Understanding and Managing People Assignment sample

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Understanding and Managing People Assignment 

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1. Introduction

According to the criteria of management procedure, leaderships are the foremost element of receiving organisational success. A suitable leader possesses ultimate ability to design a workplace attitude, increase the profitability of the organisation along with providing strength to the workers to boost their energy level towards the work Ahsan, (2018). For an instant, the transformational leadership strategies of Elon Musk describe not only to inspire others but also creating the safest path for them to fulfill the task. Therefore, the major focus of this report is to depict the workplace challenges which have been drawn from personal observation. In order to sustain employee motivation and a general obligation to the organisation through providing substitute approaches, there has been autilization of significant critical analysis.

2. Workplace Challenges

There are several challenges that are faced in the workplace that I have faced in my workplace. I am a working employee in a pub where there are several challenges that I have experienced. It is very common that there are various aspects that create a juxtaposed situation between the perspectives of the employees. Recently, the pandemic situation of the coronavirus has created a great disaster in the workplace. The several lockdowns and legal directions of the government bodies have created great confusion in the working process of the management. Regarding this, they faced challenges are listed below as per my experience in my workplace:

Difficulties in time management

The most recent working issue I have encountered is as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic. This meant a major change for the pub wherein I worked; a chef had to be hired and supervised, bar workers had to service tables, and closing hours were considerably different. With the pub being a steady and constant atmosphere, management found the transition very challenging.

Government bodies have severally restricted the gathering of people as well as recruiting new notions that have created hazardous conditions in the workplace (Ortiz-Lozano, Martínez-Morán& Fernández-Muñoz, 2021). The management was totally confused about what to do and what not to do. Basically, the pub is open from morning 10a.m.tonight 1 p.m. But in this pandemic situation, sometimes the management closes the pub earlier than the normal time. Alongside, sometimes it is closed for a lockdown as charged by the administration body.

All the employees in the workplace feel low and they lose their motivation to work in their workplace. The constant changing notions of the policies and rules of the workplace have made them frustrated and they are not able to cope with the situation easily. Therefore, as the position of a manager, I have also faced great trouble with my employees that has disrupted my ways of working in a proper notion. The overall time management process is totally slowed down. In such a condition, nothing is working properly.

Issues in decision making process

In the workplace, the decision-making process is a vital thing. A proper decision can only generate possible solutions in the workplace (BetulCebesoy& Chang Rundgren, 2021). The pandemic situation of the corona virus has created a great hustle in the decision-making process in our pub. That has created great obstacles to forecasting better ramifications for the business. In that case, management fought to keep employees happy and motivated since the traditional method did not work in the face of the workplace challenge’s unpredictability. Management was impervious to suggestions, even though their solution to the problem was ineffective. Additionally, employees expressed worry that management was ignoring them and treating them as machines to accomplish tasks for the organization, rather than as individuals with personal difficulties, particularly during these trying times.

These issues are found in the management and this has created a wide hustle among the employees. That is why the management of the company also feels embarrassed and upset that they are not able to make their employees happy in their workplace. The several legal notions of government bodies due to the corona virus compel the management to make such kinds of changes that make the employees unhappy.

3. Appropriate Approachesof Leaderships That for Employee Retention and Success

Regarding this matter, the management of the pub has followed some leadership qualities that have helped them and will help in future scenarios in the context of business. The following leadership styles are listed below:

Transactional Leadership

Transactional leadership, sometimes referred to as management leadership, is concerned with the supervisory, organisational, and team performance functions. Leaders that use this approach concentrate on particular tasks and encourage followers via the use of incentives and penalties (Berkovich&Eyal, 2021). It has been shown that training managers in transformative leaders helps improve well-being in the hospitality sector. Rather than dealing with the stuff’ of daily political trade via transactional leadership, it seeks to encourage people to pursue their personal limits and become more successful in pursuing communal objectives (Jameel, Hamdi & Massoudi, (2021).

What this example demonstrates is that when the pub’s management was educated as transformative leaders, they might have created a greater sense of commitment among the employees. Increased dedication may help the pub survive through periods of confusion by compensating for any inefficiency caused by the transition.

Behavioral Approach

According to the behaviorist perspective, the cornerstones to comprehending growth are average work and various factors. Behavior is a product of training, and aspects of motivation are concerned with the way humans are trained to react to situations or events. The approaches to this particular factor are helpful in recognizing the mindset of individuals (Botvinet al., 1984). In the workplace, it is the most significant thing that can allow the management to cope with their team.

With regard to the pub, their behavior demonstrates a strong focus on productivity while placing a low premium on staff retention. In business, they emphasize the need for leaders to be concerned with both people and productivity in order to maximize performance. In regard to the pub, more attention should be given to the workers rather than a singular concentration on output in order to improve performance (Turk & Meichenbaum, 2017). This preparedness entails excellent preparation and is also highly reliant on individuals. In a crisis like the COVID-19 epidemic, the pub must adopt a more behavioral leadership style to guarantee efficiency and dedication throughout the crisis, since successful risk management is highly reliant on individuals.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is described as a form of management that results in positive change for both people and societal systems. Its optimal form results in significant and positive transformation in disciples, with the ultimate aim of turning into leadership capacity. This kind of leadership style is appropriate for any changing situation (Buil, Martínez &Matute, 2019). Therefore, in the customizable policies of management, it has been seen that transformational leadership is appropriate. It has already generated and will generate effective aspects that help to solve the issues.

Due to its reliance on management, ineffectiveness, and lack of innovation, the transformation leader is inefficient in a changing context. Rather than prescribing how to lead, a behavioral style of leadership highlights the essential aspects of a leader’s behavior. There are two kinds of behavior: throughout this and relationship behavior. A leader may exhibit both task and relationship behaviors (Top, Abdullah & Faraj, 2020). Similarly, there are also two behaviors, prospective employees and employee orientation, and they reached similar findings about the connection between the two behaviors.

To maximize performance, leaders must be concerned with both people and output. In regard to the pub, more attention should be given to the workers rather than a singular concentration on output in order to improve performance. This preparedness entails excellent preparation and is also highly reliant on individuals (Anderson, 2017). In a crisis like the COVID-19 epidemic, the pub must adopt a more behavioral leadership style to guarantee effectiveness and dedication during the crisis, since successful crisis management is highly dependent on people. Transformational leadership is distinguished from transactional leadership in that it aims to provide a vision, inspire followers to pursue their own limitations, and increase their effectiveness in continuing to pursue collective goals, as opposed to the employees’ mainstream social exchange that a transactional leader deals with.

Adaptive Leadership

Adaptive leadership is a leadership style that focuses on assisting people in an organization or society in mobilizing to adapt to major change. It recognizes the positive nature of adaptability to a diverse and rapidly changing context and places a premium on fostering an atmosphere conducive to strong leadership and issue resolution. Another leadership technique that may be used to assist the pub in adapting to change and motivating or committing workers is adaptive leadership. Bagwell (2020), proposed this leadership style for the first time, emphasizing the critical difference between technological and adaptive issues, stating that adaptive problems need creativity and learning. In terms of the pub, the epidemic is an ‘adaptive problem,’ and it grew into a significant problem as a result of a lack of creativity and understanding when the issue arose.

According to Obolensky (2017), it is critical to be adaptable within a group in order to be adaptable to the surroundings. Regarding the pub, their capacity to interact with environmental variation is harmed by the complete absence of variability within the group. To address this issue, supervisors must boost their responsiveness when working with clients, so they are ready to be more highly adaptable when significant environmental variability occurs.

4. Identify and Design Appropriate Development Plans in Response to A Learning Intervention

Objectives or goals are the ultimate reflection of a particular business that it tries to achieve. As a matter of fact, objectives should be dependent on the various aspects of organizational strategies along with aligning with corporate mission, vision, and valuesDegbeyet al., (2021). In order to increase the organisational performance by overcoming determination of the problems of employees, lack of motivation, and targeting the audience, the utilization of SMART objectives has been proving to be beneficial in this reflection theory. The SMART acronym outlines a basic strategy in order to reach any objectives which are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, and Realistic and along with within a Time Frame.

SMART Objectives:



The primal intention of this study is to overcome several problematic situations regarding the fact of employee retention and to motivate them to earn professional achievement as per my concernin terms of the decision-making process, the pub requires implementing more applicable strategies and tries to improvise those,Almaaitahet al., (2017). According to my point of view, sustaining proper time management is extremely necessary. However, providing motivational theory is indeed a specific objective in this caseOgbeiwi, (2017).



It is indeed obvious that these objectives are considered measurable in every possible way, Bjerke, &Renger, (2017). As per my point of view, a motivated employee will be able to facilitate or help a needy employee without requiring any professional leader. The motivated employees will be accommodating to assemble a significant trust among the non-motivated employee towards their leader Brown, Brown, &Nandedkar (2019). Thus, the purpose of achieving organisational success will maintain a rapid manner as per my concern. According to my perception, the process of giving accurate motivation is quite effortless but in case of that, there will be needed a resilient leader. Also, I have decided to take 1 complete month to measure whether this will be appropriate or not.



The meaning of an achievable goal illustrates the selection of a particular objective that can be reasonable or attainable Bjerke &Renger (2017). According to various researches I have understood that choosing an outrageous goal will be difficult to achieve and the ultimate purpose of the assignment will not be completed. In terms of giving motivation to the employees to enhance the process of decision making and to maintain proper time management is a reasonable objective as per my conception,I have to be more focused on providing proper motivation to enhance their capability in order to obtain professional achievements.



A realistic goal describes achieving the goal through a regular habit and contains a proper implication(Ogbeiwi, 2017). From the overall report, it has been observed that I have to be more concerned about the motivation-giving process whether they understand or not. By recognizing their default, the employees will be capable to increase their working progression. According to my conception, the employee requires to utilize and improves their current habits in order to achieve professional success. As a matter of fact, I have to focus on the employees more often to enhance their current habits. 


Time Frame

The maintenance of time management or having a reasonable amount of time has been considered as the foremost or final principle of the SMART objective. According to my point of view, I have to be more passionate and flexible amount sustaining the time management related issue as it has been considered as the foremost objective in this reportOgbeiwi, (2017). It will also become accommodating to accomplish the goal in a rapid manner. I have considered around 80 days to innovate the employees and to get effective feedback from them.

5. Critical reflection: Personal and Professional application and evaluation

In terms of reflection, it is considered to be the primal aspect of the expansion. As per my point of view, the primal intention of utilizing reflection is to express the basic perception regarding the topic, Marks, (2018). In fact, the reflection will also become accommodating to illustrate the subject in a descriptive manner.

Empathizing with Employees

Lack of employee satisfaction in various organizations has been considered as the major issueMadueke &Emerole (2017). As per my concern, careering of employees is a significant part of every organisational sector in order to achieve enormous expansion,If the managers of any institution have not been able to understand the difficulties encountered by the employees during the time of conducting their work or are incapable of empathies with them, then there will be a negative impact on the process of commitment and motivation, Khan, Lalitha &Omonaiye (2017). However, it has been observed that an empathetic manager who possess a lot of flexibility and has the capability to identify various problems of the employee, succeeded to provide accurate motivation and commitment, as per my point of view Brooks, Rubin, & Greenberg, (2019). As a matter of fact, by obtaining these significant motivational theories, employees will be reciprocated and will portray themselves as trustworthy towards their work Froese et al., (2019).

According to my perception, it is pretty much obvious that empathizing with the employees will be accommodating to increase their organisational performance, personal well-being and have an optimistic impact on the obligation. As a matter of fact, in order to compete with the constantly changing environment, increasing the skills of the employees is extremely necessary for organisational development.

Importance of Transformational Leadership

The foremost concern has been observed by me at the pub was the implementation of the leadership approach. Transformational leadership contains a foremost shortcoming during the time of entering any kind of minor uncertaintyAndriani, Kesumawati&Kristiawan (2018). As a matter of fact, the reliance on strict official procedures prepared employees dependent on doing their own work without having any possible help. As per my concern, the purpose of the transformational leadership style is to empower the employee to accomplish various tasks rather than asking questions to their leaders constantly for a minor reason. As per the overall representation, I have understood that becoming a transformational leader is extremely necessary for a superior adaptation and to obtain an optimistic commitment from the employees through their way of doing work. It will also become accommodating for to empower the employees and to provide them superior visibility in order to encounter the politics of everyday work in the upcoming future, Boamah et al., (2018).

Transformational leadership style has been considered as the foremost style to maintain the workflow of a certain workplace or organisationEliyana&Ma’arif (2019). As per my point of view, it is indeed true that I have to adapt this significant leadership style in order to achieve organisational success for further future. Basically, this particular leadership style illustrates the understanding of various difficulties of the employees during the time of conducting their work.


As per my overall personal development, I have understood that it is indeed necessary for me to adapt the strategies of the transformational leadership style to deal with the problematic situations of the employees. Therefore, by adopting this leadership technique it will be accommodating to perform an effective task or to encounter difficulties regarding the fact of changing of environmentSchiopoiu&Burdescu (2017). Also, by empathizing with the employees during the working progression, I will be competent to create a trustworthy personality and empower them to increase the workflow. Although, I will look forward to making preferable choices as per sustaining employees’ various requirements for the task. Therefore, I will be able to take necessary actions to improvise my problems.

6. Conclusion

The entire report demonstrates the effective impact of leadership strategies on employee retention and motivation through a reflective manner. After that, there has been an illustration of workplace confronts encountered by the employees in a organisation. Through implementing the challenges, there has been a portrayal of various aspects of leadership and its effective impact on employee retention. As a matter of fact, leadership approaches have been proved to be accommodating in understanding various aspects of employee retention. At last, by identifying and designing appropriate development plans in response to a learning intervention, the purpose of the report has been fulfilled.


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leadership: An integration and meta-analytic test of their relative validity. Personnel

Psychology, 64(1), 7-52. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-6570.2010.01201

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