in the UK.

Reconsideration of Hypothesis

The plan deals with the responsibilities of the employers as well as the employees thereby, increasing the responsibility of the producers of the project. Therefore execution of these plans will enhance waste management.

Reconsideration of Aims and Objectives

Strategies of public participation in EIA will help to enhance the sustainability of the environment. It will also retrieve and protect the groundwater resources from being destroyed (Sezer and Bosch, 2022). Therefore, this will make a better environment.


The implementation of public participation in EIA helps to increase the space for inhabitation and reduce the sources of land, water and air pollution. Moreover, this will help society to protect natural resources and conserve them for future generations. Apart from this, the elimination of waste products can be carried out with the effective utilization of modern technologies and techniques of incineration.

Recommendations of EIA Programs

The implementation of modern technologies will help to accelerate public participation in EIA programs. Therefore it is suggested to use natural resources according to the requirements.

Possibilities for Future Research

This research work will help the researcher to understand the importance and objective of human interference in waste incineration projects. Therefore, in near future, there is a possibility of more research work based on the analysis of public participation in EIA. The next research can be based on the outcome of the utilization of modern technologies for the management of waste.


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