Task 3: Health And Wellbeing Assignment Sample

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Slide 2: Background

The following context is based on the basis of a given case study to identify the impact of lifestyle choices on healthcare and wellness. As lifestyle choices are capable of making an individual feel better alongside reducing the risk of disease, it can impact various lifestyle diseases that influence ill health (Brazier et al. 2022). The following context is based on the case study of Tom farmer's health and wellbeing. He is suffering from COPD, muscle wastage, prostate cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease at 93 while having his wife who is 79 as his only carer in old age.

Slide 3: Tom's lifestyle choices that impact his wellbeing

The patient from the case study had adverse lifestyle choices that impacted his overall health and wellbeing. This includes the use of tobacco and alcohol. Tom has been smoking since he was 16 and also a social drinker that he increased after his retirement. This has impacted his overall physical, mental and emotional well-being at old age. This is followed by poor diet choices alongside the management of daily nutrient requirements for both him and his wife. This has impacted the family with poor appetite and protein deficiency alongside muscle wastage and being underwriting. On the other hand, living a sedentary lifestyle also impacts Tom's health adversely by reducing his overall physical activities along with maintaining social life.

Slide 4: Tom’s physical health damages in short term

The identified patient has always maintained a sedentary lifestyle without any exercise in his adult life. He has been known as a chain smoker and drinker alongside his wife. Smoking and drinking habits have a severe impact on decreasing energy alongside fatigue and bad breath (Thomson et al. 2022). By leading a sedentary lifestyle, Tom has been facing the same along with reduction of senses regarding taste and smell. This factor leads the patient to face poor appetite and unstable emotional state (Fei et al. 2022). Similarly, Tom has been facing issues with appetite, fatigue and maintaining his daily activities due to his habits of smoking and drinking.

Slide 5: Tom’s physical health damages in long term

The prolonged habit of drinking impacts individuals with the development of cancer, heart disease along with lung disease and COPD (Nyberg et al. 2022). This is followed by increased risk of tuberculosis, eye infection along with low immunity are few examples of damages due to prolonged habit of chain smoking (Nurprilinda et al. 2023). Tom is facing physical health issues with the presence of COPD, cancer and low level of appetite as the long-term impact of his habits. It also impacts patients with impaired muscle maintenance along with hampering muscle protein synthesis among patients which lead to bad physical health conditions.

Slide 6: Tom’s mental health damages in short term

The presence of poor mental health is capable of impacting an individual to recover from any physical injury and disease (Beland et al. 2022). Tom is suffering from Parkinson's disease which has several mental health issues. For short term health issues, the patient is suffering from memory loss and poor sleep cycle (Patel and Erickson, 2022). It is affecting Tom by making him forget small things in his house alongside maintaining self-care. This also includes having insufficient sleep which is impacting his daily activities. In addition, the disease has a short-term impact on patients by affecting their walking and speech capacity (Beland et al. 2022). Tom has been suffering from it alongside poor meal consumption.

Slide 7: Tom’s mental health damages in long term

The range of diseases that Tom has been suffering are taking a toll on his mental health. Parkinson's disease is capable of impacting brain functioning alongside altering the production of specific hormones such as dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin (Puddephatt et al. 2022). These hormones are accountable for regulating mood, motivation, appetite and sleep for an individual (Patel and Erickson, 2022). Besides, Alzheimer's conditions among patients get worse with time alongside are susceptible for depression. Therefore, it can be addressed that Tom is suffering from poor mental health in the long term by being prone to depression, dementia along with anxiety.

Slide 8: Tom’s emotional health damages in short term

The presence of prolonged chain-smoking habits is capable of impacting a person's emotional health by increasing anxiety and tension (Crocq, 2022). It also fastens the development of depression among smokers in comparison with non-smoker individual. On the other hand, prolonged habit of drinking impacts on antisocial behaviour among people and attempts to leave this habit can impact on developing alcohol induced syndrome and anxiety among individuals (Hertenstein et al. 2022). Tom has always been leading a sedentary lifestyle along with the habits of long-term drinking and smoking which leads him losing control over his daily activities after his retirement and spending anti-social lifestyle.

Slide 9: Tom’s emotional health damages in long term

While Tom and His wife are spending their old age under the supervision of a local care home, the old age couple are facing severe health issues. This impacts the couple with loneliness and helplessness due to the lack of support system. Post retirement life is considered stressful which impacts people psychologically (Fenollal-Maldonado et al. 2022). The long-term emotional health damage refers to developing depression, anxiety, low appetite and anti-social lifestyle (Hertenstein et al. 2022).

Slide 10: Health intervention programmes

The use of cognitive intervention behavioural design is an effective intervention plan that impacts on the old age population in order to successfully change the physical activity behaviour (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023a). Only 28-35% of the old age population participate in being physically active and continuing clinical check-up (Skyinsideuk, 2023). Therefore, the use of theory based self-efficacy intervention impacts old age lifestyle while promoting physical activities and managing clinical practice for an improved physical health (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023b). This intervention would help Tom and his wife to maintain their physical health under the supervision of a care home.

Slide 11: Health intervention programmes (Conti..)

The use of prevention and early intervention (PEI) for older adults is a useful program that is designed to provide short term mental health treatment for older people while managing their mental health difficulties, preventing the situation from getting worse and enhancing the quality of their lives (Rykkje et al. 2022). Besides, using psycho-educational intervention is effective for older adults in order to reduce stress and anxiety and is considered effective to solve issues with emotional health of the population (Gomes et al. 2022). These two interventions are considered significant in the case of Tom and his wife while dealing with their issues

Slide 12: Supporting Tom’s health and wellness during in-patient stay

In-patient stay care for older adults with Parkinson’s disease refers to the providence of neurology training and regular neurological care (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023c). This is followed by caregiving Alzheimer's patients by maintaining a continuous communication and behaviour therapy with the aim of reducing disease progress and improving the quality of life (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023c). Tom being 93 and his wife being a sole carer, the use of an in-patient stay is important for the patient to access neurological training for regular activities and behavioural therapy with memory functions. It also includes proper monitoring from care homes regarding diet and medications in order to provide a better life quality for Tom.

Slide 13: Supporting health and wellness in post discharge state

The post discharge plan also revolves around staying at home independently with family members. This includes community support in order to manage medications, dressing along with foods and maintaining hygiene for patients (Hargreaves et al. 2022). However, recruiting nursing caregivers is an essential step for older adults to ensure the implementation of health policies and necessary systems for quality life (Gomes et al. 2022). This is applicable for Tom in terms of assessing his requirements, dietary needs alongside medication and follow up for a better health and wellbeing at home.

Slide 14: References

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