Evaluation Of Discrimination In Hospitality Sector In Uk Based On Ethnicity Assignment Sample

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Evaluation Of Discrimination In Hospitality Sector In Uk Based On Ethnicity Assignment 


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This report deals with the evaluation of discriminatory practices in the hospitality sector of UK based on their ethnicity and the culture to which they belong. In this respect at first a brief background will be provided about the key term related to the research topic including its definition and the problem that it is having on the concerned society. It will be followed by description of research aim, the methodology that will be followed and the results obtained. In the end a summary of the findings will be given in discussion followed by a brief overview of feedback that I received and how it improved by learning.


It is common for certain section of people to experience discriminations due to their different personal or social attributes on the basis of factors such as ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age, religion, class, immigration or veganism among others. These discriminatory practices can make the life of an individual difficult especially if it is being done at their workplace in their professional life (Hack-Polay et al. 2022). The employees working in the hospitality sector of UK are also a common target of these discriminatory practices due to their differences in their ethnicities belonging to different cultures and nationality. As per the survey launched and conducted by CPL Learning as well as Be Inclusive Hospitality. The survey included the views of as many as 387 individuals working in the hospitality sector at all segments and levels from different occupations and ethnicities to evaluate them on the basis of racism, bias, inclusion, career progression, training and wellbeing. It was found out from the survey that as much as 50% of the workers working in the hospitality sector have been subjected to racial or ethnical discrimination at their workplace. In the survey, as much as 42% of the respondents who were professionals in the hospitality sector believed that their ethnicity has become a roadblock in their career progression.


The aim of this research is to evaluate the discriminatory practices prevalent in the hospitality sector of UK due to difference in ethnicity and culture of the employees, which subject them to facing difficulties in occupation affecting their wellbeing and happiness.


In order to carry out this research, an interview was conducted among two individuals working in the hospitality sector with different ethnicity. Each of the individuals were asked as much as 2 questions each in order to measure whether they experienced any discrimination in the concerned sector due to the ethnicity to which they belonged and the cultural differences that are present between the workers. These questions were developed in such a way that they would give a brief idea about the problems they faced in being included in various activities, lack of sense of belongingness in the sector, difference in offered training, progression in career and feelings of happiness and wellbeing. These interviews were conducted face to face and their response was recorded to be analysed for further evaluation. Each of the interviews lasted for as much as 45 minutes where they were asked the concerned questions. The interview was conducted in English language in order to make sure that there was no misunderstanding due to barriers in communication. Due consent was taken from each of the participating individuals before they were involved in the interview process. The interview was conducted using a selective sampling method, as they were required to have certain criteria to participate in the interview. The participants of the interview were selected based on the following two important criteria

  • They must be working in the hospitality sector for the last five years
  • They must be belonging to ethnic minority having different cultures and traditions to what is usually prevalent among the actual nationalities of the UK.


Two employees working in the hospitality sector of the UK were interviewed for the purpose of this research in order to evaluate whether they have been subjected to any kind of racism or discrimination based on their ethnic and cultural identity. One of the participants who took part in the interview process was a 35 years old male who has been working in the hospitality sector for the last 8 years. The other participant was a middle-aged woman having the age of 28 years. She too had been working in the hospitality sector for as much as 6 years in the UK. Both of them belonged to the ethnic minority groups and it had been subjected to multiple acts of discrimination at their workplace in their tenure until now. The responses that were acquired from the interview were recorded and had been quoted below.


Have you ever faced any issue regarding communication due to your ethnicity?

Have you been in any conflicted situation, which was escalated for difference in ethnic attributes?


Yes, I have recently faced an issue regarding communication among my colleagues, which escalated due to my different accent and I rather felt embarrassed due to this situation.

Yes, I have been in a conflicted situation where I have problems with my team members as I presented my approach, which they did not consider as an option as a cultural difference was present. This factor created issues in communication and created conflict situations.


Yes. At first when I joined this organisation, I had faced issues regarding communication, which was primarily due to not knowing people. However, it was my personal understand that these people would not be able to properly communicate with me and I will be embarrassed.

Yes. This situation is not directly related to me; however, one of my colleagues got into a conflict regarding her ethnicity as it had affected her career progression despite great performance and I stood by her to resolve the issue between both parties as I felt this situation could occur to me in future.


It is clearly evident from the findings of the interview that the individuals who participated in the interview have experienced several acts of discrimination due to their ethnicity. The findings of the interview can be summarised as

  • The participants faced discrimination due to their cultural and ethical differences as they were being mocked of their accent frequently by their co-workers due to difference in language which was a result of their ethnical background
  • One of the participants has also experienced racial discrimination due to having different ethnicity and culture, which led to a conflicting situation. Despite performing great for the past few years she was denied of promotion as his colleague was offered the role due to belonging to same ethnicity

The findings of this interview are the same as what was understood from the extensive secondary research that was carried out on the topic. It was evident in the background research as well that as much as 50% of the employees working in the hospitality sector have been subject to acts of discrimination due to their ethnic or cultural differences with the local population of the UK (Filimonau and Mika, 2019).


When I was doing this research project, I received several feedbacks from my colleagues and mentors, which helped me in improving my research and making the evaluation more critical by taking interview from people who has actually been affected by racial or ethnical discrimination in the workplace in the hospitality sector of the UK. I learned that there are still so many people who are being discriminated against based on different aspects, such as ethnicity, religion, or culture among others. If I do similar research in future then I would research the differences in treatment and opportunities at the workplace due to gender.


Filimonau, V. and Mika, M., 2019. Return labour migration: an exploratory study of Polish migrant workers from the UK hospitality industry. Current Issues in Tourism22(3), pp.357-378. http://eprints.bournemouth.ac.uk/26848/3/Current%20Issues%20R3.pdf

Hack-Polay, D., Dal Mas, F., Mahmoud, A.B. and Rahman, M., 2022. Barriers to the effective exploitation of migrants' social and cultural capital in hospitality and tourism: a Dual Labour Market Perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management50, pp.168-177. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ali-Mahmoud-5/publication/358248760_Barriers_to_the_effective_exploitation_of_migrants'_social_and_cultural_capital_in_hospitality_and_tourism_a_Dual_Labour_Market_Perspective/links/61f861d64393577abe031817/Barriers-to-the-effective-exploitation-of-migrants-social-and-cultural-capital-in-hospitality-and-tourism-a-Dual-Labour-Market-Perspective.pdf

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