Purposes & Benefits of Educational Resources in Teaching Assignment Sample

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Introduction of Developing, Using and Organising Resources in a Specialist Area Assignment

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Task A

1.1 Purposes of Resources in Teaching and Learning

Resources play an integral part in providing a learning experience to the learners. Resources assist in the process involved in learning. The integration between the teachers and learners is enhanced with the resources. It enables students to develop a sense of acquiring knowledge through experience. Resources enable the satisfaction of the various needs of learning of the learner.

Interactive resources:

There are various games which make an essential resource in teaching. It is a great way of engaging the entire class. Learners can get involved in the learning process which enhances their attention. It strengthens the bond between the teacher-leaner and well learner-learner. A good spirit of competition is developed among the learners where strong traits are developed.

Engagement of the learners:

Learners are classified into various types as classified by psychologists. There are various audio-visual aids which enhance the learning process. The colourful flashcards and aids grab the attention of the learners. It helps the teacher to help the students who are easily distracted focus on their lessons. Decorating the classroom with colourful visual aids helps to create a culture of education (Puspitarini and Hanif, 2019). Learning by Doing is facilitated where learners develop and learn by engaging in the activities themselves.

Motivation: Resources in learning are a great way to motivate learners. It enables learners to take part in the lessons by being a driving factor. Confidence is enhanced as the learners can answer and understand the concept (Akhmetshin et al., 2019). Psychologists have often associated the motivating factor concerning the innate characteristics and personality traits of the learner.

Reinforcement of learning:

Resources of learning are an essential agent which nurtures the environment of the learner. Resources enable the teacher to create a learning and sustainable environment for the learner. The Policy and Reward methodology is implemented with the aid of resources for learning.

1.2 Effectiveness of Specific Resources in Meeting Individual Learning Needs

Educational psychologists have often projected the diverse nature of learners. Educators need to understand the needs and learning capabilities of the learners. This enables educators to formulate designs and make appropriate use of resources. Learning capability is increased and identified and the needs of the various learners are met.

Construction of knowledge:

The effectiveness of specific resources is facilitated due to the active processes of learning. This includes the exchange of ideas, opinions, and questions between the teacher and the learner. The sharing of the resources provides for reflection which escalates the purpose of knowledge. The knowledge acquired through specific resources is way more responsive to the conversational process.

Collaboration Culture:

The use of specific resources enhances the culture of participation and collaboration. A meaning is developed in interpersonal relationships. This is the result of the culture of participation and learning. Collective intelligence is based on the contribution of the participants in this case the learners (Prestridge, 2019). Teachers are encouraged to provide immense opportunities to the learners through increased efficacy.

Use of Technology:

In this modern age, digitalisation is the method of application of studies. The collaboration of technology along the teaching concepts enhances the level of understanding in learners. The need for social interaction along with the innovatory mindset is increased. The needs of innate learners are met as different learners respond to different learning techniques.

Acquisition of various skills:

Creativity is enhanced with the use of effective specific resources. Creativity is enhanced which compels a child to think. Psychologists had often based arguments on the fact that a learner should be encouraged to think. This is the purpose of education which is the manifestation of the knowledge received. A learner is encouraged to ask various questions which is a sign of a curious mind.

2.1 Analysis of Principles of Resource Design

Resource design is referred to the process of designing resources with efficiency. Resources are a very crucial element which provides learners with a positive learning experience. There are several principles regarding the field of resource design. At the time of creating and applying a proper resource design, it is very important to adhere to as well as follow such principles. Such principles of designing resources are discussed below in a brief and precise manner.

Relevance: Relevance is considered one of the most crucial principles of resource design. At the time of designing a resource, the resource design must be effective. It should be relevant enough to identify the research aims or the answers to research questions. The design must be relevant enough that will match the skills or abilities of the learners as well.

An adequate level of learners: The other principle which must be considered at the time of designing resources is to identify whether the design is matching the level of learners. This principle covers several factors which include the age of learners, or academic level of pupils, and so on. For instance, if a resource is designed following the students of 10th standard and then is employed for the students of class 5 it will not work. Integrating learning through significant contributions is a major initiative of the resource design philosophy. Learners acquire and question themselves in consolidated learning. Pupils can utilise this to evaluate their levels and apply the design to their level.

Matching the needs of learners: It is another principle of research design which must be considered. The design of research must match the needs of learners. The resource must be designed in a way which fulfils the needs of the students.

Adaptability: Adaptability or flexibility is another principle of research design. The resource design must be adaptable enough will help the students to access the resource inclusively.

Collaboration: Collaboration is one of the other factors which must be considered. Resources must be designed in a way that enhances their accessibility which will help the learners to undertake a collaborative approach to access. The collaboration will help the students to help each other by supporting the weak areas of each other.

Functionality: Functionality or accessibility is one of the most crucial principles which must be considered at the time of designing research. The research must be designed in a way that helps the students to access the resource properly. When the design is made in an accessible way the students will effectively use the resources. It will enhance the functionality of the overall process.

Promoting Equality and Diversity: Equality and Diversity are one of the other and most important factors in this regard. The term equality is all about treating everyone in an equal and fair manner without any discrimination and providing everybody equal opportunities (Broderick, 2018). On the other hand, the term diversity is referred to the process of allowing a varied range of everything (Frønes et al., 2020). Having equality and diversity enhances the resource design and makes it more effective.

2.2 Explanation of Resource Development

Resource Development indicates the development of various natural resources. This is due to enhanced effectiveness and efficiency. The purpose of effective resource development assures that human existence and the surrounding is not affected in any manner. Resource Development provides meaning and matter to all aspects. The learning process also has a lot of need for the development of adequate resources. This fulfils the purpose of education which is to foster an all-round intellectual and personal development.

Development of a Curriculum:

Learning is a process which involves individuals belonging to various ages. A lot of minds are involved which requires a particular framework. Various concepts, disciplines and theories are involved which develops the necessity of a curriculum. Resource development provides for all the key criteria which are required to impart quality education to learners (Schneiderhan, Guetterman and Dobson, 2019). Following a curriculum enables the educational systems to incorporate essential components in the system.

Maintaining standard:

Evaluation and assessment is a prime criterion which is required to analyse the curriculum. Resource Development enables the people responsible to assess the areas in which the focus needs to be extended. A standard is set which enables the benchmarking of the norms of the processes. Without a particular benchmarking it makes maintaining a standard difficult.

Future Predictions:

Resource Development helps the authorities to prepare for the future. It enables the prediction of future trends in education and modern processes of teaching. The use of technology is made to the best of the ability to maximise concept retention (Ferreira, Martinson and Tali?, 2020). Various disciplines and subjects are being introduced as part of the curriculum.

Maximisation of efficiency of resources:

The development of resources ensures that resources are implemented as per the needs. This ensures that the best is extracted from the resources. Learning processes are developed and furnished with new techniques and concepts.

2.3 Usefulness of Theories Principles and Models of Inclusive Curriculum Design

Theory of Inclusive Curriculum Design:

The theory of inclusive curriculum design contains experiential learning of which appliances are particularly fit and pertinent. Through such appliances, the learners get an overall positive learning experience. This theory can be employed in a wide range of educational programmes. In this context, to address the inclusive curriculum design notion, Maslow’s concept is very suitable. It is commonly known that Maslow’s theory addresses the different types of human needs and motivational aspects which grow from the ground level (Louca et al., 2021). This theory offers important information because it perfectly represents human desires.

Principles of Inclusive Curriculum Design:

There is a wide range of principles of inclusive curriculum research design. Collaboration is one of the most important principles of inclusive curriculum design. A collaborative environment encourages the students in their curriculums in terms of providing support to each other. Besides this, another principle of inclusive curriculum design includes equality and diversity. Equality is providing equal opportunity and equality in treating everyone and diversity is welcoming people from a wide variety of backgrounds (Kamarck, 2019). Every student must be allowed to get equal opportunities and must be treated fairly in an equal manner. The students should not be discriminated against based on their colour or region. A wide variety of students from different backgrounds must be welcomed.

Models of Inclusive Curriculum Design:

There are several different models of inclusive curriculum learning. It entails validity and training opportunities. One of the inclusive curriculum design models includes virtual models which provide the students with opportunities to learn without presenting in the classrooms. A virtual model focuses on the individual learning of students. Besides this, there is another model of inclusive curriculum design which is known as the blending model. This model leads the students to learn most of the things in the classrooms and the rest of this from the outside.

2.4 Analysis of the Resource Adaptation Processes to Enable an Inclusive Approach

SMOG Test: The term SMOG stands for "Simple Measure of Gobbledygook" (Abdullah et al., 2022). It is referred to as one of the most effective tools. With the help of this, it is determined how many years of education are required for a person which enables him or her to comprehend a text.

PowerPoint: By employing a PowerPoint program a student can learn a vast area of things. PowerPoint is a program by Microsoft that enables an individual to make presentations by employing various pictures or graphics or videos (Aziz and Dewi, 2020). Students can easily virtually access PowerPoint also. Using PowerPoint, students can cooperate and accomplish any assignment or research study properly. It is one of the most crucial inclusive approaches.

Images: Proper utilisation of images is also very important in an inclusive approach. Images provide a proper reflection of the entire content more clearly. Using of images provides a vast and clear understanding of the overall content.

Task B

3.1 Classification of Storage of Documents

Document or data collection and its storage is the specific way of maintaining the privacy of those valuable data. Thereby all the employees can know the flow of data. The help of their handle is the topmost priority based on their classification as well as the storage procedure. Data storing is the most essential part even for maintaining a healthy network base (Fossatti et al., 2020). Storage devices are classified as primary and secondary storage. Among the means of storage some mostly renowned storages are:

PDF storage: The Pdf is the type of storage where an excessive amount of data can be stored, and those files are portable. From this Pdf, no one can edit the data. Thereby, to restrict unauthorised access, these kinds of files are protected by a strong password. Antivirus software supports the protection of those files for a long time.

Maintenance of valuable documents: Maintaining the document and their storage is the most crucial step for any industry. There are lots of files that are stored either manually or on the device. The time of urgency to get those files becomes tough sometimes because of the excessive amount of congestion. That is why the segregation of those files in a particular section serves the proper purpose of any type of storage for managing important information.

Mp3 format storage: In recent times MP3 or MP4 are those types of file storage where specifically designated files contain only audio and videos. This type of standard technology of storing sound sequences manages files into very small file formats. With restricted access most of the time and without hampering the original file and avoids the overcrowding of unwanted data. With the growth of the different types of data different formats is coming into the market to assist storage with ease (Vakilinia et al., 2019). For this purpose, the tapes and the disk should be screened regularly to be in their proper working state.

Producing proper format of catalogue: Maintaining a catalogue is another important step in handling the purpose of storage efficiently. At first, before the surge of digitalisation, the catalogues were maintained manually. However, in the modern era, every type of information is stored digitally which saves time as well as the excess toil of the employees. The digitalised catalogues are generally created using the popular PDF format.

3.2 Reviews of Resource-Sharing Ways

Social Networking: Sharing resources has lots of ways in which social media plays a vital role in learning different types of skills. Those online platforms allow sharing of the resources of the needy individual with proper usage. Even the students are also gaining valuable material through the fruitful sharing of social media resources (Samad, Nilashi and Ibrahim, 2019). Again, in recent times there are lots of groups which share their common interest or knowledge via social media. It helps people to be more active in sharing desired knowledge or resources to share the resource on any topic skilfully.

Sharing of online files: Online file sharing is the modern way of handling resources and spreading those resources from one end to another. This type of sharing of files is done via computers or laptops both personally and professionally. This gained the status of compulsoriness during the Covid 19 rapidly (Tan, Chan and Mohd Said, 2021). Thus, shared information or different valuable resources are handled online which became most helpful during the pandemic too.

Access to VLEs: Virtual Learning Environment is a specific way of sharing resources which are basic knowledge, serving the purpose of the students of any standard. Moodle is the platform by which students gather the required knowledge via online sources. It assists in creating the assignments along with evaluating the report of student progress at the school or university level (Queiroga et al., 2021). The VLE has open accessibility where the students, who do not have the opportunity of buying books, can be benefited undoubtedly.

Shared network areas: Common resource identification is the major step in the field of resource sharing. This can be shared via useful means for the successful delivery of preserved information. Nobody lacks several resources nowadays because of technological rapid advancement for sure. Thus, the work that someone performs has less chance of being authentic and relevant.

4.1 Legal Requirements and Responsibilities

Risk assessment: Risk assessment is the parameter by which every individual of different industries can have the standard of maintaining safety. This should be done for their personal as well as professional aspects. Some legal factors are related to the safety procedure while using human safety procedures as well as the equipment.

Safeguarding the copyright: Violation of the copyright legislation resources is another name of the criminal offence. For the protection of the file or any document, the copyright is always there. The restricted accessibility limits the unwanted handling of those valuable files or data. The stored resources should have an authentic licence to avoid any type of legal proceedings that the individuals, as well as the organisations, must be aware of.

Digital consciousness: Whenever an individual accesses the information provided online, he or she should know there are some restrictions on handling the information. When someone has illegal access, both knowingly or unknowingly, legal punishment is there to punish that person or authority. That is why everyone should always be alert while using online platforms.

4.2 Analysis of Implications of Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright

This report is based on using, developing, and organising resources in the bakery sector. This part of this report identifies some intellectual rights of property, which is also known as IPR and discusses them in detail. IPR or intellectual rights of property, this term refers to some legal principles and rights. These are provided to the creator or inventor to protect her or his creation or invention for an exact period. These intellectual rights of property help to secure and protect the inventions that are invented by the owner. There are several literary sources, especially some videos and pictures that are protected from getting illegally copied (Thakur–Wernz and Wernz, 2022). These Intellectual rights of property help to promote the baking industry to do the investment in several topics of research. The baking industry always tries to be careful and aware of their newly invented bakery products and their new ideas. They also try to protect those creative ideas; hence, no external person cannot damage or steal those business or product ideas. To prevent those confidential ideas the baking industry uses the intellectual right of property or IPR.

That helps them to implement new ideas and unique products and encourages them to be more creative and helps to spread positivity in the workplace. The baking and food industry benefited greatly from this IPR. This helps the food industry to make more unique and provide high-quality food products and people are benefiting from these healthy products. The working team also can work more freely without any hesitation or fear because they are highly assured that their hard work and dedication will be paid surely due to IPR or intellectual property rights (Nemlioglu, 2019). Many problems and conflicts are occurring in the bakeries and these all matters are analysed and provided solutions for safeguarding the conflicts based on IPR. This helps to increase the working culture and working environment also.

Copying any confidential content will be eliminated by the intellectual property rights implementation. The laws of copyright always help all sectors including the bakery industry to safeguard and secure the staff’s dedication and their hard work from getting copied or leaked. All copyright laws and intellectual property rights or IPR is very essential to protect any type of business. Without the protection of business ideas, any business owner or an individual cannot get the benefits of their innovative inventions. It will discourage them and the quality of foods of bakery products might be reduced due to a lack of courage and dedication.

Task C

2.5 Resources and Technologies

The term ‘resources’ is very crucial in the context of learning. Resources are essential for providing learners with a learning experience. Resources support the learning process in various ways. The resources improve how well teachers and students are integrated. It enables students to grow a sense that knowledge is acquired through experience. Resources make it possible for learners to satisfy their various learning needs. On the other hand, technology also plays a crucial role in this context. Within a few decades technologies also have become very advanced. This advanced technology is very fiscally useful in this field.

Coming to technologies, in the field of baking, various advanced technologies can be used to provide a positive and attractive experience in learning. Such technologies include 'Kahoot!', Padlet, iMovie, and so on. Kahoot is a technology which is based on games and is used in the field of education (Wang and Tahir, 2020). This technology helps in learning by making the learners able to access various multiple-choice quizzes which are generated in this technology by the users. Learners find it quite interesting to answer quizzes. This technology enhances the learning of the learners. Padlet is another technology which also assists in learning (Deni and Zainal, 2018). A creative platform called Padlet serves as a digital noticeboard and makes it easier for teachers and students to communicate. Besides this, iMovie is another technology that helps in creating documentaries which enhance the learning experience. Apart from this, there are also various types of technologies which play a crucial role in the path of learning.

Now for resources, there are several resources which also contribute to learning to a great extent. Without resources, effective learning is not possible. One of the most crucial resources which have a great contribution to the learning context is ppt slides. PPT slides are the abbreviation of PowerPoint Slideshow. It is a presentation which is created on the Microsoft PowerPoint software that allows users to deliver a content presentation. It is made by using and adding various pictures, audio clips, transitions, effects, and so on (Uzun and Kilis, 2019). Through these learners can better understand the entire content. Besides this, the use of mobile phone applications or android applications in learning is also an emerging resource. Through these applications, learners get every information regarding their learning very quickly and easily. Besides this, using e-learning resources has also become a very emerging trend. Such resources include YouTube, Udemy and so on. Such resources also play a great part in the learning context. In this way, various technologies and resources help in enhancing the learning experience in every field including baking.

2.6 Ways of Learning

Grade: Baking Diploma

Subject: Baking

Date: 01.12.2022

Topic: Baking

Lesson: Icing or Frosting

Lesson Focus and Goals: Learning the process of Icing, implementing the process practically, and enhancing baking.

Materials needed: Icing sugar, water, egg white, glucose syrup, milk powder, butter, fat, Spatula, Spoon, and so on.


To spread frosting or icing, individuals need a spatula. To prevent the bottom layer of the cake from shifting, one must first dab frosting on the base. The base of the cake must be covered with the first layer, which must be spread over the processing. The second layer must then be placed on top and gently pressed down. The cake then needs to be covered in a thin layer of frosting. This is known as a crumb coat, and it makes sure that the final frosting surface looks amazing. The cake must then be placed in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes, or until well-chilled. The frosting is complete when the cake is taken out of the refrigerator. It is necessary to apply a generous amount of frosting and spread it across the edge of the cake, wiping off any surplus as folks turn the pan with their hand. Using the backside of a spoon is a good way to create those swirls. Then, two offset spatulas are required for a simple transfer to a cake plate.


During the learning of baking students or learners are provided lessons about the process of icing or frosting a cake. Various technologies and resources have been used to enhance their learning. With the help of Padlet, a digital notice is provided to all learners about the various information regarding the sessions. With the help of ppt slides in every day’s session, the learners are provided with the process and knowledge regarding the process. Various slides are shown to the learners including pictures, audio, and many more to enhance their learning. After that, with the help of Kahoot technology, the learners are asked to participate in quizzes regarding the subject and answer it to determine their understanding as well.

Task D

5.1 Reflective Account


Areas to Improve

? A baker should have good organisational skills, as a baker I have to work with many different ingredients in the kitchen, so I know how to be organised. For this reason, I can give attention while baking any product. For baking, it needs the right time and ingredients in the right quantity. When someone does not mix up the ingredients in the right quantity the desired taste will not come. I know how to mix up the ingredients in the right way and I can measure the ingredients very well, which gives a finished and tasty product.

? I can give many innovative ideas, and I know how to make different types of tasty products. Therefore, as a home baker, I have started a small business from my home, for this reason, I must communicate with different types of customers to sell my product, which developed my communication skills as well.

? As a baker, I also have some weak points which decrease my confidence level as well. I cannot handle criticism, which is a big weak point of mine. I know there will be good feedback and bad feedback both, I am not a negative person, and also, I am a very sensitive person, I cannot bear any negative comments from the other side.

? Sometimes I lose my dedication level for not positively taking the negative comment, and for this reason, I cannot develop my self-confidence.

? When I feel very low and disheartened, I lack dedication.

5.2 Evaluation


As a home baker, I know how to organise my ingredients in the right way and how to give a proper taste to my product. For this reason, I am getting a lot of good feedback from my customers. I have become very famous in my locality as a baker. I can make many innovative products, people need a variety of products from a baker, for putting many interesting things on my item. People of my locality enjoy it a lot and I hope in future everyone will like my innovative ideas. Therefore, because of my good communication skills, I can sell products as well, this communication skills also help me in dealing with customers. My communication skill also increased my reputation.

On the other hand, I cannot bear any negative comments from anyone, for this reason, I stop working sometimes. I cannot deal with criticism, which is a very important skill. I always want to make the perfect product, but everyone has the same taste buds and not everyone will like the product which I make. Sometimes this simple thing has not accepted me, which decreases my dedication level. I must accept the failure and move on, and from this, I am learning to accept my faults and try again.

5.3 Skill Development Plan

Action Plan for Developing Resources in Baking




Taking criticism

I would need to deal with the criticism in just 1 month.

After 1 month I must ensure that I can deal with criticism positively, which will encourage in reflecting my improvements

Decrease nervousness

I need at least 5 or 6 weeks to reduce my nervousness.

I should give different types of innovative ideas. I should not be occupied with different useless thoughts. I should have to practise a lot and I would have to cut off my confusion, which would help in connecting with the customers.

Accepting failure and moving on

I need 1 month to accept this skill.

After 1 month I must warrant that I can accept my failure. I will learn how to take this failure positively. I would have to practise healthy coping skills. I will learn to develop realistic thoughts about failure. I will learn to move on from failure and I will try from my core to achieve success. I will learn to recognise my mistakes from failure and, I will try to take responsibility.

Over scrutinising

I need 2 months to overcome this problem

Nothing can distract me from doing my work. I will learn to complete my work on time. I will also learn not to waste any time by overthinking. It will help me in choosing the right and wrong decisions.

Doing the bigger task in a short way

I need 1 month to develop this skill and improve my way of work

This skill will help me in shortly doing any bigger work and it will also help me in managing time, by managing time I will also learn to add more innovative ideas. I will also take a lot of work. I will also be able to handle a lot of work by choosing the main task and sub-task.


From the above-mentioned skill, it can be concluded that Organisational skills help in organising the ingredients very well. Which help in finishing the item at the right time, it also gives a smooth finish, a good communication skill helps in dealing with people. Reducing the overthinking problem helps in choosing the right product at the right time. Baking needs a well-planned process, keeping patience under a lot of pressure is a very important part of baking. A lot of time is needed for baking and managing the time for baking is a very essential point. Criticism is to be taken in a positive way, which helps in knowing the mistakes and learning from the mistakes. Overthink cannot be done, which will destroy the whole process. The bigger task is to be done in a short way which will help in finishing the work ahead of time. A lot of deals can be done by completing the task before the time. A lot of innovative ideas is be implemented which reflect varieties of products. People love to enjoy different types of bakery items; sales can be increased by making varieties of items. Reputation can be developed by increasing sales.


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