TMA 01: Pro Forma Team Creative Report Assignment Sample

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Introduction of TMA 01 pro forma Team Creative Report Assignment Sample

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Part 1: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Marketing Communication Strategy

Campaign objectives: How does the piece of marketing communication address the campaign objectives?

The main objective of the campaign for the “Spey Castle Cookery School” is to raise awareness for the school. This helps to make a perfect business for the school. The school is starting three new courses for their new sessions and this campaign is made to attract people to the courses. An increase in "brand awareness" is one of the most important objectives of the campaign program for the school. This also helps to increase the brand for the "McGregor" brand. One more important objective is to raise the online view of the school. The school is planning its campaign to fulfill these objectives.

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Brand identity: How does the piece of marketing communication reflect and enhance the brand identity?

The school is doing good business with the huge band the company has. This helps the school to make a proper business. The location of the school is good and this makes a good business for them. This is open to nature. Also, the model of the school helps the company to make a proper business using the important factors. The school looks like a modern school and this attracts the students. The modern, social and polite culture of the school helps to make a perfect business for them. Also, the school has a grave history, which helps to make a perfect brand for them. The guests of the school also have the opportunity to learn and this helps them to make a perfect business.

Target audience: Who is the target audience for the piece of marketing communication?

The three courses of the school require three different types of customers and they are looking for the maximum audience for their courses. The target audiences for the company are as follows:

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  • The first course of the school can be completed within a short period. Thus, the course is suitable for audiences who have less time. They are looking for people who are spending time in the area as their holidays.
  • Another course of the school is helpful for those who have less time and who are having a refreshing course for them. This course is also offered to those who are spending time in the area.
  • The third course is helpful for those who are planning to have a cooking class and are interested in the class. These people are fewer in number and form a smaller group for the school.

Communication mix tool: Justify the marketing communications mix tool you have selected to prepare the piece of marketing communication

This is important to make a proper communication mix to make a proper business promotion for the school (Kim and Lee, 2020). This will help the school reach maximum customers in less time.

The company must follow the following strategy to make a proper business:

  • The school can make promotions through cellular channels. This will help to reach the maximum local customers for the school.
  • Direct marketing is helpful for the school to make a proper promotion. The reputation and brand of the school will help them to make a perfect promotion.
  • Another very helpful practice the company can follow for promotion is “digital marketing.” This will help to reach maximum customers in a short time.

Media selection: Justify the media selection for the piece of marketing communication: how does it reach and connect to the target audience?

This is very important to choose proper media to promote the school to the maximum customers (Liu et al., 2020). This will help them to grab more customers and achieve success with their plans.

Some of the helpful media selection processes for the school are as follows:

  • The objective of the company is to raise their online media view to make a perfect business. Digital marketing is helpful to them in make business with their plans.
  • The availability of internet in the area will help them to make a proper promotional factor for the school. The digital marketing process of the school will be supported by this and they can make a good business for the company.

Creative execution: Explain how the creative execution of the piece of marketing communication effectively conveys the key message for the brand

A proper and accurate plan is very important for the school to implement the business plan for them. The important steps for the school to execute the plans are as follows:

  • The school must research the market to make a proper business plan.
  • The school must check for the competitors for them that help to make a perfect plan avoiding the competitive burdens for the company.
  • The promotional approaches of the school must be followed by the plan of the school. This will help to make a perfect business for the school.

Part 2: Reflection on Designing and Creating the Piece of Marketing Communication

Allocated roles and responsibilities

Important roles and responsibilities are given to the employees and faculties of the school according to their skills and competencies. The important functions of the organizations must be given according to the business plan and this helps to make perfect business for the school.


All the decisions made by the authorities of the school and the team leaders of the functions of the company. This will help the company to make a perfect business and avoid the problems with miscommunication between the employees. This will also help to make a perfect organizational culture for the company.

Designing and creating the piece of marketing communication

The product packaging and digital marketing factors of the company are made according to the plans and this will help to make a perfect business for the company.


Some important skills are important to make this business properly. The important skills are as follows:

  • Critical thinking and decision-making skills will be helpful to make proper business decisions.
  • Communication skills are important to make perfect business promotions for the school.
  • Most importantly, cooking skills and knowledge is important to make a perfect execution of the plan.


  • Kim, S.H. and Lee, S.A., 2020. The role of marketing communication mix on Korean customers' coffee shop brand evaluations. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights.
  • Liu, R., Ding, X.H., Yang, Z., Wu, J. and Yang, J., 2020. Media selection in knowledge transfer: A decision model. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM)28(1), pp. 86-102.
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