Critically Analyse The Extent To Which Social Determinants Of Health Explain Health Inequalities In Cervical Cancer Amongst Females In Kenya Assignment Sample

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Introduction of Critically Analyse The Extent To Which Social Determinants Of Health Explain Health Inequalities In Cervical Cancer Amongst Females In Kenya Assignment.

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Social determinants of health are based on some conditions in the environment in which the people are born. They leave, work, learn to play, and others. These 'social determinants' highly affect their health, function, quality of life, and positive outcomes. To explain and illustrate the issue of 'the extent to which social determinants of health and health inequalities in cervical cancer amongst females in Kenya,' some determinants need to be discussed. Some of the vital and core determinants are 'economic stability, 'education access and quality, and 'neighborhood and built environment .'This essay will shed light upon the 'social determinants responsible for the health inequalities in 'cervical cancer' in Kenya.

Social determinants of health are based on some conditions in the environment in which the people are born. They leave, work, learn to play, and others. These 'social determinants' ' highly affect their health, function, quality of life, and positive outcomes. To explain and illustrate the issue of 'the extent to which social determinants of health and health inequalities in cervical cancer amongst females in Kenya '', some determinants need to be discussed. Some of the vital and core determinants are 'economic stability, 'education access and quality, and 'neighborhood and built environment .'This essay will shed light on the ' 'social determinants, which are responsible for the health inequalities in cervical cancer' in Kenya. The study will also observe several aspects of increasing cervical cancer among the women of Kenya due to lack of education, gender discrimination, societal taboo, and lack of medical facilities that are continuously expanding the disease among the suburbs of the Kenyan population. These issues will be classified briefly in the essay as several methods to reduce the disease among the Kenyan people.


This issue has become critical in the present situation, as the case of cancer has increased highly in Kenya. Similarly, it also has been noticed that due to the increased rate of the population, the burden of cancer has also increased among the females of Kenya. The 'United Nations agenda' is to maintain the 'sustainable development calls' for reducing the mortality from all the major diseases, including cancer. In Kenya, it.' is also known that in Kenya, 'cancer' is the 3rd cause of death after the 'cardiovascular and other infectious diseases' (Kazemi et al., 2021).

This issue has become a concern and a significant problem in the present day, as it has become a 'socio-economic burden' among individuals. It also creates an impact on productivity; it leads to the issue of 'premature death' among the people, especially the women in Kenya. It has also been known that due to the significant problems and lack of concern of the healthcare practitioners in Kenya, cancer treatment has been hampered. The 'inadequate cancer diagnostic and improper infrastructure' also led to the issue of cancer among females in Kenya.

This issue has become critical in the present situation, as the case of cancer has increased highly in Kenya. Similarly, it also has been noticed that due to the increased rate of the population, the burden of cancer has also increased among the females of Kenya. The 'United Nations agenda' is to maintain the 'sustainable development goals for reducing the mortality from all major diseases including cancer .'It is also known that in Kenya, 'cancer' is known as the 3rd cause of death after 'cardiovascular and other infectious diseases.' This issue has become a concern and a significant problem in the present day, as it has become a 'socio-economic burden' among individuals. It also creates an impact on productivity also it leads to the issue of 'premature death' among the people, especially the women in Kenya. It has also been known that cancer treatment has been hampered due to the significant problems and lack of concern of the healthcare practitioners in Kenya. The 'inadequate cancer diagnostic and improper infrastructure' also led to the issue of cancer among females in Kenya.

Main body

Reasons behind the issue of cancer in Kenya

It is identified that due to the negligence and showing less importance to this issue, the rate of cancer has increased. Additionally, it is also noticed that, due to the low income of women and also for their lack of concern, this issue has become paramount in Kenya. However, it can also be stated that due to the significant disparity and discrimination between males and females, this issue has become expansive. Some other reasons such as the 'marital status of the women, age and financial issues' are also highly responsible for increasing cancer among females.

Due to the lack of awareness, almost 47.4% of women have cancer (Ralli et al., 2021). Apart from that, it is also known that the 'sociodemographic characteristics and their awareness is also necessary for increasing the issue of cancer. Due to the inequalities and huge discrimination in gender, the effect rate has become higher among women. It is also known that due to the lack of adequate knowledge about the treatment procedure, most women face the issue of 'premature death' in their life.

It is identified that due to negligence and showing less importance to this issue, the rate of cancer has increased. Additionally, it is also noticed that this issue has become central in Kenya due to the low income of women and their lack of concern. However, it also can be stated that due to the significant disparity and discrimination in the society between males and females, this issue has become broad. Some other reasons such as the 'marital status of the women, age and financial issues' are also highly responsible for increasing cancer among females. It is mainly seen that due to the lack of awareness, almost 47.4% of women suffer from cancer. Apart from that, it is also known that the 'sociodemographic characteristics and their awareness is also necessary for increasing the issue of cancer. Due to the inequalities and huge discrimination in gender, the effect rate has become higher among women. It is also known that due to the lack of adequate knowledge about the treatment procedure, most women face the issue of 'premature death' in their life. 

The massive amount of discrimination between males and females is widespread in Kenya, where women are forced to hie about their reproductive problems because of some kinds of taboos. In contrast, the male tends to dominate the female population in a more significant amount. This results in a more effective form of problems in the woman's life. They cannot speak about their own health and hygiene problems resulting in the rise of cervical cancer among them. They tend to end their lives without any proper treatment because of the taboos generated by society in terms of their reproductive health (Ngune et al., 2020).

The people of Kenya experience a greater amount of poverty due to their economic instability. Hence in the country poverty is been classified into two forms absolute poverty and relative poverty where individuals are deprived of their daily diet and routine and hence end up facing cancer and other health issues. Cervical cancer has always been the most common form of disease in the entire world due to the negligence of women in their daily life schedules. Similarly, as mentioned above, more than 47% of the female population are prone to cervical cancer as they don't know the fundamental hygiene factors and preventive measures to protect themselves from the treacherous cervical cancer which can take one's life. The educational rate in Kenya is also meager, which means that most of the population, including the female, are unaware of the essential reproductive health and measures they need to take care of themselves. Therefore it is one of the critical factors that result in the case of cervical cancer among the women of Kenya (Ginjupalli et al. 2022), as the majority of the area in Kenya is covered by rural subsidiaries where people generally earn their livelihood through farming and laboring in specific factories results in hard work and illness among the population. This is one of the reasons why the entire working population is unable to find time for themselves to look after their health which causes severe health issues. Even the health care facilities are not up to the mark where men and women are not conscious about their reproductive health. Many women tend to lose their lives during childbirth as they have to lack academic knowledge regarding reproductive health, and also lack of medical facilities results in the rise of cervical cancer among the women. Even the male population is also now aware of the proper reproductive health and often tends to dominate women in terms of bearing children, which causes severe ill-factors among the women's bodies that result in the rise of cervical cancer among the women. Similarly, this trend of cancer has been carried out from generation to generation in the suburbs of Kenya, leading to an increase in cancer among the local population (Dutta et al. 2018). Women and even males are also prone to cancer because of their poor reproductive health and hygiene factors.

Three major social determinants for the enhancement of this issue

There are three vital 'social determinants that are highly responsible and play a huge role in increasing the issue of 'cervical cancer' among women. Those determinants are

Social determinants are always one of the most common forms of factors that are the main reason for any happenings. Be it positive or negative social determinants play a vital role in diminishing or creating an issue in an individual's life. For example, this study is observing the rise of cervical cancer among the women of Kenya. Social determinants have contributed enormously to increasing the suffering among women because of cervical cancer. Hence this point will describe specific social determinants that have caused the women to lose their lives and fight daily against the treacherous cervical cancer, which they have inhibited them from dying one way or the other (Wangeci & Macharia, 2018). Three vital 'social determinants are highly responsible and play a huge role in increasing the issue of 'cervical cancer' among women. Those determinants are

‘Economic stability’

Economic stability is the topmost and most significant factor which helps to fulfill all the needs and requirements of an individual. Due to the lack of proper income and financial instability, most women face the issue of health diseases or cancer in Kenya.

Economic stability is the topmost and most significant factor that helps to fulfill all the needs and requirements of an individual. Due to the lack of good income and also financial instability, most women face the issue of health diseases or cancer in Kenya. It is found that the majority of the Kenyan population is dependent on the mode of farming or butchery based on which they earn their livelihood. Specifically, with the outbreak of covid, the method of suffering in terms of financial instability has increased rapidly. Therefore, due to a lack of monetary value, the country's economic rate is not up to the mark, causing a more significant amount of problems for the population to look after themselves in terms of spending money for their health benefits. This resulted in the rising of disease among the people. Even the famous woman doesn't have enough money to treat their reproductive health and afford a good birth delivery which is increasing the mode of cervical cancer in their lives (Muitta et al. 2019). 

‘Education access and quality

It is identified that due to the lack of proper education and also for the adequate knowledge and concern, the mortality rate among the women has been increased in Kenya. As in most rural areas, the females do not get proper permission to take the educational advantage. 'cervical cancer' has become a common issue among women due to this reason (Idehen et al. 2020).

It is identified that due to the lack of proper education and also due to adequate knowledge and concern, the mortality rate among women has increased in Kenya. As in most rural areas, the females do not get proper permission to take the educational advantage. Cervical cancer has become a common issue among women due to this reason. As mentioned in the previous stanza, economic instability means that the population lacks the financial capability to get a proper medical check-up. They tend to lose their lives. Similarly, education is very much essential to make people aware of the female reproductive health system and the methods to protect them in case of any disease. Therefore the population needs to go to school and educate themselves. But as the population lacks financial stability, they are unable to send their children to school, and most of the population has remained illiterate. This lack of education generates unethical behavior among the people in terms of gender inequality, societal taboo, and many others that are increasing the disease of cervical cancer among females in Kenya.

'Neighbourhood and the built environment.'

Due to the lack of proper living conditions and the lack of adequate facilities in the community, most women get affected by this issue. In Kenya, most women suffer from the problem of green space, freshwater, and air in their area. A considerable difference in the community and also for the inappropriate acts by the government; most of the time, women get deprived of all the advantages in their society.

However, it is noticed in the high-income countries that the 'treatment procedures and the prevention mechanism' are relatively high. Also, they maintain an acceptable quality in their 'treatment program' and in the prevention strategy. However, some potential changes need to be made to mitigate this issue and the health risk of the women (Aina et al., 2020). Due to the poor economic condition and inadequate health services, 'limited health facilities and unaffordability services,' most women experience a considerable threat in their lives in Kenya.

Due to the lack of proper living conditions and also for the lack of adequate facilities in the community, most women get affected by this issue. It is known that in Kenya, most women suffer from the problem of green space, freshwater, and air in their area. A considerable difference in the community and also due to inappropriate acts by the government, most of the time, women get deprived of all the advantages in their society.

However, it is noticed in the high-income countries that the 'treatment procedures and the prevention mechanism' are pretty high, and also, they maintain an acceptable quality in their 'treatment program' and the prevention strategy. However, some potential changes need to be made to mitigate this issue and the health risk to women. Due to the poor economic condition and also for the inadequate health services, 'limited health facilities and unaffordable services,' most women experience a considerable threat in their life in Kenya. The communities and neighborhoods of the Kenyan population are uneducated and often believe in the societal taboos, the communities are totally against the freedom of women, and they prefer that the reproductive health of the women is a sin and should not be opened or spoken about in front of anyone. Therefore this is one of the primary forms of reasons because of why the females of Kenya are prone to the mode of cervical cancer. The practice of this taboo has been there in the country for centuries. Because of this, the health care facilities also don't function well in those areas. Apart from the lack of education qualities, financial instability and low economic rate in the country develops a conservative and unethical environment in the areas of the country, resulting in the dominance of women by the men.


As per the 'socio-ecological model,' women's knowledge is highly required for explaining the 'health behaviors' to them. This model also focuses on the 'ecological niche Health.' insurance coverage and all the health facilities need to be provided to all women for their health improvement.

As per the 'socio-ecological model,' women's knowledge is highly required to explain their 'health behaviors.' This model also focuses on the 'ecological niche .'Health insurance coverage and all health facilities need to be provided to all women for their health improvement. The social-ecological model emphasizes women to speak about their problems in terms of their mental and physical health, which they are facing in their daily life so that they can get a proper solution for them. Based on this model, the worm is provided with all kinds of facilities in terms of the problem they are facing in their daily life. As mentioned in the previous paragraph about the rise in cervical cancer among Kenyan females. The women can choose the socio-ecological model and claim their rights for the social, physical, and mental health of their own life and can tend to survive peacefully and independently in their own subsidiaries.

Effective solutions and ways out

The Kenya cancer policy of 2019 to 2030 has given focused on a framework by which some 'evidence-based interventions have been made to prevent the issue of cancer among females. It has also helped to increase the issue of 'diagnostic treatment, survivorship, financing, and monitoring .'It is also necessary to increase the engagement of all the powerful people 'government ministers, departments, and agencies to mitigate the issue of cancer among the women in Kenya (Mwaliko et al., 2021). It is also necessary to include the 'patient groups,' 'civil society organizations,' and development partners to reduce the hazards of this issue. Moreover, it is also necessary to build the awareness of the entire community and the Kenya government to resolve this issue quickly. Additionally, some more new technology and 'cancer prevention method' need to be invented to eliminate this issue permanently.

The 'Kenya cancer policy of 2019 to 2030' has focused on a framework by which some 'evidence-based interventions have been made for preventing the issue of cancer among females. It has also helped to increase the issue of 'diagnostic treatment, survivorship, financing, and monitoring. It is also necessary to increase the engagement of all the powerful people 'government ministers, departments, and agencies to mitigate the issue of cancer among the women in Kenya. It is also necessary to include the 'patient groups,' 'civil society organizations, and development partners to reduce this issue's hazards. Moreover, it is also necessary to build the awareness of the entire community and the Kenya government to resolve this issue quickly. Additionally, some more new technology and 'cancer prevention methods need to be invented to eliminate this issue permanently. Apart from that, all the points mentioned in the practical solution part, there are undoubtedly essential areas that need to be focused on in terms of reducing the mode of cervical cancer among the women are as follows:-

  • Providing adequate health care facilities in the area of Kenya so that the women and children can reach out to them whenever they are facing a specific form of health issue. Apart from that, the health centers should make the women aware of the primary hygienic and reproductive health care so that they can take precautionary measures to prevent themselves from the dangerous cervical cancer that has become common nowadays. The government of Kenya invented a Kenya health care policy 2014-2030 that is based on the startegic framework of national control care startegy. Thesis policy will be factored in the MTF process in accordance with the development centers for preventing the cases of cancer (Adewumi et al., 2021).
  • Another form of the vaccine is known as the HPV vaccine, which protects the female from all kinds of cervical, vaginal and vulvar cancer. These vaccines are generally given to the female from puberty, which stands around from the age of 11-12 years. The vaccine can be given to females till the age of 16. However, some females who have not been vaccinated after the age of 26 can consult their doctors and get themselves vaccinated. Henceforth this vaccine needs to be incorporated by the Kenyan health camps in terms of connecting a tie-up with the government for the benefit of the community and the country. The reason behind it is that women are the precious individuals responsible for carrying the generation forward (Gatumo et al., 2018). If their health is being ignored, then the era won't continue further.
  • Education is another critical aspect that can find a more excellent solution for the country to fight against several cervical diseases. The major reason behind this is that it is observed that Kenyan women lack education in terms of managing their reproductive health, because of which they finally end up getting cervical Therefore education camps should be established by certain sanitary health companies in the rural suburbs of the country. So that companies with the implementation of corporate social responsibilities policy can give free products to the women as well as teach them the primary health care systems. Also, earn greater brand loyalty and brand recognition in terms of this system (Oketch et al. 2019). These kinds of campaigns need to be established in the universities and also in some regions of Kenya so that not only the female but also the male population are also aware of the reproductive health and cervical cancer issues among women.
  • It has been found that the population of Kenya is very much focused on the societal taboo that prevents the women in the rural area from speaking about their reproductive health. Also, because of the dominating male society and uncontrollable population, the health of the woman deteriorates and hence results in the growth of cervical cancer among them. Therefore education is very efficient, and also the women of the rural areas should come forward and take specific actions regarding self-safety and health in terms of living a life of peace and prosperity. In his contemporary world, where women are doing better than men, why should women of Kenya lag behind and suffer from cervical cancer and reproductive health issues? They should take a stand and demand their own right, which can solve the problems of cancer and prevent it from happening in the future. They should talk more and describe it as quite natural, and no boundaries should be there within it.


the above essay basically concludes that the paper generally mentioned the health problems of Kenyan women in terms of aiming at cervical cancer as it is widespread among Kenyan women. more than 47% of the female population in Kenya are prone to this deadly disease and are unable to gather any form of precaution due to lack of social, medical and economic facilities, which can take one's life. The majority of the women suffer from the issue of cervical cancer because they don't know the fundamental hygiene factors and lack washrooms which is a critical issue for the women. This creates a massive difference in the community and also the inappropriate acts by the government. Most of the time, women get deprived of all the advantages in their society.

The essay also stated a particular reason that results in the cause of cervical cancer in the form of three vital social determinants, which are highly responsible and play a massive role in increasing the issue of 'cervical cancer' among women. These include 'Education access and quality, 'Neighbourhood and built environment,' and 'Economic stability .'Furthermore, several solutions are added to erase the social determinants and protect the women from going into the severe pain of bearing cervical cancer.


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