Managing People And Systems Assignment Sample

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Introduction of Managing People And Systems Assignment

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Slide 1: Introduction

  • The presentation is going to reflect a job advertisement for a sales person.
  • Sales Manager is going to recruit a sales associate for building up his new team for Joco Gifts.
  • A vivid explanation of the business is going to be portrayed in support of job vacancy advertisements.
  • Proper person specification with a description of application form is going to be provided in the presentation.

Overall information included is going to present a job advertisement for a sales associate presented by the sales manager of a company. In-depth information is going to guide in understanding job roles along with job description. Aligning with relevant legislation an application form is going to be presented.

 Presentation Details

(Source: Self-Created)

Slide 2: Description to the business

  • Joco Gifts has stores at two different locations in which a large store in Ropewalk Shopping Centre on the 2nd Floor.
  • The second store is at Abbeygate Shopping Centre on the 1st Floor.
  • Currently, 150 workers are working in this company combining 2 stores at different locations.
  • Divisional Structure is being followed by Joco Gifts.
  • Separate teams are present within the organisation to look over the ongoing operations.
  • Joco Gifts provides gift items for different occasions and also makes customized gifts as per customers’ requirements (, 2022).

 Joco Gifts store

(Source:, 2022)

Joco Gifts is a gift selling medium-sized organisation with two stores at two different shopping malls. Presently, 150 workers are working in this company combining two stores in two different locations.

Slide 3: Job Description


? In total the overall task of sales associate is to focus on providing outstanding customer service and coordinating with the entire sales team (Pritvorova et al. 2018).

? The sales associate will have to serve customers in selecting products from different categories.

? Directly escorting customers to counters and racks for smooth fulfilment of requirements.


? The sales associate needs to engage customers, share product knowledge and collect verbal feedback for entire sales improvement of the store.

? Coordinating with the inventory management team to provide information regarding refilling of highly demanded stocks (Groza et al. 2021).

? The recruited sales associate needs to alert the sales head regarding potential security issues.

The newly recruited sales associate of Joco Gifts needs to follow mentioned tasks and duties for smooth functioning of the entire store. Prime duty of this role is to provide a satisfied customer service to each purchaser. The recruited individual is going to be a part of a large sales team and need to coordinate with entire team for better outcome and attracting more customers to buy gift items from this store.

Slide 4: Continue


? The recruited sales associate needs to acquire product knowledge beforehand for conveying customers regarding new arrival products (Rapp and Beeler, 2021).

? The person needs to carry an appealing approach to reach customers quickly and meet the demands.


? Increasing the rate of sales is the prime responsibility of the newly recruited sales associate.

? Keeping a close look at sales floor appearance is another important responsibility.

Observing the function and responsibility by newly appointed sales associate is highly important for coordinating with entire sales team. Joco Gifts is going to recruit this new individual for enhancing the overall sales rate and keep customized gift items according to customers’ requirements for competing with the existing stores in Nuneaton.

Slide 5: Person Specification


? Masters degree in business administration (MBA) from a renowned institution.

? Diploma course on Associate’s degree or a certified course on sales associate.

? Sales Negotiation Training for being an Negotiation Expert

? Certification course for in-person Sales Training.


? Interpersonal Skills

? Communication Skills

? Deep knowledge regarding product and inventory (Gustafson et al. 2018)

? Customer-focused mindset for understanding the newly raised costumes’ requirements.

? Creativity in solving problems and making quick decisions to deal with any customer related issues.

The projected skills and qualification have to be present within recruited sales associate to improve overall current sales position. Therefore, qualified certification course on managing business operations is going to help the person to deal with any rising issue from customers’ end. Furthermore, a customer-focused thought process is required for quick decision making to satisfy customer requirements.

Slide 6: Continue


? The sales associate needs to have a minimum of three years’ work experience in dealing with customers.

? The individual should have a minimum one year field-based job that helps to gain practical experience.


? An in-depth knowledge regarding customer service skills to work with others (Schrock et al. 2018).

? Holding an idea to keep focus on every aspect of the operations related to sales.

? The person needs to have capacity to create unique ideas for ensuring maximum satisfaction to every customer’s visiting Joco Gifts’ stores.

Required experience and knowledge is highly essential for the recruited sales associate. This knowledge is going to support stores of Joco Gifts to reach a better sales position and provide improved satisfaction to purchasers.

Slide 7: Job Advertisement


? Well Spoken

? Well Groomed

? High Interaction Skill

? Time Management

? Customer Management


? Diploma in Sales Management

? Minimum 3 years experience

? Minimum 1 year experience in field job


? Negotiable depending on the experience and capability

? Incentives provided on the basis of sales target


? Email the CV: Official website

? Drop CV at reception of company’s main branch

The job advertisement provides a vivid description regarding requirements within a recruited sales associate for sales team at Joco Gifts. All the criterias have to be matched with the individual for boosting up the sales rate and the company has the opportunity to combat existing competitors within the similar geographical location.

Slide 8: Application Form

  • The application form is going to include all details regarding company’s rules and regulations.
  • Joco Gifts’ is going to follow Employment Rights Act 1996 and Equality Act 2010 for maintaining a proper employment relationship.
  • A proper detail is being provided regarding paid leave, maternity, paternity leave and maximum working hours (Dugan et al. 2020).

Figure 3: Legislation

(Source: Self-Created)

The application form provided to the recruited individual is going to be the reflection of rules and guidance present within the organisation.

Slide 9: Conclusion

  • Joco Gifts is a gift selling organisation and wants to recruit a sales associate for its current sales team.
  • The recruited personnel have to hold a minimum three years’ experience in this field and have sufficient knowledge in managing customers appropriately.
  • Job advertisement and application form provides details to the individual applying for the vacancy regarding company’s requirements.

In-depth information is going to guide in understanding the job role of newly recruited sales associates of Joco Gifts. Presentation also provides information on company’s requirements from the recruited person.


Dugan, R., Rangarajan, D., Davis, L., Bolander, W., Pullins, E.B., Deeter-Schmelz, D., LeBon, J. and Agnihotri, R.,(2020). Sales management, education, and scholarship across cultures: early findings from a global study and an agenda for future research. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management40(3), pp.198-212.

Groza, M.D., Zmich, L.J. and Rajabi, R., (2021). Organizational innovativeness and firm performance: Does sales management matter?. Industrial Marketing Management97, pp.10-20.

Gustafson, B.M., Pomirleanu, N. and John-Mariadoss, B., 2018. A review of climate and culture research in selling and sales management. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management38(1), pp.144-167. (2022) About Us, Available at: [Accessed on 21st March 2022]

Pritvorova, T., Tasbulatova, B. and Petrenko, Y., (2018). Possibilities of blitz-psychograms as a tool for human resource management in the supporting system of hardiness of company. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues6(2), p.840.

Rapp, A. and Beeler, L., (2021). The state of selling & sales management research: a review and future research agenda. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice29(1), pp.37-50.

Schrock, W.A., Zhao, Y., Richards, K.A., Hughes, D.E. and Amin, M.S., (2018). On the nature of international sales and sales management research: a social network–analytic perspective. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management38(1), pp.56-77.



The leadership style is related to motivating, guiding, directing and managing the different employees or colleagues in the workplace. This style helps present conceptual abilities, innovation, domain knowledge and interpersonal tactics. This helps in shaping the behaviour of the employees and in the development of the business plans with a farfetched vision. These shall be beneficial in providing motivation, initiating actions and building a proper work environment to achieve the organisational goals. Leadership styles are very important as they will help the millennial to realise the organisational goals and objectives. Thus, it can lead to the positive growth of the organisation.

Leadership styles play a significant role in the management of the different communication levels and jobs. Leaders play the main role of guiding the workers or the subordinates to focus on the vision and mission of the firm. The leaders help in describing the objectives and goals of the organisation. The leaders motivate the followers and help them to accomplish their work. This essay mainly focuses on the different leadership styles and theories related to the management of the millennial generation.

Description of the Leadership Theories and Styles

There is a close relationship between managers and leaders in an organisation. The managers of the organisation must follow a certain leadership theory or style. This shall vary from one person to the other. Following the leadership style can help the organisation to realise its goals. Comprehending the leadership theories shall help to improve the overall performance of the employees (Purwanto et al. 2020). The Transformational Leadership Theory mainly highlights the relation between the followers and the leaders. According to this theory, the leader must be encouraging, charismatic and inspirational in nature. Turnnidge and Côté (2018) have pointed out that these types of leaders mainly focus on the performance of the task. This theory helps to promote skills within the employees.

The Contingency Leadership Theory proposes that no particular leadership style is correct. The variables help in shaping the course of action and the variables accordingly. Maintaining the right equilibrium between the context, behaviour, and needs help in accomplishing an effective leadership role. On the contrary, the Situational Leadership Theory does not focus on any particular leadership style as the accurate one. Thompson. and Glasø (2020) has opined that this methodology depends on the relation between the followers and the leaders and helps in the creation of a framework for the analysis of the performance levels. However, there are different benefits associated with situational leadership theory as it accelerates the quality and pace of employee development. It is related to multi-dimensional influence, helps in the maintenance of task specificity and also guides the response and interpretive environment of the organisation.

On the other hand, the Great man theory focuses on the fact that leaders are born with special virtues and characters, distinguishing them from the rest of the masses. According to this theory, leaders possess some natural attributes that help them accomplish their organisational goals (Hunt and Fedynich, 2019). Surveys have found that top executives, politicians and sports personalities often show the aura of this trait theory. The leadership models help in the management of the employees concerning their work productivity. The Democratic Leadership model is also referred to as Participative Leadership. This model helps focus on the discussion and collaboration related to the acceleration of innovation and creativity (Al Khajeh, 2018).

The concept of passivity is related to the ‘’Laissez-faire model''. This model is very effective in the areas which face problems due to structured leadership. On the other hand, the autocratic leadership model does not involve the problems related to agile decision-making. This model is apt in the genres related to emergency and critical decision-making. The Charismatic Leadership Model encompasses the ideals of conviction, employee engagement and bottom-line goals of the organisation. Though autocratic and ''laissez-faire leadership'' models are almost synonymous. Novitasari et al. (2021) has mentioned that this model can help to negate the malpractice of self-absorbed and individualistic work culture. The Ethical Leadership Model focuses on the balance between fairness and justice in the workplace.

The Affiliative Leadership Model helps in the collaboration of relationships and emotional stability of the entire team. This model also helps to solve the departmental conflicts in the workplace among the employees. This model encompasses the ideals of compassion and works on it accordingly (Wachira, Karanja and Iravo, 2018). On the contrary, the Coaching Leadership Model helps to focus on the leaders' strengths that help in realising the organisational goals. This model is mainly applicable in healthcare centres. The organisational leaders must resonate with a particular leadership style, model or theory to accomplish the objectives of the workplace. The adaptation of the leadership style must vary according to the needs of the organisation.

Analysis of the Leadership Styles to Manage the Millennial Generations

In the contemporary era millennials there has been constitute the largest workforce. The millennials are born between the year 1980 to 2000, and they follow the generation X trends work culture. They are usually confident and proactive at the workplace. Dimock (2019) has claimed that they look for guidance from experienced colleagues, and most of the time, they seek out challenges. Relationship-building, empowerment and communication are the key components associated with the preferred leadership styles of millennials. The millennials face daily challenges, and following the strategies can help mitigate the challenges associated with them. The company are too dependent on the millennials for their economic growth. The majority of millennials face the challenge of excessive workload. The next common challenge they face is related to departmental conflicts and politics at work. This reduces the efficiency and work productivity of the employees (Jha, Sareen and Potnuru, 2019). The majority of the millennials failed to cope with the growing workload.

Many millennials had problems with their knowledge of technical skills. Emotional intelligence and the gap in soft skill knowledge are some of the major hindrances of people. The millennials face problems related to the working process in a complicated environment. Ngotngamwong (2019) has suggested that to mitigate these challenges and it is important to sharpen the analytical or critical thinking power of the employees in the workplace. Adapting the different leadership styles and models shall be beneficial for the development of mitigating strategies related to overcoming the challenges in the workplace. The millennials of the modern era look for role assignments based on the company's mission. They also try to acknowledge life outside of the assigned workplace. They love to get individually focused and thus lay stress on individualistic performance and not on collectivist group work (Steenmeijer, 2021). The leadership styles are related to the changing behaviours, characters and needs of the company based on its current scenario and futuristic objectives.

The millennials want their leaders to think critically and out of the box in an innovative way. They love to bear the risks rather than play safe. Kurz, Li and Vine (2019) have pointed out that they want to follow the unconventional approaches and explore the different processes and protocols of the new organisation. Transformational leadership style helps in successfully carrying out the mentorship programs associated with orientation or training sessions. However, surveys have found that modern-day millennials prefer to follow the democratic leadership models rather than the autocratic ones. This helps in the elimination of the challenges faced due to micromanagement. It also helps to rebuild the mutual relationship among the employees and their leaders (Dash, Kiefer. and Paul, 2021). The millennials do not prefer authoritative leadership styles. Rather look for a teamwork approach. Millennial leadership lays active stress on individual goals and family values.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The millennials are different from the others, yet they constitute one of the largest working groups of modern times. It is important for organisational leaders to follow the different leadership styles or modes. It can be beneficial in different ways for accomplishing the job assigned to them. The transformational style is particularly effective in enhancing the business of novice organisations. The working class prefer to adapt challenging and unconventional ways to explore business. Proper training sessions must be arranged to train the new recruits, and this can be achieved only under the guidance of the old and experienced employees. Following the different models can help to explore the futuristic goals of the organisation. Millennials must have properly collaborated as they play an active part in the present organisation of any country.

Developing lucid communication with the millennials and the leaders can be profitable to erode away the different departmental conflicts in the workplace. A leader must always try to motivate the employees and also encourage them to bear the risks. Strategies must be developed accordingly. Strategies must be developed in an inclusive way and not in an autocratic process. The millennials usually focus on diversity levels; it helps them take the leap for organisational advancements. Organisations now prefer to embrace a flexible workforce. To continue the work process, it is necessary to embrace the updated software and technology in business. Leadership style varies from person to person and according to the demand of the workplace.



Al Khajeh, E.H., (2018). Impact of leadership styles on organizational performance. Journal of Human Resources Management Research2018, pp.1-10.

Dash, G., Kiefer, K. and Paul, J., (2021). Marketing-to-Millennials: Marketing 4.0, customer satisfaction and purchase intention. Journal of business research122, pp.608-620.

Dimock, M., (2019). Defining generations: Where Millennials end and Generation Z begins. Pew Research Center17(1), pp.1-7.

Hunt, T. and Fedynich, L., (2019). Leadership: Past, present, and future: An evolution of an idea. Journal of Arts and Humanities8(2), pp.22-26.

Jha, N., Sareen, P. and Potnuru, R.K.G., (2019). Employee engagement for millennials: considering technology as an enabler. Development and learning in organizations: An international journal.

Kurz, C.J., Li, G. and Vine, D.J., (2019). Are millennials different?. In Handbook of US consumer economics (pp. 193-232). Academic Press.

Ngotngamwong, R., (2019). Working with Millennials. Human Behavior, Development and Society20(2), pp.62-73.

Novitasari, D., Haque, M.G., Supriatna, H., Asbari, M. and Purwanto, A., (2021). Understanding the Links between Charismatic Leadership, Intrinsic Motivation and Tacit Knowledge Sharing among MSME Employees. International Journal of Social and Management Studies2(3), pp.1-13.

Purwanto, A., Bernarto, I., Asbari, M., Wijayanti, L.M. and Hyun, C.C., (2020). Effect of transformational and transactional leadership style on public health centre performance. Journal of Research in Business, Economics, and Education2(1).

Steenmeijer, R., (2021). Venture capital firms and their syndicated network position: the importance of national culture A comparative study between a collectivistic and an individualistic setting.

Thompson, G. and Glasø, L., (2018). Situational leadership theory: a test from a leader-follower congruence approach. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.

Turnnidge, J. and Côté, J., (2018). Applying transformational leadership theory to coaching research in youth sport: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology16(3), pp.327-342.

Wachira, J.G., Karanja, K. and Iravo, M., (2018). Influence of Affiliative Leadership Style on Organizational Performance of Commercial State Corporations in Kenya. European Journal of Business and Strategic Management3(3), pp.17-28.

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