Visitor Management System Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Visitor Management System Assignment

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The application in this current project is going to be created on a visitor management system. Basically, this is going to be a mini project not a huge project to work on. The application will contain the record and the data of employees and the admins. Admin will be able to manage all the details of the employees, the admin will be able to make the report and also can make changes to the employee list and all the functions. All the happenings as well as the procedures will be shown in the software part of this study.

Software work

The application visitor’s management system has been created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and the as the backend PHP has been used. Basically, this can be said that PHP is the medium to run the application and MySQL has been used to store all the data of the users like admin and the guests (Adem Esmail and Suleiman, 2020). When it comes to system functionality, it has the admin and user sections. The administrator can examine and change the information about his or her workers including the department from this page. In addition, the administrator may examine the customers from just a given date and display the information. This project's design is rather straightforward; therefore, the user will have no difficulty in functioning on it. This PHP system facilitates the maintenance of numerous records for workers, departments, and individuals.

JavaScript coding part

(Source: Notepad ++)

Nothing to say about the above figure, this is the coding part of the JavaScript of the application. Some portion of JavaScript has been taken to make the entire application. Along with this HTML, CSS and PHP have been used (da Silva et al. 2019). Design of the database has been done with the connection of this JavaScript and file destination and allocation and declaration.

User interface

(Source: PHP myadmin)

Above figure is the user interface or the login portal of the application that has been opened in the PHP background. As per shown in the list username password and the type is asking when someone tries to login in the application. The user needs to insert the proper username and the password to login (Denis et al. 2020). And in the final part the type needs to be selected while the user is the admin or guard. The user id and password with proper type has been shown in the last image of the report.

Above figure shows the dashboard after getting entered into the application. The example has been shown for the admin here while the application will be suffering, users can check both the cases. Total visitor, and the departments can be added in the dashboard. On the left side of the dashboard all the managing systems are shown.

Employee list

(Source: PHP myadmin)

This is the employee list that has been created using the programming languages. The brief details are provided by an employee that is only editable by the admin. The details have been provided like the name, gender, age contact details as well as the mail id is provided. With the same procedure several employees can be added or removed by the admin.

Employee adding facility

(Source: PHP myadmin)

Above figure is an example of adding a new employee. Admin will be able to make the changes like that. Admin can add the employee with the details like name of this employee, gender and all the required details that has been discussed in the before discussion part.

List of departments

(Source: PHP myadmin)

List of the department is also a function that can be edited by the admin of the application.

Database implementation

(Source: PHP myadmin)

This one is the most vital part of the entire application. Database management system is the sensor part for any kind of application mainly for this part (Giannaros et al. 2020). All the provided details are stored in the database and entire database will be provided with the software copy of the project.

Login user details

(Source: PHP myadmin)

This one is the login user details like username password and the user type has been provided. These details will be required when someone will login into the application. Two ids have been generated to make the initialization of the project.


Conclusion can be said as an entire extraction of the project that is created by the developers. First an introduction is provided about the visitors’ management system. Some study has been done about the research like how the project can be completed. Taking all the required accessories like a laptop, a proper internet connection with notepad++ installation. All the HTML, CSS JavaScript codes are collected and assembled with proper justification and the database has been connected with the file. Several errors have occurred to do ,the project, but developers have tried their level best to make the application with proper research and study on the application.

Reference list


Adem Esmail, B. and Suleiman, L., 2020. Analyzing evidence of sustainable urban water management systems: a review through the lenses of sociotechnical transitions. Sustainability, 12(11), p.4481.

da Silva, S.L.C. and Amaral, F.G., 2019. Critical factors of success and barriers to the implementation of occupational health and safety management systems: A systematic review of literature. Safety science, 117, pp.123-132.

Denis, S., Bellekens, B., Weyn, M. and Berkvens, R., 2020. Sensing thousands of visitors using radio frequency. IEEE Systems Journal, 15(4), pp.5090-5093.

Giannaros, A., Kotsopoulos, K., Tsolis, D. and Pavlidis, G., 2020. Creating a Personalised Experience for Libraries’ Visitors. In Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism (pp. 491-498). Springer, Cham.

Kim, M.J. and Hall, C.M., 2019. A hedonic motivation model in virtual reality tourism: Comparing visitors and non-visitors. International Journal of Information Management, 46, pp.236-249.

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