Leading Strategic Change at Amazon (UNIT CMI-705 )Assignment Sample

A proposal for change leadership approaches to support Amazon's growth.

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Introduction Of Strategic Change Models for Organizational Goals and Competitive Advantage

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Task 1: Written report

Strategic business changes are implemented to achieve goals and objectives as well as to boost the organization's competitive advantage in the market. Understanding this concept of strategic change helps to learn how and when to implement change and the various types of strategic change organizations can pursue (Müller and Kunisch, 2018).

Brief about the organization

Entrepreneur Jeff Bezos founded Amazon.com in 1994; the company was initially operated out of his garage in Washington. An industry is a set of businesses that creates rival goods or services in which a business operates. Since Amazon.com offers a wide range of goods and services, it is challenging to determine exactly in which industries it operates.

Brief of the report

The report is divided into two tasks; task 1 includes a detailed description of the strategic management, and its scope which further refers to the situation after the preliminary project choice approval, the scope of strategic change shows the control, management, and documentation required for the strategic change (Piercy, 2016). The reporthighlights the models of strategic change, the two most important models which are also recognized and are also valuable for considerate strategic change management are John Kotter's Change Model and Kurt Lewin's Change. For overcoming all the challenges faced by strategic change there are various models and theories that organizations apply for effective change management.

Strategic change

Strategic change is the application of changes to significant characteristics of every business, for the image in reply to new market opportunities and threats(Greenwood and Hinings, 2017). When directing a strategic change, an organization's plan and implementation are required to boost competitive advantage or to achieve other significant goals and objectives, for example, Amazon is making changes to the business’s structure, policies, and structure.

AC 1 .1 Scope, Context, and Drives for the Organizational Change

The scope for organizational change is required for implementing essential to control, manage, and document any changes after the project contract stage for the required scope (Hornstein, 2015). The increasing project cost and project timelines are the significance of amending the project scope to observe a formal change management process (Al-Haddad and Kotnour, 2015).

Context refers to the external and internal factors that contain a huge influence on managerial change. It is the most significant core factors of an organization that has a great impact on the change success, the other factors being the value and fit of the change solution and also the change management process (Helfat and Martin, 2015).

Internal factors which have a huge impact on the change comprise other organizational changes which are being executed concurrently, reasons for the failure of past change strategies, executive leadership, or the organization’s existing performance level. The internal drivers of change are as follows:

  • Financial management: Financial factors plays a very important role in driving the internal factors of an organization.
  • Profitability:profit for a company is the primary goal, it is the measure key driver of internal factor which is the organization's profit relative to expenses.
  • Organizational structure: it determines the system which outlines certain activities that are driven to attain the goal of the organization.
  • Organizational culture: it covers all the aspects of business, as the work culture plays an important part in making employees comfortable, supporting, and valuing them.
  • Stakeholder requirements: stakeholder requirements define decisions regarding business needs, goals, and objectives from the viewpoint of the stakeholders and their role in business.
  • Staff morale: staff morale also known as morale is the behavior, satisfaction, and overall mindset of employees towards the organization.
  • Conflict management: it is an important internal factor, which includes conflicts between employees and management or it can be between employees in the organization.

External factors also play a major role in Amazon for the changing context like the economic or regulatory climate, activities done by competitors, or some popular belief about what the organization is implementing. External factors which drive the organization are as follows:

  • Legal and regulatory requirements – the laws of Amazon generally depend on approaches, which are known as click-through nexus, this approach focus on expanding the current law to need a retailer for collecting sales tax from the customers.
  • Policy initiatives – strong governance plays a very important role behind policy invention and curiosity. The company focuses on implementing the best policy to operate an ethical business in which the company's stakeholders have trust.
  • Competition – amazon is always been able to maintain its position in a competitive market by giving tough competition to other rival companies.
  • Emerging and disruptive technologies – technological change has a huge impact on the company as in this fast-changing world technology is changing very quickly, but in the case of Amazon is always a step ahead of all its competitors in case of adopting emerging technologies.
  • Political factors – the growing popularity of the online retail business is a result of governmental encouragement
  • Social factors - Amazon always look forward to replacing employees and appointing technology in their place. The impact of decreasing job opportunities is a big threat to the company in terms of social factors.
  • Economical factors - The huge diversity that Amazon proposes entices consumers although when they are not looking for something expensive. In developing countries, economic stability provides growth opportunities for Amazon.

At the start of any kind of change management strategies adopted by the organization, it is recommended to take look at the environment in which the organization is operating and integrate charge of appropriate risks and opportunities into the change management strategies (Jaynes, 2015).

The key drivers for organizational change involve the following important points:

  • Division of work and evading overlapping between the two disciplines
  • Making sure of completion of all key activities.
  • Revealing the relationship between existing approaches and techniques (Barroso al. 2015).
  • Clearly defining the competencies and skills which are required for performing the work effectively.

AC 1.2 Critically appraisal of the complexities of leading strategic change.

According to many reports and research, it is identified that Leading strategic change is a process or program which focuses on helping individuals or people to highlight the personal and organizational change. According to research conducted it is identified that there are several kindsofchanges that apply to an organization concerningthe problem and the situation that the organization is facing. According to research, it is clear that there are various complexities or challenges faced by the organization in strategic change that affects the workforce and culture of the organization. complexities of leading strategic change that the organization needs to look after are as follows:

  • Legal, regulatory, and good practice requirements: company’s legal and regulatory factors plays an important role in attaining the goal. According to a recent report, Amazon is looking forward to expanding its wings worldwide, but the company is abiding by the rules and regulations, for overcoming this factoring company needs to focus on cybersecurity, and maintain all the legal requirements depending on the country.
  • Organizational culture: organizational culture always makes a difference in leading change. As a part of leading strategic change company needs to focus on departing the current culture and work on building a new culture in which employees in the organization are comfortable.
  • Organizational development and design: in organizational development and designing strategic changes play a very important role The idea is to adapt this strategic change to understand and maximize the effectiveness and capabilities of people and organizations.
  • Stakeholder management: it is very well known that an organization consist of stakeholders which have several interests and role in the strategic change of the organization. While planning strategic change, the company can look forward to analyzing the impacts of these changes on the stakeholders are comfortable with these or not because the main aim of strategic change is to fulfill the needs of the stakeholders of the company.
  • Resourcing: strategic resourcing is a key element of strategic change, this includes proper management of human resources which matches the strategic change and operational requirements of the organization, and the main element which the company needs to look after is the proper utilization of resources.
  • Managing and mitigating risk: management of risk is a very important factor for the company, Amazon always looks forward to mitigating the risk it faces by introducing various technologies and policies, and plans strategically for being one step ahead of its competitors.
  • Transformational Change - From individual change to organizational change, it is very important to change the behavior of the workforce and the technique they are using in their work, which is important to adopt changes(Feinstein, 2019). The drawback here is that if some of the employees are not able to adopt the procedure, the managers have to look for replacements for that particular person.
  • Change Factors - Various factors are to be considered before making any kind of changes which are also related to issues regarding scope and time (Hayes, 2022). It is important to understand the requirement of changes in the organization which are effective.
    • Time – it is very significant to recognize the application of change, and it is essential to understand the period when the change is required. At the time of crises, organizations need to take effective and efficient decisions to recover from the challenges and to achieve the targets on time.
    • Scope: In this section on change factors, the managers need to reflect on the degree of change that is required to apply within the organization (Stouten al. 2018). It is significant to simplify the organizational change to make it a small part of the organizational working.
    • Capability: is the most important section of the change factor, this typically considers three sections individuals, organizational and managerial capabilities.
    • Capacity: capacity refers to the resources accessible for the change which involves cash, the number of people, and the time involved.

All these factors are also considered in the case company Amazon before designing the solutions for the challenges of strategic changes in the organization (Eriksson and Fundin, 2018)

AC 1.3Theories and models for leading and managing strategic change

Strategic change managing is the procedure of supervision change in a structured method to meet organizational goals, missions, and objectives(Kunisch et. al. 2017). There are various models for the management of the change process, the detailed description of these models is as follows:

Kotter's Change Model : This model of strategic change management supportsamazontolead its employees through critical steps which are very important to be considered, there are eight steps to be followed which are as follows:

  • Creating an intelligence of insistence and ensuring that there is a requirement for the change and from which employees understand the needs organization’s strategic development (Rajan and Ganesan, 2017).
  • Creating a managerial alliance of groups that can assistinmodelwith innovative change adaptationandalso encourage to work collectively as a team.
  • Initial strategy and visualization, and a picture of the company, where it is heading, and the process of achieving the particular goal.
  • Communicating the vision to employees will make it quite easy to understand and implement the change.
  • Encouraging employees all over the organization to the action through supervision and work on implementing the change as possible.
  • Making short-term wins and small achievements sideways to celebrate and empower success.
  • Uniting the learning from the existing change to help the organization improve to make a better change process in the upcoming future (Lagi and Abocejo, 2021).
  • Attaching the change in the organizational culture with the change strategies, like profit, making clarified links to performance and customer satisfaction.

Critical analysis of Kotter's Change Model

there are many evident advantages and disadvantages to Kotter's eight-step Change Model:

The advantages are as follows:

  • It provides an outline of a clear roadmap for leadership.
  • It's a form of energy on the emotional aspect of momentum.
  • It details the steps for building and maintaining momentum.

However, the disadvantages of the models include the following

  • It doesn't include the most important aspects of readiness for change - specifically, an analysis of the most important models of maturity for organizations and the legacy of change from previous attempts to change within the organization; and the impact on the culture of the change.
  • It does not go far enough to describe the details of how to attain clarity of vision, and an actionable plan to realize the anticipated benefits of that

Kurt Lewin's Change Model

Kurt Lewin’s force field theory refers to therestrictive forces which influence the performance of the group as well as the individuals, eventuallydeciding the chance of change. The powerful forces direct and encourage employees on the road to the new state of change in the organization (Hussain et. al. 2018). Change managers must apply stress management techniques, ensure compliance is met, and use convincing change reasoning.

Stage 1 - Unfreeze

In this stage, effective communication plays an important position in involving the required team member brought in and supporting the employee starts of the change management (Burnes, 2020).

Several actions further help in this stage of the model which is as follows:

  • The change manager needs to survey an organization that further helps in understanding the current gaps and loopholes in the organization.
  • Attain the organization's buy-in.
  • Creating a strategic change strategy and also change vision.
  • Communicating to the employees about the reason behind the changes.
  • Addressing with transparency and honesty about employees' concerns.

Stage 2- Change

In this stage, the change model deal with the application of change, this step involves the following important points:

  • Making a permanent flow of information to attain support for the team members.
  • Organizing the various change management workshops and sessions for exercising change management.
  • Encouraging employees to understand and deals with the modification actively.
  • Motivating the team members for easy wins and visible results.

Stage 3 – Refreeze

This stage in the model refers to the movement of employees away from the transition phase for acceptance or steadiness . The subsequent points will help to maintain the change:

  • Rewarding and identifying will help to support the change.
  • Collecting timely feedback.
  • Offering support and training.

Critical analysis of Kurt Lewin 's model

It is the Kurt Lewin change model that forgoes the jargon and instead uses simple to comprehend concepts. This is one of the main reasons it has endured the years and remains in use today.However, this simple design, there are with a few disadvantages. One is that the details that are missing from Lewin's change management model may result in gaps in the organization's strategic plan and managers might not be aware of something which could negatively impact the project's success.The pros and cons of the model developed by Kurt Lewin outweigh the drawbacks and will be contingent on the case company business's . It's still one of the most effective models for managing change that's utilized by organizations each day to manage strategic change transitional projects.


The report develops a detailed understanding of the role and importance of strategic change, its scope, and the context that drives the organization's decision-making process. Strategic business changes are implemented to achieve goals and objectives as well as to boost the organization's competitive advantage in its market. The report is divided into two tasks, task 1 highlights the extent and framework of deliberate change in an organization, the complexities of leading strategic change, and states the important model of strategic change.

Task 2 – Proposal

Task two in the report represents the proposal that is based on a strategic change or a situation of strategic change enclosed by an organization. The proposal outlines the possible impact and cost of strategic change, Communication strategy to carry and distribute strategic change. Amazon is considered as the case company for the report; it shows the proposal and recommendation that reflects the current strategic change which is required for the company.

AC 2. 1 The Proposal for leading strategic change

An organization conducts a strategic change to plan on and implement changes to improve the competitive advantage and also to achieve other significant goals and objectives of the organization. In strategic change, there are various changes that a business can make like changes in policies, structure, or the processes of working in the organization (Oehmichen et. al. 2017). The change manager uses various models and theories to implement plans. the intervention plan for strategic change introduced the issues which are required to be resolve from the proposed strategic models and policies which further helps in resolving the strategic change issues in managing crisis proportionally. At first the management team can device an work on the solutions which are require for single intervention for specific problem and situation. The next strategy which is propsed for the strategic change in oragnisation are followed through legislative or revised laws made for the safety of oragnisation. The revised law will intervent the change which was required to achive the specific goals.

There are three types of strategic change which are proposed:

  • Restructuring – organization might need to reorganize its company to become a part of the competition , this process is known as restructuring. For example, Amazon has increased the number of warehouse facilities in every area to make the delivery of goods easy and fast (Mitra al . 2015).
  • Reengineering – pursuing change with reengineering, the main focus of the organization is on redesigning their business procedures and also on the system which is related to the improvement of the organization's performance. For example, the case company Amazon is looking forward to designing its delivery technique by applying various technologies.

Figure 2: Stratgeic change

Innovation – strategic changes can also be done through innovation. This refers to utilizing skills and available resources to enhance and develop new ideas to improve the existing ones. For example, the case company Amazon is looking forward to

  • delivering its goods with drowning which is the fastest method of delivering.

(Source: Ira Parsons, 2022)

Aims and objectives of strategic change


Strategic change aims to determine the magnitude and the type of change suitable for the organization. The two main aims of the strategic change are

  • To assess the extent of the change – The main aim of strategic change is to measure the profitability levels, returns on investments, market share performance, and stock price and analysis for the requirement of change(White, 2017).
  • Identifying the difficulty of the change – restructuring and resizing the organization also requires the establishment of all new sets of role and task relationships amongst employees in the organization(Cândido and Santos, 2015).


The primary objective of strategic management is to implement changes in the organization. The detailed description of the objectives of the strategic change is as follows:

  • Establishing a culture of innovation that is creative and acceptable to the changes.
  • Establishing principles of change and innovative strategies that encourage and motivate employees to accept the changes (Åberg and Torchia, 2020).
  • Setting clear expectations for change responsibilities and accountability.
  • Encouraging communication to collect feedback from employees on the changes implemented.

Alignment of strategic change to the strategic goals of the organization

The alignment of strategic change to the strategic goals will influence the working capabilities of the leaders and employees in the organizations. Amazon divided the steps that need to be done for the alignment of strategic change to the strategic goals which are as follows:

  • Mission and vision of the organization for the present and future targets which is made for a better understanding of the statement of the purpose.
  • The values of the organization are communicated to every member working for the objectives of the company.
  • The balanced scorecard is one of the significant tools used for strategic change to evaluate the activities and tasks that need to be performed. Finance and investment are identified for the strategic change management working (Dzwigol al. 2019).
  • The performance plan and portfolio of every program are made to improve the future working capabilities of the SMART working of employees at the time of challenges.

Tools and techniques to deliver strategic change

Various strategic change tools focus on strategizing and researching and assessing. The tools are as follows:

  • Organizational cultural assessment - Organizational cultures are very dissimilar, they are grounded upon the management and leadership in the organization (Nakayama, 2018). For example, extremely concerted change tools waste periods in anexpertiseand control culture. Additional communication will come at the outflow of detailed procedures.
  • Change readiness assessment – organizational culture assessment also includes a change inclination assessment. The tool helps in two different methods, setting a timetable for the change and setting the amount of change that team can handle.
  • Network mapping – These tools of strategic change help in identifying the relationship and politics in the collection, which results in shaping strategy and internal statements in the organization.
  • Change management strategy – it is the most general and necessary change management tool that helps in selecting the right process of strategic change management (Gunina al. 2020).

Potential impact and consequences of strategic change

Strategic change has a great impact on the organization as it affects most parts of the organization. The potentialimpactsof strategic change are as follows:

  • Leadership - change in leadership affects the organization working as the new leader may or may not have a similar thought process as the employees. Changing the leader is also part of the strategic change which has a great impact on the working.
  • Business model - The Companythinking of increasing into new markets is also part of strategic change as restricting and expanding can have a great impact on employees' work (Piercy, 2016). Expansion can be of various types of implementations to a new business model or merging with another company. Any time there is a significant change to the way the business operates, strategic change is always needed.
  • Crisis– A situation where the companyisfacingfinancial difficulty or the company has been impacted by a natural calamity.
  • Technology - Implementing new and updated technology regularly requires changes in procedures. For working effectively, employees are required to access the techniques and resources they need for productivity in the work.
  • Company culture - Many factors contribute to a strategic change in an organization’s culture. The most common factors include merger or acquisition, change in ownership, a variation in management, or alteration in business strategy.
  • Restructuring – restructuring is part of the strategic change the downsizing or organizing of the company's goals and objectives. It is essential to minimize the negative impacts and encourage the positive impacts of the organization. Downsizing or restructuring can be very disruptive for employees and can lead to feelings of uncertainty and insecurity.

The consequences are as follows:

  • Improved communication – it is the major consequence of strategic change that helps in improving communication and employee collaboration in the organization. This further helps in making sure that all employees are working towards the same organizational goal and objectives.
  • Increased employee productivity – employees who take part in the change process are more likely to be more satisfied and productive in their jobs (Hornstein, 2015).
  • Reduced stress and workplace accidents – this process of change helps in reducing stress level and also minimize accidents at the workplace. It makes sure that changes are made in a safe and fully controlled process that does not cause affect the organization's work.
  • Better decision making – the strategic change helps to make sure that changes are made co-ordinately and also helps in streamlined processes which help in making better decisions for the organization.

Communication strategy to support and disseminate strategic change

Managing communication about change is a challenging task; all the emotional reactions are connected by communication in an organization. Various communication strategies support the strategic change which are as follows:

  • Clear and frequent communication–providing details is a critical task for every manager; all details regarding the change are clearly and frequently communicated to the employees.
  • Communicating through the right people – employees are generally interested in hearing about strategic change via the change manager or the supervisor. The right people can be the change manager or the supervisor who will further communicate with their teams.
  • Communication through multiple channels –There are multiple channels of communication like inter-personal meetings, presentations, emailing, video conferencing, and other collaborative tools (Rajhans, 2018).
  • Listening to feedback –Just designing the strategic change process is not enough, it is also important to listen to the employees and how and whom the change is affecting.

Scope: the main scope of strategic change is to achieve goals or boost the competitive advantage in the market. by understanding the concept of leading strategic change it is quite easy for the company to identify the needs and requirements and can focus on implementing the change.

Outcome : strategic change is the highest level of change that can reasonably be attributed to the company. strategic change outcomes are to attain the goals of the company and competitive advantage as well.

Timeframe: time frame in strategic change refers to the specific period in which the company needs to adopt the change and implement the necessary strategies to resolve the problem that occurred by that change.

Compliance with the organizational and legal and regulatory frameworks: According to a recent report, Amazon is looking forward to expanding its wings worldwide, but the company is abiding by the rules and regulations, for overcoming this factoring company needs to focus on cybersecurity, and maintain all the legalrequirements depending on the country.

Diagnostic and Action-planning: action plan of amazon includes the following major points

  • Alliance: it refers to merging or having a tie-up with any other organization, in the case of Amazon the company is looking forward to targeting regional online retail stores to merge them with the company to expand their business.
  • Product development: Amazon started its first online bookstore, the company wanted to enhance the experience of its customers by focusing on new product development.
  • Market development:for the expansion of the company's website, the company is looking forward to understanding the policies of the government and what the customer needs and also trying to spread their waves of online shopping all over the world.
  • Diversification – as of the leading brand for the online retail store across the world, the company also wants to expand its branches in the technology field by introducing drone delivery options for its customers.

Stakeholder mapping: stakeholder mapping is an online process of laying out the stakeholder of a product and project on a map. The main aim of a mapping is to get aoptical representation of all stakeholders who can manipulate the change in the company. Amazon has internal as well as external stakeholders which have a huge impact on strategic change in the company.

Structured approaches to project management:

Responsive teams are modest and made up of multidisciplinary employees (defined as employees in job families exterior of their possess and typically contain tech and non-tech employees), who break large, complex problems into convenient modules and build solution for each constituent that are then incorporated into a completeintact(Denning, 2019)..Agile teams are small and made up of multidisciplinary employees (defined as employees in job families outside of their own and typically include tech and non-tech employees), who break large, complex problems into manageable modules and build solutions for each component that are then integrated into a comprehensive whole. To be close to the customer, eliminate distractions and conflicting agendas, and make rapid choices, Amazon has adopted a flexible "two-pizza team" structure. No team should be greater than what two pizzas can feed, according to the "two-pizza team model" (about six employees). This suggests that a team will be more successful in the long run if given the freedom to develop and solve problems independently.

Risk identification and mitigation –the main purpose of risk identification is keep evaluating the performance of the company, by that manager which will be able to identify the risk and plans on mitigating it. Risk mitigation strategies are important in identifying, monitor and evaluate risks and consequences in process in completing the specific project. In strategic management mitigating the risk and shaping them is very important task.

Contingency – strategic contingency theory, talks about the situation where the central part of the oragnisation is effected by the unique skills of the leader in solving problems which the other are not able to do. This contingency starts to become strategic after the other became able to solve the problem by themselves. For the organisation it is very important to focus on key points in strategic contingency which are power to further includes domain, weight, and scope. The next key factor is uncertainity and management, centrality, substitutability.

Governance and reporting structures – governance structure assists as a guidance for all the members to make sure that they have their individual role to contribute to overall working and achievement of goals of oragnisation. Reporting structure for this guide is documented set of organsiational documents which includes job descriptions, meeting schedules, code of conducts etc. this documented structure needs to be follow while preapring for the strategic change in oragnisation.

AC 2. 2 The Leadership approaches to deliver strategic change

Understanding the leadership approaches to deliver strategic change in an organization is an essential task for the leader. For a company like Amazon, the leaders are required to use appropriate and effective leadership approaches that deliver strategic change (Korbi, 2015). Various approaches of leadership help drive strategic change in the company and are suitable for the particular strategy and project.

Amazon has generally popular as it is a customer-focused company in the market; it succeeded in this area by making sure to fulfill all its promises made to customers and members. The company's finance leader claims that Amazon is investing around $800 million to fulfill the promise of one-day delivery (Saeed et. al. 2018). This kind of strategic change will lead the company in the market by giving tough competition to its rival companies.


There are various leadership approaches but the most suitable for this situationand can be applied for case company which are transformational leadership approach and the company can also use Kotter's Change Model for driving the strategic change.

  • Transformational leadership – it is the approach to leadership that places importance on change and transformation. In the case of Amazon, the leader can consider applying a transformational approach as this approach focuses on encouraging employees' potential to work hard.
  • Kotter’s change model - In the case of Amazon, the leader is required to lead their subordinate in the right direction, for which the leader can consider using Kotter's change model. By considering the model leader can guide their team members and subordinate to work according to a strategy that further helps in fast delivery in a one-day process.
  • The strategic change factors - the leader of the company should also focus on utilizing the strategic change factors which are time, scope, capability, and capacity which will help to achieve their desired goals. And after the making of the report, it is recommended to use various communication strategies that are effective for Amazon which also help the company's business strategy and ideas to grow further.

Leadership approaches and management models to deliver strategic change

To the effective implementation of leading strategic change in the company, the manager or leader can opt for following leadership approaches and management tools

  • Authentic Leadership: A management style known as authentic leadership involves having leaders who are sincere, self-aware, and open. By continuously expressing how they feel about their colleagues' performance, a genuine leader can inspire loyalty and trust in their workforce (Datta,2015).
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership: this leadership model states the mindset of people that highlights the strategic management of strategic change and the risk involves. (Renko al. 2015)

Figure 3: situational leadership model

  • Situational Leadership - According to the Hersey-Blanchard Model, no one leadership style is superior to another. According to the paradigm, effective leadership is pertinent to both relationships and tasks (Nawazand Khan, 2016)(Source: Lars de Bruin, 2020)
  • Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Leadership is always not about personality, it is also about behavior, skills, and abilities. The five practices of exemplary leadership by authors Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, the practices state that first set out to discover what effective leaders need to do when they are at their best (Kouzes and Posner, 2018).
    • Representation the ways
    • Motivate a mutual vision
    • Confront the procedure
    • Allow others to act
    • Support the heart.
  • Leadership Styles - Every style of leadership, according to the Goleman Leadership Styles, uniquely affect an organization team. While a Goleman Leadership Style may function smoothly in one circumstance, it may perform terribly in another:
    • The Affiliative manager
    • The Democratic Leader
    • The Commanding Leader
    • The Pacesetting Leader
    • The Authoritative Leader

Ethical leadership model -. When somebodyleadmorally, they act by a place of principles and ideology that are extensively accepted as provided that a solid foundation for the all-purpose good. Truthfulness, admiration, belief, fairness, transparency, and sincerity (Den Hartog, 2015).


Task 2 is a proposal for the leading strategic change considering the case company Amazon with the reflection upon the suitable leadership model and change models which will help the company to achieve goals and objectives.


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