Alcohol Consumption Among Older Persons Assignment Sample

Insights, Strategies, and Resources for Addressing Older Adults' Drinking Habits

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Introduction Of Alcohol Consumption Among Older Persons Assignment

The report will discuss the importance of a strengths-based approach to working with older adults and alcohol use. To begin, the report will summaries the research publication "A Qualitative Investigation of Alcohol, Health, and Identities among UK People in Later Life." Second, the paper will apply this research to a hypothetical case study of Lynda, an older adult, and how a strengths-based approach may be used to engage. Finally, the report will go through the services and resources that may be useful in working with older persons and alcohol consumption (Aminnasab 2018). This topic is critical in healthcare and nursing since older persons are at a higher risk for alcohol-related health problems, and it is critical to tackle this issue from a strengths-based perspective to achieve better results for patients.

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Part 1 - Overview of the life course & health behaviors associated with later-life alcohol use

The aim of the study conducted by Wilson et al. (2013) was to explore the relationship between alcohol consumption, health, and identity among older adults in the UK. The authors wanted to investigate how older adults perceive their drinking behavior, how they manage their drinking habits, and how drinking affects their social lives and identity.

The researchers used in-depth interviews with 31 adults aged 60 and up to perform a qualitative study. The interviews lasted between one and two hours and were conducted face-to-face. To guarantee a diverse sample, participants were drawn from two regions in the United Kingdom: one urban and one rural.

The study's findings indicate that alcohol consumption among older persons which is a complex issue that is interwoven with their identity and social activities. The participants stated that they drink for a variety of reasons, including enjoyment, relaxation and socializing. However, other people recounted unpleasant alcohol-related experiences, such as accidents, disputes and health concerns.

The study also found that older adults are aware of the potential health risks associated with alcohol consumption and have developed strategies to manage their drinking habits (Baird 2017). These strategies include limiting the amount of alcohol consumed, avoiding heavy drinking, and choosing to drink at home rather than in public places.

The study also highlighted the importance of social context in shaping older adults' drinking behavior. Many participants described drinking as a way of socializing with friends and family, and some even reported that they would not drink if they were not in a social setting. The study found that drinking can play an important role in maintaining social connections and a sense of identity among older adults.

According to the study's authors, the findings have substantial implications for public health initiatives focused at reducing alcohol consumption among older persons. The authors believe that interventions should consider the social and cultural aspects that influence older individuals' drinking habits and identities. They also propose that therapies should emphasize moderate drinking rather than abstinence, because many older persons see moderate drinking as a crucial component of their social lives and identities.

The study conducted by Wilson et al. (2013) provides valuable insights into the relationship between alcohol consumption, health, and identity among older adults in the UK. The findings suggest that alcohol consumption among older adults is a complex issue that is influenced by social and cultural factors and is intertwined with their sense of identity and social lives (Bellis 2019). The study highlights the importance of developing public health policies that take into account these complex factors and that focus on promoting moderate drinking rather than abstinence.

Lynda's case study illustrates the complex interplay between alcohol usage, health, and identity among older persons. Lynda, a 70-year-old woman, enjoys consuming wine as a means to unwind and mingle. Despite consuming roughly a bottle of wine per night, she does not consider her drinking to be problematic and does not consider herself an alcoholic.

Several of the findings of Wilson et al study .'s are reflected in Lynda's story (2013). Lynda, like many of the research participants, drinks for pleasure and relaxation, and considers alcohol to be an important part of her social life and identity (Berger 2019). She also expresses awareness of the potential health risks associated with alcohol consumption but does not see her drinking as having a negative impact on her health.

However, Lynda's story also highlights some of the challenges that older adults may face when it comes to managing their drinking habits. Despite acknowledging that she may need to cut down on her drinking, Lynda struggles with how to do it. This is consistent with the finding from the study that older adults often have developed strategies to manage their drinking habits but may still find it difficult to make changes.

Lynda's story also reflects some of the broader evidence about the lifecourse and health behavior. Like many older adults, Lynda has experienced life stresses, such as her divorce in her late 40s, which may have contributed to her drinking habits. Her experience of a health scare while in the hospital also illustrates the importance of health events in shaping older adults' attitudes toward their health and behavior.

Part 2 - Applying Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) to Lynda's Case

In working with Lynda, a strength-based approach that would be particularly useful is solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT). SFBT is a goal-oriented approach that focuses on identifying and amplifying the client's strengths and resources to create solutions to their problems.

Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) is a therapeutic strategy based on positive psychology and solution-focused thinking (Franklin 2017). The purpose of SFBT is to assist individuals in identifying and amplifying their strengths and resources in order to solve issues.

SFBT is a quick therapeutic strategy that usually only requires a few sessions. The therapist and client collaborate to set particular therapy goals and develop a plan to achieve those goals. SFBT focuses on the client's strengths and skills, rather than on past difficulties or negative habits, and encourages them to envisage a bright future.

Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) is a therapeutic approach that is grounded in the principles of positive psychology and solution-focused thinking. The goal of SFBT is to help individuals identify and amplify their strengths and resources to create solutions to their problems.

SFBT is a short therapeutic strategy that usually only requires a few sessions. The therapist and client collaborate to set particular therapy goals and develop a plan to achieve those goals. SFBT focuses on the client's strengths and skills, rather than on past difficulties or negative habits, and encourages them to envisage a bright future (Holdsworth 2017).

The therapist employs a range of approaches, including as open-ended questions, scaling questions, and miraculous questions, to assist the client in identifying their strengths and resources. Open-ended questions assist the client in identifying what is already functioning well in their life, whereas scaling questions assist the client in identifying specific measures they may take to get closer to their goals (Wichowicz 2017). Miracle questions help the client to imagine a future in which their problem has been solved, and to identify the steps they can take to make that future a reality.

SFBT would be an appropriate approach for Lynda because it emphasizes the client's strengths and capabilities rather than their problems or deficits. This approach would enable Lynda to build on her existing strengths and resources, such as her ability to reflect on her drinking habits and her willingness to seek support from her GP. It would also help her to set achievable goals for cutting down on her drinking and to develop a concrete plan for achieving these goals.

SFBT comprises asking open-ended questions to assist the client in identifying their skills and resources as well as envisioning their ideal future (Keenan 2017). The therapist would collaborate with Lynda to identify specific behaviors or situations in which she would like to limit her drinking and assist her in developing methods for doing so. This strategy would allow Lynda to actively participate in recognizing and meeting her own needs, as well as establish a sense of agency and control over her drinking habits. Research has shown that SFBT can be effective in promoting behavior change, particularly in the areas of substance abuse and addiction (Kim and Franklin, 2015). By focusing on Lynda's strengths and resources, SFBT would be a positive and empowering approach that would help her to build on her existing capabilities and to develop a sense of agency and control over her drinking habits.

Part 3 - Resources and Support for Addressing Alcohol Consumption in Later Life

There are various services and resources available to assist Lynda in addressing the alcohol consumption and which are supporting by making positive adjustments to the health behavior Lynda. These resources can give Lynda with information, advice and support to help her make educated drinking decisions and develop methods for minimizing her alcohol use.

The Drinkaware website is one resource that Lynda could find useful. Drinkaware is a UK-based organisation that provides alcohol consumption information and guidance, including how to reduce the risks connected with drinking (Mikkelsen 2019). The website offers a variety of services, including a unit calculator, an alcohol tracker, and drinking-reduction advice. Lynda could access these resources to help her monitor her alcohol intake and develop strategies for reducing her consumption.

Another resource that could be helpful for Lynda is the NHS Alcohol Support Service. This service provides confidential advice and support for people who are concerned about their drinking. The service includes a free online self-assessment tool that can help Lynda to understand the risks associated with her drinking and develop a plan for reducing her alcohol intake (Berger 2019). The service also provides access to trained advisors who can offer advice and support over the phone or via email.

Lynda could benefit from visiting a support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or SMART Recovery in addition to these online tools. These groups provide a friendly environment for people who are battling with alcohol addiction or want to cut back on their alcohol consumption. AA is a 12-step program that focuses on alcohol abstinence, whereas SMART Recovery is a non-12-step program that employs a cognitive-behavioral approach to assist individuals in managing their addiction (Carr, 2018). These organizations have in-person and online meetings and can be a helpful source of social support for people like Lynda who want to make positive adjustments in their drinking habits.

Finally, Lynda could benefit from working with a therapist who is trained in addressing alcohol addiction and substance abuse. A therapist could help Lynda to explore the underlying reasons for her drinking, develop strategies for managing stress and other triggers that may lead her to drink, and provide ongoing support and guidance as she works to reduce her alcohol intake (Upenieks and Schafer, 2020). The British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) both offer directories of accredited therapists who specialize in addiction and substance abuse.


The report is concluded that the alcohol consumption in later life is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a comprehensive understanding of the individual's life course and experiences. This Interesting case study highlights the necessity of using a strengths-based approach while working with those who have alcohol-related issues later in life. Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) is one such strategy that can be very beneficial in finding and amplifying the client's strengths and resources in order to solve difficulties. Furthermore, there are a variety of services and resources available to assist persons who experience alcohol-related issues later in life. Primary care services, community support groups, and internet resources that provide information and guidance on how to manage alcohol consumption are examples of these. Access to these services is available through healthcare providers, community centers, and online platforms.

The report also summarized that it is important to recognize that alcohol consumption in later life is a sensitive issue, and individuals may feel shame or stigma in seeking help. It is crucial for healthcare providers and support services to provide a non-judgmental and supportive environment to encourage individuals to seek help and support.


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