Developing and maintaining professional relationships among teachers within schools Assignment Sample

This paper reviews literature on the importance of developing strong professional relationships between teachers within schools.

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Developing and maintaining professional relationships among teachers within schools


Teachers are responsible for the growth and development of students. It is essential that teachers have strong professional relationship with other staff members within schools (Albion and, 2015, pp. 655-673). Relationship between teachers and their interaction support in identifying needs of learners and providing them quality education. Current study will review literatures of other author on developing and maintaining professional relationship among teachers within schools.


Significance of developing professional relationship among teachers within schools

Bishop, (2015, pp.402) declared that professional relationship between teachers and other peer group members plays significant role in the education system. Though teacher participate in school level activities and events but their participation in indirect. Development of professional relationship within teachers is important for getting innovative ideas of providing education to the students (5 Ways to Improve Relationships With Educational Assistants & Paraprofessionals, 2017). It develops professionalism at the school level. This bonding can be better in exchanging ideas, improving understanding and gathering knowledge about different subjects. If there are exchanging their views and ideas then they can resolve any issues easily and can contribute well in the professional development of learners. Arnold and Boggs, (2015) commented that teachers play the role of leaders in the educational organization. They are responsible to lead all learners and make them aware with the necessary information. Positive professional relationship supports lecturers in maintaining discipline in the school and giving values to the students. There are many teachers within school those who teaches different activities to learners. If there is professional relationship between teachers then it helps in resolving problems effectively and maintaining healthy environment in the workplace (Tondeur and, 2017, pp. 462-472). It establishes professional commitments which is good for the growth of school. Gess-Newsome, (2015, pp.28-42) commented that many new teachers get recruited by principles in school whenever new teacher are required, good professional relationship among teachers support in making new candidates familiar with the practices of educational institutes and new person can feel comfortable. This assists in minimizing confusions and developing trust as well (Entwistle, 2015). Developing relationship is the best tool through which talented teachers can retain in the workplace for longer duration and they can perform their duties well.

Gess-Newsome, (2015, pp.28-42) declared most of the educational institutes are organizing interpersonal professional relationship programs in the schools. These programs are concentrating on creating shared standards of practices. This programs make them aware with importance of professional relationship and how these can be beneficial for teachers career development. Effective communication between teachers to teacher are essential for the professional development of teachers. Regular collaboration and interaction between lecturers are evaluable, this is beneficial in effective team planning and preparing activities for enhancing skills of students. Each person has unique skills and abilities. When these people interact with each others then it helps in spreading knowledge of one person to another. Bukor, (2015, pp. 305-327) declared that due to difference in cultural aspect communication become the major issue for the teachers. As they feel unable to coordinate with other teachers due to which they fail to share their views with the management.

Allen and Penuel, (2015, pp. 136-149) declared that teachers have leadership skill, their leadership skills are essential for the development of learners. Higher authorities of schools continuously work for developing professional relationship among teacher. For achieving this purpose they organize face to face meeting with the teachers. This helps in understanding each others point of view and gaining information about the culture and practices of schools. That develops professionalism among teachers and they provide quality education to their students in class rooms. Apart from developing professional relationship it is also essential that to maintain professional relationship among teachers (The Importance of Effective Teacher to Teacher Communication, 2017). If this relationship does not get maintained then it may affect the overall success of the school. It may create conflict situations and can create misunderstanding as well. McMillan, McConnell and O’Sullivan, (2016, pp.150-167) commented that each educational institute have made its own policies and practices. It is not essential to coordinate with each teacher individually. These practices support in identifying the way of performing their duties. Thus this helps in maintaining professionalism in the workplace.

Mendive and, (2016, pp. 130) stated that maintaining professional relationship among teachers are essential in the educational institutes because it not only helps in understanding needs of learners but also support in identifying standards of teaching. If teachers are performing their duties with professional manner then it creates healthy environment and resolving work based issues. Sometimes some students fails to understand teaching practices of some teachers. In such condition it becomes difficult for the teachers that to make them understand and handle them. In such situation professional relationship with other teachers support the lecturers in understanding behaviour of particular learner and how to deal with them. By this way they can these teachers become able to handle such people well and teaching them in professional manner (5 Ways to Improve Relationships With Educational Assistants & Paraprofessionals, 2017). That improve teaching skills of teachers and they get innovative ideas of handling students.

McMillan, McConnell and O’Sullivan, (2016, pp.150-167) declared that relationship is very important in each organization. There are many people those who work in an entity. In educational institutes many people work such as teachers, principles, learners, administrative department etc. When they all work together then sometimes confusions get created due to difference in culture and language (The Importance of Effective Teacher to Teacher Communication,2017). But professional development of relationship can be helpful in understanding each others and following standards as well. This is way through which teachers can minimize confusion and they can complete their duties effectively (5 Ways to Improve Relationships With Educational Assistants & Paraprofessionals, 2017). De Vries, van de Grift and Jansen, (2014, pp.338-357) argued that maintaining professional relationship is considered as essential aspect for the growth of the educational institutes and career development of learners as well. Teachers have to follow professional standards while performing in the schools and educational institutes. It can only be possible when people have healthy relationship with each others and they communicate with each others well. In the absence of healthy professional relationship teachers are unable to make students provide good information (Entwistle, 2015).

Borg, (2015) commented it is not necessary to develop and maintain professional relationship among teacher within school. There is required to have strong bonding between teachers and students. Learners are required to give respect to their teachers and they have to follow their instructions. If teachers do not have professional relationship then it will not major impact on the learning of students. The main agenda of schools is to provide quality education to the learners so that they can grow in their career and can be developed. For that it is essential that teacher provide them good education and build relationship with them. By this way students can be able to raise their quarries with teachers and lecturers will be able to resolve quarries of the learners. This is the way through which overall objective of school can be accomplished and students can develop skills and abilities within them (De Vries, van de Grift and Jansen, 2014, pp. 338-357). Cremin and Arthur, (2014) declared that managing classroom behaviour is very difficult. In such condition it is essential that all professional teachers control over classroom. If they all have strong relationship with each others then it can support in meeting with expectation of learners. This supports in challenging behaviour into opportunities. Pupil participation in this this respect can be beneficial because as much as people are engaged in the activities they can built professional relationship with each others. Strong professional relationship is helpful in enhancing creativity so that best education can be provided by teachers to all learners. Working together is essential for building strong professional relationship among teachers at primary schools.

Dicke and, (2015, pp. 62-72) argued that rather than developing relationship among teacher, it is essential to have strong bonding between parents and teachers. There are many issues about students that are necessary to discuss with parents. If both these persons have professional relationship then they will be able to find solution through which issues of the learners can be resolved soon. But if the teacher does not have strong relationship with the parents then it may create difficult to understand the behaviour of students and teach them well. Mendive and, (2016, pp.130) declared that teachers have to adopt different ways of teaching with different learners because all persons have unique characteristics. In such conditions lecturers have to identify behaviour of the learners and accordingly they have to handle them. This is only possible if parents and teachers have good bonding.

Ways of developing and maintaining professional relationship among teachers in schools

Gregory and, (2014, pp.143-163) declared that professional relationship development is important for expansion of knowledge. Teachers have to coordinate with each others and they discuss about strengths and weakness of learners. Apart from this in the conversation they discuss about the ways of dealing students well. It helps in getting innovative ideas and improving teaching skills as well. There are several ways through which this relationship or bonding can be developed in schools (5 Ways to Improve Relationships With Educational Assistants & Paraprofessionals, 2017). One of the great way of developing professional relationship among the teachers is conduct meetings. Holding meeting with all teacher is the great idea of developing relation ship among two or more persons. De Vries, van de Grift and Jansen, (2014, pp.338-357) commented that some times when one person is unaware with the skills of other than individual fail to coordinate well each others. It impacts on their bondings. In such condition principles and other higher authorities of schools conduct meetings with all students. In these meetings they discuss about standards of teaching and process that need to be adopted by teachers while teaching to learners. Apart from this in the face to face meeting communication held between all staff members and they know better about each others. This gives knowledge about others and they become familiar with each other. It supports them in interacting with others well and discussing about their teaching issues. By this way people can get better ideas to handle the students well (The Importance of Effective Teacher to Teacher Communication,2017). It is the best approach through which professional relationship can be build up among teacher within schools.

Tam, (2015, pp. 22-43) argued that supervision of pre-service teachers is the best way of developing and maintaining strong professional relationship among teacher within schools. Higher authorities such as senior teachers and principles have to examine the pre-services of teachers well. By this way they will be able to analyses strength and weakness of the person. This will support in make them aware with their loop falls and making them understand with professional standards. Stein and, (2015, pp. 357-388) declared that encouraging and showing humility and kindness towards others is considered as best way through which such type of relationship can be built up. Teachers are the pillar for the growth of learners. Students get educational knowledge in the schools and teachers make them aware with the practical environment of market. This supports in identifying their career growth and developing skills among them. But if teachers is poor professional relationship among teachers then individual will not be able to provide quality education to the students. For resolving this problem it is essential that all teacher show their humility towards others. Whenever new teachers enter into the school then they have to do warm welcome of them and have to behave kindly with them. It can enhance trust and confidence of lecturers a\that develops relationship with other teaching staff members. Encouraging others work can make them person feel comfortable that enhance their energy as well.

Entwistle, (2015) commented that refusing engaging in gossips and hearsay talks is the great solution for developing and maintaining professional relationship among teachers. Engaging into gossips is against the professionalism. If people are doing gossips then it may create conflict situation and can create negativity in the workplace. Gossip makes the person negative towards the working environment and it destroys relationship with others as well. Thus, each firm ensure that people do not get engaged in gossip in the working environment because it affects their professional relationship. Kaput, Carraher and Blanton, (2017) argued that active participation in official meetings and events is the way through which professional relationship can be built up. Principles organize meetings on regular bases for teacher, in this meeting session they discuss about standards and issues that are faced by teachers. Innovative ideas are generated into this meeting that helps in resolving issues significantly. In such condition teachers get to know about each others and that develops professional relationship between teaching staff. In the meetings all teachers put their point of views in professional manner and they communicate with each others. This is way through which people understand each other and know each others well. This interaction develops professional relationship.

Bukor, (2015, pp.305-327) declared that use of appropriate language and words plays significant role in maintaining and developing professional relationship among teachers in educational institutes. Teachers have to interact with other teacher and have to discuss about class activities. Proper communication develops a trust among them and they share their ideas with each others. If appropriate words are used by teachers while communicating with other teaching staff then it develops respects in the person for other. This shows professionalism and that develops strong bonding among them. Goddard and, (2015, pp.501-530) commented that for developing professional relationship it is essential to have personal relationship between two persons. In such condition they both become able to understand each others. Some times use of social networking sites develops personal relationship between two people. When two person work in the same organization then they become friends and they coordinate with each others on social networking sites. It gives them chance to know better about each others. If they have personal relationship then they also behave good at professional level. This helps them in sharing their views about students and education environment. By this way they can get innovative ideas to resolve any issue at the workplace. This helps in maintaining long term professional relationship among teacher at schools.

Tondeur and, (2017, pp. pp.462-472) declared that implementation of policies and legislative aspects is the better solution for developing and maintaining professional relationship among teachers within school. Each educational institute has to follow strict rules and standards that are made by government. Principles and other higher authorities conduct meetings with all staff members in order to make them aware with these principles. In such conditions people get to know their responsibilities and how they have to perform these duties. The guideline reflects that no person can do gossips at workplace and they have to follow instruction of their higher authorities. On regular bases supervisors supervise their performance. This creates healthy environment and people professionally behave with each others. It develops professional relationship among teachers and they perform their duties well. Margaret C. Wang and Genev a D. Haertel , (2017) stated that healthy and professional environment can not be created until all people put their best efforts. If principles are conducting the meeting but teachers are not paying concentration on this meeting areas then the main objective of the meeting can not be fulfilled. It depends upon the own skills of the person that to build strong relationship with others. If individual is unable to gain trust of others and have no interest to build bonding with others then this no solution can work here for developing strong professional relationship among teachers. On other hand if he person has willingness to develop relationship with others then individual will be able to fulfil their responsibilities well and that would develop professional relationship among teachers within school (5 Ways to Improve Relationships With Educational Assistants & Paraprofessionals, 2017).


From the above study it can be concluded that teachers are the pillars in the education system. They continuously work for the development of students. For enhancing skills of learners and developing them it is essential to have strong professional relationship among teachers within schools. This bonding can support in resolving educational issues properly and enhancing standard of education system. In order to develop and maintain professional relationship among teachers, it is essential that all teaching staff coordinate with each others well and actively participate in the meetings. This is the way through which teachers can understand each others and can perform their duties well.


Books and Journals

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5 Ways to Improve Relationships With Educational Assistants & Paraprofessionals, 2017. [Online]. Available from <>

Margaret C. Wang and Genev a D. Haertel, (2017). Teacher Relationships. [Online]. Available from <>

The Importance of Effective Teacher to Teacher Communication,2017. [Online]. Available from <>

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