Biomolecules And Key Biochemical Principles Case Study

Biomolecules and Genetics: In-Depth Case Study.

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  • All contributions taken from other reading and research have been referenced accurately.
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PART 2: Learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this unit

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The student should be able to: The student has achieved the learning outcomes because s/he can: Page number/s where you have achieved this AC:
  • Understand the structure and function of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids and the importance of nucleic acids in genetics
1.1 Describe the role and structure of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids within the cell 5
1.2 Explain the significance of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids in living organisms 6
  • Understand the structure and functions of enzymes and their uses.
2.1 Describe the role and structure of enzymes 7/8
  • Understand the process of cellular respiration
3.1 Compare the processes of aerobic and anaerobic respiration 9/13
3.2 Discuss, with reference to the Biological role of glucose and oxygen, the process of aerobic cellular respiration
  • Understand simple Mendelian mechanisms
4.1 Describe the key aspects of inheritance determined by chromosomal genes 13/15
There are some phrases that you may not be familiar with when answering TAQs or trying to match your answers with assessmentcriteria. Here are some helpful tips:
To describe Give an account of the properties of something, its features or characteristics, or how it looks / smells so as to provide an accurate description of it.
To explain To say how and/or why something occurs and setting out its meaning in detail(with reasons) to make it more understandable. To give an example of what you mean, start with the topic and then give the ‘how' or ‘why’.
To compare Identify the similarities and differences between two or more phenomena. Say if any of the shared similarities or differences are more important than others. ‘Compare' and ‘contrast' will often feature together in an essay question.
To discuss In an essay question, this is asking you to examine, analyse carefully and look at the pros and cons, so that you put together a thoughtful and logical argument to support the case you are making.

PART 3: Your comments on this assignment”

This assessment has helped me to develop in-depth idea about the cellular respiration, the Punnett diagram, Mendel’s law of dominance, law of inheritance, law of segregation. This assignment has helped me to develop knowledge about glycolysis reactions, aerobic and anaerobic reaction and so on.

What were your targets to improve from the last assessment and what have you done to address this?

From the last assessment, the improvement that I have made is to carry out thorough research before answering the question. Precision has been maintained throughout the assignment.

PART 4: Your answers to the TAQs

Please type your answers in the boxes provided below.


Peptidoglycan is an essential component in bacterial cell envelops and it protects cells from bursting due to turgor. Peptidoglycan is also important to maintain cell shape. It also protects the cytoplasm from osmotic fluctuation and acts as the backbone of providing mechanical rigidity and strength to the bacterial cell. It assists in protecting bacterial cells from environmental stress and helping to preserve the cell morphology in the entire life cycle.

Biomolecule Type of biomolecule: (Carbohydrate, Protein, Lipid) or nucleic acid Role(s) within an Organism
Antibody Glycoprotein (Protein), which is secreted from plasma cells like BCR or B-cell receptors and Igs or immunoglobulins It protects unwanted substances to enter in body. It also destroys all “Disease-causing organisms” and blocks them to infect all human cells.
Testosterone Lipids- it is a steroid sex hormone It is a sex hormone that regulates the bone mass, distribution of body fat and production of sperm and red blood cell in males. It is regulating sex differentiation an increasing protein synthesis with muscles hence; it is increasing muscle mass among all males.
Triglycerides (situated within adipose tissue) Lipid molecules, which comprise glycerol, which is associated with FA or fatty acid molecules It is one of the important animal fat and plays the role of transporting fatty acids and serves as the source of energy. Triglyceride is used to breakdown into fatty acid and glycerol, which are the major substrates for energy production and carry out the metabolic pathways. It is an essential animal fat which transports fatty acids and serves energy source.
Transfer RNA Nucleic acid t-RNA or Transfer RNA plays a role in protein synthesis. It plays a role in synthesising protein and is an adapter among “Protein encoded genes” and genetic instructions present in “Nucleic Acid Sequences”. More specifically, the two major functions of tRNA are:
  • transfer amino acids to form the peptides
  • it acts as an adaptor molecule to link amino acids to the respective codon located in the mRNA
Albumin in plasma Globular protein which is found in plasma. Albumin helps to maintain the intravascular osmotic pressure, transportation of therapeutic agents and neutralize toxins. Albumin is the main carrier of unesterified fatty acid or FA into the tissue from plasma. In vivo, it can increase the solubility of long-chain fatty acids by binding between 0.1 and 2 fatty acid molecules per HAS in blood. It is maintaining “Intravascular Osmotic Pressure” and neutralise toxins. It is also increasing the solubility in “long chain fatty acids” through binding between 0.1 to 0.2 fatty acid molecules in each HAS.
Glycogen Polysaccharide of glucose It helps in regulating blood sugar levels and provides energy for exercise. It is helping to regulate sugar levels in the blood and provide energy for exercise.
Biomolecule Type of biomolecule: (Carbohydrate, Protein, Lipid) or nucleic acid Role(s) within an Organism
Antibody Glycoprotein (Protein), which is secreted from plasma cells like BCR or B-cell receptors and Igs or immunoglobulins It protects unwanted substances to enter in body. It also destroys all “Disease-causing organisms” and blocks them to infect all human cells.
Testosterone Lipids- it is a steroid sex hormone It is a sex hormone that regulates the bone mass, distribution of body fat and production of sperm and red blood cell in males. It is regulating sex differentiation an increasing protein synthesis with muscles hence; it is increasing muscle mass among all males.
Triglycerides (situated within adipose tissue) Lipid molecules, which comprise glycerol, which is associated with FA or fatty acid molecules It is one of the important animal fat and plays the role of transporting fatty acids and serves as the source of energy. Triglyceride is used to breakdown into fatty acid and glycerol, which are the major substrates for energy production and carry out the metabolic pathways. It is an essential animal fat which transports fatty acids and serves energy source.
Transfer RNA Nucleic acid t-RNA or Transfer RNA plays a role in protein synthesis. It plays a role in synthesising protein and is an adapter among “Protein encoded genes” and genetic instructions present in “Nucleic Acid Sequences”. More specifically, the two major functions of tRNA are:
  • transfer amino acids to form the peptides
  • it acts as an adaptor molecule to link amino acids to the respective codon located in the mRNA
Albumin in plasma Globular protein which is found in plasma. Albumin helps to maintain the intravascular osmotic pressure, transportation of therapeutic agents and neutralize toxins. Albumin is the main carrier of unesterified fatty acid or FA into the tissue from plasma. In vivo, it can increase the solubility of long-chain fatty acids by binding between 0.1 and 2 fatty acid molecules per HAS in blood. It is maintaining “Intravascular Osmotic Pressure” and neutralise toxins. It is also increasing the solubility in “long chain fatty acids” through binding between 0.1 to 0.2 fatty acid molecules in each HAS.
Glycogen Polysaccharide of glucose It helps in regulating blood sugar levels and provides energy for exercise. It is helping to regulate sugar levels in the blood and provide energy for exercise.
Peptidoglycan Polymeric macromolecule, which is made up of linear glycan attached to each other by peptide bridge

Word count: 400


Part 1

  • Structure A is the general formula of alpha-amino acid


  • The “X” is the bond formed between two amino acids and this bond is known as a peptide bond.
  • The end product of the condensation reaction is- the formation of a dipeptide
  • A protein molecule is formed from the long chain of amino acids, each amino acid link together to form the long-chain polymer.
  • d) the primary structure of a protein refers to the precise sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain.
  • e) two secondary forms of folding are α-helix and β- pleated sheet.

α-helix is formed by the in-chain of hydrogen bonds at the side chain and β-[pleated sheets are formed by the polypeptide chains which are less helical and fold back to carry hydrogen and oxygen bonds together. The structure of alpha-helices and beta-sheet is formed and stabilise by the non-covalent interaction between the hydrogen bonds

  • f) The tertiary structure of Protein is the three-dimensional shape of a single major polypeptide chain and the shape of the tertiary structure of the protein is determined by the amino acid sequences and how the amino acids are cross-linked to each other within the structure.
  • g) insulin as a peptide hormone helps to regulate the level of glucose in blood cells. It also acts as the binding receptor protein on the cell surface and enables to uptake the of glucose
  • h) the quaternary structure of a protein involved the arrangement of multiple polypeptide chains within similar molecules. In the case of haemoglobin, the structure is made up of four sub-units to form a tetramer, which is again composed of two identical dimers. Every dimer consists of one alpha and one beta chain and two chains in one dimer held together through the hydrophobic bond. The most important function of haemoglobin is the transport of oxygen. One oxygen is attached to each of the four heme groups.

Part 2

  • Alpha glucose, the fundamental function of alpha glucose is energy production in the form of ATP or adenosine triphosphate within the cell at the time of cellular respiration
  • b) the disaccharide will be Sucrose. The structure of sucrose is comprised of two monosaccharides- glucose and fructose and form the chemical formula of C12H22O11
  • c) a branched polysaccharide made up of many monomers of alpha glucose bonded together to form the key components of the cell surface membrane. That polysaccharide is known as Cellulose. The chemical formula of Cellulose is (C6H10O5)n. It provides the mechanical strength to the cell wall and the orientation of cellulose microfibrils can provide control on cell growth.

d)Ribose is the monosaccharide pentose sugar present in mRNA.

Part 3

  • a) Cholesterol is made up of 27 carbon compounds with a unique structure of hydrocarbon tail and central sterol nucleus. The nucleus is made up of four hydrocarbon rings and a hydroxyl group. It is the main structural component of the cell membrane. It plays the role of the building block to the synthesis reaction of steroid hormones, bile acids, and vitamin D. Additionally, Cholesterol provides regulation, fluidity, and stability to cellular function.
  • The phospholipid is one sub-class of the lipid which contains a phosphate group. The phosphate group is located at the hydrophilic head region, while the fatty acid chain is located at the hydrophobic region of the structure. The hydrophilic phosphate group of the phospholipid is prone to make spheres of a single lipid layer which can be termed a micelle, which contain a hydrophobic end and two tail facing away from water.

Word count: 450


  • One of the common chemical reactions that occur in the human body is the alteration(conversation) of glucose to pyruvic acid during glycolysis. The glycolysis reaction takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell. The substrate of this reaction is glucose and the enzyme involved in this reaction is hexokinase. The Glucose is phosphorylated by hexokinase and forms glucose 6 phosphates. The first phase of the reaction involved the breakdown of glucose and the production of Energy as ATP and then the phosphate group is transferred from ATP to glucose to form the end product and ADP. The reaction is :

Glucose + ATP= Glucose-6-Phosphate +ADP

  • B) The process does not completely utilise enzymes since they do not function as reactants. Instead, they unite with the substrate to produce an enzyme-substrate complex that speeds up the reaction. The enzyme is released undamaged when the reaction is finished and is then ready for another reaction. By reducing a chemical reaction's activation energy, enzymes operate as biological catalysts. This suggests that the presence of an enzyme reduces the amount of energy required to accomplish the reaction. Furthermore, the ratio of substrate molecules to enzymes is not necessary for the process to take place. It is considered “Catalytic Enzymatic Activity” and initially, it is increasing the chemical reaction rate without them or has been altered by this reaction permanently. After that, they are increasing the reaction rate without chemical equilibrium alteration between products and reactants.

(Figure: Activation energy with the enzyme)

The above figure has illustrated the chemical reaction which is also represented with the help of a combustion reaction and the reaction has been completed with Oxygen (O2) and Glucose (C6H12O6). According to the statement of Othman et al. (2021), it has been stated that enzymes have been considered as proteins which are acting based on substrate molecules and reducing the energy activation level. It is also necessary for the chemical reaction for being occurred with the help of transition rate stabilisation. This kind of stabilisation speeds up the rate of the chemical reaction and making them to happen at the rate of physiologically significant (Wei et al. 2019). Energy has been released at the time of enzymatic reaction which speeds up enzymatic reaction through lowering the activation energy required for the initiation of the reaction.

The induced fit theory suggests that the enzyme changes its shape in the presence of the substrate. This model proposes that the binding of substrate to an enzyme causes a change in the shape of that enzyme and can enhance or inhibit the reaction. The induced fit theory resembles the lock-and-key theory. It allows the active site of the enzyme to become complementary to fit the substrate. When the enzyme binds to the substrate, it forms the enzyme-substrate complex. This interaction can cause a mild shift of the enzyme structure which in turn can confirm the binding arrangement. This binding can increase the ability of the enzyme to catalyze the reaction and activation energy.

Induced Fit has been considered as a model which is proposing that all bindings are substrate and other molecules to enzymes which have caused a change in enzyme shape hence; it is enhancing or inhibiting the activity. As per the words of Guengerich et al. (2019), it has been stated that Adenylate Kinase is an accurate example of an Induced fit enzyme. Likewise substrate binding in the active site, they are changing like a little and grasps substrate in a huge amount which is also bound tightly to prepare in catalysing the reaction. The induced fit model is also described as a "Lock and Key Model" and interaction has been linked between enzyme and substrate which is really specific to lock (Peeples and Rosen, 2021). It has also been depicted as rather rigid and static forms in interaction. It is also necessary for the chemical reaction for being occurred with the help of transition rate stabilisation. This kind of stabilisation speeds up the rate of the chemical reaction and making them to happen at the rate of physiologically significant.

(Figure: Induced Fit theory- according to this theory, both enzyme and substrate go through the conformational change reaction. The enzyme contorts the substance into the transition state and increases the rate of reaction).

The above figure has highlighted the entire procedure of “Induced Fit enzymatic reaction” and it is indicating that all enzymes have been shown that all enzymes have a flexible structure and it is an active site which is reshaping the interaction with the substrate (Sheehan et al. 2021). In addition, it is entirely bound. Induced Fit has been considered as a model which is proposing that all bindings are substrate and other molecules to enzymes which have caused a change in enzyme shape. For this reason, it is enhancing or inhibiting the activity.

Word count: 450


Part 1

Law of Dominance- Mendel’s law of dominance states that when parents with pure and different traits cross together, only one form of the trait appears in the allele. The hybrid offsprings exhibit the dominant traits in phenotype. Working with garden pea plants, Medel found that the cross between two parental peas can provide offspring with different traits in F1 generation. While parents are with pure and contrasting traits have been crossed and only a form of a trait is appearing in the upcoming generation. This offspring is exhibiting a dominant trait in phenotype. While parents are with pure and contrasting traits have been crossed and only a form on a trait is appearing in the upcoming generation. This offspring is exhibiting a dominant trait in phenotype. More specifically, according to this law, in a monohybrid cross between two pairs of contrasting characters, one dominant parental character will express in the F1 generation and both the parental character will express in the F2 generation at a 3:1 ratio.

In the Punnett diagram,

D is the dominant trait (green colour) and d is the recessive trait (yellow colour), so as per the law:

DDx dd = gametes D d

DXd------ Dd

F1 generation: ½ D and ½ d

F2 generation

Dd dd

Genotypic ratio: 1DD:2Dd:1dd

Phenotypic ratio: 3:1

Law of Segregation:

Mendel's law of segregation states that pairs of alleles segregate during the meiosis cell division. Therefore, one allele will always be present in every gamete. In the case of a monohybrid cross, both alleles are expressed in F2 generation. Based on this law, only a gene copy is present in organism and it is distributed in each gamete which is making the allocation of all gene copies in a random manner. Then two allele pair differently- one is expressed in the dominant state and the other as recessive traits.

As per the Punnett Diagram:

Y represent the purple colour of the flower and y represents the White colour of the flower. Each homozygous parent in the P generation produces one kind of gamete: Y, y

In the F1 generation, the heterozygous offspring produced two kinds of gametes Y, and y

In the F2 generation, self-pollination of F1 offspring produces F2 offspring with the ratio of 3:1 Purple to White flower.

Law of Independent assortment

The law of independent assortment states that two-hybrid characters will cross with the genotypic character of YyRr. Before crossover, there will be gametes. The alleles will be separated during cell division. The copy of each chromosome is expressed in different gametes. This refers that regardless of the parental phenotype, the alleles inherit differentcombinations of traits. The law of independent assortment states that during the dihybrid cross, the assortment of each pair of traits remains independent from each other. As per the above Punnett Square diagram,

Y- Purple flower

y- white flower

R- round seed

r-wrinkled seed

so, according to the F2 generation,

YYRR- Purple flower with round pea seed

yyrr-White flower with wrinkled seed

YYRr- Purple flower and round seed, YyRr- purple flower with round seed, YYrr- Purple flower with wrinkled seed, Yyrr-Purple flower with wrinkled seed, yyRr- white flower with round seed

Original genotype Result of cross test
YYRR Purple and round 100%
YyRR 50% round purple 50% Round white
YYRr 50% Round purple 50% White wrinkled
YyRr Round Purple Round White Wrinkled Purple Wrinkled White All are 25% chance

Part 2

  • to be born with sickle cell anaemia, the child has to inherit the cope of the Sickle cell gene from both parents. This can happen when both parents are carriers of the sickle cell gene.

In order to inherit Sickle Cell Gene from parents and it has happened while both parents are carrying Sickle Cell Gene and have Sickle Cell Trait. In case a parent is passing two copies of the altered form of a child then it is possible for a phenotypical parent to have a child who is suffering from Sickle Cell Anaemia.

According to the Punnett diagram:

A a
a Aa aa

Table 1: Punnett Square

(Source: Self-developed)

  • According to the Punnett diagram,

AS is the carrier

AA is the no sickle cell

SS is the sickle cell

ASx AS----- AA, AS AS, SS

So, in the F1 generation, the ratio of offspring born with sickle cell anaemia will be 1:2:1 (1 AA:2AS:1SS)

Sickle cell is an autosomal recessive disorder. Both parents have to carry the gene responsible for the disease. The inheritance of Sickle Cell diseasedepends on what genes the parent is carrying. The carriers of the disease will be labelled as AS then there is a 25% chance that the child will carry normal Haemoglobin or AA and 50% chance the child will be born with the disease AS and a 25% chance the child would have the disease SS.

c)healthy gene can be represented as AA, and one parent carrying the gene of the disease can be represented as AS

according to the Punnett diagram

A a
a Aa aa

Table 2: Punnett Square

(Source: Self-developed)

So, according to the diagram, the chances of the offspring carrying the sickle cell gene will be 25% or ¼ (AS). In case an individual or a parent has “Sickle Cell Trait” or HbAS and do not sickle hemoglobin in all HbAA then no children are suffering from Sickle Cell Anaemia. There is only a single chance which has been given to the child for receiving an HbS gene copy hence, it has Sickle Cell Trait.

Word count: 500


Part 1

Points to Consider Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration
The specific pathways (stages) involved Glycolysis, pyruvic oxidation, the critic or Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation The pathway uses pyruvate, the final product of glycolysis. Without functioning ETC, the excess NADH and pyruvate are formed, which reduced to lactate
The cellular location(s) Cytoplasm and mitochondria cytoplasm
Oxygen requirements Yes No
Net ATP yield 36 ATP 2 ATP
Any additional points for comparison that you discover from your research Product formation CO2 and H2O Combustion: complete Product formation: Lactic acid (animal) Ethanol and Carbon -dioxide in the case of Yeast Combustion: incomplete

Part 2

  • Anaerobic respiration is significant because it gives cells a way to generate energy without oxygen. Glycolysis, which happens in the cytoplasm and involves the conversion of glucose into pyruvate, is the first stage of anaerobic respiration. A little quantity of ATP is produced during this process, along with NADH, a coenzyme that transports highly energetic electrons.

Fermentation is the process by which pyruvate is transformed into lactic acid in the absence of oxygen. Although large amounts of lactic acid might be hazardous, anaerobic respiration produces lactic acid for a very specific reason. It permits the creation of NAD+ from NADH, which is necessary for the continuation of glycolysis. Glycolysis would stop without this regeneration, substantially reducing the amount of ATP that could be produced.Therefore, lactic acid generation during anaerobic respiration is essential for maintaining ATP production and ensuring the continuing operation of cells even though its buildup might be harmful.


Cellular Respiration Feature Glycolysis Yes / No Krebs Cycle Yes / No Electron Transport chain Yes / No
Involves aerobic respiration Yes Yes Yes
Occurs in the mitochondrial matrix No Yes No
Pyruvate molecules are produced Yes No No
Acetyl CoA combines with a 4-carbon molecule No Yes No
Electrons are passed between protein carriers No No Yes
ATP is produced Yes Yes No
NAD+ gains hydrogen Yes Yes No
FADH2 loses hydrogen No No Yes

Part 3

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In Glycolysis, glucose, a six-carbon sugar undergoes a series of chemical transformations. At the end of the reaction, the glucose is converted to 2 molecules of pyruvate. In this reaction, ATP is made along with NAD+ is converted to NADH, This reaction is occurred in the cytoplasm, under the aerobic condition, the pyruvate originated from glucose and enters the mitochondria to take part in oxidative phosphorylation. In glycolysis, ATP is used to add two phosphates to the glucose, and 6-carbon sugar phosphate breaks down to form 3-carbon sugar phosphate or triose phosphate. In the matrix, the carbon is removed from pyruvate and it combines with the oxygen to form carbon dioxide whichdiffuses down in mitochondria.

Energy Investment Phase of Glycolysis:

The Glycolysis Energy Investment Phase consist two different ATP molecules which are activating glucose in general. It is breaking down all molecules and glucose producing molecules of “Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate or G3P. Energy in the form of ATP must be provided to this phase because it does not produce ATP on its own.The energy investment phase is followed by the energy payoff phase. The two G3P molecules are further digested in this stage, resulting in the generation of ATP, NADH, and pyruvate. Through a series of enzymatic processes, each G3P molecule generates two molecules of ATP through substrate-level phosphorylation. Two molecules of NADH are also produced, carrying high-energy electrons for utilization in the subsequent steps of the electron transport chain.

Hence, it is acting a whole in this phase of energy investment in Glycolysis and ATP activates consumption procedure. It has also been observed in “Energy Payoff Phase”, generate ATP, pyruvate and NADH. Along with that, ATP is serving as an effective energy resource or NADH contribution and cellular respiration to aerobic respiration such as Oxidative Phosphorylation and Kreb’s Cycle.


The mitochondria are the site of the link reaction, commonly known as pyruvate conversion to acetyl CoA. Each pyruvate molecule produced by glycolysis is oxidized and changed into acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA) during this process.

Pyruvate undergoes oxidation and loses a carbon dioxide (CO2) molecule in the link reaction, creating the two-carbon complex acetyl CoA. NAD+ is also converted during the process to NADH.

Since it is linking with the process of Glycolysis and Krebs cycle which is also addressed as TCA cycle or “Citric Acid Cycle” hence, it can be stated that both are interlinked each other. In addition, this kind of conversion of “Pyruvate into acetyl coA” has been considered as an essential phase in the Aerobic Respiration. While acetyl coA is taking entry in Krebs cycle which is continuing of being oxidised and resulting to produce additional NADH, ATP, FADH2 and CO2. So, overall in link reaction, pyruvate converts to the Acetyle Co A and produces NADH. This process acts as a bridge between glycolysis and the Krebs cycle


The decarboxylation of Pyruvate for the Acetate. CO2 has initiated Acetate production and it has been attached with Coenzyme A for forming Acetyl CoA which is the first outcomeKrebs Cycle. The role of oxygen in the Krebs cycle is, in the absence of oxygen, the electron transport chain may stuff with electrons. For this reason, NAD+ and FAD may not be produced which causes the glycolysis and production of lactic acid instead of pyruvate. In Krebs Cycle, the glucose is oxidized to carbon dioxide, and oxygen is reduced to water. The energy released in the process is stored in the form of ATPs. 36 to 38 ATPs are formed from every glucose molecule.Aerobic glycolysis is a series of reactions wherein oxygenis required to re-oxidize the NADH to NAD+.


The final phase of aerobic respiration takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane and is known as oxidative phosphorylation. Through a sequence of electron carrier molecules in the electron transport chain (ETC), electrons from NADH and FADH2 (produced in earlier stages) are transferred.

Proton Gradient has been produced with the help of pumping proton like H+ across mitochondrial membranes like electrons is travelling across ETC. On that note, it is releasing energy in this process and this kind of mechanism is called as chemiosmosis which is driving ATP synthase for producing ATP.

While FADH2 generates about 1.5 ATP molecules during oxidative phosphorylation, NADH from glycolysis and the Krebs cycle gives roughly 2.5 ATP molecules per molecule. Depending on the source of NADH and FADH2, the precise ATP yield can change. The conversion of pyruvate to Acetyl CoA is important is an important step in aerobic respiration. Acetyl CoA enters to Krebs cycle where it further undergoes through oxidation to produce NADH, FADH2, ATP, and CO2.

Word Count:700

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