Criminal Investigation & Forensic Science: Key Learnings from Weeks 1-3 Sample

Week-by-Week Reflection on Criminal Investigation and Forensic Science Classes.

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Assignment 2 – Portfolio

Criminal Investigation & Forensic Science: Key Learnings from Weeks 1-3 Sample

Week 1

What I learned

The classes of week one has taught the definition of the investigation and also what is an investigation refers to. Investigation refers to the point of view of the ascertaining which is conducted by the police and a person have to be get charge with an offence made by that person or the person who is guilty for conducting any offence (Hess et al.,2016). The term strategy refers to the such condition where a plan of an action is ready to execute and ambition of its mainly to achieve the ultimate goal. I have also got to know the importance of a strategy while conducting an investigation. The strategies are most important as it gives the chance to think that whether the plan is going to be successful or not.

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The reason behind coming to this opinion

The classes of week one has helped me to know the fact that strategy is one of the most crucial parts of the investigation and the reason behind it is that a proper strategy helps to keep the focus intact on the investigation so that no minimal evidence is left (Bitzer et al., 2016). The plan or the strategy that is made by the higher authority, but all are workers and the team members are have to get a clear understanding of the plan that are going to be executed and the team workers who are joined with that particular strategy.

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How it has changed my approach

The approach of mine towards the investigation has completely change during the classes and I get to know a new perspective how it should be conducted and what are the misconceptions were into me since before then classes, there are some steps that need to be taken while investing a case and first of all is that to be an open minded so that the officer can be impartial to the all the evidence and judge them properly for the betterment of the case. Another point that can be memorized is the rule of ACS and it refers that A for accepting nothing and B strands for not believing anyone and the letter C stands for checking all the possible data.

What I will do as a next step

I am going to use the knowledge that I have learned from the classes of week one in the practical filed so that I can get more clarification about the methods of the investigation and according to me no education is complete without the experience. Nowadays E-learning has also became a popular platform and I have a chance to clear my doubts here (Vainshtein et al., 20). Another point that I have to do the revision of the papers and definitions as they were not so easy to remember. I think that observing a practical case in front of my eyes and paying attention to the workstyle of the investigating officer will definitely help to do better in the future and I will be able to play my role more efficiently.


Hess, K.M., Orthmann, C.H. and Cho, H.L., 2016. Criminal investigation. Cengage learning.

Bitzer, S., Ribaux, O., Albertini, N. and Delémont, O., 2016. To analyse a trace or not? Evaluating the decision-making process in the criminal investigation. Forensic science international, 262, pp.1-10.

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Vainshtein, I.V., Shershneva, V.A., Esin, R.V. and Noskov, M.V., 2019. Individualisation of Education in Terms of E?learning: Experience and Prospects.

Week 2

What I learned

The classes of the second week gave me the information about the different ways of the crime investigation and the types of them as well. The information that was provided in the second week has taught me that what makes a case complex and what are the reason behind the incident that a case takes more time than usual to solve (Biju et al., 2019). Taking decision is one of the most important part and there are many steps that helps to take the right decision. There are also four strategies by which the activity of pre attendance conducted and the informal about it were provided in the classes of second week.

The reason behind coming to this opinion

The reason behind the thought about the criminal cases that are complex is that, a case becomes complex and take more time than the normal cases is that the Vulnerability factors. The factor is the physical and mental and more problems can be occurred if the particular individual have a habit of taking drug and alcohol (, 2023). Problem can be occurred in the evidence collection also and this problem will occur when there is no clear information about the crime location and availability of the digital evidence can also create problems. There are five stages that helps to take the right decision and the steps are gathering the information in hand and then calculate the risk. In the next step the problem has to be detected and all the information that were gather have to use them. In the last step all the information should be put in the perfect place.

How it has changed my approach

The approach of mine towards the decision-making factor and the getting solution of the complex cases has completely changed and a lot of new information I have gathered regarding the particular situation. The term golden hour has changed my vision towards case and the term refers to the particular period when any crime is done and the next moment of it (Jones, 2017). In this time the polices have the high chance to get all the information and evidence without any interruption. The investigating officers need to take the immediate action so that the risk can be minimized in terms of losing the evidence.

What I will do as a next step

In the next step I am going to learn the lesson how the people could be managed in the crime scene in the best way. In most of the cases the people who can be seen in the crime place as victim, family, witnesses, family and also the people in a huge number. The gathering of such people in the crime scene may become the reason of the loss of the evidence that is crucial for the case to solve. Therefore, managing these people is really important for the case and I want to be an expert in this field.


Biju, A., Hambly, K. and Joshi, A., 2021. The Complexity of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigations: Is there a Gold Standard?. Voices of Forensic Science, 1(1), pp.7-26.

Jones, G.L., 2017. Military police operational harmonisation: The" golden hour" of stability deployments. Salus Journal, 5(2), pp.36-47., 2023. About us, Available at [Accessed on 10th June, 2023]

Week 3

What I learned

The information about the science of forensic and the process of how to collect the evidence were provided in the class. Also, about the information regarding the importance of the studies of the forensic science in a case to investigate and also the future capabilities of the forensic in terms getting more accurate result and pattern evidence will be a part of it (Stern et al., 2019). There is various way by which the science of forensics supports the investigation of a case and there are different components also. From the classes I have also got to know that although the forensic science in the future has a great opportunity but there are some challenges that can be also faced by the forensic science.

The reason behind coming to this opinion

The future of the forensic science is going to bring change in the field of criminal cases and fingertip is going to be one of the most crucial parts of it. Even the scientists have predicted that just from the fingertip they can get the information whether that person is addicted to the drug or not. Another perspective that is going to help the the investigating officer is the DNA lead as a lot of accurate information can be known from this test and it is also considered as a ‘Gold standard” (, 2023). The component of a person such as saliva, semen or blood incudes DNA and if the components are available it will be very easy for the officers to identify the criminal.

How it has changed my approach

My approach towards the science of forensic have been changed when I get to know about the future of the forensic. There are different kind of components that exists in the strategy related to forensic in an investigation and the components are parameter, priority , points to prove, disclosure, search of the important objectives that can help the case and also after completing all of the steps the data or the information have to be given to the given to the one who have expertise in this particular field and can conduct the work carefully and with accuracy (Baror et al., 2019). The forensic strategy not only help to identify the criminal but also it can be submitted as a proof to the court and the person who have committed the crime will be proven as guilty.

What I will do as a next step

I have gained a lot of interest in the field of forensic science and that is the reason I want to gather more information about the forensic science and also want to apply it in the real-life examples. In terms of implementation of the forensic science in the real life I have to get in touch with a case in the time of its investigation and also assist a forensic officer who is expert in this field and will learn a lot of lesson.


Stern, H.S., Cuellar, M. and Kaye, D., 2019. Reliability and validity of forensic science evidence. Significance, 16(2), pp.21-24.

Baror, S.O., Venter, H.S. and Adeyemi, R., 2021. A natural human language framework for digital forensic readiness in the public cloud. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 53(5), pp.566-591., 2023. About us, Available at [Accessed on on 10th June, 2023]

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