Sustainable Tourism Environment & Industry in England Assignment Sample

Discover the macro and micro factors influencing sustainable tourism practices in the UK, such as technology advancements, environmental concerns, social trends, and Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

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Introduction of Tourism Environment & Industry Assignment

Tourism can be defined as an industry where people or groups of individuals spend time away from their native place in order to relax, recreate and enjoy. The tourism industry is one of the growing industries in recent times, due to technological up-gradation people have started travelling more compared to old times. Sustainable tourism means sustainable methods or practices implemented in the tourism industry. The main objective of implementing sustainable measures in the tourism industry is to reduce and prevent negative impacts and promote the positive impacts. In simple words, sustainable tourism can be defined as economical, socio-cultural, and environmental aspects that enable in the enhancement of the tourism industry.

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The United Kingdom is a country that attracts a large number of people from across the world, as it has many wonderful places to visit. The tourism industry is one of the biggest industries in the UK and the total revenue generated from the tourism industry is approximately around $127.9 billion. The tourism industry in the UK as helps in giving jobs to the people of the country. Around 1.5 million people are working in the tourism industry and people are working at places like pubs, travel agencies, museums, tourists

Sustainable Tourism

Tourism means travelling for recreation, relaxation, and for leisure purposes, but sometimes people might have to travel for business purposes also. The tourism industry is one of the booming industries in the modern world (Rasoolimanesh et al. 2020). England is one of the countries that attract a lot of tourists from across the world. Annually around 25 million people visit England for tourism; it has attractive places like London, Oxford, Cambridge, the Lake District, and many more.

Sustainable tourism development

Sustainable tourism development is an essential part of improving the tourism industry for a country. Sustainable tourism can be defined as measures introduced to mitigate the negative impacts of tourism so people can enjoy the positive part of tourism (Nash and Whitmarsh, 2020). The positive impacts of sustainable tourism include the creation of job opportunities, wildlife preservation, and preservation and protection of the culture and art of that particular country.

Principles of Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable tourism plays an important part in the smooth and suitable experiences of the tourists travelling the country. Sustainable tourism enables in protection and preservation of nature and the ecosystem that will enable the future generation in enjoying the same things as the people are enjoying now. England to improve the tourism experience of their country has implemented new sustainable measures to improve its tourism industry (Guo et al. 2021). The features of sustainable tourism include responsible tourism meaning mitigating environmental degradation, signify tourism meaning improving the tourism structure of the country, and fair tourism. Sustainable tourism mainly consists of three principles and which include environmental sustainability, economical sustainability, and social sustainability.

Environmental sustainability includes protecting and preserving the environment while travelling and reducing the carbon footprint by switching to eco-friendly modes of travelling (Amerta et al. 2021). The wastes generated while travelling should be disposed of in the proper place to reduce soil pollution. The economic and social consist of supporting the local business of the country, and promoting the locals and their products.

Implementation of Sustainable Principles

England has implemented sustainable principles in their tourism policy to enhance and improve its tourism industry. They have adopted certain environmental measures to reduce the wastage caused by tourists while touring the country. England has also taken measures to preserve its wildlife and animals, and also protect its cultural heritage so that people can understand the country’s principles and values (Alfaro et al. 2020). The adaptation of socio and economic principles has enhanced the country’s revenue largely. The tourism industry contributes around 7 percent of the total, country’s revenue annually.

Importance of Stakeholders in Sustainable Tourism

Stakeholders are a group or organization that plays an important part in the decision-making process for the development of the sustainable tourism industry. The national government of the country plays a crucial role in improving the condition of the tourism industry; the government plans tourism techniques at the national level. The government of England has developed and introduced various new policies and rules in different parts of tourism planning and policy. The policies include different rules and regulations while travelling in England. The planning and policies are done to enhance the tourism industry in England and also to attract more people from various regions of the world. The government of England also plays an essential role in determining the tourism infrastructure of the country, as the tourism industry contributes to the country’s revenue annually.

The tourists that are travelling to a certain place in a country also play an essential role in the development of tourism for that country and are often considered as the most crucial stakeholders. The tourists visiting the country England help in the promotion of places of that country; this will attract more tourists to visit the country. The tourist visiting the country will enable them in spending money on various things thus improving the economy of that country. The attractive places of England will be promoted through various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and many more by tourists (Chang et al. 2020).

The experience of the tourists must be good in order to have a positive impact on the global world so that more people can visit England.

Local people or local businesses of a country also play a crucial role in the development of the tourism industry of a particular country. England has many types of local businesses in its country and the tourists that visit the country help in developing and improving the condition of the local business. The local business of England includes pubs, restaurants, museums, local attractions, and various other things. The tourist visiting the country helps in enhancing and developing the condition of this local business and also improving the economy of the country. Local people with their cultural values and heritage can attract more tourists in that particular place. So the local people should also be introduced in the decision-making process.

Macro factors for Sustainable Tourism

Industries related to travel and tourism plays a significant role. It plays a role in the part of growth and development of the economic side situated in a particular country. The time when this particular industry was hit by the disease Covid-19, many steps are being taken to rescue the part that is known as tourism (Paunovi? and Jovanovi?, 2019). The industry that is related to tourism has been a main or primary part of utilizing various kinds of technologies to advance the experience that is related to modern-day travelers. The upgradation process that is related to technologies is the key point or main component that influences the process of rebuilding the sites of tourism in England, UK. There are various facilities that are situated in this specific part, it actually helps a lot in many fields (Tien et al. 2021). The travelers get to know or experience different kinds of joys too. Many benefits or facilities will quicken the chances or scopes of tourism. Those facilities are services that are a contactless, automated, experience that is related to the virtual platforms (realbusiness, 2022). Besides these supplying real-time details or information will advance all the scopes that are situated in the tourism part of England. All of these initiatives will aim at making better the overall experiences of customers.

Many places have begun to improve their footprint of carbon and try to become environmentally friendly. Besides these, there are many issues that are situated because of environmental issues in tourism (Tleuberdinova et al. 2021). There are large amounts of country land that are found in England. Environmental issues are one of the biggest parts that are influenced by tourism. Tourism influences the environment in a highly negative way. Tourism influences the ecosystem that is situated in the environment in various different ways (NGUYEN et al. 2020). There are some positive impacts too that tourism can have in England on the part that is known as the environment. These involve the importance and pressure to become a part that is environmentally friendly service. The tourist sight of England has recently built a site that is noise, pollution and extra stones free. A particular organization that is built in the country United Kingdom is in the year 1895. This organization focuses on restoring biodiversity and many other parts. Social trends or impacts are one of the main parts that are situated in any tourism. These positive parts influence the tourism side to become the positive one. Facts that are dependent on personal opinions, tourism sites in England have negative and positive impacts or effects.

Micro factors for Sustainable Tourism

The theory that is known as Maslow's hierarchy of needs was proposed in the time 1943. It was proposed by Abraham Maslow, who was from New Work. There are some common or basic needs that are situated here, such as

  • Physiological needs: This level includes the part of the satisfaction that is connected to the hierarchies. The satisfaction includes their physiological needs that concern the basic needs of people. This includes materials for their survival, such as air, water shelter, and food. People cannot be satisfied with any other materials until they get these needs.
  • Needs of safety: This particular part is the second level of the needs. People's of its important need is safety. They need a safe and secure environment in the place of tourism (Sheller, 2021). This part involves the requirement for protection from physical and physiological harm.
  • Love and belongingness need: These particular needs involve dealing with an assumption by other various people. That is actually accepting and giving friendship and affection (Mooney and Baum, 2019). According to the theory of Maslow, people cannot reach this particular level until they are totally satisfied with their safety and physiological needs.
  • Needs of admiration: This specific part of the theory includes or is divided into other subsidiary sets. The first set is the desire for achievement, strength, competition, and independence. Secondly, the desire for prestige or a good reputation, significance, recognition, dignity, and status are situated.
  • Self-accomplishment needs: People who need self-accomplishment present their chances that are maximizing the utilization of their skills and abilities in different fields. Maslow offered the fact even if all the needs that were previously situated are satisfied they can expect restlessness will quickly improve (NGUYEN et al. 2020). It will be continued until the individual is fitted for the particular part.

Factors that are intrinsic drive all tourists to select tourism for intangible rewards. There are rewards, such as assurance, enjoyment and other needs that are connected emotionally (, 2022). The other factors that are counted as the motivation of intrinsic factors are attitudes that are related to the tourists. The knowledge that a person carries, an object or place, and the feeling that is negative or positive are the same (Baig et al. 2020). There are some external motives in tourism that affects tourists and pull them towards a particular decision and motivation. Extrinsic motivations are the particular part where a tourist gets inspired by factors that are external, such as money.


Tourism is generally an industry of service that provides lots of fun or enjoyment to tourists. It is the experience of travelling for tourists to make it satisfying and worthwhile of the part that is known as travelling. The immediate response to the various new issues and trends that are situated in the industry of tourism are presented. The new insights into tourism provide or supply helpful points for the future. Many countries that are situated around the world depend on the industry of tourism as their primary industry. It is the main source of providing jobs in rural areas and conducting funds that would be far from their reach. Resources that are connected to the financial part and employment are crucial or critical for lives that are local and the security that is connected to them. The part protecting the environment and natural resources, such as wildlife is also a significant part that is situated in tourism. It is important to create local heritages and authentic tourist spots. It is a beneficial part that is situated in the portion that is known as tourism. Good areas are described as the perfect destination for tourists.



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Websites, (2022), Sustainable tourism, Available at: [Accessed on: 28th November, 2022]

realbusiness, (2022), Importance of sustainable tourism, Available at: [Accessed on: 28th November, 2022]

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