Online Persuasion Tool: FitPlan Assignment Sample

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Introduction of Online Persuasion Tool: FitPlan Assignment

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An application, named Fitplan, is to be designed which is software to remind about water and food intake. As per the recently faced pandemic situation in the world, maintaining a healthy life is important for everyone. This app can be beneficial for persons, aiming to lead a healthy life.

Water is also known as another name for life. Not only after a pandemic situation but also in the previous times, water is referred by physicians to be healthy in almost every measure. As opined by Collignon & McEwen (2019), being extremely busy in daily life, most of the persons' are often found to forget about having water. The main purpose of this app is to help persons to have a record of water consumption.

The idea of this application came from a recently encountered difficult situation in which the health of people is found to be in the most crucial stage. Being affected by Covid-situation, people have become more health-conscious which can be maintained with this kind of application.

In this application, some innovative features and components are included on the basis of which a record of medicine intake can be kept. People of almost all ages can easily handle this app. The main concern for health is found in elderly people who are very much dependent on medicine (Hills et al. 2019). Taking medicine at the proper time plays an important role in ensuring the good health of humans. Being an old person, an individual can forget about the time and medicine as a lack of memory is associated with it. This application can be helpful in that time. Besides that, medical representatives and caregivers can also access and use this app to keep an appropriate record of medicine consumption.

The theoretical framework of the tool

This application can be accessed on mobile which is one of the most important and accessible devices among people of almost all ages. In almost every aspect of life and everyday services, mobile phones have become an inseparable part. As opined by Fernández-Ulloa (2019), persuasive designing of the application is referred to as the area of outlining the practice that centers on impacting the behavior of human through the characteristics of services or products. On the basis of body needs and age, the amount of required water differs. This application is developed by keeping in mind the different needs of different individuals. The technological support of this application needs to be mentioned in this regard. In the recent era, in which technology plays an important role in improving the lifestyle of people, this kind of application software can be beneficial and appropriate (Bartle et al. 2022). The theoretical framework of this application is based on internet usage and proper application. An Internet-based mobile terminal and connection path are included within this application. By introducing this app, medical representatives, as well as normal human beings, can be benefited. The application can be helpful for nursing purposes and also to ensure proper service in providing all required health facilities. The overall health concern of an individual needs to be taken care of medical representatives. In this regard, this application can provide all necessary attributes and benefits. The framework of the (IOM) Institute of Medicine is considered while designing this application (Cemiloglu, Catania, & Ali, 2021). Effectiveness of health measures, timeliness, equality, the efficiency of a person and aims to ensure a proper healthy is the main considerations of this application. 

Purpose, the approach of persuasion technique used for designing tool

The main purpose of this application is to ensure an effective helping procedure regarding health. Acquiring all relevant information regarding health can be accessed by this app. As cited by Tarabashkina, Quester, & Tarabashkina (2018), the persuasive technique of designing an application is based on three major points including “ethos”, “pathos” and “logos”. Internet is considered while designing this application as any kind of information can be easily found on the internet (Sanganyado & Gwenzi, 2019). This application can easily track every movement and step, taken by a registered person regarding his or her health. The effective and beneficial usage of medicines can be ensured by the usage of this application. The timing and proportion of a particular medicine can be set by this application that can help any person to be free from tension regarding health. In regular busy life and stress of work and other attributes, concerns regarding health can be reduced by proper utilization of this kind of approach (Cena & Calder, 2020). The approach of this application is dependent on behavioral changes and individual different attributes of a person.

Some of the most important persuasion techniques are included within this app which is the main beneficial component of this application. Zaidman, Itzhaki, & Shenkar (2018) stated that pathos is determined as the best persuasion technique while designing this mobile application as it is the strategy of affect and emotions. Creating the basic platform to introduce the concept of this application can be mentioned in this regard. On the other hand, understanding the individual social and health need of persons, especially old people are an important part of this application. Another important attribute of this app is the utilization of reciprocity power. The availability of this application is not limited to any certainty that can provide maximum benefits to the users. In order to maintain a healthy life, the water consumption process needs to be sustainable and proper (Pal et al., 2018). This application can provide all necessary path and record-keeping benefits by which a person can track individual records in maintaining water and medicine consumption.

Behavioral approach

Human psychology is integrally connected to the behavioral approach of an individual. Fitplan application can be mentioned as such an application in which environment and behavioral attributes are considered. Persuasion skills are also associated with a behavioral approach (Ward et al., 2018). Every individual person has a different behavioral approach. The main concept of this application is dependent on a supportive approach.

Functional attributes of the persuasion tool

The application, Fitplan consists of some important functions which are included to provide all possible kinds of benefits to the users. In the creation of this application, six major components of persuasion are utilized to develop the actions and reception of the audience (Das, Roy, & Naidoo, 2020). The six components include scarcity, reciprocity, consistency, liking, authority and consensus. The users can be attracted to this particular application by considering its unique features.


In this application, different parts are included in which three are three sections, namely Diet, Water reminder, and Medicine reminder. A user can select any of these to move forward in this process. If a person wants to get help regarding a diet plan, the preferable option needs to be selected. In this particular section, there is an area in which the user can put own weight and preferences of food. Based on that, the app will show the required diet that the person needs to follow. All of these tasks require an internet connection. The maintenance of diet is considered an important part of a healthy life (Collignon & McEwen, 2019). In this part, the user can get access to suggestions from efficient diet planners. The app included the contact details of some of the efficient dietitians. The application also provides the access to turn the location of the user. This feature can be helpful for a user to identify nearby diet planners in case of an emergency. Besides that, the user can contact preferred dietitians who can properly guide the users in having a diet plan. The constant and regular check-up of heath and diet results can also be maintained with this app as each and every activity of the user is recorded in the app that can be seen in the future also.

Another important part of this application is the part in which water-related considerations are included. The main feature of this app is connected to this part. There is an option in that portion in which the user can set a reminder. In a whole day, a body needs a particular amount of water that differs from age to age. The user needs to put the age on the basis of which the app will show the exact amount of required water. The interval of water consumption will automatically be set by the app Fitplan, based on provided age and amount of water intake. At the particular interval time, the reminder will raise an alarm that will alert the user to have water. The consistency in water consumption can be followed by this.

Another important feature of this app includes options for the user to take medicine at a time. This particular part of this application is focused on the benefits for elderly people. In most cases, it is found that elderly people have to take many medicines throughout the day. As a result of old age, such persons are often unable to remember the time to have a medicine. In this part of the, Fitplan application, the user needs to include the medicine name and set the time accordingly. At that particular time, the app will raise an alarm and the user will be notified to have medicine.

The main and attractive feature of this app is its IVR (Interactive Voice Response) feature. This feature is mainly included and used in the medicine reminder portion. As opined by Adimalla & Qian (2019), due to old age, some patients may not have the proper eyesight to read the name of the medicine that is set with the alarm, this IVR process can be helpful. The main concept of IVR is widely used and preferred by users of digital devices.

This particular feature of the app can be used by nursing and health care professionals in hospitals to provide proper attention in medicine-giving activities. Through the IVR process, the names of the medicine can be enrolled and saved by the user which will be announced with the alarm. In case of lack of time, the medical representatives need not find the notes or register to find out which medicine is to give to the patient at that time (Das, Roy, & Naidoo, 2020). Besides medical representatives, elderly users at home can utilize this feature. By hearing the names of the medicine, the user can get the medicine easily. The facility to contact doctors in case of an emergency is another important feature of this app. The main concern of this app is to provide full care to the users regarding health.

The most attractive part of this application is that portion in the user can get access to substitute names of medicines, this feature is included within the medicine reminder option. As the names of the medicines are included with the reminder, the user can ask the professionals and experts about any substitute medicine. As affected by the pandemic situation, high demand for vitamins and other medicines is registered (Li & Wu, 2019). In a particular place, the user may not have an available supply of a particular medicine. This application is developed with such features by which with the help of the internet, proper substitutes for a particular medicine will be shown.

The app will also provide fasciitis to the users to get confirmation from efficient doctors and professionals about the substitute medicines. Overall maintenance of health can be ensured by considering the usage of this application. Fernández-Ulloa, (2019) opined that the features of this application are presented and developed in this application by interesting and attractive images and graphics that can grab the attention of most users. In the era of technological advancements, this application is found to possess all possible benefits and advantages regarding health concerns.

Interface design

Interface design is mentioned as the method designers utilise to create interfaces in the computerised or software devices focusing on particular things. Interface design is utilised widely in the development of mobile applications where mainly three important parts are segmented including Diet, water reminder and medicine reminder. These three options are the main choices that the user gets when they open the application. User interface design helps to structure the software in such a way that the homepage signifies the three alternative choices for the users (Dudley & Kristensson, 2018). The user interface of “Fitplan" is everything that the user can interact with and see. Android gives a broad classification of pre-built components of UI such as UI controls and structured layout controls that permits the individual in building the graphical interface from the application. In this context, an application interface is designed which is demonstrated as a set of features that an application gives so that the user can provide "input to" and obtain "output from" the program.

Interface design in this case helps the user to get their choices easily and the implementation of certain features assists them in their daily life. The user interface comprises all the buttons, blocks, controls and components of the application. As opined by Liu et al., (2021), the basic purpose of the user interface is to give enjoyable, easy and efficient communication between the application and user. In designing the application, "Fitplan" may make the base of the customer which may create a strong link between the websites and customers. Designing is crucially essential for designing software which provides the individual with the privilege of transforming the functionality, and appearance of the software working on the particular module. Engagement of users is most feasible with the utilisation of user interface design. User Interface design in "Fitplan” helps how the people communicate with the product to accomplish the aim and satisfy the requirements.

The main purpose of using "User interface design" is to make the interfaces which the users find feasible pleasurable and usable. Swearngin et al., (2018) stated that design principles are extremely necessary where the designers can stick to developing "User interface design" quality. The UI design principles make the job of UI designers feasible as they eliminate huge guesswork and create the interfaces more predictable. There are six common principles of "user interface design" are “structure principle”, “simplicity principle”, “tolerance principle”, “feedback principle” and “reuse principle”. These are the principles considered while designing the “Fitplan" application for mobile devices concerning three major products of the website. The structure principle helps in designing the Fitplan based on clear and consent models that are identifiable and apparent to the users.

DietWater reminderMedicine reminder

The portrait of the image on the homepage of Fitplan is very clear which can make the user attracted to the application. The simplicity principle has also been used in the interface designing of the application where the language denoting the picture is provided very simply and clearly. The user can easily communicate with each product of the company and give good shortcuts that are concerned with longer processes (Kureerung & Ramingwong, 2019). Visibility principles are also very lucid and clear where no added information is provided with redundant or extraneous data which may distract the users. Feedback principles are made in a certain way where the users are always informed regarding the course of action.

In “Fitplan", the IVR system has been utilised which helps to remind the people regarding their water intake and timely medicine consumption. The feature of the IVR system has been installed to make the older people and the busy generation comfortable with the application. As opined by Heikkilä et al., (2021), the tolerance principle has been considered when using the interface design to reduce the costs of the mistakes. This principle in “Fitplan” assists in preventing the errors wherever possible by tolerating the varied sequences and inputs by interpreting all the causable actions. Lastly, the "reuse principle" is also utilised where consistency in the application is maintained so that the user can get daily updates and enjoy the upgraded features. The constant monitoring and consistency help to retain more users for the website and let them enjoy the most attractive features.


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