Comparing Traditional & Integrated Construction Project Delivery Methods Assignment Sample

This case study outlines the IPD theory, key objectives, strategy, IT integration, and evaluation for the Dadu Garden project of Qatar's Science Museum. Gain insights into leveraging IPD and BIM for enhanced collaboration, efficiency, and project success.

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Application Of IPD with BIM To Improve Procurement Method In Qatar Commercial Building Project

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In this context, it can be observed that the traditional project delivery methods of “design-build”, and "design-bid-build”, as well as a building manager at thread come with a lot of limitations in the building sector. IPD has emerged as a method of project delivery throughout recent times to get around these limitations. IPD has been a method of project delivery where the "owner, designer", plus builder collaborate to develop a project from its inception all the way through to delivery as well as building operation (Charlesraj and Dinesh, 2020). The finest tool for constructing a "virtual model" that is increasingly employed in combination with traditional distribution techniques is BIM. Its IPD approach's earlier participation, as well as collaboration features, can improve the "coordination of BIM" technologies. This report aims to outline the integrated project delivery theory or literature on the topic. This report also explains the case study outline of the research topic. This research also explains the details of the key objective of IPD for the case of the research topic. This report also explains the details of the IPD strategy of the research topic where it explains the IPD management penal including IT strategy. This report also explains the evolution of the strategy and a short summary of the research topic.

Integrated Project Delivery theory/literature

Definition as well as the principle of “integrated project delivery approach”

There are numerous definitions of IPD, but the one that is frequently used in publications comes from the "American Institute of Architects AIA (2007)" as well as describes it as a construction management approach that integrates people, organisations, and business structures, as well as exercises together into the process which collaboratively utilises the skills and knowledge among all construction stakeholders to optimise the outcomes, increase the revenue of the firm, reduce waste, as well as maximise efficiency (Elhendawi et al. 2020). Its definition demonstrates how IPD varies from several other delivery methods within this early as well as ongoing collaboration amongst all parties engaged there in design as well as construction procedure is required. When everyone involved is invested there in the project as well as works toward shared objectives, cooperation may result in a superior end product for such an owner. This "contractual relationship of IPD" is shown in Figure 1.

In order to conduct business successfully, principles were required, as well as the construction sector is no different. To increase the effectiveness of IPD, nine fundamental principles were necessary (Evans et al. 2020). The stronger the teamwork, which leads to increased project output in terms of design as well as construction, the more likely it is that each of these elements would be put into practice as well as used together. These 9 IPD principles were adopted by “The American Institute of Architects & AIA California Council (2007)” and “Becerik-Ger-ber-and-Kent (2010)” as listed below.

  • Mutual Respect as well as trust
  • “Collaborative Innovation as well as decision making”
  • Shared Risk and Rewards
  • Intensified Planning
  • “Early Involvement of main Participants”
  • Early aim Definition
  • Organisation and Leadership
  • Open Communications
  • Multi-party contract.


IPD may be implemented without "BIM technology", however, BIM has many advantages that make it more useful. “BIM and IPD” utilisation is required mostly by the industry's owner expectations (Elghaish et al. 2022). Owners demanded greater involvement from the construction sector, such as a focus on using “digital models” for better decision making, eliminating the utilisation of “(Request For Information) RFIs” throughout construction through improving agreement documentary evidence, improving the estimating throughout pre-construction, improving procurement, accelerating as well as scheduling, as well as improving project coordination even during design as well as construction phases; and improving cost-efficiency throughout a value-based contracting approach (Raja et al. 2021). The globalisation of the “construction industry's supply chain”, the need to boost productivity, as well as the ensuing low-profit margins are some of the factors driving the increased usage of "BIM and IPD". Its IPD technique is complemented by the BIM tool, as well as vice versa, along with the requirement to reduce the "environmental impacts of construction" as well as the complexity of such building procedure. BIM supports information integration as well as offers a unified platform for "data storage and retrieval", whereas IPD offers a structure for integrating those shared goals as well as project participants' values (Hamma and Kouider, 2019). IPD does assist in overcoming challenges to enhance key contributors' active participation, collaboration, as well as trust, thereby eliminating challenges to BIM adoption. Its “integration model of BIM/IPD”, represented, demonstrates the effect of BIM/IPD on various areas of such construction phases. [Refer to Appendix 1]

Case study outline

In this context, the case study outline has explained that IPD and BIM are used to enhance the procurement process for commercial construction projects in Qatar. The Dadu Garden, that will serve as a defining element of Dadu, Qatar's Science museum, was launched on Thursday by HH the Sultan Hamad Bin khalifa Al. Six members of Dadu's 'Founding Generation' have been invited to the wedding, demonstrating Qatar Museums' lengthy commitment to environmental protection. Representatives from the museum's prevailing 'Company Team,' which would include Baladna, the Department of Municipal government, the Department of Investment fund & Islamic Affairs, Vodafone, Intesa Air temperature & air, Schlumberger, also took part in the nature conservation funeral service, planting Healing properties, Non - industrialized, Arabic Chewing tobacco, Louz & Tut trees. HE FIFA Chairman Giovanni Infantino was indeed present at the ceremony, as Qatar preparations to host the inaugural FIFA Arab Championship in 2021. The Museum of Natural history of Qatar represents one of Doha's greatest expected new additions. Every person deserves the chance to grow & achieve their fullest potential. Dadu, Qatar's Science museum, offers reducing child development environments and services to assist kids & their families succeed. Dadu, which is being developed by Qatar Universities, will aim to improve the experiences of young children & their families by offering an unrivalled environment for education via unlocked play, discovery & discovery. To assist students' learning, we employ all forms of play - imaginary, melodramatic, constructive, sensorial & social play - to generate a sense of joy. The Dadu Grounds are really the Child's Cemetery's verdant lungs.

Key Objectives of IPD for the Case

BIM encourages cooperation while decreasing mistakes. Documentation may be generated automatically & workflows can sometimes be sped up. BIM creates 3D design representations. This increases data transparency & allows non-specialists to interact with architectural designs. Modeling & comment thread in Software package enables individuals to plan each phase of the building process. Users may order the phases and enter specifics for example the teams & supplies required for each segment of the building process. Users may even simulate each step in certain BIM applications. BIM models undeniably increase the architectural procedure because BIM systems facilitate the production of designs more swiftly & expense, providing a high degree of efficiency. The Dadu Grounds are the monument's outdoor exhibition. They cover 14,500 square metres and wrap from around monument's eastern facade.

A thick hedge divides the meadows from surrounding Al Bidda Park, offering families with a safe border & a sense of tranquility. Nature play creates an appreciation for nature, which translates to a desire to protect the ecosystem while also promoting physical, cognitively, social & emotional maturity. The fields were created to accommodate a variety of activities, including physical, artistic & narrative engagement. The gardens were purposefully designed to avoid the use of permanent playgrounds in favour of a more adaptable atmosphere. Such study should focus on its IPD approach as well as its relevance to BIM technology. The goals of the investigation will be as follows :

  • To create the garden and its underlying ideas.
  • To evaluate the Dadu Flowers encourage brain behavior by utilising the power of real play & interaction with environment.
  • To discover significant execution and design difficulties, as well as motivational aspects that inspire By employing the IPD method.
  • Identifying the benefits and demands of employing Bim software in the design world to supplement those of the Interprofessional approach.
  • To establish the "version of windows" and indeed the organisation employed for the tasks.

IPD Strategy

IPD management plan

The contract details the timeline, timetable, obligations, payments, and risk/reward factors for each project. During an IPD agreement, everyone has equal accountability since if any team misses a deadline or loses money, everyone goes bankrupt. When a team member completes tasks ahead of time, everyone benefits (Mohamed, 2019). The project enters the design phase once a multi-party agreement is signed. Managers, architects, and engineers collaborate with musiam components stakeholders even during the design process to guarantee that the structure would function as stipulated in such a contract. This ensures that everyone is on the same page from the outset, reducing the likelihood of difficulties. Having input from "engineers, building contractors, and other" professionals is beneficial to the project. Despite the fact that each construction management strategy is unique, the IPD has a set of common processes. A contract administrator works tirelessly to assemble a team of subcontractors as quickly as possible, typically comprising a "design team, building contractor, economists, a project manager, and some others." Agile methodology is a strategy used by nearly all construction companies who use an IPD to save both money and time. (Naim, 2018). This may imply reducing labour, materials, and waiting times throughout building phases. Before proceeding, every member of the organization must agree on the common aims. Despite the fact that that the development's subcontractor and the "project manager" were not involved, each member of the "IPD coaching staff" is kept up to speed.

A "smart building (BIM)" represents the physical and functional aspects of the facility digitally. BIM continues to be computer, first and foremost, and therefore cannot be purchased. Given that there are numerous CAD computer programs, such as Revit, that aid planners in developing a BIM architecture, one may conclude that particular software appears to be greater Integrated project delivery than others (Matar, 2019). Additionally, BIM is not limited to architectural design. Although the initial definition of BIM may have been limited to model creation, other disciplines are beginning to embrace this concept of intelligence representation. Because civil modelling, environmental modeling, and mechanic modeling techniques do not share an equivalent acronym, most people often refer to "ou pas models" by BIM.

IT Strategy

BIM provides the "computer technology (IT)" framework for various AEC disciplines to communicate, share ideas, and collaborate successfully. Such a technique allows for a straightforward transfer of information through out construction process by incorporating various types of business expertise into an unified framework. Similarly, improved collaboration among collaborators results in a "easy and speedy data transfer". believes that the bim Technology approach has been greatly reduced, permitting its program manager to spend their resources on teaching knowledge and expertise to the software development. Thus according "bim Software," the capacity to visualise, examine, and start the creation of many construction eventualities as well as designs by combining "amounts of sodium, material, project" timelines, covering cost. While cost prediction & sequencing are the primary benefits of "5D BIM," there may be extra benefits. It was recommended, for example, to assess future profits using automated methods such as "cost estimation & QTO sequencing." As a result, just before building was constructed, operational and lifetime expenditures may be examined & comprehended, potentially resulting in cost savings.

Evaluation of Strategy

The steps that make up this strategy evaluation procedure are as follows:

Strategic assessment appears to have been critical for a variety of reasons, including the need for feedback, evaluation, and punishment, the creation of the "strategic management process," determining the viability of a deliberate choice, and so on.

Museums are often planned with obvious flow lines so that guests can quickly make their way throughout, while somehow offering ample opportunities for them to meander & research at their leisure. A museum is a structure that houses a great number of fascinating & expensive things, such as pieces of artwork or ancient landmarks, and where they are stored, examined & shown to the public. A conventional museum has a hierarchical organisational plan with six to eight divisions, which include curatorial, training, property administration, marketing, promotion, security & infrastructures. The process of generating a concept can be simple or complex, including extensive study, negotiations, contemplation, modelling, interactive modification, and re-design. (Getuli et al. 2021). Also, customer footfall & involvement are frequently assumed to be comparable, if not the same. They are distinct. As the term suggests, passenger foot fall examines the quantity of people who visit a location. The most common direct metric in this regard is ticket prices. This also represents one of the characteristics used to determine the effectiveness or failure of either an exposition or programming. Other characteristics used in determining success include goals reached, interactiveness, readership, income made through memorabilia & time invested against time people spend setting up the convention. Audience participation is described as a person's desire to learn anything new or expand on prior knowledge. The structure for the museum, which consists of 2,400 horizontally crossing steel sections, was finished in September 2018; the exterior panels are presently being hoisted into position. The museums is scheduled to open in a year, at a critical juncture for Dubai, which will organize the Festival Will be held in December 2020.

The monument's futuristic design is defined as a circular cylinder with an irregular vacuum in the modern built environment, but a huge hula hoop may be a more approachable point of comparison. The Museums of the Best is yet to come executive director, Lath Andersen, prefers to compare it to an eyeball. "We have a little trouble describing the architecture to individuals who have not seen it," he acknowledges. Nothing compares to the form "Because they have been not legally bound, its art department & construction business do not enjoy the same degree of "risk, compensation, or accountability" in its program delivery plan."


It may be argued that conventional construction management approaches such as "design-build, architecture & contract administrator at risk" have several shortcomings in the construction companies. A 'handover' occurs at the conclusion of a project to install, build, or alter an asset. It often entails the customer formally recognizing the commodity, work area including identifying details from either the contractor. Professionals are appointed to a construction process throughout the design process or after a professional architect or licenced structural engineer has finished the design. This is accomplished through a tendering procedure with several contractors. One of three typical candidate selection is used to pick the contractor: reduced decision, layer characteristics, skills or experience selection. According to the Construction Projects American association, the much more typical construction administrator tasks fall into seven categories: product development management, cost optimization, goal setting, process improvement, tender documents & accident prevention. Low-bid selection: This type of selection is based on the cost of a project. Ongoing construction supervision firms submit bids to the company for the shortest price they are prepared to complete the task for. The customer will then typically select the business with the cheapest quote to do the task for them.

Succeeded in getting: This method considers both the budget as well as the capabilities of the suppliers that submit offers. This implies that the subcontractor with the lowest rates and credentials is chosen by the owner. The owner makes the decision through a solicitation for proposals , which gives the customer with the homeowner's specific method of budgeting & planning for the construction.


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