Critically Explore And Evaluate Community Education Assignment sample

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Introduction Of Critically Explore And Evaluate Community Education

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The importance of education is constant and will always provide efficiency of knowledge and experience to society. The importance of education is purposeful and provides its essence to various paths of life. On the other hand, society is based on various communities. The communities highlight many features and also they share the same geographical or functional community. Various people are living in the same place and deriving common needs or values can be judged as the community. In that case, the education of the community can be seen as a common need. The famous American writer, Margaret J. Wheatley once stated that- "There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about". This defines the importance of community in the society and the perspective of a community is greater than the perspectives of the individuals and in another sense, the community is based on the common needs and perspectives of the individuals. The community can be seen as the group of people who share common goals or the people who share common characteristics. But in another sense, the community also can highlight different kinds of people with various perspectives and nature. In that case, the community highlights the diversity and openness to all the perspectives of the individuals.

This report will focus on the education and adult education of a community to explore and deliver the critical evaluation of community education. Depending on various common provisions of the community this study will emphasize highlighting the various aspects of adult education in the community. After that social and the individual demands, and the political demands, this report will provide the basic nature of teaching so that critiquing can be established in community education.

Provision characteristics within the community

There are various characteristics of provisions in a community through its learning and education. In a community, the importance of education is the most and that delivers to the ultimate growth and development of the next generation in particular (Albareda-Tiana et al. 2018). To keep the community intact and provide efficiency in their community through various opportunities in this modern world, education is very essential. Education is the key to development and to grab various opportunities. In that context, the communities always tried to develop their educational system and purpose (Alvunger and Wahlström, 2018). Only developing the educational system is not sufficient to deliver greater education to a community. In that case, there are various characteristics of provision available in a community.

Learning and working in partnerships

Learning and working in partnership is an important aspect of development in a community. A community delivers its best aspects when it is continuously trying to develop. Without development, there is no scope of learning and no opportunity the community can avail (Boyce, 2021). This modern world is very competitive in every aspect of business, education, and society. Continuous learning defines the development of knowledge and understanding in particular. Besides that learning delivers to the understanding of diplomatic matters and other important aspects of society. For better learning sometimes working in partnership becomes crucial. The development of a community creates more scope when the community delivers and encourages the scope of group learning and working (Conrad and Openo, 2018). In a group, it is important to show the ability to cooperate and coordinate. Moreover, the partnership delivers the best characteristics of leadership ability and that also increases the potential of the people of a community to manage difficult situations (Davies et al. 2021). But it is notable that without proper learning and knowledge and the experience of co-working, this cannot happen. 

Equal rights and participation

Providing equal rights to the people of a community is a common characteristic of a community. Without equal participation and rights, peace cannot be adjusted in a community. Various people can deliver efficiency and also have the potential to develop themselves and represent themselves to the success of a community (Davies et al. 2018). To find those talents a community has to function equally and provide opportunities to all classes and all sectors of people inside their community.

Disadvantage group inclusion

A community is incomplete without the availability of various people with various abilities. Commonly, every person does not share a common vision and advantage. Some of the persons are efficient enough and have the potential to provide the community with the best welfare and development (Deeley, 2018). On the other hand, some people are inefficient in delivering the best quality for the community. When people are inefficient at delivering their best in their own lives, they surely cannot deliver the best for their community also. But a proper community does not reject such people. A community is pure when it consists of all types of people and all types of aspects. Diversity and openness make a community more perfect and more attractive (Farley-Ripple et al. 2018). In that case, accepting the whole nature of a person is very crucial and also reflects the best quality of a community. Persons with inefficient abilities are a disadvantage for a community and their inclusion in a group to deliver them all facilities is a common characteristic of a community.

Besides these common characteristics of a community, encouraging adult learning is also a part of community provision (Flood, 2018).

Basic education for adults

This is mainly focused on the individuals who had left their educational purposes for their difficulties or lack of opportunities or other reasons. Education is a basic need for all people (Fogarty et al. 2018). Understanding these provisions of a community delivers to the basic education of the adults who had left their education midway or hadn't even attended educational institutions in their childhood (Huda et al. 2017). The basic education facilities for the adults are divided into two groups and those are “initial learning” and “secondary education for the adults”. 

Initial learning

This is provided by the basic educational sectors which deliver mainly to the people who have not mastered the initial learning and skills and techniques. This is provided to individuals who are highly efficient in sports and other areas and they need the basic education (Janes and Sandell, 2019). Various people have not acknowledged the basic education but have the potential for other purposes like sports etc. they need the basic education and the community provides it through their initial learning process. This is available to individuals who are at least 18 years old as it is for adults (Julia and Isrokatun, 2019). In most of the communities, the education and the organizations are divided into two groups with level 1 and level 2. Level 1 is "Literacy” and level 2 is “Consolidation of Knowledge and Instrumental Techniques". Level two gives the access for entering into the secondary education level and besides that provides access to social, economical, and cultural activities in a community (Kiili et al. 2018).

After the initial learning, the efficient people get access to enter into secondary education from the community standard educational sectors. So these are the provisional characteristics of a community related to education and development.

Social and individual demand or provision in the community

Demands in a community are common and that indicates the needs of the people who are living in a community. A community is based on society and its rules and regulations meet the society rules and regulations (Kusters et al. 2017). A community is a large group of people who think of themselves as equal and deliver to their benefit. So as in a group, there are various perspectives available in a community, also various perspectives available and thus various demands also available (Larrán Jorge and Andrades Peña, 2017). Social and individual demands can be the same or can be different in various cases. A community is included with various sectors like education, health, food, transport, etc thus the demands are common to have and the communities being forced to meet the demands by the individuals and on the other hand, the government is forced to meet the arguments or demands of society.

As this report is based on education, the focus will be on the educational demands of the individuals and society (Laurillard et al. 2018). There are two types of educational demands or the educational demands can be classified into two groups and those are individual demands and social demands.

Figure 1: Social characteristics of community


Social demands consist of individual demands and also highlight the needs of the individuals. The satisfaction of other individuals ultimately pays for the satisfaction of society (Liebenberg, 2018). The enrollment of the individual in education can be seen as the needs of society. By aggregating the individual demands, social demands can be fulfilled. So the focus on this discussion will pay for the individual demands in education and they consist of three demands.

Satisfied demand

This deals with the people who have already been enrolled for their education in the school and have the probability to complete their schooling and also their education (Moua, 2018). In that case, it is defined as satisfying for the community because these people are studying in a school and have the opportunity to complete their education fully. The demands of these kinds of people consist of less paying through the classes, additional demand of books and other help, proper tuition at low cost or without paying, etc.

Unsatisfied demand

This kind of unsatisfied demand occurs for the individuals when they do not get the chance to enroll in a school for various reasons in their school-age (Redmond et al. 2018). This causes utter dissatisfaction to the individuals as they feel that they are being neglected by society in every sector. These individuals in particular suffer more than any other people in the community and that derives from their dissatisfaction.

Partially satisfying demand

This type of demand occurs when individuals are being neglected during their schooling and they have already enrolled in the school in their schooling age (Robinson et al. 2019). But due to family issues or any other issues that individuals were unable to continue their schooling. This is identified as the partial satisfaction of the individuals in education as they had the opportunity to enroll themselves in the educational sectors (Sauro and Zourou, 2019). But in this case, also the dissatisfaction level is very high as the individuals initially lose their opportunity to be educated. The main reason behind these discontinued processes is money and the inefficiency of the family that they belong to.

These are the most notified demands that can be explained from the perspective of the individuals and these individual needs largely articulate the social demands in a community.

Political demands of the provision in the community

This study is largely focused on adult education and its demands and problems in a community (Setyarini et al. 2018). Adult education though not neutered properly in the communities, there are various demands available in the community for adult education. Focusing on the social and individual demands, there are political demands that also exist in a society that can represent the needs of adult education in particular.

Political demands in a community depend on a larger sense and deliver to the greater good of a community. But depending on the educational purpose the political demands of a community focus on the economic development of the community. As politics delivers to the importance of the society, thus it focuses on the welfare of the society through better community and economic bonds and development (Smith et al. 2017). A prominent political purpose in a community delivers to the greater good of the community through social development, economic development, innovation, business, infrastructure, transportation, health, etc. Thus it is understood that politics delivers its focus in almost every aspect of a community. And the most interesting thing is that in every aspect education plays an important role. In this modern world, competition is everywhere and without development, in every aspect, it is not possible to become a promotion community (Starkey, 2020). The most effective nature of education in this modern world is that it pays when innovation, infrastructure, and business comes. In every government sector education is a must. Without proper education, business organizations are also leaving the people behind. In the current days, the demand for education is more as the demand for higher studies and higher skills which are required in various progress sectors is huge. Better education and better qualification deliver better purpose and better opportunities (Stowell et al. 2018). These days only efficient people can get the chance to show their efficiencies in various sectors. Education is a must for the people who are delivering and attending the economic development of a community. Though the business development economy can become strong for a community and in that case efficient people are very necessary. Thus besides basic education, various other educational skills are becoming crucial for the people living inside the community. Thus political demands are increasing through these sectors and development areas (Sutherland and Schwab, 2018). Politics determines the welfare of society and thus also focuses on developing the education of the individuals.

In a community, politics demand good transportation which requires good quality engineering, proper health system, and structure which requires educated and skillful doctors and architects, proper teachers needed in the educational institutions, and all these can only be possible with a proper educational system and educated persons with skills and abilities to handle difficult situations (Vasquez et al. 2019).

Nature of teaching

The nature of teaching contributes to the nature of education and the nature of the learning process. In this report, a theory will be stated to understand the nature of teaching which especially will focus on adult teaching.

Andragogy theory

This theory is based on learning and educating adults. Andragogy, the word itself, states the "art and science of adult teaching". The American adult educator Malcolm Shepherd Knowles established this theory in 1968. This theory is best suited for the individuals in a community who are self-motivated and can understand the process of adult learning.

  • The theory deals with the individual's learning rather than being a child learner.
  • With this theory of teaching and learning the educators invest the individual experiences and incidents as the aid for better learning and sometimes also use the individual's experience who are learning.
  • With this learning and teaching process of a community, the learners will be able to apply unique information and techniques for solving their problems in their life.
  • This learning process not just stays in the education sector but also continues in their new working areas with new jobs and social events where the learners can do their new job with the acceptance of new equipment and materials.
  • This is a learning process that increases the confidence of the learners in particular.

So with learning theory, is it cleaner that the nature of teaching in a community for the adults must not always be conventional and step by step (Wihlborg and Robson, 2018). This is a more flexible theory that delivers boundary less learning opportunities for adult learners by judging their self abilities. This theory is best for adult teaching as the adults can control their learning, can focus on their individual goals, and mitigate their problems through various educational opportunities. Besides that, the adults have the opportunity to rework their personal experiences.

Apart from this theory, Stephen Brookfield also provides the learning theory which delivers the educational nature for the adults. According to Brookfield, the nature of teaching is based on critical reflection and thinking (Wolgemuth et al. 2017). Critical thinking and reflection of an educator can provide the understanding of the whole nature of a learner as well as can provide better ways for learning for the adults. Stephen Brookfield stated four critical lenses that can reflect teaching abilities better and these ares-

  • Autobiographical: This delivers the reflection of a teacher’s own experience in a community to share with the learners for better understanding.
  • The learners’ eye: This suggests understanding the perspectives of the adults for better teaching methods.
  • Colleague's experience: This includes the incidents and experiences of the others that the teacher or the learner have acknowledged so far in their lives to reflect better on current studies.
  • Theoretical literature: This indicates the nature of teaching which can deliver the best experiences out of the existing literature and knowledge.

With the above-mentioned theories of the famous adult educators, the nature of proper teaching and its components have been delivered so far. Now the learner can take charge of their learning as the adults can control their own goals and learning and so the process of teaching for adults is mature.

Critiquing adult education in the community

Adult education in the communities is still in confusion and is finding ways for development. Though the communities prefer adult education for their development purpose that is not yet widely prescribed by the communities. The adults are still not getting the motivation out of the community or by their relatives or family. Adult education is still being generated only for the needs of the industries or higher requirements of the communities. There is no flexible community that is totally out of colonialism and colonialism activates the thinking of grouping and dividing (Xing and GAO, 2018). Colonialism is a sense is bad for the community as it does not reflect diversification and openness. With colonial thinking people, these days try to outrun minority people with the help and support of the majority. The industries and other higher sectors encourage people to be skillful and educated enough, but that is not enough for encouraging adult education as those are only based on special skills. But adult education is known as a thorough process of educating the people within a community, which the community processes do not deliver properly yet.


To conclude, this report is based on adult education and thus follows every aspect of adult education in a community with its good and bad effects, and also the need for adult education is explained here. This report has emphasized the importance of adult education through the community problems and also explained a few teaching theories to develop the nature of adult learning. On the other hand, this report also delivered a critiquing discussion regarding adult education in a community and its practices. To conclude, adult education is very essential for a community to develop in all senses. Education is important and adult education is the necessity for a community to make its bones strong. 



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