Community Survey Carried Out In Uganda Assignment Sample

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Introduction of A Community Survey Carried Out In Uganda Assignment

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Theoretical approach

Theoretical approach by the authors

The theoretical approach for this analysis can be mentioned. The theory of acid and burn violence can be mentioned. This is under the analysis of the community of Uganda. As per the theoretical concept of, (2021) it can be stated that the acid violence is generally caused in case of the refusal of the marriage proposal. In this case the rejection of the sexual assaults by the boys the chances of the acid attack can be increased. It is also surveyed that about 1500 people throughout the world are affected by the acid attack. This acid attack is considered a criminal offense in Uganda. From the survey it can also be stated that different types of the chemical substances are used for the acid attack violence. These different types of the chemicals can be the use of pesticides and teargas. This can be prevented by the association of the participation of the women and men within the society (, 2021). Cultural awareness is also required to be analyzed. For this the analysis of the condition of the community is required to be known. The analysis of the alternative condition that can be the cause of this acid violence can also be analyzed. For this the alternative analysis of the theory can be effective.

Use of the research question analysis

Some of the questions are ready for the analysis of this condition. Due to this the questions are required to be formed on the basis of the violence of acid attack. In this research the survey is done and from this some of the questions are generated that are also based on acid violence. The questionnaires are designed on the basis of this theoretical approach of acid burn violence. Different kind of violation is associated with this that can be the murder, kidnapping case or the gang rape (Aloyo et al. 2021). The legal sanction for the burn violence is also important to be done. So the question is set up for the analysis of the legal sanctioned condition of burn violence.

Effect of acid violence survey in Uganda


Use of the alternative theory

The alternative theory for the community analysis can be possible by the selection of the articles. In case of the presence of the acid violence the concept of torture can be raised. In case of the community analysis of Uganda another theoretical analysis can be evaluated that can be rather than burning violence. Another analysis can be based on the consumption of the alcohol. The rate of the alcohol consumption within men is high in Uganda. This can also be related to the torture mentality of the person within women (Kazibwe, 2019). According to the review of the literature the alternative theory can be connected. According to the author Nalwadda et al. 2018, the alcohol consumption analysis can be done. Due to the drunk condition the rate of the acid attack can be increased. In case of alcohol consumption, the person is refused by the proposal of the marriage; the mental condition of the person is not in the natural form. Due to this the acid attack tendencies can be created in the mind of the person from the uncontrolled temperament that can be harmful. Due to this temper the violent condition can be created. The comparison of the data from different countries is also done by the research (Luitel et al. 2019). The analysis of the acid violence in Nepal and Cambodia can also be collected by the surveys in the form of the data that can also be evaluated in the form of the research.

Rate of acid attack in Cambodia


The use of the concepts and its link

This analysis can be done for the reduction of the mentality of the torture. This type of community analysis is important for the analysis of the condition of the particular area. The level of the acid attack is high in Uganda. This analysis is important for the prevention of this condition. Another use of the theoretical concept for alcohol consumption is also used by the authors. The use of this concept is related to the violent condition of the person. This awareness is important for the prevention of acid attack (Nuwataho, 2019). This theory can be evaluated due to the presence of the link of the alcohol consumption and the acid violence within the community.

The main aim of this research is the analysis of the community condition in Uganda and its comparison with Nepal and Cambodia. By the help of the analysis the condition of the community in different countries can be understood and with this the prevention of the condition can also be possible by different types of the awareness program or by the incorporation of the knowledge within the person so that they can avoid this type of violence.

Used research methods

The use of the methodology for the research is the important part. The analysis of the research can be possible by the help of the particular method. The research can be possible by the collection of the data. The collection of the data can be possible by the process of the survey or by the selection of the particular articles. If the survey can be used for the research this method can be termed as the primary method of the research. In case of the selection of the articles that are primarily surveyed by other authors and can be used for this type of research can be mentioned as the secondary method of the research. In this research the primary and secondary methods can be used for the evaluation of the research (Nalwadda et al. 2018). For the collection of the data the SPSS analysis was done that can be used for the analysis of the community condition of Uganda directly. In another case the selection of the literature is also done that is effective for supporting the secondary method of the research. For this it can be stated that this research is possible by the mixed-method. By the help of the analysis of the research by using the mixed method the quality of the research can be effective.

Besides this the analysis of the research can be done by the collection of the gender, area included in the violence, the level of the education of the person and the types of the violence. For this some of the quantitative value for the research is also included (Ngabirano et al. 2021). From this it can be stated that quantitative analysis is included within this research. Besides this the selection of the literature is important for the analysis of the condition and the supported alternative theory of the acid violence can be evaluated. Without the acid violence the street robbery is also included within the violence (Rawat et al. 2021). The method of the research is important for the analysis of the quality of the research with this the quantitative estimation of this research can also be evaluated.

From the primary research some of the information can be understood. Different types of the aged person can be included within the violence. In case of the victimized condition such as a woman or a girl is affected by the acid attack different conditions can be faced by the personnel. For this the analysis of the condition can be possible by the analysis of the data that o are collected by the form of the survey with questionnaires. The quality of the information can be analyzed in the data sources part.

The research philosophy for the methods of the research can be mentioned as positivism for the primary method and interpretivism for the secondary method. From this analysis it can be stated that both types of philosophy are present within this research. Both type of inductive and deductive approaches are also used in this research. The analysis of the question is effective for the evaluation of the condition of the community of Uganda. With this the selection of the literature is important for supporting the research in case of the acid attack violence the selection of the literature is important for the evaluation of the information about acid attack that is effective to meet the aim of this research.

The description of the assumption can be possible to be provided. The assumption can be that acid attacks are prevalent within women and children. The necessity for the prevention of acid attack is important. The rate of the alcohol consumption is also required to be lowered within the person and for this the campaign can be effective.

From the analysis of the data it can be stated that the changes of the behavior can be possible within the acid attack person (Dalahmeh et al. 2020). The data analysis is also effective for the evaluation of the legal of the aid of the acid victim patient. Sometimes the social services cannot be available to the victims. For this the analysis of the acid victim from the organization can also be analyzed. The legal formalities for the prevention of the acid attack is important to be done.

Data sources

From the data for the information can be stated. From the provided data it can be stated that the cultural analysis of Uganda is stated in this case. In case of the ABV affected patient the changes of the mentality can be possible. In this case mental support is required to be provided. The confidence level of the victim can be lowered, that is required to be supported by other people that can be neighbors, parents.

Timeline of the work schedule

(Source: Project-libre)

In this research the use of the secondary data can also be done that is effective to support the survey by the SPSS analysis. The secondary data is effective to be collected by the selection of the literature (Kayima, and Mayo, 2018). The collection of literature is the important part for the analysis of the information. The selection of the literature can be possible by the use of the different types of databases that can be Google scholar, EMBASE, CINAHAL. By the collection of the literature the analysis of the information from the literature can be possible by the collected information. The selection of the literature can be done on the basis of the title and abstract of the literature. For the collection of the literature based on the topic of the research the use of the key terms are important. For this some of the key terms like Acid attack, community analysis of acid attack in Uganda, can be used. Another literature associated with the acid attack of Nepal can be possible for the comparison of the condition and the rate of acid attack in different communities of different countries (Eliatu, and Ssekimpi, 2018). By the selection of the effective literature the argument can be supported. The use of the secondary data is also appropriate that is related to the sexual abuse of the female.


From the review of the literature it can be stated that the literature that is selected is also based on the same subject but some of the related topics are also selected for supporting the report of the survey (SSEWANYANA, 2019). This survey is based on the acid attack of different types of torturing condition wirthin woman that is also supported by the rate of the alcohol consumption of the men. From the analysis it can be reported that this type of acid violence is included within different communities. The type of the violence is also reported. The identification of the presence of the violence within friends, neighbors, community and family can also be identified by the help of the data collected. This is also analyzed by the help of the SPSS. From 10a number questions in the survey it can also be reported that the acid attack happened with a woman. In case of the refusal of the marriage proposal this type of acid violence can be incorporated. This reporting of the communication survey is important for the prevention of this type of incident. This reporting is also important for the inclusion of the proper schooling and education system within the girls and boys. With the help of the education the promotion of the respectful relationship can be possible to be generated within the persons (Zulfiqar et al. 2021). The concept of gender equality can also be possible to be presented within the person that is important for the effective culture of the community. A proper service is also required to be provided to the patient who is an acid victim. By the help of the data survey the condition about the service to the acid victim can also be possible to be known.

Reporting of acid attack according to age


Ethical issues

Some of the ethical issues are required to be analyzed in the research. The maintenance of ethics is the important part of the research. Some of the issues can be present in case of the primary method of the research. In the form of the questionnaire, biases can be present within the survey. Sometimes the unfair answer can be obtained from the participants that can affect the genuinely of the research. Some of the issues of the primary research can be the cost and time. It is a very time consuming method for the collection of the data that is also cost effective. In case of the secondary research the ethical issue can be the presence of the plagiarism issues that is required to be avoided by the research. Besides this some of the information cannot be supported by the selection of the literature and can be under the literature gap (Glaser et al. 2021). Some of the ethical issues can also be present within the primary research that is the cooperation problem of the participants. In case of the collection of the improper data the analysis of the data and its reporting can be affected that can also be another ethical issue present in the research.


The production of the issues can be possible from the participants who are involved within the survey and besides this some of the limitations within the questions that are produced by the surveyor can also be present. For the research the data analysis can be done by the collection of the data and for this the survey can be done. Due to the survey the findings important to be present for the primary search. The transparency for the research is also important to be provided by the researcher. The conflicts can be the loyalty of the researcher and the loyalty of the participants are required to be present within the research (Hameed, and Bhattacharya, 2022). This loyalty is required for the evaluation of the exact data that is also supported by the effective loyalty questionnaire by the surveyor and also by the participants within this survey. By the help of the production of the report the prevention of the bad condition within the community can be possible.



Aloyo, J., Kiguli, J., Garimoi, C.O., Ikoona, E.N. and Kitara, D.L., 2021. Factors associated with differential community prevalence of hepatitis E in two sub-counties in Kitgum District in Northern Uganda: A comparative cross-sectional study.

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Hameed, S. and Bhattacharya, B., 2022. Scarred for Life: Thoughts on Legal Perspectives of Acid Attacks in Selected Countries with a Focus on India. Journal of International Women's Studies23(1), p.12.

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Kazibwe, G., 2019. Domestic violence and social wellbeing of children in Uganda: a case study of Myanzi Sub County in Mubende District.

Luitel, N.P., Garman, E.C., Jordans, M.J. and Lund, C., 2019. Change in treatment coverage and barriers to mental health care among adults with depression and alcohol use disorder: a repeat cross sectional community survey in Nepal. BMC Public Health19(1), pp.1-10.

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Nuwataho, A., 2019. Television broadcasting in the fight of violence in Uganda, a case Study of NbS Tv.

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Zulfiqar, Z., Abou Safian, M.I., Bhuttah, T.M. and Ghaffari, A.S., 2021. Socio-Psycho Hassles Among The Female Victims Of Acid Burn: A Study Of Southern Punjab, Pakistan. Multicultural Education7(6).

Website, (2021) Women Uganda and partners call for ending acid attack violence in Uganda available at: [Accessed on: 01/05/2022]

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