A Study On Eco-Tourism And Tourism Destinations Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of A Study On Eco-Tourism And Eco-Tourism Destinations Assignment

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1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

This study is going to be based on the different aspect as well as the importance of Eco-Tourism and Eco-Destination and studying about these two terms in a more comprehensive manner. The “Tourism” means the movement of different individuals on a temporarily basis from one place to another. It can be discovered that Tourism is one of the growing and emerging economic sectors and also key drivers behind the economic development which involves distinctness, beauty, variety of culture and history.

In the year of 1970s, Eco-Tourism was introduced that means the nature version of tourism which is more concentrated towards “exotic natural environments” as well as for the preserving and conserving the environment effectively and efficiently. There is a rising requirement for the Tourism industry to adopt the natural ways of providing the ultimate tourism experience to the people visiting from different parts of the world as per Jovanovi? et al. (2019). For the effective development of Eco-Tourism mandates necessary investments to be done in the transport infrastructure and energy infrastructure improvements and heavy emphasis on utilizing the renewable sources of energy are very essential and vital for the development of Eco-Tourism.

1.2 Research Aims and Objectives


The study aims to evaluate the importance of Eco-Tourism and Eco-Destination in the sustainable development. In addition to that, it is also going to aid in understanding the various emerging trends that are taking place in the current scenarios of the Eco-Tourism. Furthermore, how the behaviour of different participants or individuals are being influenced by the Eco-Tourism.


Followings are the research objectives:

  • To evaluate the importance of Eco-Tourism and Eco-Destination in the sustainable development.
  • To understand the different emerging trends of Eco-Tourism.
  • To investigate whether the Eco-Tourism and Eco-Destination making an impact on the behaviour of various individuals.
  • To understand the relevancy of environmental Sustainability.

1.3 Research Questions

  • Is Eco-Tourism Sustainable?

  • What are the important elements of Eco-Tourism and Eco-Destination that could contribute in the Environment sustainable development?

  • What are the emerging trends of Eco-Tourism?

  • Is Eco-Tourism Growing?

1.4 Research Rationale

Eco-Tourism and Eco-Destination are very strongly connected with the environmental sustainability and this research can aid in understanding as well as studying more comprehensively about these two terms. The environment is being affected by the pollution is already on a rise, with this research, people or different individuals can become more aware and environmental conscious.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Concept of Eco-Tourism and Its Various Destination

There are different parts of the world that are suffering from various environment challenges such as losses in biodiversity, degradation of ecosystem, change in climate that are required to be addressed for overcoming any kind of economic losses, the Eco-tourism is the greens solution for these problems and this is among the long-term activity and process that needs to be carried effectively. According to Gyeltshen (2019), Eco-Tourism refers to a tool that can help the Eco-Tourism to make a good and positive influence as well as an impact on the environment which is linked with the positive health of the human. The Eco-Tourism initially came into existence in the early 1980s and over the period of time, it evolved from “early nature tourism” to the necessity to involves local host communities as well as their culture. The eco-destination is the part of the eco-tourism since it involves taking the visitors to the places where the primary attractors are cultural heritage and flora, fauna.

2.2 Scope of Eco-Tourism

The tourism organization that is based on the eco-tourism compete for utilizing the same resource in the available market. According to Fredman and Tyrväinen (2010), available resources in nature are still not fully realized and studied due to the availability of limited knowledge regarding unlocking the full potential of the natural resources for the betterment of Eco-Tourism. As Eco-tourism is a rising and a fresh concept, there is still a huge scope of implementing, for example India is among the various nations that has a huge scope in terms of Eco-Tourism as per Singh (2019). Eco-Tourism mainly concentrates on the environment conservation while also giving opportunity to make the tourism attractive for the travellers. Eco-Tourism also contributes in providing effective education related to removing any kinds of harmful environment activities and in addition to that, eco-tourism also generates as well as provides new employment opportunities to the local individuals.

2.3 The Sustainability of Eco-Tourism

To put it another way, sustainable tourism is "Tourism that takes full consideration of its present and future economic, social and environmental implications." “In order to ensure tourism's long-term viability, environmental, financial, and social sustainability principles should be considered. A proper equilibrium among these three dimensions should be achieved. Many principles and criteria for sustainable tourism from all around the globe have been taken into consideration while developing the GSTC Criteria. It was common practise for them to be considered in both established and emerging nations, and in a variety of languages, across the procedure of progress. As per the statement of Shasha et al. (2020), to achieve worldwide agreement on sustainable tourism, these initiatives are in line with our vision. The ISEAL Alliance, an international organisation that provides advice for the creation and maintenance of sustainability standards across all sectors, was consulted throughout the preparation of the Criteria to ensure compliance with its standards-setting code. The necessary ISO standards influenced the development of this code.

2.4 Evaluation of What an Eco-Tourism can Influence the Behaviour of Participants in Tourism Market

Local communities benefit from ecotourism because it provides them with a more sustainable source of income. Conservation and sustainable use of resources, particularly biological variety, are the goals of this project, which aims to provide visitors with an ecological experience while also preserving the ecological environment. For ecotourism to be successful, it must be ecologically and ecologically healthy while also being economically viable. Ecotourism encourages the local community to participate in the preservation of the area's ecosystem and biodiversity, which in turn offers the local community with economic incentives. According to the statement of Kiper (2013), it encourages small and medium-sized businesses, conserves natural resources, engages tourists and the tourism sector in responsible action, supports biodiversity protection, emphasises local involvement, ownership and business prospects, especially for rural residents, and, above all else, incorporates learning opportunities.

3. Methodology

3.1 Research Philosophy

The validity and accuracy of the findings may be improved by using interpretivist research methodologies (Garcia and Mayorga, 2018). People's true feelings may be captured accurately when the researcher pays attention to the details, which is why individual subjects matter so much. As a result, the investigator will make use of interpretivism in his or her work.

3.2 Research Approach

Inductive reasoning's primary strength is in its ability to foretell the future or establish the likelihood of what the researcher will experience (Kalu, Unachukwu and Ibiam, 2019). As a result, inductive research will be used by the study's researcher to ensure a satisfactory outcome.

3.3 Research Design

Researchers may use the explanatory study approach to better comprehend a certain subject, determine how or why a specific phenomenon occurs, and make predictions about the future (Sun and Lipsitz, 2018). Explanatory research design is the best option for this researcher since it allows the researcher to complete the whole project without sacrificing any of the study's objectives.

3.4 Research Data Collection Process

Secondary qualitative data collection aids in improving the precision of primary data collection by allowing the researcher to identify information gaps and flaws, as well as what more data is required (Orsini et al., 2020). From now on, the researcher will gather secondary qualitative data using this method and implementing it.

3.5 Research Data Analysis Process

Generally, the researcher will utilise and implement the descriptive analysis method within this research study.

3.6 Research Sampling

Fundamentally, the researcher will utilise non-probability sampling method in order to effectively collect and analyse the secondary qualitative data.

3.7 Ethical Consideration

When conducting human affairs, it is important to adhere to a set of ethical principles and values. No one may behave in a manner that harms society or an individual because of the ethical principles that are in place. People and organisations that adhere to it are less likely to engage in harmful behaviour. The legitimacy of research questions is the earliest and most fundamental ethical concern that might emerge in research (Kiani et al., 2018). The goal of research is to find an answer to a specific question. The research conclusion must be in accordance with the research question that was posed at the beginning of the study. Every study needs a technique for doing research. Research may be carried out in a variety of ways. The best method for conducting the study is chosen. When it comes to ethical issues, choosing the correct study approach is critical.

4. Research Timeline

Periodic Activities

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Undertaking Research

Setting Aims and Objectives

Conducting Literature Study

Implementation of Methods

Data Collection

Data Analysis




(Source: As created by author)


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Garcia, N.M. and Mayorga, O.J., 2018. The threat of unexamined secondary data: A critical race transformative convergent mixed methods. Race Ethnicity and Education21(2), pp.231-252.

Gyeltshen, N., 2019. Concept of Ecotourism. Druk J5(2), pp.47-55.

Jovanovi?, L., Živkovi?, D., Jankovi?, M., Šiljak, V. and Toski?, D., 2019. Significance of sustainable eco-tourism for Serbia's economic development. Zbornik radova-Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, (67-2), pp.53-67.

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Shasha, Z.T., Geng, Y., Sun, H.P., Musakwa, W. and Sun, L., 2020. Past, current, and future perspectives on eco-tourism: A bibliometric review between 2001 and 2018. Environmental Science and Pollution Research27(19), pp.23514-23528.

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