Nursing And Health Care Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Nursing And Health Care

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This assignment is about nursing and health practise that should be undertaken during the treatment of patients. The assignment is about a baby and her mother the baby is around 2 years old. The child lives with her parents and eldest sister. The child refuses to eat and drink and her weight had been below the age. She is under the treatment of a paediatrician who refers to child care. However, a genetic test is to be done under further investigation. Parents of the child had been concerned for their educational needs of Communication and speech cannot be spoken in simple sentences (Perry et al., 2017).

In the case of gastrostomy and development, there has to be proper nurturing of good health of the child. It will be helpful towards the long term development of the child in this regard. There has to be proper nursing care that has to be undertaken during the process. The discussion the assignment will focus on an evidence-based framework that will be effective for maintaining and having a clear understanding of complex health issues of children. Group dynamics, management and effective leadership will hold an important place in this regard. Teamwork, decision making and conflict resolution in management hold an important place (Seidel et al., 2019).

Taking into account the Evidence-based professional framework discuss complex health needs of people, their families and carers across the lifespan continuum

In the case of development of the child at the early year's precautions must be undertaken to provide a good and unhealthy life to the child (Butler et al., 2018). The vaccinations should be provided to the child within 90 days and as per the directions of the doctor. The child's hospital does provide services exclusively for the welfare of the child. They are for infants, children, adolescents, young children, from birth up to the age of 18 years and 21 years in other countries (Hirani and Richter, 2019).

.Almost all child does have an intravenous catheter which is for fluids and medications that is being provided in the hands and legs. Once in vein, the needle is being removed therefore leaving for soft plastic tubing. Sometimes the situation demands a larger IV that can be used to deliver volumes of fluids and medicines. They can be said to be central lines as they have to be inserted into central veins of the chest, hands and feet. The arterial veins can be said to be similar to IV's but they are to be placed in arteries and not veins, they can be used to monitor blood pressure along with oxygen levels in the blood that is not to give medicine (Hirani and Richter, 2019).

. Medications can also be given anywhere in the hospital but there are certain that have side effects that have to be closely monitored. Drips should be provided to the children as per requirements. Medicines' like dopamine, morphine, epinephrine should be provided to the children. Oximetry is also to be used includes attached to the fingers and fingers and toes like a small bandage. Blood pressure is being maintained by arterial catheter for children are being provided pressure cuff that is being applied to the arm or the leg.

Complex care can be said to be person-centred care that helps in addressing the requirements of the people with combinations along with aspects related to mental health, social changes and behavioural changes at the same time (Adnan and Valliappan, 2019). In the case of a child the following aspects must be highlighted in the form of security, they must feel safe and sound along with the basic needs namely food, clothing and shelter, medical care and support also hold the key in this regard. There has to be stability that has to be maintained in life for children. A cordial environment in the home should be provided to children. Emotional support should be provided to the child. Positive role models must help in building positivity in the atmosphere for children and families at the same time. Education, love and care should be provided to the child to feel them like oneness without hatred or anger (Weiss et al., 2017).

Being care for can be said to be a vital need for a child. Parents are to meet the basic needs of the child in the form of life, caring, support, purpose, happiness, control. If these requirements are being addressed it helps in providing the path towards success and growth for children (Ford et al., 2018).

Principles of effective leadership, management and group dynamics and their relationship to care organization.

Leadership principles can be said to be an amalgamation of actions or can be said to be guiding beliefs that can be said to be helpful for leaders concerning the move towards the achievement of success (Sergeevna and Andreevna, 2018). Some of the top leadership principles include Lead by example, Focus on change, Understand the value related to listening, there has to be sync of work that would help achieve more and more. There has to be the promotion of diversity, leadership is concentrated towards people.

Some of the successful leaders go in for demonstrating as to how to behave and implement plans (Hadi et al., 2020). The quality of a good leader is that they go in for motivating people with excellent behaviour and encouragement of them at the same time. There has to be valuable towards the achievement of goals which would help in motivating everyone to work in a chain manner to the achievement of the objective. Leading by example leads followers to be dedicated and confident towards the achievement of objectives (Coyne et al., 2018).

Amber medication and HR can be said to be an integral part to facilitate leadership training programmes that help in the creation and bringing out the best leaders upfront. They can be engaged in teams to achieve objectives and sustainable growth in the years to come(Kranjac and Kranjac, 2021). They do not develop talent based on the template but work along with individuals and groups in the creation of further leadership thereby help in the creation of unique personalities. They have a track record towards of successful module of the training programme. They have flexible content that also includes group workshops. They can also create towards coherent of highly emerging quality leaders for the future (González-Álvarez et al., 2021

Innovation, Influencer, Result driven can be said to be attributes of a quality leader. They help in the determination as to how to lead from the front. It can be said to be an individual trait depending on experience and personality. There has to be a mix of principles that can be a blend of leadership. Some of the important leadership traits include:

 Transformational leadership- They have the quality to inspire individuals and achieve the very outcome(Weiss et al., 2017).

  1. . They help in encouraging the achievement of objectives. They understand the human element of employees and thereby want them to be emphatic while achieving their needs. They can be said to be primary coaches that lead by example. They do have new strategies that are required in the case of a leader. They do commendable well in small organizations.
  2. Charismatic leadership- They are said to be inspiring respect and loyalty along with respect for words. They know how to make people feel and they are speaking directly even if they are giving a speech to a group. Charismatic leaders share common traits with transformational ones such as idealised influence along with influential motivation. These leaders are great for organizations as they might be talked about at tough times.
  3. Visionary leadership- These types of leaders can be said to be passionately driven along with passionate and disciplined to reach long term goals. They are best towards the creation of creativity and innovation and also help in the formation of the task at the same time. These leaders are perfect for organizations someone who can be relied upon to achieve the goals and objectives.

Principles related to teamwork, decision making, delegation and conflict resolution in managing person-centred care.

The systems in the present times can be said to be quite technological advanced. There had been inset of quite several chronic diseases in the early childhood stage which can be said to be a serious issue (Gross et al., 2017). The diseases include hypertension, diabetes, stroke, vascular disease. They can be said to be linked to emotional aspects related to the child and also thereby results in increased risk towards physical and mental health respectively. Timely treatment along with the application of preventive health services must be provided during early life resulting in activities to stop thereby help in the interruption or slow towards the development of the aforesaid disease (Matsumori, 2019).

In the developed countries namely, Australia health care can be said to be both publicly and privately funded. There are personnel's and frontline workers namely maternal child health nurses, paediatricians along with general health practise those help in the early years of life in relatively providing developmental surveillance, comprehensive and productive immunization (Bates et al., 2018). There had been active participation of the patients especially exclusive breastfeeding to a child below 6 months is being widely promoted. As the children are introduced to school life signs of doing well can be known beforehand. It helps in building confidence. 22 per cent of the children can be said to be developmentally vulnerable whereas around 5 per cent can be said to acquire special needs (Wang et al., 2017). It is necessary on the part of the respective government that certain norms should be made mandatory for the child which includes preventive health, good and nutritious diet, incorporation of physical activity, child mental health should be studied thereby any kind of symptomatic norms should be addressed at the earliest rather than nurturing it. In the state of Victoria, parents are being asked to go for 10 around visits to which should be from birth till three and half years. As per the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale, the focus had been concentrated towards the maternal rather than the child which also includes maternal service engagement along with normal vaginal delivery (Haines et al., 2018).

The problems that can be seen in a child can be said to be behavioural, physical and developmental problems, Government introduced the concept named Healthy Kids Check which can be said to be a preschool assessment directed towards 4 years’ children (Pordes et al., 2018).


Anderson’s model

Anderson's model concerned with behavioural use towards health services can lead to drawing the attention towards health services that are necessary likewise prevention towards it also. The environment can be said to be an important aspect in this regard which includes rural as well as urban health care systems or policies (Déry et al., 2018). In the case of population features, aspects include enabling factors, predisposing factors, perceived factors. Health behaviour can also be said to be an important aspect that intakes lifestyle behaviours, persona; health along with the use of health services (Bromley et al., 2021). The outcomes that can be acquired include consumer satisfaction and the health status of personnel. As far as conflict is concerned preventive action should be taken that would be helpful in the identification of early signs thereby necessary actions can be taken (Hockenberry et al., 2021).

Discussing the way through which working in partnership with other professionals might develop the impact of care

Working in partnership can be said to be crucial in addressing issues and multiple tasks can be entertained at a single point in time. Specific attention can be said to be limited to a particular patient whereas working in partnership can result in addressing multiple issues (Heilok et al., 2021).

There has to be an interpersonal collaboration that has to be maintained during entertaining the patients. Since a child can be said to be quite soft they should be treated in a soft manner rather than being rude. Decision making, clinical aspects should be specially designed so that no worries can come up. It is important requirements and problems of patients should be understood and most importantly they should have listened properly without delay. It helps in the proper address of grievances. If required necessary changes should be implemented for the safety and security of patients (Nadeau et al., 2017).


From the discussion that had been undertaken, it can be established that the health care system for children can be said to be an important perspective. Paediatric aspects have been discussed in detail along with aspects relating to the fact as to how patients should be treated. Anderson's model concentrated on behavioural changes have been stated. The discussion had also included within its fold as to different departments should discuss issues concerning patients (Holmberg et al., 2019).

They should be provided training from time to time to develop their potential and skill which can help deal with patients. Both physical and mental aspects should be studied by the experts thereby treatment should be processed. There has to be proper communication and dynamism in entertaining activities. The activities should be for the welfare of children and their mothers. Misguidance should be avoided instead proper treatment should be ensured and implemented effectively (Fidanci et al., 2017).


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