Service Quality in Tourism Assignment Sample

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Service Quality in Tourism Assignment Sample

In the tourism industry, three components are very important, namely service quality, loyalty, and customer satisfaction in today’s competitive world. This assessment talks about the service quality in tourism wherein five research articles have been reviewed and an annotated bibliography has been presented here. The overall focus is given to explore different aspects of service industry.

Annotated Bibliography 1

Ye, Q., Li, H., Wang, Z., & Law, R. (2014). The Influence of Hotel Price on Perceived Service Quality and Value in E-Tourism: An Empirical Investigation Based on Online Traveler Reviews.  Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research,  38(1), 23-39.

In this paper, the author highlighted the relationship between price of service and post-purchase perception in context of tourism and hospitality sector. The following research tried to investigate the relation between price and customer ratings of perceived value and service quality. The major arguments in the paper are based on the literature study. It was revealed that customers are more inclined towards service quality instead of price. The research is an empirical study type. The data for this research was collected from third-party sources and website, such as “” In addition to this, the researchers developed Java program to gather data for the study. The study was conducted in Beijing, China. Nearly about 51000 reviews posted on of different star-rated hotels in China were studied. Only those reviews were considered that reflected price of the services. In addition to this, primary data collection was also done by making use of semi-structured interviews. 800 responses were also recorded from visitors and tourists. The regression analysis was also carried out for reaching at some conclusion. The limitation of this research paper is that it primarily relied on star-rated hotels in Beijing and review data provided on There are other factors other than price that are not considered in the research. The study revealed that price of service impacts the consumer perception of quality of service.

Annotated Bibliography 2

Ben Aissa, S., &Goaied, M. (2014).  Performance Of Tourism Destinations: Evidence From Tunisia. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 41(7), 797–822.doi:10.1177/1096348014550870

The primary motive of this paper is to compare the overall performance of tourism destinations of Tunisia and to analyse the impact of investment, service quality, workers skills, and economic circumstances on the efficiency of tourism destinations. The author madeuse of a tow stage procedureand data envelopment analysis to carry out comparison. The research is carried out in two stages. In the first stage, the authors calculated the efficiency scores and in the second stage, they carried out regression analysis for examining the impact of highlighted variables to determine the most effective development strategy that can enhance the competitiveness of the Tunisian destinations at the world level. It was determined in the paper that destination efficiency depends on various factors, such as service quality, public and private investment in the sector. In addition to this, the trade deficit has a major negative impact on the efficiency. Furthermore, it was also determined in the paper that poor education and training to general public and major stakeholders has some ill-impact on the customer satisfaction. These factors are also affecting the service quality offered to the tourist as majority of the locales are unable to understand what customers want. In addition to this, wage level has some significant positive impact on the performance of the industry. Apart from this, the authors argued that in order to succeed in the tourism industry at the world level, the government of Tunisia has to develop and invest in commodities, leisure activities, tourism monuments, homestays, and other necessity. The future scope of this paper is that further research can be carried out on impact of particular type of service and their quality on tourism.

Annotated Bibliography 3

Byrd, E., Canziani, B., Hsieh, Y., Debbage, K., &Sonmez, S. (2016). Wine tourism: Motivating visitors through core and supplementary services.  Tourism Management,  52, 19-29.

The paper outlined a new and emerging tourism type i.e., Wine tourism. In the past few years, rising number of tourists attracted in wine has instigated local communities to promote wine tourism. In some destination, varieties of high quality and finest versions of wine is serving a major source of tourist attraction. The main aim of this paper is to explore the factors influencing the intentions of tourist to visit or revisit a wine region. The study was conducted in North Carolina. The complete paper examined a theoretical model of supplementary and core services that are significant for promoting wine tourism. For carrying out this research, 23 NC wineries were visited by the authors and rest 117 wineries data have been collected from the Department of Commerce. As a part of sampling, all the NC wineries were classified based on certain attributes so as to reduce any kind of bias. The stratification factor comprise location of wineries, size, variety, internet usage, and winery trail participation. The data was collected by making use of structured questionnaire. A sample of 832 visitors were possibly achieved out of 1028 and the response rate was 81%. It was revealed that customer service has a positive impact on the number of tourist visiting in the region and it is the primary factor that can be used to predict the revisit of the tourist in future. For future research, impact of developing infrastructure and visitor-centric approach can be tested on the wine tourism in the region.

Annotated Bibliography 4

Wattanakamolchai, S., Singal, M., &Murrmann, S. (2016). Socially Responsible Customers and the Evaluation of Service Quality in Tourism Sector.  Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research,  40(6), 715-738.

In this paper, the authors highlighted that in today’s day and age, tourists are more concerned about environmental and social issues that are impacting the attitude and buying behaviour towards quality of services purchased. The primary aim of this paper is to determine the role that consumer behaviour plays in evaluating the service quality. The author also highlighted that services in tourism and hospitality sector are very complex as they need application of wide range of factors for determining the quality level. The target population for this particular study comprises socially responsible stakeholders of tourism sector. Majority of them belong to southern-east regions of the USA. The demographic characteristics considered are highly educated, high income, and reputed profession. The study was carried out in two phases. The first phase comprised primary data collection by making use of questionnaire that has open-ended questions. Social responsibility scale was formulated by making use of snowball technique. In the second phase, online surveys were conducted by making use of SurveyMonkey tool and form their 500 responses were noted down and analysed. It is important to note here that unit of analysis in the following research was tourist perception. Out of 803 responses, only 136 people accepted that they look for social responsibility factor of all the services provided to them by the service provider in the tourism industry. There are certain limitation to the study. The first is identifying socially responsible customers is a tough job as one cannot rely on the self-perception of people. In addition to this, online surveys might not propose relevant information as people might not actively take part in it. For future research, one can develop a new social responsibility scale or dimension for researching the aspect.

Annotated Bibliography 5

Woo, E., Uysal, M., &Sirgy, M. J. (2016).  Tourism Impact and Stakeholders’ Quality of Life. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 42(2), 260–286.doi:10.1177/1096348016654971  

The goal of this paper is to examine differences between the impact perceived by residents affiliated to the tourism industry and those who are not affiliated. The hypothesis based on which this study is made suggested that affiliated residents have positive impacts in terms of quality of life in comparison to those who are not affiliated with the tourism sector. For this research, there are two categories of stakeholders selected 1) those who are directly associated with tourism sector, whether employed or not. 2) Those who are not related to hospitality and tourism sector. All the participants of the study were over 18 years of age and were living in the region for over one year. In order to ensure quality of research, the sample size was kept more than 200. For this study, the size was 500 (250 from each group). Out of these, only 407 responses were recorded by the researchers and the data was analysed. The data was collected from primary surveys and questionnaire. In order to test the hypothesis, two analytical tools were used, namely structural equation modelling and hierarchical multiple regression. From the result it was revealed that impact of residents of a particular community over tourism and their effect on life satisfaction depend on whether they are non-affiliated or affiliated with the tourism industry. For the future research, one can considered a either affiliated or non-affiliated residents to carry out the impact on a deeper level. This would bring out more information about the tourism industry and its relation with the community.


In the above discussion, many new aspects of service quality in tourism were revealed. It was determined that price of service impacts the consumer perception of quality of service. In addition to this, some authors argued that in order to succeed in the tourism industry at the world level, service providers have to develop and invest in commodities, leisure activities, tourism monuments, homestays, and other necessity. It was also revealed that customer service has a positive impact on the number of tourist visiting in the region. Furthermore, services in tourism and hospitality sector are very complex as they need application of wide range of factors for determining the quality level.


Ben Aissa, S., &Goaied, M. (2014).  Performance Of Tourism Destinations: Evidence From Tunisia. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 41(7), 797–822.doi:10.1177/1096348014550870

Byrd, E., Canziani, B., Hsieh, Y., Debbage, K., &Sonmez, S. (2016). Wine tourism: Motivating visitors through core and supplementary services.  Tourism Management,  52, 19-29.

Wattanakamolchai, S., Singal, M., &Murrmann, S. (2016). Socially Responsible Customers and the Evaluation of Service Quality in Tourism Sector.  Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research,  40(6), 715-738.

Woo, E., Uysal, M., &Sirgy, M. J. (2016).  Tourism Impact and Stakeholders’ Quality of Life. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 42(2), 260–286.doi:10.1177/1096348016654971  

Ye, Q., Li, H., Wang, Z., & Law, R. (2014). The Influence of Hotel Price on Perceived Service Quality and Value in E-Tourism: An Empirical Investigation Based on Online Traveler Reviews.  Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research,  38(1), 23-39.

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