Understanding Health And Illness Assignment Sample

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Understanding Health And Illness Assignment

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Health indicates full awareness of individual mental, physical and also social wellness, not merely the absence of particular disorders and conditions. Improvement towards the promotion of health includes several measures adopted in the healthcare system to encourage various assessments to understand successive practices to promote care interventions in order to improve the well-being and health of all individuals.

The given case study is about a Pakistani family who has been migrated in the UK for the last 3 years and since then they are facing several issues associated with their lifestyle. These issues are hampering their daily life with heath problems and due to this reason, mental insecurity and anxiety have been noticed among the family members. They have been consulted a local GP and their health problems have been detected. Their heath and illness have been monitored by an assigned adult nurse and improvement and required steps to identify and solve the health problems has been planned by the assigned nurse.

Task 1

Health and Wellbeing

The concept of health as described by the World Health Organization (WHO) stated about the complete recognition of the physical, mental as well as social well-being of an individual and not only the absence of certain disorders or illnesses (World Health Organization, 2018). It is the consistent part that is associated with biopsychosocial health models and hence considered the physiological behavior and social factors related to health and illness. It also provides and understands the interactive pattern between the three factors. It emphasises the role of various health professionals and the diagnostic treatment that are corresponding to the heath and illness issues.

The typical definition of health as defined by WHO explains the health attributes explicitly with the concept of wellbeing (Svalastog et al, 2017). It is thereby conceptualizing the extent to which health can be considered as a suggestive part of human rights that requires both physical as well as social resources in changing and proper maintenance. In one way or another, the concept of wellbeing explains positivity and eventually frames health as part of positive aspiration.

Principles of Public Health

The principles related to health and well-being explicitly individualise the concept of health along with the well-being of an individual particularly added to the result of extensive engagement as well as the process of consultation (DeSalvo et al, 2017). This particular consultation process signifies the preferable development of common languages and the vision that is collectively promoted and supported with a proper understanding of the health and wellbeing of every individual. The principles for such a concept have aimed at underpinning the professional practices within and across the DEECD “(Department of education and early childhood development)” service related to health and wellbeing. It also enhances the proper promotion and support to young Victorians and their optimization of health, social well being and also educational outcomes (sciencedirect.com, 2021).

The effectiveness of these principles does through certain objectives that are as follows:

Establishment of shared principles in the effective delivery of services and encourage the work through overall "continuum of intervention" and the preventive practices

Promote unified conceptual framework as part of services promoted by DEECD

Supporting the coordination and the collaborative structure based upon services and the governing bodies being involved along with community organization

While focusing on the objectives it is also necessary to acknowledge and understand the Principles being related to health and wellbeing.

Principle 1: Maximizing the access and the inclusion- The inclusion can be optimized while stating the fact of vulnerability and being disadvantaged.

Principle 2: Social determinants on heath in the UK depend on several aspects. Education, social connection, employment opportunity, health diet and exercise facility; all are parts under the social determinants of health. The Pakistani family since migrating in the UK has continued to suffer from several problems regarding their fooding, lodgings and their family childcare nd personal health care. These social determinates aspects about heath is need to be maintained inside the family and the adult nurse linked with the family has the responsibility to bring back the family in its previous conditions.

Principle 3: Informed evidence and the reflective practices- Effectiveness in improving the outcomes informing certain policies and the professional practices. Further research and simulation process have undertaken to promote effective as well as reflective practices.

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Principle 4: Holistic approach- It ensures the collaboration among health promotional services and the multidisciplinary professional approach that support and empowered healthy lives.

Principle 5: Person-centered and the practices related to family sensitivity- This principle mainly centered the facts of case study and contextualizing with their families and young ones work in collaboration to create a healthy environment with good health and well being.

Health Promotion

The Principles of Intersectoral usually works in partnered contribution with other organization or agencies. The Principles of Sustainability ensures the possible outcomes related to health promotional activities that contour sustainability for a long time (Prescott et al, 2018). Principle of Multiple Strategies works based upon several strategic ways which includes certain programs and policies.

The above principles are directly linked with the case study given in this assignment. The Pakistani family is suffering from several issues since they are relocated in the UK and that are affecting their entire life structure an interpersonal relationship. Certain obligations in the social health determination financial aberration, social abstinence etc is followed up by the proper heath aspects. The critical understanding of the health promotion has significant health promotion and crate a sensation among the family and the assigned adult nurse to cope up with the situation under different circumstances.

Prevention and Protection

Health promotional activities can be considered as part of behavioral and social science drawing attention to certain aspects like biological and environmental psychology and also medical aspects that significantly promote health and also prevent diseases, disabilities, or premature death through health education (Turunen et al, 2017). It has driven voluntary behavior in changing various activities. Thus, the health promotion is important as it helps in improving the health status; it enhances the improved life quality; it reduces the dynamic progression of disease or illness and minimizes premature death. The impact of these various developmental activities has their impact on the heath service in the UK. In the Pakistani family the health promotional activities need to be implemented. The male member named Karim is having low income and to burn out this stress unhealthy ling and diet including alcohol consumption and smoking habits has been started to take an addition level in his daily life. His wife also suffering from obesity due to unhealthy diet and stress in the family condition and Karim has been detected by a local GP as a pre diabetic patient. All this problems are part of the health services and the prevention and protection of these conditions is necessary to save this family.

The NMC future nurse standards include some future proficiency which is correlated with this context. Being an accountable professional, promoting health and preventing ill health, providing and evaluating care, leading and managing nursing care and performing team work, taking part in the safety and quality care improvement and coordinating care; all these are part of the future nursing standards. Nurses can be considered as strong advocates in navigating proper care for the patients with understanding the healthcare system (Omotoso and Koch, 2018). The role of a nurse in preventing diseases within the preventative health care system generally utilizes the research evidence as well as the recommendations in improving the health condition of the patients. They act as a catalyst in improving the lifestyles with proper encouragement and lessons. Thereby it help the patients and preventative services which include proper counseling screening process and precautionary measures as well as medications. The imposition being introduced by nurses generally engage in the proper promotion of healthy lifestyles with health education mentorship and also the leadership process.

The Pakistani family is suffering from several social determination issues like lack of employment, no stable income, unhealthy food consumption, no recreational activities among the children and the accommodation problem due to frequent changing of their lodging area; all are adhesively associated with each other and thus resulting in the deterioration of the social determining factors for the heath and illness issues.

Task 2

Social Determinants of Health

The contribution of social determinants to health (SDH) can be explained as certain nonmedical factors that essentially influence the outcomes of health. It can be considered as the conditions under which the individuals are born, grew up, working and living conditions, and also the demographic status at the wider concept (Gold et al, 2017). It set out forces as well as the system that has shaped the intuitive conditions prevalent in daily life.

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The case study of the Pakistani family need an appropriate heath determinant in their health issues and their family problems of the male member, the female member and children and their living pattern in current situation and their working condition has to be considered under this SDH. The heath issues of Karim making his wife more susceptible towards mental and psychological problems as she is suffering from relationship problems with Karim. Behavioral changes of karim is not for only low income but also for the low and unhealthy diet which causing heath issues like high blood sugar and high blood pressure etc. SDH in the UK is very essential for maintaining people’s heath condition including their physiological and psychological issues. The family children are being unable to play and exercise in any children park as their accommodation location is far away from any local park and amusement area. This creating obesity problem among them and this is generating a mental pressure on their mother Zainabis. The SDH model can help the family to combat these problems and the assigned adult nurse will be responsible to take an account about these issues. The nursing intervention and several future promotional models are relatable and contextual in this case study.   

Inequalities in Health

Health inequalities can be defined as the unjust or avoidable differences among people's health that are conceptually observed in different populations and also between various groups of a specific population (Lofters et al, 2017). Health inequalities specify the social demographic conditions which critically affect an individual's life in the possible way. Thus, the knowledge can be reciprocated with the fact that social determinants are the key contribution to health inequalities, that is the more positive influence the social determinants have the lesser will be the health inequalities. One of the illustrations study conducted by Marmot (2017) defines that life expectancy among individuals with disabilities in learning is substantially lesser as compared to the Scottish average cases. Gender-specific violence is a common experience but is unequally observed where 17% of female and 8% of male individuals experience the force from their partners at one point in their life (sciencedirect.com, 2021). In health and illness problem this issues also play a major role. For instance, the Pakistani family after migrating to the UK has facing several family problems including stable income and healthy fooding. As a result the male member Karim is being depressed for the most of the time and his wife Zainabis facing mental and relationship problem with his husband for this reason.

Public Health Guidance

The health advice for ensuring appropriate health and well-being for the public theoretically lays forth the views on avoiding and managing contagious illnesses. It is based on extensive analyses of existing evidence while passing via an advisory group and employing rigorous and transparent evidence-based procedures. Its goal has been to assist decision-makers in accurately gauging the state of public health. The health guidance also indicates the actions based on specific things which include the early stage of development of a child, the fair employment condition, the decent working status, the social protection, and finally the living conditions for the environment (Cummins, 2018). It has stated the prevalence that is impacted through social determinants to health and also the health inequalities. It has been triggered systematic search along with critical analysis of the recommendations and policy guidelines.

Public health guidance is relatable in this case study discussion as the Pakistani family is suffering from different problems and one of the major aspect if these problems are the heath issues. To resolve their problem and make them healthy as before, the adult nurse assignment for their betterment needs to implement the public health guidelines. This UK guideline will direct the family and the nurse as well to decide their convenient planning and model which need to be implemented in the family.


The relevant discussion about the importance of social determinants in featuring the health credentials of an individual and their well-being has been circumvented with the contribution of public health guidelines (Fisher et al, 2019). As it has already been acknowledged, these guidelines are denoted as some precautions to promote a healthy life and set out some milestones in controlling certain communicable diseases.

Task 3

Overview of the Case Study

The case study analysis has provided a brief but distinct overview of the scenario which explains the daily living condition and other influential factors being prevalent to sustain a healthy life condition by the case subject and their family. Karim, the main contributor of the scenario, is a 35 years old individual who by origin is a Pakistani but who now lives in London. He has been living with his family which mainly includes his wife and three children. Based on the information from the case study, since they arrived in the UK, they have faced certain difficulties and hard times adhering to their living conditions, diet, and their lifestyle. The critical exploration of the conditions involves unhealthy living conditions, inefficient daily activities, and mental anxiety. The accommodation is one of the biggest factors which give a real troubling area for Karim and his family. Further, due to certain restrictions after relocation to the UK, the family has suffered from social incapacity due to their frequent moving from one accommodation to another. It can be a serious factor that can infuriate and unstable one’s mind due to poor social relations and interaction. 

Impact of Issues on Health/Well-being

The impact of proper health contributing issues can be considered as the detrimental causes which surmount a healthy portion of an individual’s life (González et al, 2021). The issue specifies certain activities that have been perceived as part of Activity of Daily Living (ADL) and accommodates certain impacts that weakened life in every possible way. The health promotional activities always ascertain with the knowledge that enables the population to protect from certain health education to promote mitigation against the issues. It has become a consistent approach that emancipated the information about certain detouring factors which affect the health and well-being of every individual. Based on the previous discussions it is clear thatthe social determinants are the main influential factors that affect the health and well-being of every individual depending on the situation (Suter et al, 2020). The impact that falls upon Karim includes certain abiding conditions that predefined the life susceptibility state of the individual.

Linking to the Case Study

The configuration of an interlinking state of the issues with the information from the case study gives a serious note of the scenario where social determinants become a prioritized concern that has deprived the victim and their family of a healthy life and well-being. It has been observed that since their relocation to London for the past three years, Karim and his family has faced certain difficulties and hard times that have led to their unhappy and disjointed life (Hunter et al, 2019). A supportive and caring home background always gives mental stability and hope to improve any situation towards betterment. Although it is not mentioned in the study, there is some dilemma between Karim and his wife due to their unstable income and living conditions. Further information suggests improper behavior and substance use of Karim which thereby raises a conflict at home.

Task 4

Discussion about health risks

The health deprivation status or the discussion about certain health risks from the case study has been elaborated in this section. According to the information provided from the study, Karim has started drinking and substance use to relieve his stress and forget about his inefficiencies for proving to the family (Rai et al, 2019). He has adopted inactive behavior and physiological derogations related to his job which thereby leads to certain conflicts at home and sleepless nights. It has been observed that under certain situations he has been perceived with mood swings and lacks the capabilities to confide his problems to his wife or the professionals.

Support Intervention of a Nurse

The complications that have been observed about the living condition and other credentials from the case study since their relocation in the UK for the past three years gives a clear view about the deprivations that ceremoniously inflict various redundancies that significantly affect the family’s health and well-being (Hazen et al, 2018). In response to justify the issues from task 3, the significance of the scenario has been demonstrated in this section. The clear justification enables us to identify the underlying factors that have surmounted the depriving health conditions of Karim and his family and also stated a difference between their past and present life situation. 

The interventions in nursing in the UK are defined as the care plan implementation in the nursing unit. Several interventions and its related patient care have been a daily routine of the nursing professionals. Standard “Nursing intervention classification” is the main pathway to track the nursing interventions. The requirements of intervention for a particular patient have been implemented by the professional nurse and the medical practitioners (Ali, 2019). There are different categories under which nursing interventions can be classified, independent, and dependent and interdependent. Several types of nursing interventions are there among which behavioral nursing, community nursing, heath system nursing, family nursing, safety nursing and psychological nursing all are being enlisted and these interventions have been taken into consideration for the UK heath promotion and illness.

In this case study the Pakistani family has been suffering with all kind of living problems including psychological and sociological issues. Though they are having an accommodation but due to distance issue this has been a difficult for them to avail different facilities like market or Children Park etc. in addition, the family income is abruptly low and also irregular; and as a result of this Karim is being addicted to health deteriorating habits and became a pre diabetic patient with abruptly high cholesterol and blood pressure level. His wife is suffering for mental depression due to this reason and their children are also suffering from several heath issues like obesity due to their improper and unhealthy diet. Different nursing interventions in this issue is going to be applicable in this case study and behavioral nursing, family nursing and health system nursing. The Pakistani family can be benefited from this intervention implementation in the health promotion and illness of the UK services.


The concept of health states about the complete recognition of the physical, mental as well as social well-being of an individual and not only the absence of certain disorders or illnesses. The principles related to health and well-being is described in this study. It is observed that health disparities can be characterized as unjust or avoidable health discrepancies that are conceptually observed across different population groups. From the overall study the significance of heath promotions and its credentials, the promotion of certain principles and knowledge empowerment and about health promotion was adopted to specify the need of good health and wellbeing for every individual. The importance of the health promotion and its achievement while understanding the case study condition will include the social aberration and financial deterioration. Finally the implementation of proper health promotion among the members in the Pakistani family and to recognize the lacking heath issues have been obtained from this study.

Reference list


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