Management Functions and Organizational Goals Assignment Sample

Understanding Management Structures, Functions, and Interrelationships

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Introduction of Management and Function Assignment 

Management is considered to be an art through which an organisation gets tasks done. The term management is thus further defined to be the responsibility that is undertaken by the managers so that they can help in the achievement of organisational goals. Thus the entire report has been constituted relying upon the management functions and management factors in detail.

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Management Structure and Business Function

The organisational structure can be defined to be an outline that is drawn by the managers of the organisation to ensure that certain activities are executed within the organisation so that the goals of the organisation are met. The organisational structure can be of various types be it functional, divisional matrix, process, circular, flat, or hybrid. Based on the aims and objectives of the company the organisational structures are formed (Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd., 2022). However, each type has its advantages and disadvantages that organisations get to face. The primary advantage of these types of organisational structure is that it enables the organisation to create an employee-friendly environment to work in, helps in fostering quick development, supports employee specialization, ensure top foster effective decision-making and has flexibility along with an effective and dual chain of command.

The primary disadvantages that the companies get to face are the formation of communicational channels and the reduced amount of efficiency, excessive autonomy for teams that can duplicate effort, and highly complex reporting relationships between employees and employers. Having gathered the ideas known as management theories offers general principles for managing a business or organisation. Furthermore, the term management can be defined to be the ability of an organization to direct individuals by having monitored and planning their actions. The organisational structure further deals with the strategies supervisors employ to carry out organisational objectives and motivate people to achieve the best of their skills.

Business Functions

Business functions are human resource managing and organising including requirements and exercise. Depending on the company’s objectives, the purpose of each of its numerous departments may change. Businesses and organisations are established to provide qualified products and services to consumers and business clients. Accounting and finance managing an organization’s financial activities are called finance. Marketing recognises and meets consumer requirements and wants, such as via advertising and selling goods or services. Business functions are considered to be the activities that are carried out within organisations to yield income. Thus, it facilitates the management team of the organization to divide the tasks amongst the employees based on their competencies.

Marketing Function

The marketing department of an organisation has an extensive role to play in relation to the other departments of the team as that enables the organisation to gain success in an effective manner. There are several branches of marketing that includes digital marketing, marketing science, content marketing and customer experience. The management team further makes sure that they get to look after the marketing functions by having promoted every part of the organisation thus to do so the management team gets to work in close collaboration with the various departments of the organisation. Digital marketing involves the functions that are carried out through web searches, advertisements that are carried out digitally, e-mail and media buying (Planergy, 2022). The content marketing department ensures that the content of the organisation for the promotion of any product is constituted in a manner that it gets to attract a larger number of audiences. The marketing science department looks after and analyses the marketing process in a detailed manner so that the organisation can set its target based on it, and the customer experience department looks after that factor of marketing that makes the marketing functions get even more sincere and effective.

Marketing and its Relationship with Other Functions

Marketing being a philosophical aspect of the business requires to be responsibly taken care of by the marketing department. The marketing functions are carried out with the sole responsibility to conduct adequate and effective research and development so that both existing and future customer needs can be fulfilled. The marketing and finance department of the organisation is taken care of in an effective manner is that the organisation can further have a greater scope with respect to the target market (Olson et al., 2018). While to meet the needs for recruiting and training, the HRM division must assault a balance between its obligations to advertise and individuals to other departments. Interoperation with various departments is required to create an effective marketing plan. The marketing section will need to work thoroughly with the finance department. Thus the entire organization requires complying with marketing principles so that its aims and objectives can be fulfilled.

Management Function

Management Functions and Organizational Goals

Fig 1: Management Function

(Source: ManagementStudyHQ, 2022)

According to the views of a significant management thinker named Henry Fayol, who was also a French engineer, the functions of management can be divided into five different categories. As it has been shown in the figure above each function has its distinct characteristics. The first factor is planning; it is a determination to expect how the organisation will grow over time and to define the steps essential to get near this future state. It helps the management team to predict the future of the organisation by having developed a formal action plan (BVOP’ Business Value Oriented Principles, 2022). The plan is combined with purposefulness, continuity, flexibility, and accuracy. Organising is the method by which a company obtains the raw resources, technology, capital, and staff necessary for functioning. Organising is the second duty of management is to organise as it helps to deal with the capital, personnel, raw materials and tools. The third factor is Commanding, it deals with the goal of the order to have the desired influence on the employees for the benefit of the entire organisation. It is used by the organisation for the achievement of optimal effect so that the management team can further get to know the subordinates of the organisation in a better manner. Coordinating is the fourth management function is direction. This function suggests the organisation maintain optimal harmony that is carried out within the organisation amongst the employees. The fifth and last function explain controlling, it enables the organisation to work according to the pre-defined plans by having considered the products, operations and people.

Interrelationship of Management Function

There are different types of planning present, with the help of different planning a company can organise their aim or goal to achieve success. Each department of the management system of an organisation can be found to be interlinked with each other (Teamwork, 2022). The managers of each department work in coordination with each other to make sure that they get to comply with the aims and objectives of the organisation. On comparing the above-stated theory with the other available management theories it can be asserted that this particular theory helps in understanding the management scales in a stepwise manner.

HR and Talent Management

The Human Resource department of an organisation has the great responsibility to look after the needs and requirements of the employees by having taken care of the aims and objectives of the organisation. The HR managers of the organisations have the role to manage the talent of the employees and get them to work in a manner so that their productivity level is boosted. It further looks after the rights and benefits of the employees and further trains them to help them develop in their respective fields. Talent management is a process that helps in defining the ways in which the recruitment and development of the workforce are done. Communication between management and staff will improve when requests, objections, or other issues are addressed (Armstrong, 2012). Generate and preserve the organisation's broad HR strategy, practices, devices, and developments The HR managers make use of effective strategies to ensure that the talent of the organisation is maintained efficiently.

Organisational Culture

Management Functions and Organizational Goals

Fig 2: Types of Organisational Culture

(Source: Achievers Solutions Inc., 2022)

Organisational culture is considered to be the soul of the organisation as that enables the managers of the organisation to run the organisation in an effective manner. An effective organisational culture helps in providing stability to the organisation since with this it can follow a defined structure within the organisation and further makes the employee work in a definite manner ((iEduNote, 2022). Through this process, the organisation gradually but firmly adopts some fundamental attitudes and ideas about its employees and their working environments, which create its “Organisational Culture”. A strong organisational culture helps the employees working in it to grow unlike that of an organisation with weak organisation culture which grows weaker employees with inadequate skills to excel in their careers both within the organisation as well as individually.


To conclude the report it can be asserted that the management factors have greater prospects to deal with in the contemporary world. The management department of an organisation tries to look after the needs of both the customers and the employees so that the organisation can achieve its goals of the organisation.


Achievers Solutions Inc. 2022. Organisational culture: Definition, importance, and development.[Online]Available At: [Accessed On: 13/12/2022]

Armstrong, M. 2012 Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resources Management Practice. 14th and. Kogan Page: London, pp.439-500.

Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.2022.What is ‘Organizational structure.[Online] Available At: [Accessed On: 13/12/2022]

BVOP’ Business Value Oriented Principles. 2022. The five functions of Fayol's management.[Online] Available At: [Accessed On: 13/12/2022]

iEduNote. 2022. Strong Culture vs. Weak Culture.[Online] Available At: [Accessed On: 13/12/2022]

 ManagementStudyHQ, 2022. Management Study HQ. Functions of Management. .[Online] Available At: [Accessed On: 13/12/2022]

Mary Parker Follett definition of management discussed in 

Olson, E.M., Slater, S.F., Hult, G.T.M. and Olson, K.M., 2018. The application of human resource management policies within the marketing organisation: The impact on business and marketing strategy implementation. Industrial Marketing Management, 69, pp.62-73.

PLANERGY.2022. Types of Organizational Structure and Their Pros and Cons.[Online] Available At: [Accessed On: 13/12/2022]

Teamwork. 2022. The four functions of management: Overview + examples. [Online] Available At: [Accessed On: 13/12/2022]

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