SHNXGB3023 Effective Caring Assignment Sample

Analyzing Factors Impacting Quality of Life and Effective Caring in Healthcare Assignment

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Introduction Of SHNXGB3023 Effective Caring Assignment

Quality of life can be defined as the way how an individual is living their life. The quality of life can be determined by the health of the person, the number of comforts they possess in life, and also the level of participation an individual takes in their life. Quality of life is also defined as an individual's perspective about their own life, taking in the context of culture and society intermixed with their expectations.

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The key caring techniques are the skills used by the care providers which benefit the situation of the care receivers. There are quite a several key caring techniques, for instance, building trust, observation, creating trust, providing encouragement, and many more. Six essential care factors will be emphasised in this report as well.

A positive care practice or positive caring can be defined as the systemic and personalised health facility provided to an individual based on their needs and medical requirements.

Quality of Life

Quality of Life ( Source: Haraldstad et al., 2019).

Main Body

A) Factors required for individuals to have a high-quality life

High-quality life can be defined as the level of lifestyle an individual follows in which they have good health, good economic condition, a flourishing personal life, and an overall better development of life. However, a high-quality life has some factors which are required by an individual to achieve it. So, there is a broad division of such factors, for instance, the external and the internal factors. The external factors are namely, the political, and financial situation, safety, and security. The internal factors that determine the quality of the individuals are health, education, and familial background (Haraldstad et al., 2019).

In this report, emphasis must be given to four factors that are considered to be necessary for individuals to have a high-quality life.

The first external factor that contributes to the achievement of high-quality life is the financial situation. The financial condition of an individual seems to be one of the most important factors for a high-quality life. Better economic conditions will provide economic and financial stability for an individual. With better economic ability individuals can lead a materially secure life. Individuals can afford better housing, a better diet, and better medical facilities can plan for the future and can foster better relationships with the community, which in turn will benefit the individuals by increasing their quality of life. This has been shown in the study where 90% of individuals' life improved. (Haraldstad et al., 2019). Individuals with no monetary problems can lead a life that is stress-free and enjoyable. And according to the definition of high-quality life, this aligns with the conditions.

Secondly, the external factor which contributes to this matter is the political stability in the region in the individuals reside. Political stability is an interconnected factor and if the political situation is stable then all the other factors remain stable as well, like economic, social, and physical well-being. Political stability provides better civil rights, with greater opportunities in aspects of life. Individuals with political stability and greater opportunities can develop to their fullest potential which in turn will act as a factor that is required to develop a high-quality life.

Thirdly, the internal factor that is required for individuals to achieve a high-quality life is good health. Health is considered to be one of the greatest assets that a person can possess. With good health conditions, a person can grow to their fullest capacity and potential. Good health enables a person to be productive in their work and that in turn will secure the financial stability of the person. With better health, almost 84% of people can undertake jobs and can increase their income capacity, without getting sick or tired (Kruk et al., 2018).

Fourthly, education constitutes another internal factor that contributes to a high quality of life for individuals. With education, one can achieve a proper understanding of their surroundings. Education also improves emotional intelligence and cognitive development which enables them to understand problems and gives them the ability to solve them. With better education, individuals have opted for the world to deal with issues and extract a solution. Education enables a person to understand their condition, job, and problems better, and this factor will act as a requirement to increase the person's ability to deal with problems and increase the quality of life.

B) Key Caring Techniques

Providing effective caring to patients there requires a set of values that benefits the caring process. Skills like creating trustful relationships with the clients, compassion, communication, patience, and many more fall under the category. The care providers must be willing to provide a quality service to their clients, they must be interested in their work and also be eager to listen to the patients. The providers must have a friendly demeanour by which the patients feel free to communicate with them. To conceptualise the value system of the care providers, there is a set of values incorporated known as the 6 c's. The six c’s consist of care, compassion, encouragement, commitment, and communication. All these are important because they provide the caregivers with better insights about their job and can solve the issue of how to improve their skills in the long run. The 6 c's are also entitling the patients to ask for more professional and better medical care as per their requirements (Chadwick, 2017).

The first fundamental key technique developed by scholars for providing care is the person-centered care technique. The model was also known as the client-centric theory. The theory here is used widely in the medical field, by all caregivers. The theory propagates the development of a person's self-actualisation. Here the patients and their opinions are given importance, and caregivers tend to treat their patients once the latter specifies the disturbances they feel, by themselves. This theory benefits the mental situation of the patient and also of the healthcare facilities that now can work properly with the direct opinion of their clients (Corrigan, 2015). Studies show that there are numerous examples in which the environment of healthcare facilities has improved by following the person-centred approach, as it reaps positive outcomes for both the clients and the professionals. Person-centred care is practised mostly for critical patients, and modern hospitals follow the democratic outlook (Corrigan, 2015).

Secondly, another care technique that was developed is the ICTs or the interpersonal care technique. This model advocates care techniques that enable the clients to get motivated. It also helps the patient to achieve energy in life which will automatically help them to care for their health. This technique alone is the conglomeration of eight other techniques, noticing, participating, sharing, companioning, comforting, active listening, hoping, and complimenting (Glasby & Dickinson, 2014). For example, studies show that almost 87% of clients felt better and had a grip on their own life after having followed the IC technique. Data also show that individuals who follow this technique have better health results from self-caring and enhanced social functioning (Glasby, 2017). ICTs are important for society as it creates a batch of humans who are focused on their well-being, which in turn benefits society to become a healthy one.

The third key caring technique can be considered the technique of safe lifting. Patients often suffer from issues like non-mobility, and it falls upon the care providers to ensure their safe movements. So a key care technique is to understand the safe lifting techniques, which can be achieved by various mechanical aids like lifts, specially equipped chairs, and many more. This key care technique requires training and practice. Most modern medical centres have these facilities available (Glasby, 2017).

Lastly, the skillful attribute or technique of creating trust among the patients and the caregivers is essential. The trust among them will enable the patients to disclose their opinion about their health in front of the caregiver. With unbiased opinions, the treatment of the patients will be of higher quality. This last technique is mildly connected with the first technique. To offer person-centred care, building trust is necessary. For instance, a caregiver must build a trusting bond between them and an addicted patient, then only the latter will share his conditions (Glasby & Dickinson, 2014).

C) Barriers to positive caring

  • Constraints in health care services

The theory of constraints is known as the method that is used in identification of the most limited factors that acts as a barrier in achieving the goal. The systematic improvement of limitation is no longer known to be the barrier. However, it has been observed that the constraints are often termed as bottlenecks. The constraints that have been observed in the healthcare system are related to the equipment that are present within the healthcare system (Johansson-Pajala & Gustafsson, 2022). The equipment is not updated that acts as a limitation and does not provide the provision of providing the required services. The staff are not well trained and they are unable to provide services that are required to provide the required treatment. The policies are the most challenging part and they are unable to provide rooms that will be able to provide satisfactory services to the patients who are admitted in the hospitals.

  • Barriers in positive caring

The limitations that have been observed while providing the right care that are required are there is no updated equipment that is present in the healthcare industry. Thus, it makes it pretty difficult to provide the right kind of services that are required to be given to the patients. Secondly, it has been observed that the employees of the organization are not updated with the latest techniques that require to be given that will help in making a significant difference in providing the right techniques (Boswell & Cannon, 2022). However, the staff is required to be provided with the techniques that will help in the overall development of the care that is provided to the patients. The policies are known to be the challenging factors, the policies at times act as a barrier in providing the right services that are required in getting the right medical services. The cost of the treatment is pretty high, that is one of the main reasons that many people are unable to receive the services that are expected from them (Østervang et al., 2022). The cost of getting care has increased like anything that has been one of the major barriers that has been observed in getting the right treatment.

  • Barriers impact are in practice

The barriers have been the biggest limitation that has been observed on getting the right care that requires to be given. The policies in the healthcare industry have certain difficult policies such as it does not allow the health care providers. Thus, the healthcare providers are unable to provide the right services. The second biggest issue that has been observed are the costs that are associated with health care are pretty high. Thus, it becomes pretty difficult for other people to receive the treatment at higher cost (Grace & Uveges, 2022). Third issue that has been observed is there is no updated equipment that is required which will be able to provide the right services that are required to perform any test on the person who requires to undergo treatment. Thus, these are some of the issues that have been countered. The staff are not well trained who are unable to provide the services that are required to be provided to the people suffering. Thus, the staff is required to be provided with proper training regarding the ways to handle patients who require to be given extra care.

D) Talk about how quality of life, key caring techniques and positive caring work together to achieve good quality patient care

Quality of life as described above is the measurement of the conditions in which an individual is living. Quality of life is qualitative, determining whether it is favourable or unfavourable. However, the quality of life is a factor that is determined or shaped by a variety of myriad issues. Among them, social and culture is also intermixed. All these factors shape the quality of life as well as the perception they hold for individuals. There are several factors required to achieve a life that is high in quality, for instance, the financial conditions should be good, the society and politics should also be favourable. These factors make the life of an individual better and increase its quality of it. Quality of life is necessary because it might induce a healthy lifestyle and it may determine the general well-being of individuals (Haraldstad et al., 2019). The key caring techniques discussed here were the person-centred way of caring and also the ICTs, interpersonal care technique, and many more. Establishing positive caring ways in healthcare is also necessary (Chadwick, 2017). The positive caring ways are the connection established between the caregiver and the patient to create a more personalised and patient-focused recovery plan. This results in a better outcome, especially for the patients struggling with health issues and also for caregivers as they get satisfaction (Corrigan, 2015).

All the factors of quality of life, key caring techniques, and positive caring when come together to establish good quality patient care. As the quality of life is a perception of life by an individual, it helps in patient care when the caregivers could relate to the life conditions of their patients. This understanding might create an emphatic relation between them which in turn will be beneficial for the treatment and overall quality of patient care. Caring techniques also increase the possibilities of greater quality patient care. The key caring techniques are important as they ensure overall good quality patient care. The techniques are used in the first place by the caregivers for this reason alone. For instance, the person-centred approach provides better quality healthcare care by the care providers as it ensures the acceptance of the opinions of the patients. With their opinions, keeping that as a base, a personalised health plan is formulated which gives them a positive outcome. By using this approach, both the patients and the caregivers are ensuring the making of good quality patient care. For instance, this approach is significant during emergency times when individuals are given choices and are asked for their opinions. It enables a patient to be active in their treatment process (Corrigan, 2015).

This approach provides ultimate satisfaction to the patients and also the caregivers feel satisfied by the results. Factors like quality of life, key caring techniques, and positive care are all interconnected to achieve a good quality of life and patient care. These factors enable the patients to be vocal about their issues and also enable the caregivers to connect with their patients properly. The connection in turn provides them with the opportunity to treat their patients properly and yield satisfactory results. With better results, the quality of life will automatically increase and it will also ensure the stakeholders about the patient care which is undoubtedly good due to the conglomeration of these points (Haraldstad et al., 2019).

There can be challenges to achieving these, mentioned in detail in the constraints section of this report. However, the main challenges here might be the lack of infrastructure or proper knowledge, training, and lack of vision, and empathy. These challenges pose a major threat to the achievement of good quality patient care. However, these challenges can be addressed via a systematic chain of solutions. Firstly, the concept of health has to be popularised among people. By learning new skills, and techniques and by being innovative in this field these challenges can be addressed.


The report thus covers a detailed analysis of the various issues like the perception of quality of life, the key caring techniques, and the constraints to achieve the outcome. However, a discussion has been made about the challenges and how to solve the challenges. These factors of care and quality of life when come together creates effective caring. Effective caring can be achieved only through certain aspects, and in this report, a detailed analysis has been made of it. Techniques and practices improve the health care facilities and also improve the quality of treatment and care. All these contribute to the benefit of a good quality of life. As high quality of life is determined by good health, the factors contributing to it play a major role as well.


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