Construction Management: Evaluate The Financial Aspects Of The Sustainable Development

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Introduction of Construction Management: Produce A Comprehensive Financial Appraisal That Evaluates The Financial Aspects Of The Sustainable Development In A Professional Manner For The Osney Mead, Oxford Booker Site Assignment

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The term “Construction management” can be defined as a professional service that has been dealing with the users of the specialized techniques related to the project management in order to oversee the design, construction, as well as the planning of the concerned project from the initial position to the final position. This management technique has also been used within “Oxford Booker Site” in order to develop the required skills for taking off the responsibilities regarding the construction site mentioned in the project. The research has also been containing the proposal of the design related to the site along with the setting of the policies regarding the development of major houses which has been providing the opportunities for bringing the benefits to the neighboring communities. 

Research Background

The research has been based on the professional service on the basis of the construction management of the project schedule on the basis of the “Osney Mead” for “Oxford Booker Site” with respect to the quality, cost, function, scope, and safety (Ahmed et al. 2020). It has also been considered as the owner’s interest for mandating the work and delivering the project on time. The research has mainly been focusing on the qualified and combined education on the basis of the experience of the architect, owner, and general constructor with the determination of the best construction sequence. It has also been dealing with the establishment of the plans regarding the safety of the project and the security for the management of the risks. It has also been requiring the management of the information system on the basis of the complex techniques of planning such as critical path with the acknowledgment of the site. It has also been based upon the successful management of the projects. The project has also been requiring the information system and the experience of working with a detailed budget and schedule (Barbosa and Viln?tis, 2017). The research has been based upon bringing the leadership for the project directions on the basis of the requirements of the project manager for overseeing the functions of construction, and business. It also requires the manager for carrying out the motivation and vision for tackling the roadblocks and coach for inspiration.

Aim and Objectives


The main aim of the project is to redevelop the site “Oxford Booker Site” in order to provide the enhancement the lifestyle within the run-down area.


The main objectives based on the research for the redevelopment process of the mentioned site have been considered as:

  • To provide a better accommodation to the students as well as the researchers working in the development area.
  • To evaluate the uses and the barriers regarding the design of the construction site.
  • To determine the transformation of the site for the efficient as well as mo0dern hub within the local area of the mentioned site.

Utilities of the design

The main utilities that have been provided to the construction site are mainly dealing with the infrastructure and improvement of the site with respect to the facilities provided for distribution as well as a collection of the services from the public utilities. The utilities that have been provided within the construction site has been classified as the air conditioning system that has been implemented within the site in order to suit the requirement of the works. The utility also includes the power operator for the construction site that must be arranged for providing the temporary electrical power as well as the required services (Brady et al. 2018). This power has been generated in order to provide the workers with the ability to trench, fence, and concrete for the distribution of power supply for the works of the construction site. Other utilities that have been provided within the construction site included the telecommunication services that have been based upon the “Osney Mead” for setting up the process of telecommunication within the mentioned site. The providers of the electricity within the “Oxford Booker Site” have been provided by the “Scottish and Southern Electric Works” in order to own the present area of construction. Natural gas has also been provided within the construction site of “Osney Mead” by “British Gas”. The sewage as well as the waste disposal system has also been developed within the concerned site in order to dispose of the waste materials generated during the construction process (Zhu et al. 2020). The water system has also been provided by “Thames Water” in order to provide all the utilities of water for the workers and the other people present within the construction site for both drinking and working purpose. The utilities of the construction site also include the ventilation system within the proposed site for restricting the pollutant elements and providing the clean and hygienic air within the high-level location of the site.

Design Proposal

The design of the proposed site has been based upon the three-storied building along with a capacity of 2 bedrooms for 102 units each respectively. The site has been designed on the basis of providing accommodation to the residents as well as the students studying near the construction site in the Oxford city. The development project has been consisting of the building of 12 flats on each floor along with the ground floor that has been consisting of the convenience stores as well as a cafe. These stores have been developed in order to provide the food materials to the residents and the students within the flat (Duan, 2021). The flexibility has also been maintained within the construction site with respect to the commercial as well as the research space that has been put on rent for generating a better income. There has been a total of three main buildings out of which the second building has been consisting of 3 floors with 12 flats each and the third building has been consisting of 14 flats over three major floors. The upper or the top floors of the concerned buildings have been consisting of the riverside views along with the greenery surrounding the floors. It has also been estimated that 102 units have been compiled with around 50 percent policy of H2 within the plan of the Oxford city. However, the residential parking area has been missing within the site along with the close proximity of the transport system which has been aiming towards the reduction of the usage of cars around the city in order to maintain the clean and hygienic environment of the concerned city.

The constructed buildings have been lower than the buildings surrounded by the construction site with respect to the proposed system of development that has been considered as high up to three-storied (Hidayat et al. 2019). The buildings have been constant of the three major green roofs for promoting the biodiversity along with the opportunity of helping for the reduction of the issues related to local flooding with the implementation of a sustainable system of drainage. This drainage system has been surrounded by the buildings in the compliance with certain policies within the plan of the Oxford city construction site. The site has also been following some strict regulations with respect to the facade. The efforts have been made with respect to the incorporation of the design on the basis of the designated space that has been considered as the greenery space along with an effort of maintaining the plantation of many possible trees within the surroundings of the construction site. The population of the Oxford has been considered as 61.4 percent along with the population of students at 29.8 percent. The location of the site has been considered as beneficial for the working as well as learning procedures within the university as well as the some of the schools surrounding the construction site (Li et al. 2020). The major access has been given to the country buses as the site has been placed ideally along with the schools and the commuter areas. The units that have been rented out have been sold following the price margin of “£350,000 to £415,000” per unit cost (Zhou et al. 2020). The flats have been put on sale for the surrounding residents along with an affordable price according to the cities of the affordable housing (Rhoda et al. 2021). The design proposal has also been aimed toward the initial steps regarding the development of a new area of the community that will be responsible for attracting more customers for the offered price of affordable housing. 


The analysis part the important aspect is that the potential issues that come with the making of the management systems and the software that includes the making of that:

  1. The cost of the software: the technologies that are being in the use for the making of the construction into the most efficient and had the income growth through the use of the project the small companies are not able to have the hiring of the technologies that will benefits for the organizational growth, due to the high cost of the software platforms (Rohani et al. 2018). The solutions may arise in front with the more costly and the use of the making of the small builders having more difficulties.
  2. The implementation of the new software’s: the new solutions and the implementation of the new technologies will lead to the making of the service for the purpose of the business for the training of the employee that requires the time (Suryani et al. 2021). That may lead to the making of the proficiency for the many of the employees for the lack into the owing of the previous technical proficiency.
  3.  The update and the training: Despite of the making of the upgrade of the software and the making of the technologies for the purpose of the updatable things, some of the important solutions will be made the obsolete during this time.

 Cost of the building works

(Source: Created by the learner)

The figure mentioned above has been dealing with the cost related to the works of the building at the construction site with respect to the demolition costs that have been consisting of the cost related to the flats, top floor, as well as retail development. It has been observed that the total cost has been considered as “£334000” per m2. This cost has been useful for the determination of the total cost with respect to the demolition of the buildings.

 Total cost including all additional costs for construction

(Source: Created by the learner)

The figure that has been represented above has been responsible for the determination of the cost related to the maintenance and government works. The total cost has been estimated in percentage as well as in amount (Wang and Chen, 2018). This cost includes various allowances and marketing strategies for the construction site along with the cost of the agreement. The discounted price has also been calculated as per the criteria of the project cost.

 Gantt chart for the project development

(Source: Self-developed)

The figure mentioned above has been showering the representation of the Gantt chart with respect to the entire planning and deployment of the project based on the construction site. It has been observed from the above figure that the duration of the successful accomplishment of the project has been mentioned in the form of the Gantt chart representation.


The conclusion has been derived on the basis of the research that has been determining the management of the construction within the proposed site. The project has been dealing with the research conducted on the basis of the site, “Osney Mead” which has been dealing with the background information regarding the proposed site and its design. The research project has also been consisting of the planning of the proposed design of the construction and the evaluation of the estimated costs related to the construction building.


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