Purpose Of Social Psychology Essay Sample

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Introduction Of The Purpose Of Social Psychology Is All About The Influence Of The Thoughts, Feelings, And Behaviors Of Others

This essay is based on “The purpose of social psychology is all about influencing the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of others”. This essay will provide a logical sequence related to social psychology. This essay will cover self-esteem, Community psychology, living online, and extraordinary claims and beliefs. Regarding this topic, the principles, and evidence will be provided. The key terms will be defined in the essay. The questions will be handled by giving relevant information so that anyone can be able to understand easily. It is very crucial for this essay to evaluate the purpose of social psychology to understand the feelings and behaviors of others. This is based on scientific study and focused on understanding an individual's behaviors when showing a reaction towards the social environment. This also explains the behaviors of humans through the development of theories. This will also help to predict the behavior patterns of the human.

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Self-esteem defines what one can think, feel and behave. This term can frequently be used and can be measured frequently by the utilization of “the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES)”. Based on the process of agreeing or disagreeing with the statements related to questions, score parameters have been set (Self-help understandings of self-esteem, week 7, Page:4). In this process, a 30-score set is available to evaluate self-esteem.

If one can score below 15 then “low self-esteem” has been considered and if it's above 15, it is denoted as “high self-esteem”. This evaluation has been done on the basis of neutral responses and the elaborative response has not been considered. On the basis of everyday perspectives, RSES is very important to feel how self-esteem can be utilized. Video related to maintaining self-esteem can be beneficial to find out the difference between high and low esteem (The relationship between self-esteem and social networking sites, week 7, Page: 9). Based on the definitions of self-esteem by psychologists, the relationship between self-esteem and social networking sites can be evaluated.

Based on the posts on the online site like emotional negative stories and positive stories, the mental state of the person can be understood. It has been found through comprehensive experiments on Facebook, that the user of this online site leads to an increase in anxiety and lower mood rather than an improvement of the mental state (Relational self-esteem and beyond, week 7, Page:17). It has been also found that the habit of using Facebook, enhances the high chances of anxiety and decreasing of self-esteem. The measurements of self-esteem over forty students have shown an improved level of self-esteem due to using internet chats. These results denoted the “early days of social networking research”. From “Nicole Kramer and Stephan Winter” it has been found that the offline personality of a person has relations with the online personality (The relationship between self-esteem and social networking sites, week 7, Page: 10).

The application of “The Hyperpersoanl Model” is ideal for objective self-awareness. Self-esteem has deep connections regarding relationships with other people the evidence denotes that social networking sites (SNSs) have connections with Self-esteem (Relational self-esteem and beyond, week 7, Page: 16). Based on the use of SNSs the effect of self-worth can be measured. This also denotes the social comparison regarding using of the social networking sites.

Online or offline both actions are present for managing self-esteem. The using of SNSs helps to bind social connections and a wide range of diverse networks of people. This shows both high and low self-esteem.

The term “Psychology” denotes the understanding of people which is present in the wider social structures. Based on the earlier concept it has been found that “the sense of community” is essential for psychological well-being (Understanding community psychology, week 10, Page: 3). this can be done both qualitatively and qualitatively.

Based on the Big Five personality test, of high school and university students in the USA, it has been configured that a stronger sense of community is associated with agreeableness and openness (Community concepts, week 10, Page:6). Community factors have relations with the measurements of a sense of community. The cycle of organizing also depends upon the connections within the community. This cycle has four steps that are very vital for the community (Focus on methods: community organizing and social change, week 10, Page: 14). Crowdsourcing is also vital for “Community Social Change” and ideal for collecting information related to farms that are susceptible to pests.

Multiple ways are available to focus on community organizing. Based on the cycle of organizing, it has been found that this approach can be applied to driving awareness regarding the problems so that change can be promoted. Crowdsourcing can be applied to the agriculture industry and is ideal for evaluating information regarding crop yields. From the “top-down and bottom-up” approaches, it has been configured how social changes can be managed (Focus on methods: community organizing and social change, week 10, Page 15). This is especially important for the evaluations of community-based responses. Community psychology can be able to bring changes within the social system which leads to the improvement of society. It has been found that both approaches are based on data and only can work after reviewing the data through engagement with the community (Focus on methods: community organizing and social change, week 10, Page: 16).

By evaluating both approaches, it has been found that “up-down and bottom-up” approaches are ideal for evaluating social change within the community. When utilized together rather than separately, both strategies are more powerful. In contrast to bottom-up approaches, which place an emphasis on collaboration and independence from authority, top-down approaches come from institutions like governments that aim to enact change from the outside (Developing your skills: writing compare-and-contrast essays, week 10, Page:24). By addressing how a community operates, a top-down strategy could help the situation there, while bottom-up strategies can be utilized to foster a sense of community and deal with the root causes of social problems. All the approaches are ideal for addressing the problems related to society.

The assessment of “psychological and social problems” provides a relationship between a people with the environment. This provides a better understanding of the concepts of social change and how to handle the issues (Summary, week 10, Page: 26). Although the sense of community these individuals experience in this situation may not be shared by all the problems their societies confront, it demonstrates that these groups can come together for a common interest.

Based on the use of the internet, it has been found that more than fifty per cent of the World's population has been used to this habit. The habits of using the internet affect the behaviours of the people. The Internet is accessible and essential to most people's daily life. It has also become more challenging to avoid interacting with the Internet world as a result of its expansion (The Internet and its importance, week 14, Page: 4). The 'digital divide' may limit the lives of those without the equipment or WiFi needed to access interests and services online. The five-factor model of personality denotes five personalities as Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.

It has been configured that online behaviours do not rely upon the personalities of the user (The five-factor model of personality, week 14, Page: 7). People from different cultures also may differ in what they publish on social media, how frequently they do so, and whether they interact with strangers.

For the evaluations of self-expression, it is necessary to evaluate the openness of the five-factor model. Considering all of the available evidence, it appears that online behaviour is very common among open people and it is associated with their intellectual interest and desire to search for new experiences (The five-factor model of personality, week 14, Page: 8). It has been found that conscientious students prefer to use the internet less frequently than other students but do so with a specific aim in mind. It has been also found that extroverts enjoy interactions through social media and believe in building relationships through daily conversations. Online communication tools are very popular among introverts (The five-factor model of personality, week 14, Page: 9). The regular user of the internet is higher among agreeable people in comparison with other people. It also has been found that high neuroticism personality types may be more concerned with online privacy issues and less likely to use the internet.

Within Western countries, the characteristics of extroverts are very encouraged in comparison with others and they are best at evaluating their emotions. Based on this perspective a conscientious person can consider some aspects of cyberspace to be unnecessary and a diversion from more pressing matters (The five-factor model of personality, week 14, Page). The evidence showed that people with high neuroticism scores are more likely to engage in excessive gaming, presumably as a coping mechanism for uncomfortable emotions. They are more provoked to use social media sites continually in comparison with the lower score. Introverts and people with poor self-esteem can express aspects of themselves online that they might not feel comfortable doing so offline (The five-factor model of personality, week 14, Page: 10).

Because the internet is not a uniform entity, people may have more control over their self-presentation strategies in some online settings than in others. Regarding the positive elements, the internet may help and promote marginalized or minority groups and foster a sense of belonging in online networks (Managing impressions online, week 14, Page 14). Certain online behaviour can also improve mental well-being.

Although psychological methods are employed to investigate unusual beliefs, the majority of psychology research into remarkable claims has adopted an experimental approach. Various reasons are present behind the occurrences of claims regarding the interest of psychologists (Why do these claims matter for psychology? Week 19, Page 8). It is also important to remember that beliefs, which are a form of knowledge that people possess about the world, are psychological phenomena. Beliefs are just as deserving of psychological investigation as any other aspect of the mind.

“Mindreading” is also important for evaluating the perspectives of others, and others' emotional conditions which are based on the “Call theory of mind (ToM)” (Psychics: extraordinary claims about mindreading, Week 19, Page 11). A variety of claims can be found related to psychics such as Telepathy and Psychic detection etc.

Clarifying a few scientific knowledge concepts is important before moving on to the claims and beliefs related to evidence (Psychics: extraordinary claims about mindreading, Week 19, Page 12). It has been found that while some mentalist performers may give the impression that they have psychic abilities, the majority are open about using stage magic tricks like misdirection, and other similar techniques, in addition to some psychological techniques like advice, understanding nonverbal communication indications, or even playing with the odds (Thinking about your own beliefs, Week 19, Page 7). It has been also found that although few have been willing to submit themselves to such testing, no psychic is currently managed to demonstrate that they exhibit paranormal abilities in a controlled experimental environment.

Psychic detectives frequently used terminology like this when providing information, although their accuracy in detecting offender traits was no better than that of the control group. In simple terms, although having no evidence to support their claims that they can help with crime investigation, psychic detectives sound convincing (Why are these claims matter for psychology? Week 19, Page 9). Therefore, it would seem that those who have an intense belief in the remarkable claims put forward by psychics are also more likely to have a tendency to find meaning where there seems to be nothing. This explains part of the exceptional belief in psychics, but are there any enduring personality traits that predict whether someone will believe in psychics or not?

This is based on “extraordinary claims and extraordinary beliefs”. This denotes the different senses of claims and beliefs (Astrology: extraordinary claims about personality, Week 19, Page 18). Various types of claims and beliefs have been evaluated such as personality and mindreading. This configures the claims of “psychics”.


It has been found that self-esteem can be enhanced through social networking systems. The SNSs have both positive and negative impacts on the development of self-esteem. The evaluation of "psychological and social problems" reveals how a person interacts with their surroundings. The internet is not a uniform entity, people may have more control over their self-presentation strategies in some online spaces than in others. Psychology is in a unique position within the field of science to examine unusual claims as a result.

Reference list

week 7

  • Self-help understandings of self-esteem
  • The relationship between self-esteem and social networking sites,
  • Relational self-esteem and beyond

Week 10

  • Understanding community psychology
  • Community concepts
  • Focus on methods: community organizing and social change
  • Developing your skills: writing compare-and-contrast essays
  • Summary

Week 14

  • The internet and its importance
  • The five-factor model of personality
  • Managing impressions online

Week 19

  • Why are these claims matter for psychology?
  • Psychics: extraordinary claims about mindreading
  • Thinking about your own beliefs
  • Astrology: extraordinary claims about personality
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