
Kai Johnson  

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  • Computer Science

I have a great amusement for programming and it has been my favourite subject since studying at the University of Hull. The best part was assignments as I excelled in them. I have done a master's in programming and also got A+ grades every semester. I have been helping students write programming assignments for more than 9 years now and I will be glad to help you as well.

Published: 3 Jun 2024 | 11 Pages, 2683 Words

Introduction Of Data Analysis And Tools And Application Data Analysis And Tools And Application On A Multi Camera And Multimodal Dataset For Posture And Gait Analysis The posture and gait analysis play a major role in different fields, and those fields are sports science, healthcare, and ergonomics. Through the human movement patterns understanding and detecting normal postur...

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Published: 7 Jan 2020 | 5 Pages, 1067 Words

Data Security Introduction This report will analyse the data security requirements of the 'Safe Journey'. In addition to this, it will also provide the review of the existing data security provision in the organisation. A small discussion will be given on the appropriate security encryption of the company along with the cost associated with it.Get free samples written by our ...

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Published: 30 May 2022 | 15 Pages, 3633 Words

Computer Graphics Editing And Database Concepts Assignment Get free written samples by our Top-Notch subject experts and Online Assignment Help team. Task 1: Editing Photos and creating illustrations using computer graphic editing techniques 1.1 Steps in Photoshop There are various photo editing tools available. This software helps to provide various options to enhance phot...

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Published: 12 Apr 2022 | 10 Pages, 2255 Words

1.0 Introduction Of CONL714 Systems Failure Assignment Get free written samples by our Top-Notch subject experts and Online Assignment Help team. Information systems are very important for business organization. The information systems in organizations offer various applications for implementing information systems successfully and this provides benefits for the organization ...

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Published: 25 Mar 2023 | 8 Pages, 1850 Words

Artificial Intelligence And Data Science Assignment Sample Introduction of Artificial Intelligence And Data Science Assignment Get free written samples from expert assignment writers and academic writing services in UK. Artificial Intelligence and data science is the study of a field that deals with new scientific methods, techniques, and processes that are drawn from v...

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Published: 22 Mar 2024 | 9 Pages, 2015 Words

Introduction Of Digital Signal Processing Searching for comprehensive assignment services in the UK? New Assignment Help is your one-stop solution. Our experienced team caters to all your academic needs with precision and expertise. From medical imaging to aerial photography, image processing is a rapidly expanding area of research and development that has grown in importance...

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Published: 21 Sep 2022 | 11 Pages, 2550 Words

Heuristic Usability Inspection Of Facebook Assignment 1.0 Introduction of Heuristic Evaluation Methods The definition of heuristic evaluation can be stated as a usability testing method which is used to identify the problems that users may face while using software. This is one of the most popular methods of usability testing of UX for software to understand the security and ...

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Published: 1 Feb 2022 | 19 Pages, 4598 Words

Building Musical Streaming Website Assignment Get free written samples by our Top-Notch subject experts and Online Assignment Help team. Introduction Of Musical Streaming Website Assignment Sample Everyone is going through an era where everything has become so modern and become so interesting. In this era, all things have turned online. Like that Musical streaming websi...

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Published: 29 Aug 2022 | 7 Pages, 1728 Words

Object Oriented Systems Development Assignment Get free written samples by our Top-Notch subject experts and Assignment Writing Service team. Introduction UML case diagram is basically used to demonstrate the working procedure through some figures. Each of the figures are having their individual meaning to make any kind of project. So in that current study they are asking fo...

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Published: 27 Mar 2023 | 6 Pages, 1383 Words

Introduction of Policy And Legal Aspects About IOT Systems Assignment Get free written samples from expert assignment writers and academic writing services in UK. As technology advances and 5G is deployed, many different firms are developing IoT devices and systems to compete. However, most businesses overlook the importance of legal and policy considerations both during the ...

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Published: 24 Nov 2022 | 6 Pages, 1295 Words

Introduction of Programming Algorithms Assignment Get free written samples from subject experts and Assignment Writing in UK. Part A Problem A. To identify the spanning trees, a greedy method is utilised in conjunction with prim's algorithm and Kruskal's algorithm. It also seems to be routing the network. It is a mathematical strategy that appears to be extremely simple to ...

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Published: 7 Jan 2020 | 11 Pages, 2538 Words

computing technology and its various impressions & consequence Executive Summary The following report elaborated the concept of cloud computing in the context of the banking sector. It provided the basic definition of cloud computing. Organizations consider cloud solution as a hybrid development in the field of computing that can be used for any computing service like ser...

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Published: 14 Mar 2023 | 7 Pages, 1662 Words

Introduction of Data Visualization With R Assignment Get free written samples from subject experts and online assignment writing service in UK. The term “Visualization of data” has been taken into consideration as the technique that has been used in the graphical representation of the data using R programming. This has been using the charts, graphs, scatter plots,...

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Published: 21 Dec 2021 | 10 Pages, 2355 Words

Introduction Of Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Get free written samples by our Top-Notch subject experts and Assignment Helper team. Online Retail Dataset can be considered as a data set which is transactional and efficient in containing all the data of transaction that occurs between 1/12/2010 and 09/12/2011. This transaction is for a organization which is b...

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Published: 27 Aug 2022 | 3 Pages, 711 Words

Python Program For Foundation Year Assignment  Get free written samples by our Top-Notch subject experts and Assignment Writing Service team. Introduction This system could want to implement the factors in the manufacturer company. They want to develop a car simulation system that would show the details of the gearing process, acceleration process of the car. This also ...

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Published: 3 Mar 2023 | 8 Pages, 1952 Words

Introduction of Crypto-currency Security Assignment Get free written samples from subject experts and online assignment writing service in UK. Program of Research  1 Cryptocurrency Security 2 Aim(s) and objectives of the investigation The main aim of the research is to discuss about the crypto currency security and to provide the different approaches regarding the se...

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