Ambient Stable Bottled Korma Sauce Assignment Sample

An in-depth look at the production process of ambient stable bottled korma sauce, including critical food safety considerations, equipment used, process flow diagrams, pathogen reduction, HACCP application, automation, product structure, and transportation logistics.

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Introduction of Ambient Stable Bottled Korma Sauce Assignment

Food processing safety as well as the quality management system (QSM) refers to the significant procedure that refers to responsibilities, procedures and many other aspects to achieve quality objectives. Moreover, in today's tenure, processed food is one of the most popular types of food available in the market today across the world. Especially in western countries, markets for fresh food have reduced significantly in the past decade, giving way to large retail branches that sell groceries and food items to people processed and packed. Thereby, this report is going to illustrate the process of food from farms is going to be followed to the point where they are available to the people for final consumption. Similarly, the product that the study is going to correlate is going to be “ambient stable bottle korma”. The processes and the technologies that are involved till the final consumption are discussed in this report in detail along with feasible recommendations regarding their improvement including process management and other technological recommendations. The technologies in use and can be used to solve issues shall also be focused on in this study for bringing more efficiency to the entire process of making food available to people.

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Critical discussion

Effect on pathogen inactivation or reduction in food processing of ambient stable bottled korma sauce

There are side effects of Pathogen used in food processing of ambient stable bottled korma sauce as it can cause gastrointestinal illness and not only that it can also cause some other health-related issues. So the inactivation or reduction of Pathogens in food processing of ambient stable bottled korma sauce is going to be very helpful in terms of the health of a human being (Thomas et al.2022). Several illnesses can occur apart from gastrointestinal illness with the use of Pathogens in the food processing of ambient stable bottled korma sauce. It is advised by many health consultants that we should reduce the use of Pathogens in the food processing of ambient stable bottled korma sauce (Yu et al.2022). So the overall effect on pathogen inactivation or reduction in food processing of ambient stable bottled korma sauce has already been discussed above and the manufacturer of the ambient stable bottled korma sauce needs to maintain the same otherwise it can cause the effect which is already discussed above. While food processing of ambient stable bottled korma sauce should maintain safety standards.

Types of equipment used in the procedure of manufacturing ambient stable bottled korma sauce

There are several pieces of types of equipment used in Korma sauce. Here are examples of some of the important and useful types of equipment which are categorized into 3 different categories. The first category is "Must have types of equipment": These types of equipment are very essential in the procedure of manufacturing ambient stable bottled korma sauce e.g. Belan, Tawa, Stainless Steel Tongs, Stainless Steel Frying Pan, Pressure Cooker - Instant Pot and Spice Grinder. The second category is "Could have equipment": This equipment is not must-have equipment, however, if you have those then it is going to be helpful in the procedure of manufacturing ambient stable bottled korma sauce e.g. Stainless Steel Pots for Rice and Daal, Spice Box, Mortar and Pestle and Roti chakra (Mueed et al.2022). The third and final category is "Nice to have types of equipment": This equipment is not mandatory however if you have those then it is going to be nice and convenient for one in the procedure of manufacturing ambient stable bottled korma sauce e.g. Sev and Chakli Press, Paniyaram Pan, Modak Mold, Idli Stand and Dhokla Stand (Sethi et al.2022). These are the three main categories of the types of equipment which is used in the procedure of manufacturing ambient stable bottled korma sauce.

Flow diagram

Figure 1: The Flowchart of ambient stable bottled korma Sauce Company

(Source: self-created)

The above figure describes the flow chart diagram of an ambient stable bottled korma sauce company. A flowchart can also be defined as a diagrammatic presentation of an algorithm such as mentioned above and a step-by-step approach to solving a task more efficiently (Haddaway et al.2021).The flowchart shows the 4 steps or boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting the boxes with arrows and the lines which connect the pointer boxes (Tan et al.2021). The flow chart is going to be always helpful to understand things in a better and easier way and that is the reason for using a flow chart diagram for ambient stable bottled korma Sauce Company.

Flow chart and their mode of operation and their control parameters

There are different modes of operation in a particular flow chart and not only that there are different parameters to control the flow chart. The mode of operation is to create a visual user journey, Store information, Design an operation system, and Present a solution to a problem (Shahgholian et al.2021). Document a process and Brainstorm ideas in a meeting (Mazzini et al.2021) The control parameters of a flow chart is to be maintained in a proper way to identify the flow chart and to make the flow chart more helpful.

Process of managing food safety of ambient stable bottled korma sauce with the application of HACCP

The process of managing food safety of ambient stable bottled korma sauce with the application of HACCP is discussed here. The HACCO stands for "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point", it is a regulatory body that developed food safety program and not only that it regulates its main focus is to prevent food hazards from contaminated foods and its main purpose is to reiterate the disease or illness which might cause due to the contaminated food or junk food (Nordin et al.2022). Here is the process of managing food safety of ambient stable bottled korma sauce: The first and foremost thing is to identify the unsafe or hazardous food which can cause illness or health issues (Arévalo et al.2022). The second thing is to check periodically to make sure the safety standards are maintained by the person who is involved in the processing of food. The last and foremost thing is to keep all the records of material, types of equipment, and products used to prepare the food not only that one has to keep records of the periodic check which are conducted in regular intervals.

The process of food processing of ambient stable bottle korma sauce

The step of the food processing of ambient stable bottle korma sauce appears to initially require the segmentation of heating the oil thereby adding the cumin seed, curry leaves, cardamom and many other spices. Apart from that, the spices are required to be cooked for approximately 2 minutes over medium heat. The next procedure is induced by stirring the onions to maintain the golden as well as softness. Thereby it helps to dilute the onions and make them golden and soft overcoming the raw flavour. The other step is adding the crushed ginger as well as garlic and cook until the raw flavour is gone. Alongside the crushed cashew nuts, coriander, chillies and many other aspects are required to be mixed and cooked accordingly. The next step is consolidating by adding the turmeric as well as the tomatoes and boiling the smooth paste until the tomatoes are diluted and softened. Thereby it can be mixed in the gravy and the cinnamon sticks need to be removed and transferred directly to the processor of food. The next step includes adding the coconut milk to the mixture and simmering the same so that the water content can get dispersed. Henceforth, the ambient stable korma sauce is ready for serving immediately for consumption, spooning over the meats, fish, vegetables and other eatable items. Eventually, the sauce is thereby bottled by using technological machines so that it can be stored and preserved for future consumption.

Inclusion of automation

The process of selling food in stores has created the opportunity for dedicated food processing companies to conduct business. The production unit of the ambient stable korma sauce seems to be a highly automated sector because of the huge requirements as well as the highly valuable spleenful operations. Apart from that, the inclusion of inset robotics plays the keenest role in packing the ambient stable korma sauce in the respective containers. Irrespective of the containers the robots aesthetically deliver the handling solutions, palletising and thereby wrapping the final output. On the other hand, for example, completely processed foods such as salad dressings, tallow, lard, stock cubes, chips, gravy granules, coffee granules (instant coffee), and so on. Most of these are marketed for convenience and the process of their manufacture involves a higher degree of automation. Instant coffee is made by crushing the beans, brewing, and then spraying the concentrated liquid coffee on an even surface such as foam pads to dry (Maciel et al. 2020). This entire process is automated involving only a few workers to oversee the process and the packing of the final product (Ni’mahet al. 2021). This is similar to the creation of gravy granules, instant soup, stock cubes, and some sauces. On the contrary, completely processed foods such as canned tuna, ground beef, corn beef, and so on still require human labour to cut and process the meat to be further processed. The path of these foods starts with raw materials sourced from farms and the process involves the food materials spending a lot of time on conveyor belts till the final product is made.

The primary sourcing processes, production processes, and transportation processes make up the first group. The sourcing process begins when the farmers provide the purchasers with raw resources that have undergone minimal processing. The second stage involves severely processing and precooking the raw components to create a finished product for consumption. The last stage of transportation involves either using technology to deliver the goods directly to the retailers or using a vertical supply chain to deliver them straight to the end users, eliminating the middleman.

The product structure of ambient stable bottled korma sauce

The product structure of ambient stable bottled korma Sauce Company appears to have four divisions. Such as the marketing departments, sales departments, manufacturing departments, and functional groups. The marketing department plays a vital role in promoting the business and mission of the korma sauce manufacturing company. Especially it serves as the face of your company and produces all materials representing the business (Mueed et al. 2022). The marketing department seems to be the responsible body that is systematically responsible for selling the products of the company to the consumer base. Thereby, the authorized body of the same team is responsible so that the company can gain access to a competitive position in the intensified marketplace. The manufacturing departments are casting and modeling, machining, joining, shearing, and forming (Xiaohuang et al. 2022). The manufacturing departments are those departments where many systems are to produce the stable bottled korma sauce. Therefore, the manufacturing departments responsibly developed the product thereby the other units pack the korma sauce for further procedures. The functional group is the responsible body for the systematic functions of material management, financial management, personal management as well as other functional aspects.

Transportation process

Transportation is one of the most important processes of making food available to people such as ambient stable korma sauce. Without effective use of this tertiary sector, supply chains are going to break down causing a shortage of items for the final consumers despite the items being available. For example, the problem has been identified as the failure of supply chains at Argos, a retail business owned by Sainsbury's, which has resulted in a significant financial disaster. This is because, in a globalised economy, every organisation depends on both domestic and international suppliers. Retailers like Sainsbury's do the same. Due to many firms' inability to produce as a result of the pandemic in 2021, they were unable to fulfil market demand, which caused disruptions in the supply chain (Althaf and Babbitt, 2021). Thus, making food unavailable to the public and raising the prices of food as well. Such incidents reduce the profitability of all the parties involved in the production of food items.

Hence transport is a vital part of the process for the availability of food for the final consumers and the profitability and income of the parties involved in the production process. Apart from this, it can be observed that the process of transportation has no automation involved in them and is a labour-intensive process. Even though self-driving cars have come a long way from the starting days, the technology is yet to percolate to the large vehicles carrying freight. The situation of the transport industry is hence similar to the meat processing plants. The work is of intuitional skill that is hard to replicate using existing technology. Even with the coming of rapid developments in AI, the process is not enough to replace human intelligence.

Hence a major part of the process of food availability is conducted by human labour. From the time the packing is done in the company, the products are prepared for shipping and transport. This involves transportation from roadways, shipping as well as airways. Due to their close ties to the necessary services and supplies for an area, logistic enterprises are regarded as one of the key primary stakeholders in the process of making food available there (Salam and Khan, 2020). Additionally, it should be noted that logistics appears to be a method for organising and carrying out effective transportation. These are closely tied to the commuting of products and even labour, both of which appeared to be significantly impacted by the escalating demand in the food market.

There are categories of food that can be sent through land ways, airways, and waterways. The food that is very perishable such as fresh-cut raw fish and meat is more suitable to be sent through airways as it is the fastest means of transport of the three available. The food that is semi-perishable and has long shelf life can be sent through either roadways or by water ways depending on the location of the retailer and the wholesaler. Items such as sauces, canned foods, sauces, and dehydrated food items such as stock cubes, instant coffee, soup granules, and other similar products are of longer shelf life and do not get spoiled as a result of transit time.

The food transport system is however not devoid of technologies that are specifically designed for the food industry.


In conclusion, it can be noted that there are three large processes involved in the transfer of ambient stable bottle korma sauce from the producers of raw minerals to the final consumers. The first of them are the primary sourcing processes, the production process, and the transportation process. Apart from that, the product structure of ambient stable bottled korma Sauce Company appears to have four divisions. There are side effects of Pathogen used in food processing of ambient stable bottled korma sauce as it can cause gastrointestinal illness and not only that it can also cause some other health-related issues. So the inactivation or reduction of Pathogens in food processing of ambient stable bottled korma sauce is going to be very helpful in terms of the health of a human being.


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