Case Study On Starwood Hotel Resort

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Introduction of Case Study On Starwood Hotel Assignment Resort

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In this paper the chosen firm is Starwood Hotels and resort, which is focusing on the quality management of their operations by which they can attract more customers. The involvement of the six-sigma program in the organisation can help in maintaining the services appropriately. This will help in improving the capability of the organisation successfully.

1. Evaluation of redesign of the Sheraton Service Promise Program in Starwood

A flexible program helps in increasing the success of the business appropriately. For this, six sigma program this organisation has implemented the DMAIC process for maintaining the sustainability of the business in the market. As suggested by Garg et al. (2021) DMAIC is defined, measured, amylase, improve and control. The involvement of the scores for managing the services of the organisation has involved the Sheraton service promise program. This program will help the guests to manage their problems in a single contact. This will help in maintaining employees' attention towards the guest properly and serve them immediately within a short duration of time.

The program is providing 15 minutes buffer time for the employees to serve the customer. According to the case study, this program has helped increase the scores. However, it has not improved properly to bring success to the organisation. In order to increase the score, the organisation has implemented the six-sigma model for collecting data and analysing the data with an organisational survey. The survey was conducted according to the factors such as efficiency, empathy, and speed. These three factors are required to be fulfilled for marinating the success of the Service program appropriately. This will help Starwood to manage the success of the organisation using the Sheraton service program.

2. Process of new Seraton Service Promise to help Satrwood

The new Sheraton service has helped in maintaining the opportunities by which the telephone operators can be managed appropriately. The involvement will help in tracking the call logs by which customers can be reached appropriately. The tracking will continue for 18 months by which the feedback of the customers will be found appropriately. This will increase the visibility of the organisation by which the services can be improved appropriately (Singh and Rathi, 2019). The inclusion of the financial performances with higher return rates has helped in maintaining the operational developments. The involvement of the business strategies has helped in maintaining the opportunities by which the problem resolution can be managed properly. The appraisal of the customer attraction levels in the organisation can help in developing the profitability of the organisation.

The port cost performances in this hotel can be resolved by the implementation of new Sheraton Service promise processes. The involvement of the defects in the organisations has helped in maintaining the opportunities by which defective processes can be managed appropriately. The survey in the organisation has helped in finding the defects so that prepare resolution and mitigation strategies for the new services can be managed appropriately. The sustainability of the business processes can be managed appropriately. The involvement of the six-sigma process will help in controlling the opportunities in the business processes (Antony et al. 2019). The satisfaction of the customers is required to be managed with the involvement of the new services by which the business profitability can be managed in the organisation appropriately.

3. Organisation to follow fomalised methodology

Six-sigma is a tool that helps in increasing the capability of the business process. The involvement of this program helps in maintaining the satisfaction of the customers and maintaining the revenue growth of the business process. Moreover, the cost reduction in the operations that are involved in the organisation is managed through this type of formalised methodology in the organisation. Arcidiacono and Pieroni (2018) have mentioned that the involvement of the analytical skill tests in this process has helped in maintaining the opportunities. The improvement of the productions in organisations is managed through the six-sigma process in the business. The streamlined work processes are maintained through the involvement of the business success with methodologies in the organisation. The reduction of the cycle time is managed through the involvement of the six-sigma processes in the organisation.

Other approaches used by competitor’s as Starwood

Other than the Six-sigma process the organisations that are facing problems in managing the business operations can use DMADV methodology by which the proper goals of the organisation can be defined this will help in managing the needs of the customers appropriately. As recommended by Qayyum et al. (2021), this process includes the measurement of the quality of the services that are provided to the customers.


Analyzing the above study this can be told that, the firm is trying to improve the overall quality of the business process using the different strategies. The analysis of the development and the design of the operations in the organisation are managed through the involvement of this program in the workplace. The involvement of the design process has helped in maintaining the operational verification property, which helps in maintaining success in the organisation.


Antony, J., Sony, M., Dempsey, M., Brennan, A., Farrington, T. and Cudney, E.A., (2019). An evaluation into the limitations and emerging trends of Six Sigma: an empirical study. The TQM Journal.

Arcidiacono, G. and Pieroni, A., (2018). The revolution lean six sigma 4.0. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology8(1), pp.141-149.


Qayyum, S., Ullah, F., Al-Turjman, F. and Mojtahedi, M., (2021). Managing smart cities through six sigma DMADICV method: A review-based conceptual framework. Sustainable Cities and Society72, p.103022.

Singh, M. and Rathi, R., (2019). A structured review of Lean Six Sigma in various industrial sectors. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma.

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