Research Methods For Healthcare Professionals Assignment Sample

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Research Methods For Healthcare Professionals Assignment Sample

Introduction of Research Methods For Healthcare Professionals Assignment

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Task 1- Research Proposal

“Health and social care” represents a term that is associated with the Health and social care providers In the UK One aspect of Health and Social Care Management. Educational research aims to “expand the knowledge about a particular body by finding the solutions to different problems”. The main research is based on the value of the Research in health care. This type of research can help to make proper and better medical professionals in the health care system of the UK. Different research methodologies help in the evaluation of critical diseases. This is also beneficial for the health care system because it helps in the development of patient care.

Problem statement

In modern days, medical professionals are not interested in research, which is the reason the solution to critical cases remains unsolved. It is necessary to make the interest between the medical professionals for the research and methods related to research, which will help to find out different types of health care methods and strategies that will bring revolution in the health care system (Schlingensiepen et al. 2019). Overall, this research is very much important for the development of the medical system and the health care system of the UK.

Aim and objective


The main aim of the research in this medical field is to “find out the new treatments and make sure the existing treatments can be provided to the patients in different ways”.


  • To determine the effect of the research in the medical field and on the learning skills of the students
  • To understand the role of the medical researchers in the health care management
  • To evaluate the impact of the existing treatment in the health care system
  • To find out the new treatments for the existing diseases and to remove the health inequities from the society

Research question

  • What are the effects of the research and the research methods in the field of the medical profession?
  • What are the roles of the medical researchers in the medical field and how do they improve the whole health care system all over the country?
  • How the existing treatments can be provided with some modifications to the patients for the improvement of the health care system?
  • What is the future aspect of this research in the medical field?


The whole research is based on the “Secondary method”. The whole research is based on the importance of the research in the medical field, which will ultimately improve the learning skills of the medical students who are interested in higher studies (Magan, 2018). The data about the whole re4search is collected from different sources like “journals, newspapers, books, and PDF files”, which are available in the library and on the internet.

Ethical aspects of research

All the data will be collected from secondary sources will be protected according to the “Confidentiality and data protection” policy. The transparency of the research will be maintained throughout the research report (Ranjan et al. 2021). All the data, which will be collected for this research will never use by the different researchers for the same research. Finally, Privacy will be maintained and with the proper permission of the authors, they will be used in this research.

Task 2- Research Critique


The whole research method is based on the development of the strategies and the planning is through the analysis of the social problem, which is associated with the health inequities. The whole research will help to reduce the differences in resources that are still present among the population of the whole UK. The research strategies will also improve the proper health care system by providing healthcare support to all the people of the UK. The focus is strongly focusing on the reduction of health inequities and the development of proper health and social care all over the country (Assari, 2018). In this 21st-century health, inequities are creating a social difference in the different populations all over the world and the removal of this inequity is very much necessary in this field.


There are different roles of research in every field but in the field of the medical profession, it is carrying some extra value. This is very much important in the findings of new treatments for newly born diseases. In the modern age, health Inequity is a serious problem in UK. The research in the medical field is completely based on the making strategies, as well as the action, plans to remove the health inequities from the proper health care system. The researchers mainly help in the development of the different strategies, which are very much helpful for reducing the systematic differences in the health care outcomes. To mitigate the differences in the health status and the distribution of the health resources proper research is very much required and it will help in the establishment of health equality all over the country. The whole research is based on a systematic literature review of the studies, which are based on health inequities. More than 88% of the data about the impact of the research in the medical field is used to solve the health inequities in society (Jones et al. 2019). The whole research will help in the development of the ideas about health equity in society. The whole concept of health inequity can be solved by the proper decision making which can be obtained from the different literature reviews.


There are different aims and strategies, which are associated with this research background. The different aims are mainly based on the problems due to the health inequities in the society and the area, oval of the existing problems form the societies with the help of the research strategies and the implementation of the research results in the society. 

Methodological approach

There are two major Methodological approaches for research, those are, Inductive approach, and deductive approach.

In this research, the deductive methodological approach has been used. In this approach, a known phenomenon or theory is explored by the researcher. In this approach, the researcher conducts the research in order to test the validity of the theory or the phenomenon (Richardson, et al. 2022). It can be said that this approach follows the logical factors more closely. This research starts with a known theory and then a hypothesis is developed. After the development of the hypothesis, the test of the hypothesis is done.

However, in this study, in order to find the importance of proper research in “The Importance of Primary Care Research in Understanding Health Inequities in the United States” deductive approach has been used.

Data collection method/ tools

In this study, the data was collected from different secondary sources. Hence, the data collection method for the study was a secondary data collection method (Dawson, et al. 2020). The data was collected from secondary sources such as articles, journals and other authentic online sources. However, the keywords for the search were social care provision, health care provision, and the importance of research in social and health care provision.

Data analysis and presentation

In this research, the thematic analysis of the secondary data has been done. Thematic analysis is very important to analyze the data collected from secondary sources. In this method of data analysis, the researcher studies several articles and journals and then tries to find a common theme related to the aim of the study from these articles and journals (Shiells, et al. 2019). However, this is a very important method of data analysis as this method saves time and money for the research.

In this research, several articles and journals have been studied to identify common themes regarding the importance of research in “The Importance of Primary Care Research in Understanding Health Inequities in the United States” (, 2022).


This research is based on secondary data. In this research, data have been collected from several journals and articles and the data analysis was done by thematic analysis. Hence, in this study, no primary data have been collected from the research participants. The published articles and journals are the main sources of data in the research.

Ethical considerations

In this study, the data have been collected from secondary sources like articles, journals and other authentic sources. However, the data was used only for the research purpose only. The data from other articles and journals that have been used in this study has been protected. Private data from the articles were not disclosed in the research (Godier?McBard et al. 2022). However, this research has been done with proper care; no attempt has been done to prove certain hypotheses or objectives. Hence, it can be said the results of the study are authentic.

Main Findings

From the study, it can be said that a large number of individuals in the US do not have any connection with primary health care service providers. However, according to a survey, 85% of individuals in the US have some source of health care. It can be said that CHs in the US provide health care services to approximately 30 million people. The primary health care services networks are interconnected. This is very helpful to provide more efficient health-care services to the population of the US. The health care services networks join to a core, called, "practice-based research networks' ' or PBRNs (, 2022). These researchers on the primary healthcare services are very helpful for the improvement of healthcare services and making them more efficient. This study also states the interconnection of the healthcare system and the social needs of the population. The data about primary care is collected on a regular basis. The observation regarding the primary health care facilities are done within, service providers, clinics situated in cities, and states and local areas. Because of the research, the primary health care services in the US have been improved a lot, regarding health, illness, and even social problems. Hence, it can be said that the researchers not only help to improve the health care services but are also very helpful to solve some the social problems as well. Most of the research methods can be used in primary health care. Some of the research methods may include, "pragmatic trials", "implementation research" and many more (, 2022). The problems in primary health care services cannot be solved without the help of "interventional" and "observational" methods. These researches are done in the natural setting of primary health care.

The results of the research showed some inequality in health care services in the US. Hence, from the research it can be said that not every individual belonging to different regions of the country can get the same quality of primary health care treatment. Several factors may play an important role in this differentiation; poverty, violence, racism, addiction and several cultural factors (, 2022). Many people cannot afford even primary health care services due to poverty. Sometimes they do not have money to buy medicines for the treatment. Racism can be one of the major barriers to primary health care services. Some health care specialists are racist and do not provide health care services to a particular racial group. In this case, the blacks suffer the most. However, addiction is another important factor that plays a major role in primary health care services (Charlesworth and Johnson, 2018). People who are addicted to some drugs are difficult to be treated properly. They do not follow the recommendations of the doctors and other medical staff. Hence, the recovery rate becomes lower.

  • Conclusions and recommendations


Researchers in health care services are very helpful for improving the quality of treatment. Besides, treatment is also very helpful for solving social problems as well. “NIMHD Health Disparities Science Visioning Initiative” completely depends on the research on primary health care. The researchers must talk about the advantages of the partnership between primary health care and public health. Other researchers should be more focused on the data collected by the national surveys. Besides, collaboration with different healthcare systems may be helpful for the researchers and the healthcare organizations as well.


However, recommendations for the study may include that the US government must increase the fund for primary health care and social well-being, and “Journal editorial boards' ' must utilize the scientific merits and important data sources to improve the healthcare system. The researcher must prepare an ethnographic report regarding primary health care and social well-being. Social factors such as race, violence, poverty, addiction and others may play a very important role in primary health care and social well being.

  • Strengths and limitations


This study was done based on secondary data. The researcher collected data from many secondary sources to identify how research can be helpful for understanding the factors that may play an important role in the inequality of primary health care services. Collecting data from several journals and articles was very helpful for the study to analyze the facts related to the inequality in primary health care services (Meinow, et al. 2022). The lack of interest of the medical professionals is stopping the further development in the medical field and that is the reason different diseases do not have any proper solution in this field. The researcher found several social factors that are very important for the inequality of primary health care services in the US. Some of those factors were racism, violence, poverty and others.


There are some weaknesses of the study, those are, and that the research has been done based on secondary data. Hence, it can be said that it could be better if primary data have been collected for the study. Several social factors have been identified for the inequality, hence, it can be said that ethnographic research could be very helpful to find the social factors more deeply (Dawson, et al. 2020). In order to do that, primary research with the help of observation and interview methods could be very helpful.

  • Application to practice

This research can be very helpful for application in health care practices in the US. This research provides a lot of information about the inequality of primary health care services in the different populations in the US. There are social factors as well that may cause inequality. These factors are racism, violence, addiction and many more. However, from this research, the facts can be identified and steps can be taken by the government to overcome the limitation to improve the primary healthcare services and eliminate the inequality in healthcare services. Several improvements can be made in primary health care services provided by the government as well as the non-government organizations (Roberts, et al. 2021). The research strategies will also improve the proper health care system by providing healthcare support to all the people of the UK. Hence, it can be said that this research is very important for the improvement of primary health care services. The racial biases should be abolished, the government should take care of violence, especially domestic violence, and several rehabilitation centres can be established for those who are addicted to drugs. Moreover, the importance of research in the care of healthcare services has been described in this article. Hence, it is very important to do proper research on this field for the improvement of the system.


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