Organisational Behaviour Assignment Sample

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Introduction To Organisational Behaviour

The study of people along with the groups inside an organisation and how their behaviour impacts the overall performance as well as effectiveness of the organisation is known as organisational behaviour (OB). It focuses on comprehending and controlling employee behaviour to improve output, job happiness, and organisational performance. To better understand human behaviour and enhance organisational outcomes, OB relies on a variety of disciplines, including management, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and more (Ugoani, 2020).

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Brief about three organizational issues

The three Organizational Issues which I have encountered while doing the poster presentation now I will be discussing in the below segment.

  • Leadership Issues: In order to affect employee behaviour and organisational performance, leadership is essential. A typical problem in leadership is ineffective communication. Employees become confused and lose motivated when leaders are unable to adequately communicate objectives, goals, and feedback. Furthermore, poor leadership practises such autocratic or laissez-faire leadership can impede teamwork, employee engagement, and overall productivity. The absence of vision and strategic direction is another problem in leadership. Employees may feel unclear about their duties and the organization's goals when leaders fail to present a clear vision for the future, which lowers motivation and commitment (CHIRIMBU, 2014).
  • Motivation Issues : For people to perform at their peak and accomplish organisational goals, motivation is crucial. A typical problem with motivation is a lack of incentives and acknowledgment. Employees may get demotivated and have lower work satisfaction if they believe their efforts have gone unappreciated or unrecognised. Insufficient feedback and little possibilities for advancement are other factors in low motivation. Employees could feel stuck in their jobs and lose their motivation to perform well in the absence of helpful criticism and possibilities for professional growth. Additionally, a poor work-life balance might have a detrimental effect on motivation. Employee motivation and general well-being diminish when they experience overwork or a lack of flexibility, which makes them feel overwhelmed (Dr. Jain, 2019).
  • Teamwork Issues: In order for organisations to complete difficult tasks and come up with solutions to issues, effective cooperation is crucial. Lack of coordination and communication is a typical problem in teams. Misunderstandings, disagreements, and lost productivity occur when team members do not cooperate, share knowledge, and communicate effectively. A further problem with cooperation is a lack of diversity and inclusiveness. Teams may find it difficult to come up with original ideas and make well-rounded judgements when there is a lack of variety in terms of backgrounds, viewpoints, and talents. Teamwork can also be hampered by inefficient team leadership and a lack of trust. Teamwork might suffer in the absence of a strong leader who builds rapport, promotes clear communication, and settles disputes (BOAKYE, 2015).

Reflection on the selected three OB issues

  • Leadership Issues

I got the chance to collaborate with a group of students from my class to work on a poster presentation project while I was in my second semester. What I found while doing the work is that our assigned team leader's lack of vision and strategic direction was one of the key leaderships' problems, we experienced that hugely affected our presentation too. Initially, we were excited about the project at first and keen to provide our suggestions. Our team leader, however, was unable to articulate a clear vision or list the presentation's strategic goals. We felt unsure about the objectives we were intended to accomplish and how to efficiently coordinate our efforts as a result of this lack of direction (Goelv, 2019). Upon reflection, I saw the need of great leadership in establishing a distinct vision and tactical course for the team. The project's leader should spell out its objectives and expectations and offer a plan for accomplishing them. Team members can coordinate their efforts, cooperate towards a single goal, and make wise decisions thanks to this clarity (Hoyt, et al., 2003). I have discovered that effective leadership involves not just technical expertise but also the capacity to articulate a clear vision and strategic direction by thinking on the leadership challenge we encountered during the poster presentation. Enhancing teamwork, boosting motivation, and increasing the possibility of successful project outputs are all benefits of having a leader who can motivate and inspire the team.

  • Teamwork Issues

We ran into a few teamwork problems also during the poster presentation assignment in my college class, which had an influence on our overall performance and collaboration. Lack of coordination and communication among team members was one of the major problems. We were aware of a communication breakdown within the team as we got started on the project. The absence of efficient communication among team members resulted in duplication of effort and a lack of synergy (Sandoff, 2016). This breakdown in communication slowed us down and made it difficult for us to work together towards our shared objective. As I thought back on this experience, I saw how crucial good collaboration and communication are. I took the initiative to promote open communication and institute regular team meetings in order to address this problem. We discussed our individual progress, exchanged ideas, and solved any problems during these meetings (Fapohunda, 2013). A shared online workspace was also established so that team members could communicate, exchange materials, and critique one other's work. This experience taught me that respectful cooperation, honest communication, and active participation are essential for good teamwork. It is essential to have open lines of communication and to foster an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable expressing their thoughts and viewpoints. Team members may use their various talents and experiences to generate greater results by promoting a collaborative environment (Anon., 2021).

  • Motivation Issues

We similarly ran into a motivational problem during the poster presentation assignment in my undergraduate course, which had an impact on our team's performance and general excitement. The problem was that we weren't given credit or prizes for our work. As we worked on the project, it became clear that the effort and commitment we put into the poster presentation were not given any credit or gratitude. As it seemed that our efforts were going unrecognised, our team members started to lose motivation and feel unappreciated. When I thought back on this event, I understood the huge influence that incentives and recognition had on inspiring people and teams (Clark, 2003). Morale, engagement, and a sense of success may all be improved by feeling valued and recognised for one's work. Without being acknowledged, people would stop trying, which would lower their drive and result in mediocre performance. This experience taught me the value of encouraging a stimulating workplace by praising and rewarding both individual and group achievements. Celebrating wins and offering constructive criticism may have a big influence on motivation and improve the team's performance as a whole. In order to push my team members to do their best going ahead, I have made a conscious effort to include praise and prizes in my leadership style (Abbas, 2019). I now have a better grasp of the role motivation plays in both individual and team performance because of how we resolved the motivation problem we encountered throughout the poster presentation assignment. It has strengthened my resolve to foster an environment at work where team members are inspired to put in their best efforts and accomplish common objectives (Onlu & Abdusselam, 2020).

Relevant OB theory for each issue

Leadership Issues: Relevant OB Theory - Transformational Leadership

Transformational Leadership is an important OB theory to handle leadership difficulties. According to this notion, a leader may inspire and motivate people by laying out a clear vision, setting high standards, and offering assistance and guidance. The qualities of transformational leaders include charisma, vision, and effective communication. By using this strategy to address the lack of vision and strategic direction, our team leader might have addressed the leadership issue I encountered while working on the poster presentation project, according to the idea of transformational leadership. Our team leader might have encouraged and motivated us to work together by articulating a compelling vision for the project. Moreover, the leader may have assisted us in coordinating our efforts and overcoming the challenge by establishing high expectations and offering consistent support and advice (Shahbazi, 2016).

In order to effectively use the notion of transformational leadership in this context, the team leader would hold frequent meetings with the team to clearly express the project's vision, objectives, and expectations. The leader might motivate us by emphasising the value of our effort and tying it to a greater goal. The team leader might also offer continuing assistance, give advice and comments, and create a supportive environment where team members feel free to express their thoughts and worries. The leader may motivate and inspire the team by using a transformational leadership style, which enhances teamwork, motivation, and overall performance (Khan, 2020).

The team's reaction to the leader's attempts to inspire and motivate them would be evaluated as part of the implementation of the transformational leadership paradigm. The success of the leader's strategy may be assessed using metrics like team engagement, contentment, and perceived support. Additionally, the effect on team performance may be assessed, including the standard of the poster presentation and the accomplishment of project objectives. Team members should display enhanced motivation, a sense of purpose that is shared, and improved cooperation if the leader effectively implements transformational leadership concepts, which will ultimately result in successful project outcomes (Jaroliya, 2021).

Motivation Issues: Relevant OB Theory - Expectancy Theory

Expectancy Theory is a pertinent OB theory to solve motivational concerns. According to this idea, people are driven to take particular actions depending on their expectations for the future and their perceptions of the link between effort, performance, and reward. Expectancy, instrumentality, and valence are the three components of the Expectancy Theory that have an impact on motivation. Our team leader may have taken into account these elements to improve team motivation if they had been applied to my experience with the motivation problem during the poster presentation project, according to Expectancy Theory. First, by emphasising the connection between effort and performance, the leader may have pushed to raise expectations. This might be accomplished by giving precise directions, establishing realistic targets, and providing direction on how to complete the assignment successfully. Our motivation might have been improved by strengthening our conviction that our efforts and the desired results are related (Lunenburg, 2011).

Second, by making sure that our contributions were acknowledged and rewarded, the leader may have concentrated on enhancing instrumentality. This might entail putting in place a mechanism for appreciating both individual and team efforts, giving feedback, and giving significant incentives or prizes. Our staff would have been inspired to achieve at their highest level if there had been a clear connection between performance and incentives. Finally, the team leader may have reduced valence by being aware of and accommodating each team member's particular requirements and preferences. The leader may have improved the perceived value of the incentives, boosting motivation, by recognising and awarding people in ways that are personally important to them. The leader must clearly communicate performance goals, offer regular feedback, and make sure that incentives and recognition are in line with team and individual accomplishments in order to effectively implement the Expectancy Theory. The team leader should also foster a positive atmosphere where team members feel empowered and in charge of their job (Marty, 2010).

The team's view of the link between effort, performance, and reward as well as their degree of motivation would be evaluated as part of the application of Expectancy Theory. Feedback may be gathered on how well performance objectives are communicated, how well feedback and recognition systems work, and how valuable incentives are thought to be. To ascertain each team member's motivation and contentment with the awards and recognition given, questionnaires or interviews can also be undertaken. Expectancy Theory would be successfully applied if there was an increase in motivation, good feedback on the relationship between effort, performance, and rewards, and better overall team involvement(Marty, 2010).

Teamwork Issues: Relevant OB Theory - Social Identity Theory

Social Identity Theory is an OB theory that may be used to overcome challenges with collaboration. This theory is concerned with how people identify with and become attached to groups, as well as how group dynamics affect behaviour and cooperation. According to social identity theory, people try to raise their self-esteem by associating with successful and well-regarded organisations. My experience of the problem with cooperation during the poster presentation project allowed me to use social identity theory, and our team may have taken advantage of this theory to strengthen our sense of team identity and enhance collaboration. We might have created a deeper link and sense of togetherness by focusing on a common group identity and promoting the particular talents and contributions of each team member. Activities that foster team cohesiveness and foster a good team identity would be included in a successful implementation of social identity theory. This might involve encouraging an inclusive and respectful work environment, team-building activities, and regular chances for team members to share their knowledge and experiences. Team members are more likely to collaborate well and support one another when a shared purpose and identity are emphasised, which improves collaboration (Lembke, 2018). Team cohesiveness, collaboration, and a sense of belonging among team members would all be evaluated when Social Identity Theory was applied. Through surveys or conversations, team members' opinions on how they see the team's identity and how it affects cooperation may be gathered. Additionally, the effective application of social identity theory would be supported by observations of enhanced communication, mutual support, and the capacity to draw on a variety of views and abilities (BOAKYE, 2015).

Proposal for Future Behaviour

Issue: Leadership

Proposal for Future Behaviour Explanation
Improve communication In order to maintain clear and consistent communication of project goals, expectations, and progress updates, improve communication channels by holding frequent team meetings, sending emails, and using collaborative technologies (Anekwe, 2020).
Active listening Encourage a culture where team members may freely express their ideas and worries. Active listening may help you comprehend other viewpoints and deal with any problems as soon as they arise (Anekwe, 2020).
Seek feedback Encourage team members to share their opinions on the way the leader communicates and how well they lead. Actively seek out input to spot problem areas and make the required adjustments (Anekwe, 2020).

Issue: Motivation

Proposal for Future Behaviour Explanation
Recognize and reward achievements Establish a mechanism for recognising and rewarding team and individual successes. Verbal praise, awards, tokens of gratitude from the general public, or certificates are some examples of this (Mansoor, 2022).
Set meaningful goals Include team members in the process of defining difficult yet reasonable objectives that are consistent with their interests and aspirations. As a result, they are more motivated and engaged in working towards those objectives(Mansoor, 2022).
Provide developmental opportunities Provide chances for both professional and personal improvement, such as mentoring, workshops, or training courses. This demonstrates a commitment to the team members' growth and raises their motivation(Mansoor, 2022).

Issue: Teamwork

Proposal for Future Behaviour Explanation
Foster a collaborative environment Encourage team members to share ideas, participate actively, and communicate openly. Establish forums or frequent team meetings as venues for discussion and brainstorming (Anon., 2012).
Establish clear roles and responsibilities Give each team member their specific roles, duties, and expectations. As a result, there is less misunderstanding and effort duplication, which encourages effective cooperation(Anon., 2012).
Promote a positive team culture . Encourage your team to have a supportive, respectful, and trusting environment. Create an inclusive workplace that encourages cooperation by acknowledging and appreciating the varied viewpoints and contributions(Anon., 2012).

Overall, it can be concluded from the aforementioned considerations that resolving leadership, inspiration, and teamwork challenges in future projects calls for a proactive strategy. By putting these suggestions into practise, businesses and individuals may maximise their performance, improve team chemistry, and complete projects successfully.


In conclusion, the study of organizational behaviour (OB) has provided valuable insights into the dynamics and challenges that arise within teams and leadership roles. Through my personal experience in the poster presentation project, I have gained a deeper understanding of three critical OB issues: leadership, motivation, and teamwork.

Teams need strong leadership to be led towards a shared objective. By developing a compelling vision, establishing high standards, and offering continuing support, leaders may inspire and drive their teams by putting the concepts of transformational leadership into practise. Enhancing leadership effectiveness requires, among other things, good communication, attentive listening, and feedback-seeking.

Performance on both the individual and team levels depends on motivation. Leaders may make the connection between effort, performance, and incentives clear by putting the expectation theory's concepts into practise. Teams may be more motivated by defining relevant goals, recognising success, recognising team members, and offering opportunity for growth.

A key component of attaining group objectives is teamwork. Teams may build a strong feeling of identity and teamwork by embracing the social identity theory's tenets.

Organisations and teams may improve their performance and foster a healthy work environment by using pertinent OB theories and the recommendations for future behaviour. Enhancing processes for feedback, acknowledgment, and communication improves leadership performance. Motivation is increased by specific objectives, significant rewards, and growth prospects. Effective cooperation is facilitated by a collaborative atmosphere, defined roles, and a supportive team culture.

My involvement in the poster presentation project has made the value of strong leadership, inspiration, and cooperation clear. It has also shown the benefit of using OB theory in actual situations. Teams may overcome obstacles, improve teamwork, and produce positive results by identifying and resolving these concerns. I'll keep using the information and ideas I learned from this research in my next endeavours. I am aware of how important good communication, affirmation, and feedback are in positions of leadership. In order to motivate team members, I recognise how crucial it is to create objectives that are relevant, offer possibilities for growth, and maintain a supportive team environment.

In addition, I am now aware of the advantages of building great cooperation through the development of a collaborative atmosphere, the establishment of clear roles, and the promotion of inclusion.


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