FY026 Preparing for Success at University: Knowledge and Creativity Assignment Sample

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FY026 Preparing for Success at University: Knowledge and Creativity Assignment

1. Introduction of CW1: Reflective Essay

A curriculum that would assist me in the long run by improving both my professional and personal capabilities was vital to me as a student. I chose to enrol in a program that would do just that. During the course of this academic study, I worked through the academic module "(FY0260) Preparing for Success Knowledge & Creativity" and had a remarkable awakening and comprehension. When it came to obtaining interpersonal and intrapersonal knowledge, I was actively engaged in a significant amount of it throughout this learning process.

2. Discussion

2.1 Reflection on my Communication skill development

Every person’s life is woven together by the thread of communication. Both personal and organizational goals may be met in a work setting by having good communication skills. At all levels of education, students must be able to communicate effectively. Students who don’t have strong communication skills in the classroom are more likely to lag behind or get emotionally overburdened, which may lead to poor grades or withdrawal. To be successful in school, I must have strong communication abilities, starting with the ability to express myself clearly orally. As a result of the fact that I’ve been asked to answer questions several times in class. The questions varied from those requiring basic factual responses to those requiring students to weave ideas together and make arguments. For me, the answers to these kinds of inquiries have to be clearly expressed so that professors could evaluate my level of understanding. As a student with communication issues, I have frequently felt inferior to my classmates since I could not communicate as well as they could. However, it was this curriculum helped me to hone my communication skills by encouraging me to be more outspoken and constructive in my interactions.

 Active listening is the most fundamental communication ability. I was able to stay aware in a certain circumstance because to my active listening abilities. Analytical thinking and a thorough knowledge of a problem helped me a lot. I deliberately ensured that I asked and clarified my questions throughout my academic studies. This aided my comprehension of the material and provided me with a clear picture of the aspects I needed to know and comprehend (Post and Koenders, 2019). It also aided my social interactions and cleared up a few nagging questions.

Participating in public speaking and group discussions has allowed me to improve my communication abilities. The group discussion showed me how to improve both my problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Having respect for people from all walks of life has helped me grasp the many viewpoints others have put out on the table. Using the comments, I got from my peers and mentors, I was able to refine and improve my talents throughout this learning journey. It aided me in seeing my faults and the need of establishing and honing my talents more in order to advance professionally (Hopkins and Reid, 2018).

Additionally, I developed abilities such as time management, problem solving, teamwork, and leadership in addition to nurturing my academic capabilities. I also fed my creativity. It’s been much simpler for me to grasp the significance of finishing assignments by the due dates thanks to time management. My analytical and critical thinking abilities improved as a result of the tasks being distributed in this manner.

As a result of my experience in creative and academic writing, I now possess the ability to conduct a focused search for the materials I’ll need to complete the projects. There are many rules for citing my work and avoiding content plagiarism that I’ve learned in academic writing (Ferguson, 2017). On the professional front, this will be advantageous for me. As a consequence, the search results for the tasks I need have been more focused since I used the keywords appropriately.

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2.2 Reflection on my behaviour, experience and performance

To get professional expertise, I’ve had to go through a long and arduous process. The aims and objectives I set for myself required constant practice and effort. “As a result of the knowledge, I have gained from this course, I now have more self-assurance and am better prepared to achieve the personal goals and targets I’ve set out for myself (MacCallum and Casey, 2017). In order to improve my communication, self-confidence, and critical thinking, I’ve been actively participating in class discussions and public speaking workshops”. My honed talents, as well as the skills I’ve gained over the course of this time period, have taught me how to better manage both my skills and time. In a sense, it was a race within myself to see how I could develop a better, more productive version of myself and be ready to take on new roles.

I have become better at avoiding the grammatical mistakes I used to make while putting sentences together. After much study and practice, I now form sentences flawlessly. It has given me even more reason to believe in myself now. Moreover, it has aided me in my efforts to become job-ready. My IT skills have improved along with my technical abilities as a result of this experience. All of this software, such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, was already familiar to me. Due to the complexity of my work, I had to learn how to use this program at an intermediate level, which I did (MacCallum and Casey, 2017). In this day and age of cutting-edge technology, every organization need employees with a solid understanding of software and technological concepts. This, together with the other abilities I have developed and honed along the way, will give me a distinct advantage over the competition.

3. Conclusion

With the knowledge and skills, I've learned from this module, I now have a greater grasp of the various worth and relevance of communication in academic study as well as in the workplace, which has been really valuable. My understanding of the “demonstration”, “negotiation”, and “deeper comprehension processes” has expanded via the use of many modalities such as spoken, written and visual communications. For example, I've shown my capacity to offer arguments, analyse a given situation, critically participate in thinking and learning, and write. I've also showed that I can edit and conduct respectful critical dialogues.

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Ferguson, H.L., 2017. Mindset, Academic Motivation, And Academic Self-Efficacy As Correlates Of Academic Achievement Among Undergraduate Students in Communication Sciences and Disorders Programs.

Hopkins, D. and Reid, T., 2018. The Academic Skills Handbook: Your Guide to Success in Writing, Thinking and Communicating at University. Sage.

MacCallum, J. and Casey, S.C., 2017. Enhancing skills development and reflective practise in students during their programme of study. New Directions in the Teaching of Physical Sciences, (12).

Post, G. and Koenders, L., 2019. Academic Skills for Interdisciplinary Studies: Revised Edition. Amsterdam University Press.

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