Management Structures, Functions, Marketing, & Organisational Culture Assignment Sample

Understanding Organizational Management, Functions, and Success Factors

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Introduction of Management Structures, Functions, Marketing and Organisational Culture Assignment

In an organisation, management includes the activities to set a strategy. As such, by coordinating the efforts of the volunteers or the employees, the organisation can accomplish their objectives by applying the available resources like natural, financial, human resources and technical resources (Cochran, 2018). The current study aims to discuss the management structure and the business functions of an organisation. Evaluating the categorisation of the different management functions, the study will discuss the marketing prospects as well. In addition to that, the study will discuss organisational culture and talent management by demonstrating the impact of a positive culture on the success of the organisation.

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1) Management structure and business functions

In terms of the management structure, the business will belong to the owners, who will make all the key decisions. They could hire a general manager as well as an executive chef to control the regular operations. The structure and the business functions will be as follows:

Referred Organisational structure

Figure 1: Referred Organisational structure

(Source: Berberoglu, 2018)

  • Owners in the Organisational hierarchy: Local or corporate owners could be the ultimate controller of the restaurant. They will be the ones who can stand for making and losing most of the failure and success of the concerned business. Here the owners will be responsible for hiring the management team for the respective business and could choose the executive manager in this regard (Berberoglu, 2018). However, organisations could expect the information of the policy of the ownership that can pass all the way down according to the chain of the business command.
  • General Manager of the restaurant: The general manager of the business will be responsible for regular decision-making. Also, they will frequently be responsible for the payroll and the scheduling paperwork, as well as the accounting of the sales, including the counting of money. The general manager will be firing and hiring for the organisation.
  • The executive manager: The executive manager will be responsible for the management of the entire business. Also, the services coming into the hierarchy will be directly reported to the general manager regarding the ordering and the inventory in this regard (Berberoglu, 2018). He or she will also be responsible for the role and responsibilities of the staff as well.

2) Management functions and how they manage a business

i. Categorise the different management functions and explain their responsibilities

Some recent research has revealed that there are four fundamental functions of management that are organising, planning, controlling and actuating.

Management Functions

Figure 2: Management Functions

(Source: Laghrissi and Taleb, 2018)

  • Organising: It could be the process of bringing together in the areas of human resources, finance and financial development wherein, encouraging the productive relationship among the achievement towards the goals of the organisation. It is worth mentioning that, as opined by Henry Fayol, for organising a certain business, it is required to provide useful functioning such as personnel, capital, tools and raw materials (Laghrissi and Taleb, 2018). Herein the organising of the business involves the determination through which it can provide both non-human and human resources to the organisational structure.
  • Planning: Planning is considered as the fundamental function of management. The process of planning deals with calling out the forthcoming course of action. It also decides the advancement of the appropriate course of action towards achieving the predetermined goals. As per the opinion of KOONTZ, planning is always decided in advance. As a result, it can bridge the gap in the future course of action (Hales, 2019). It is also considered as a part of the exercise in the process of decision-making and problem-solving at the same time.
  • Controlling: Controlling implies the measurement to accomplish against the correction as well as the standard deviation to ensure the achievement of the organisational goals. Here the purpose of controlling is to ensure everything that can is in accordance with these standards. It is worth mentioning that an effective system of control always helps to protect the deviations before their actual occurrence.
  • Leading: Leading refers to the direction as well as the motivation of the subordinates. By controlling the means of the attempt to ensure no deviation from the norm, it provides the direction for the hierarchical department (Carroll and Gillen, 2019). As such, as a part of the business functions, the concept of direction involves managing the workers, managers and the work through the means of ideal leadership, motivation, efficient coordination and communication in this regard.

ii. choose two/three management functions and discuss in detail their relationship and how they help manage the success of the business

The chosen management functions are as follows:

  • Planning: The essential job of management is regarded to be planning. Developing the upcoming course of action is the focus of the planning process. It also determines how far the appropriate course of action should be advanced in order to achieve the pre-established objectives (DuBrin, 2020). Planning is always decided in advance. According to some recent research, It can therefore fill the gap between the present and future courses of action. Additionally, it takes into account the practice of simultaneous problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Organising: In order to help to manage the success of the business, organising might involve bringing together experts in the fields of finance, economic growth, and human resources while fostering positive relationships to advance the organisation's objectives. It is important to note that according to Henry Fayol, in order to organise a particular firm, it is necessary to offer the necessary operational elements, such as staff, capital, tools, and raw materials (Silva, Fireman and Pereira, 2020). Here, how a business is organised entails deciding how it may supply both non-human and human resources to the organisational structure.

3) Marketing function and its relation to business success

i. discuss how marketing works with other business functions for the success of an organisation

For the success of the organisation, marketing works as follows:

The marketing approach highlights the application of various strategies that can create market attractiveness for an organisation to make more business in a sustainable way. However, this helps to increase a strong customer base for the company, which initiates stable business performance and improves the market presence (Ritz, Wolf and McQuitty, 2019). The management has applied the analysis of the marketing mix to set the market strategies for making the venture profitable.

  • Product:The company maintains the applicability of product differentiation that increases the business and attracts more customers as per their preferences in the market for the meal kit in an affordable way.
  • Price:The management of an organisation focuses on the application of cost-effective strategies to set pricing that can be affordable for everybody and helps to improve the business in a stable way (Al Badi, 2018). Moreover, it helps to maintain the quality of the products, which can create more attractiveness among the customers as per its pricing.
  • Place: The management provides a focus on the location of the availability all over the business by the application of online as well as offline stores, and the location of the store has been in a strategic location in those locations.
  • Promotion: Promotion could be considered as the application of a digitalisation strategy in the promotion of a business that can create a more sustainable aspect. The management applies digital marketing by using social media, and the way to maintain the analysis of the reviews can help to develop their product's quality and creates a sustainable business venture (Bala and Verma, 2018). It also associates with maintaining transparency, reliability as well as accountability for making more business in effective way.

4) Talent Management and Organisational Culture

i. discuss the role of HR in relation to talent management

In retention to talent management, HR focus on certain areas of the strategic business decision like recruiting, performance management and career management. As a part of recruiting, the foundation of talent management emphasises hiring the right candidates. By supporting the efforts related to the job description, they can manage the workflow of the process of the interview (Glaister et al. 2018). As a part of performance management, HR tracks performance and productivity along with keeping open communication with the employee. As a part of career management, HR builds the information that is gathered at the time of the annual review.

ii. define organisational culture and explain how positive culture impacts the success of an organisation

An organisational culture refers to the values, beliefs and attitudes of an organisation. Also, it focuses on influencing behaviours towards its employees. In order to foster a positive culture in an organisation, a 'Diversity and Inclusion' strategy needs to align with the business. It is noteworthy that a diverse workplace helps to empower the development of the skills and talents of the employees (Paais and Pattiruhu, 2020). Here a wide range of expertise and ideas enable them to learn from the more diverse collection of their colleagues. Also, it can embrace problem-solving capabilities.


It can be concluded that management in an organisation encompasses the actions used to determine a plan. Therefore, by organising the efforts of the volunteers or employees, the organisation may achieve their goals by using the available resources, such as natural, financial, human, and technical resources. The study has discussed an organisational management structure and operational procedures. The study has focused on the marketing potential while evaluating how the various management tasks are classified. Additionally, by illustrating the influence of a positive culture on organisational success, the study has analysed organisational culture and talent management.


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