Issues and Recommendations for Assembling High Performance Teams Across Cultures Assignment Sample

recommendations on how to address these issues after COVID-19's impact on traditional work cultures.

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Introduction Of Assembling And Managing High Performance Teams Across Cultures Assignment

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One of the main notions behind conducting this study is to provide focus on eight different topics that will comprises of doing a small critical analysis report along with the briefing sheets. The topics are related to the developing tactical problems in accordance with a topical background inside the global business ecology. Also keeping in mind, the implication of Covid 19 along with the manner the company plan ahead both at the time of pandemic in addition to after that will be discussed in detail. The briefing will particularly show the issues on the eight topics along with will provide recommendation to deal with the topics.

The eight topic which has been selected to do the further research in detail below:

  • Developing high performance teams across cultures
  • Designing cross functional teams
  • Building capability for high performance
  • Mission planning process
  • Briefing along with debriefing the team
  • Executing a high-performance plan
  • Leadership - the critical success factor
  • Modelling in addition to risk processes

Key Sections

1. Developing high performance teams across cultures

The theory of High-performance team is generally defined as the idea inside company growth referring to the groups. High performance teams are extremely goal centric as well as their main aim is focussed on achieving maximum business outcome. Usually in various cultural forms it has been seen that the high-performance teams outclass the entire of the same groups as well as they beat anticipations provided their composition (Dominguez, 2016). Organizations are ceaselessly searching for manners of developing the "best organization culture" in order that no worker leaves disappointed. In the event that an organization's ex-worker abandons terrible surveys like poisonous culture, untrustworthy standards, discouraging administration, as well as bad performing team demonstrating it has an awful functioning culture, can refute every one of the generosities companies has put resources into the image (Kashyap,Sandeep , 2021).

But considering the current situation of the Covid -19 it has been seen that various big companies like Tesco, Aldi in addition to Sainsbury are facing issues in maintaining the high-performance team across culture. It is a true fact that culture plays a very pivotal role in shaping the future performance of team but after covid it has been seen that most of the companies have started hybrid culture of working that is directly affecting the high performance of team. This is due to the reason that employees in addition teams are working from various distant places which is becoming very difficult for the managers to maintain the high-performance team crossways cultures (Jackson, 2021). Below mentioned are some of the noticeable strategic issues facing the high-performance team across culture.

  • Communication between the employees : After the pandemic and because of the hybrid work culture it has been seen in IBM that the worker’s communication has been affected a lot. Due to different work timings in addition also because of the distant working system employees are not getting proper time to interact with each other. In many cases it has been seen that two employees working on a same project are not getting an adequate time to discuss about that due to distant place and time which is creating a gap in maintaining a high-performance team in both the cultures (MATTISSON, 2018).

So, in order to deal with this strategic issue, it will be important for the leader to play their role in this situation. In order to maintain high performance team across the company culture it will be important for the leader of the company to set a time in which both the employees will feel comfortable to attend the meeting at least twice in a wee. This will help in reducing the ambiguity within the team and will foster a high-performance team across the culture (Sun, 2019).

  • Lack of trust: Because of the Covid-19 and also due to distant working environment it has been noticed that employees are losing trust from the each other and also upon the company. The absence of trust in companies like Tesco might be a significant strategic issue in the way of progress since the high-performing team will fail to function in the direction of a sole aim. Within the lack of honesty group efficacy along with productivity also get hugely impacted that directly leading to failed high-performance team across culture (Iorhen, 2020).

In order to deal with the issue, the company need to create a working culture that will encourage the employees to rebuild trust on each other. As these days people are working from home so companies can arrange a weekend online fun day that will help the employees to get along with each other and that will additionally help in creating trust on each other (Krot, 2022).

  • Role uncertainty: In the lack of lucid work description along with function clarity between the high-performance teams across cultures, clashes will occur that will finally impact the total performance of a high-performance team across cultures. In big companies like Google, it has been seen that after the Covid-19 the working culture has changed a lot due to which employees are confused with the current job role that is creating role uncertainty (Neil, 2020).

Now in order to deal with the issue of role uncertainty it will be important for the companies like Google to create a fact sheet and separate new job description for each high-performance team so that no confusion can take place while working one a new project (Carnevale, 2020).

2. Designing cross functional teams

Basically, a culturally diverse group is one comprised of people from different public foundations. Inside every culture, comprises contrasts for work insight, childhood, and mental variety. Diverse groups are worldwide groups that incorporate individuals who come from various societies and have remarkable encounters. Organizations neglect to consider these major distinctions inside a group, prompting clashes and dissatisfaction that can be effortlessly foiled once you gain a fast comprehension of the people in a group (M, 2014). Now as the topic suggest deisging cross cultural functio team so cross-cultural plan is centred on comprehending in what manner planning might be informed as well as persuaded by cultures in addition to their shades. The exercise of planning for cross-culttural team usually entails customised as well as adopting the deisgn components like pictures, lauouts in order to assit the employees, clinmets as well as the requirements of the company (Lotz, 2008).

Earlier, designing cross cultural functions team was not considered as a tough job this is due to the reason that emplpoyees shows their interest in wokring with various other cultiures. But particualrly after the Covid-19 pandemic it has been seen that this part has got effected a lot and becomes one of the main strategis issues to deal with various companies. Covid-19 pandemic has impacted both the normal working culture and cross cultural functioning of the companies due to which the trust and motivation to work for betterment has been decreased to a great extenet. The most identifibale strategic issue related to desiging the cross-cultural functions teams has been discussed in detail below:

  • Conflicting aims among the various teams: Conflicting aims among the various teams is one of the significant strategic issues of cross-utilitarian groups and can be a base of huge issues or struggles. For example, although Tesco and Tesco's cross functions group accept that a specific undertaking might produce enormous income, increment client base, fix a specialized error, or in any capacity decidedly influence the association, another group might be not participative in this case which shows the problem in designing the cross-cultural functions team. This puts the company and the other group at blockhead as they miss the mark on the arrangement of objectives (Holland, 2000).

Now in order to deal with this issue it will be important for companies like Tesco to motivate the high authority or any senior executives to disburse the main objective of the commpany publiclly with each and every employess functioning in every corner of the world. In this manner inside the company can be able to identify the actual objecyives of the company. Also, the senior mansger needs to take stringent actions agaiant those employees who will show less onterest in deisgning the cross cultural functions team.

  • Not conscious concerning other cultures team venture : Earlier prior to covid it has been seen that employees were known about what projects other teams are doing and they used to show interest on those projects. But after this pandemic and also because of the remote design of cross cultural functions team it has been seen that employees shows very less inetrest in other project which creates distance among the team that directly impacts the deisgning of the cross culture functions team effcetivity (Holland, 2000).

Now in order to deal with this issues it will be importannt for the companies to not only create various cross culture team but they need to make sure teams are happily working with each other. In addition to this company like Tesco who work globally will also need to kep on shatring the work brief so that each and every employees will idneitfy what project the company is dealing with. This in the long run will help in maintaininbg the cross cultural functioning team across the company in addition will aldo lead proper organizational development (Holland, 2000).

3. Building capability for high performance

This part of the study will be focussed on the topic of building high performnce in which the various stratgeic issues will be discussed and based on that recommendation will be provided. Building capacity for high performance can be defined as the aptitudes as well as intellect needed to accomplish an actual work. A company might be able to modify yet devoid of basic primary abilities they cannot achieve high performance. A usual instance of the gap in ability is in executives' capability to productivity-led transformation. In addition to this building capacity for high performance also plays a very important role in both employees as well as organizational development. Earlier building capability for high performance was not considered a tough job as managers in physical accordance with the employees easily sort out things to make them high-performance workers. But the entire scenario has changed the pandemic hit in the year 2020 (Bi, 2011). After Covid-19 it has been seen that there has been a drastic decrease in the high performance of the employee which is affecting the creation of the capability. This considers to be as one of the main strategic issues which are affecting both contexts. In the below segment of the study, a few points will be pointed out that will help in understanding what sorts of strategic issues are related to building capacity for high performance (Kashyap,Sandeep , 2021).

  • Issues wokring in changing environment: The first strategic issue that can be seen with the notion of building capability for high performance is related to changing the working environment. For example, in the case of the recent pandemic of Covid-19, it has been seen that many companies like IBM, Google, and Accenture have modified their working culture in order to achieve high performance. But the recent results showed that they are going through tremendous loss and affecting the building capability of employees that are directly impacting the overall performance of the employees (III,John Hagel , 2020).

But there is a possible way to deal with these strategic issues. In order to create building capacity for high performance within a changed working environment companies need to initially circulate that some sort of changes will happen in the company, particularly for the high-performance workers. This will help the employees to get some time to cope with the changes and in addition to that, it will also help to work on their capability building (Yamoah, 2013).

  • Difficult to identify the best skills to develop for high performnace : At times turns out to be difficult s to be hard to recognize the building capability for high performance within the company. Devoid of undertaking a broad partner planning exercise, who is answerable for which exercises that directly effects both the notions. Regardless of whether companies figure out how to recognize the important division, it very well may be amazingly difficult to know who inside that division you ought to focus your endeavors on. Assuming companies center a lot around locale and sub-region authorities, they risk missing underlying elements, such as staffing and financing, that restrain manageable limit building (Seth,Madhav , 2019).

Now in order to deal with this situation there is one prospective suggestion it will be important for the companies to identify the best skills among the high-performance employees and need to set a target for each employee. Those who will be achieving the target early will be awarded the building capacity and the company can go on working with those employees (Seth,Madhav , 2019).

  • Difficulty in defining clear objective : The third strategic issue that is related to building capacity for high performance is the difficulty in defining clear objectives for a definite work. Top-to-bottom ability-building endeavors are essentially restricted in scope — not every person needs or should be prepared for the complexities of, for instance, influence assessment. Also, it has been noticed that after this pandemic defining goals for building capacity high performance has become very difficult as most of the employees are working from home which is creating difficulties for the companies to manage building capacity. But in order to deal with this strategic issue companies needs to circulate individual goals to the employees focussed on achieving the high performance.

1.Mission planning process

Mission planning process is usually defined as the forthcoming phase of an action plan technique which provides a base for creating long term perspective in actual context. This is place where a mission statement is built up. In addition to this company’s mission plan process illustrates what the team is doing and for what reason they are doing (Maleka, 2014). There are usually five phases of creating a mission planning process which are:

  1. Determining the tactical site of the company
  2. Prioritizing the goals
  3. Developing a tactical plan
  4. Executing as well as managing the mission plan
  5. Checking in addition to revising the mission plan (Powers, 2012)

Also, mission planning is considered to be a kind of work that frequently needs communication among various bodies. This might be in order to assist the shared plan within which the accountability for various factors of short-term goals functions planning which are extended over different bodies comprising the space arena (Reus, 2021). Creating a mission planning process is considered to be a very important thing since a long time. Companies make use of mission planning process to not only develop short term goals but also to create a path for betterment. Usually, a mission planning process is done on the basis a company is functioning and plan to function in future, but it can be seen that after the Covid-19 pandemic the scenario has totally changes. Following the pandemic, it has been seen that the companies are not in a position to create any future goals particularly the small-scale companies and the start-up companies. This additionally impacted the overall mission planning process of those small start-up companies. Also, there are various strategic issues which impacts the mission planning process and those are described in detail below.

  • All companies are not mission-driven : There is this thought that all associations ought to be mission-based. Yet, actually, they are not. As mentioned earlier particularly in case of small companies it has been seen that they focus on creating mission planning after achieving few set goals which shows that not all the creating a mission planning process helps a company to grow as well as this is one of major strategic issue of this point (Kraaijenbrink,Jeroen , 2021).

In order to deal with this strategic issue, it will important for the small companies to create mission planning process beforehand but they need to implement that after the proper time comes. This will not only give them a chance to develop the company but will also give a chance to create strong mission statement for the company later on (Kraaijenbrink,Jeroen , 2021).

Lack of clarity: After this pandemic it has been seen in many small start-up companies that they are not clear about their company functioning that is affecting their growth. Lack of clarity also effects the mission planning process as it needs proper goals to set a mission statement and is there is no clarity in this company tends to fail. The authoritative mission fizzles assuming the business climate transforms and the supervisor doesn't change his/her well-thought-out courses of action. As a result, having clarity in setting proper mission statement for any company is very important to focus on.

Now in order to deal with this issue first and foremost it will be important for the top management of the company to appoint a leader who is capable of creating both short term and long-term mission planning process. Next it will be important for the manager of the company segregate the goals based on its priority and importance this will help them in identifying what sort of mission will be applicable for the company (Heugens, 2003).

  • Lack of proper alignment with company goals: Ineffective system execution is likewise frequently identified as a misalignment issue. Arrangement alludes to accomplishing soundness and consistency between various degrees of methodology: corporate procedure, business technique, useful system, and functional technique. At the point when there is misalignment, the all-encompassing mission planning gets weakened at lower levels, bringing about storehouse conduct, and not every person is in total agreement.

To deal with this sort of issues it will be important for most of the companies to align the company goals with the usual strategy which will help in identifying the main mission planning for the company. In addition to this it will also help in developing the company strategy in a more prospective manner.

5. Briefing and debriefing the team

Briefing the squad relates to supervisors meeting with members of the team face-to-face to provide data, answer questions, and receive advice. Planning to deploy the system can improve communication at all levels of the company (Schaap, and, 2021). The briefing method is primarily designed to provide pertinent data on specific issues in a timely and effective manner. Debriefing the group, on the other hand, entails representing early observations and describing how this all go well and what could be managed to improve. They progress after they've agreed on the modifications they intend to make. Our processing is intended to continually improve the planning while a plan is now being instated. Military personnel learned it to cope with rapidly changing situations and to deal with mistakes and changes on the battlefield.

However, there is an impact of Covid-19 on the briefing and debriefing of the team as remote working has already affected business activities. The virtual meetings include the process of briefing the team members and it is quite difficult sometimes to convey the view point to the employees which affected the business to a great extent (Fawke, Stave, and Yamada, 2021). The process is quite lengthy in terms of employers who manage the team members as it affects the level of productivity in the activities. For instance, some big companies like Tesco manage to provide information to the team members through different techniques and it does not affect their performance as well. However, there are certain strategic issues facing briefing and debriefing the team in the business.

  • Large Employees group: The problem with team briefings is that it is hard to answer everyone's questions or respond to everyone's feedback when there are too many employees in the meeting. An employee from a different time zone and working a different shift then asks about scheduling a meeting.

For dealing with this strategic issue, it can be recommended that it is important to make a small group of people for the purpose of brightening and debriefing the team so that it can be handled in an appropriate manner (Halamek, Cady, and Sterling, 2019). When it comes to scheduling a team briefing for a large group of employees, one leader asks how best to do it.

  • Interactive Unfavourable Evidence: In team briefings and debriefings, ask the group what topics are uncomfortable. In addition to layoffs, relocations, declining sales, lost bids, death or illness of an employee, and missed project deadlines, these are some of the most frequent causes of project failures (Ber, and,2021).

In order to manage this strategic issue, it is significant to deal with the topics of discussion and understand the scenario for the enhancement of the level of knowledge. Further, develop a certain particular area of discussion for managing the issue. It can be recommended that offer the appropriate level of communication to all of the employees so that the discussion will be easier to manage in the business (Zamjahn, and, 2018).

In addition to this, for the purpose of briefing the team members there can be use of FAME Model.

FAME Model

Focus: The briefing includes the focus on some of the supporting tools, allocation of resources as well identifying the final result for achieving the goals.

Accountability: People must definitely appoint so every group player's function in order to hold everyone answerable for their own effects.

Motivation: It is important to motivate the team members for conveying the tasks and activities for getting things done. So, the motivation factors need to implement for the employees to achieve the objective.

Education: The manager need to educate the team members regarding the details of project and routine activities. Further, this model plays an important role for enhancing the activities of employees during briefing and debriefing the team.

6. Executing a high-performance plan

In today's organizations, high performance requires a blend of diverse skills, perspectives, judgments, and experiences (Alowayyed, and, 2019). Executing a high-performance plan can be termed as the process of work where the employees and managers do hard work before executing the high-performance plan which is beneficial for the business activities. Further, there is an increasing need for this in today's world of uncertainty, change, and complexity. Teams are best suited to achieving this blend in organizations. Throughout an assessment year, performance planning helps individuals or teams reach their intended goals. The plan is devised keeping the broader organization's objectives in mind. To achieve team goals, high-performance management involves leaders motivating, measuring, and developing the performance of all team members (Robey, and Zamora, 2021). In order to create a high performing team, it is essential to implement a high-performance management strategy.

The present scenario regarding Covid-19 affects the execution of high-performance plans as it impacts the process of working. Discontinued projects and rapidly changing priorities may mean that many goals are no longer relevant. Stay close to customers, be entrepreneurial, or maintain morale and culture by adjustment and emphasis. However, some of the strategic issues facing in the execution of a high-performance plan are as follows:

  • Sometimes Wrong Decision : The system of high performance during Covid requires some appropriate tools along with certain needs of the business. It is not possible with the duplication of the system with its design and implementation in the other company. Further, appropriate consultation is equally crucial for the different stakeholders and system users are beneficial (Jo, and Lee, 2018).

So, to solve this strategic issue, it would be great to take advice from the different departments for making the high-performance plan and its execution for future purposes. The documents must be revised by some of the high authority people for getting proper confirmation and there will be no chances of wrong decisions.

  • Minimum Commitment over leadership : Leadership loyalty and endorsement are required for the state's full execution. Representatives should end up driving the method and integrating talent management into company activities (Asfour, and, 2019). Figureheads not only help to set corporate strategy and crucial performance indicators, but they also track and evaluate firm productivity. It also reinforces the efficiency cycle through praise and recognition of achievement.

This issue can be solved through the proper implementation of leadership activities among the people for driven changes in the scenario of the business. It helps to make certain alterations in the process of execution of the high-performance plan. So that it will bring a successful aspect of the business activities through the procedure (Borghesi, and, 2018).

  • Integration absence : Performance measurement must be embedded with planning and human systems, as well as organization characteristics, framework, and all other main internal processes and structures.

The strategic issue regarding the absence of integration can be solved with the help of different people and their perception towards the level of understanding of various scenarios for the planning of high performance. It can be recommended that all of the different activities included in the process of high performance must be measured and considered as an aspect of dealing with the changes in the management system (Pless, and, 2020).

7. Leadership- the critical success factor

Leadership is, but first above all, soul, and it necessitates a deep understanding of a person's skill sets, capabilities, thoughts and feelings, and moral standards. Only those who realize themselves well and have their recourses can lead themselves. As a result, they lay the groundwork for effective staff managers (Laureani, and Antony, 2018). Leadership is an essential management approach that assists in directing available operations for improved productivity and achievement of goals. Great leaders clarify the organization's goals and inspire and guide it to accomplish its goal. Leaders have an impact on a wide range of consequences, with exception of revenue, client satisfaction, marketing, earnings, profitability, and so on. Strong leadership fosters staff morale and passion, resulting in increased consumer loyalty, provider, advancement, and, inevitably, profits (Saha, and, 2020). Great managers are critical to the success of any organization. They can assist in the development of powerful teams within a company and the fruitful completion of projects, initiatives, or other functional areas. Many people have witnessed the outcomes both of effective and inefficient rulers at work. Great managers can convert organizations, increase business value, improve productivity, and interact with their employees to achieve better outcomes.

The Covid-19 affects the productivity of leaders to a great extent and it is important to understand the perspective of managers to handle the system of business. The situation at workplace affecting the abilities of leaders in such a manner that they work in isolation and it impacts the system in many ways (Moktadir, and, 2020). There are certain strategic issues faced in the leadership success factor are as follows:

  • Lack of Invention as well as originality : Technology is frequently viewed as an interruption in how things work. One of the purposes representatives face issues with technical innovation is a strict and classical management method. The originality in the workplace is required more these days as it affects the productivity and enhancement towards the development.

This issue can be resolved through the implement in the process of leadership by using more technical aspect and create a valuable impact for the growth of business. The management must know the actual aspect of considering the different levels of innovation for improvement and solving the issues (Knol, and, 2018).

  • Rigid People : In a perfect scenario, the workplace is an environment where everyone makes it looks forward to trying to work in a unified group and contributing to the organization's success. Regrettably, the true world operates separately, resulting in frequently either or two people in the worksite who are reluctant or incapable of performing a satisfactory job. Those very people frequently slow the rate at which goals are attained.

For this strategic issue, it is essential to guide the people or team members about their behaviour and need to make improvement in the workplace. It can be solved through the various perspective of the people that develop such scenario. However, this can be solved with appropriate training and workshop sessions for the rigid people as it helps them to make changes in their behaviour.

  • Culture Issues : The culture of an organization articulates aims via shared perceptions and team cohesion, but guidebooks exercise via shared perceptions and social norms (Zaman, and, 2019). Poor organizational societies may have a significant effect on strategic leadership because projects are assertively subverted by management teams who have a stake in the old cultural identity or find it difficult to admit they brought about by various in the business world. Negative civilizations, whether that be through tampering or apathy, can present significant obstacles to starting change.

For solving this strategic issue, it is important for the management of the business to make comfortable the different cultures of employees so that they can understand the different scenarios of business. It will be advantageous for them to take knowledge from a different culture of people and enhance their skills.

In addition to this, there can be an appropriate use of leadership theory like-

Transactional theory: It is a leadership style that emphasizes the importance of the pyramid in improving performance. These executives value configuration and use their authority to enforce rules in order to motivate employees to succeed. Employees are praised for meeting their goals, according to this ethos. It will be helpful for the management to solve the strategic issues by implementing this theory in the working environment.

8. Modelling and risk processes

The descriptor revenue model relates to an industry's profit-making strategy. It specifies the merchandise or services that the company intends to sell, its target market, and any anticipated expenses (Terzi, and, 2019). Business models are critical both for young and established companies. A risk template is an arithmetic visualization of a system that typically includes probabilistic models. Models use applicable historical information as well as "specialist elaboration" from people with knowledge about the subject matter to determine the probability of a risk event that occurs and its possible consequences. Model managing risk is the monitoring of dangers posed by the potential negative outcomes of judgments based on inaccurate or misapplied designs. Method risk exists whenever a monetization strategy is utilized to start measuring quantifiable data, such as a company's current risks or associated with higher levels, and the framework continues to fail or accomplishes insufficiently, resulting in negative results for the organization.

During the Covid-19, it affects the process of risk modelling in terms of handling different people at the workplace. All firm's individuals are its foundation. Individuals nowadays emphasized, weary, taxable, afraid, and engrossed (Adams, Rutherfurd, and Eaton, 2021). The enterprise or industry of failure to manage the workers throughout that period could be substantial. There are some of the strategic issues which affect the modelling and risk procedure within the business are as follows:

  • Dimension of recognised risks : Risk management can make missteps when estimating the likelihood or magnitude of failures. Similarly, they could employ inaccurate dispersion. Although a banking firm may implement this for each position, the association seen between various positions might well be mismeasured. Miscalculation of hazards is a common thing in monitoring and evaluation (Taylor, S., Surridge, and Pickering, 2021).

For solving this strategic issue, it can be recommended that people must know about the level of risk in the process of modelling and develop different ideas to conquer the level of risk. The process of risk recognition is highly valuable in terms of develop the different level of understanding the business activities with the people and management.

  1. Unable to connect the risk to the upper administration : Professionals share knowledge the regarding firm's risk situation to top executives and the board. This data is used by management and by the board of directors to decide a company's current strategic plan. If a manager is unable to effectively communicate this information, top executives may end up making ill-informed choices or create a highly positive impression of the group’s risk role (Labad, and,2022).
  2. Not able to recognise and handle risk : Finally, professionals face difficulties in capturing all adjustments in the risks of equities and adjusting their shrubs correspondingly. As a direct consequence, managers might very well fail to effectively supervise investment risks so because the volatility of bonds starts changing just as fast to enable them to evaluate and implement appropriate hedging instruments (Stró?yna, 2018).

In order to solve this strategic issue, it is highly important for the managers to understand the level of risks and provide appropriate guidance to the employees about the level risk. The management of all companies are different so various ideas required for the development and growth in the business. The risk modelling process must be followed in an appropriate way which helps to consider the changes in scenario of business. It is also required to deal with the changes in environment for handling the risk and motivate people to consider the variations in the process of learning. Also, in order to handle risk in a proper manner it will be important for the company to make a risk register in which they identify all high, medium as well as low-level risks in addition to based on that can make risk mitigation plan to deal with the risks in the upcoming times. After a risk register is done then only the risk modelling process will work in a proper manner.


So, at last it can be concluded that the overall discussion of the eight topics has helped in understanding the module topic that is “Assembling along with Managing High Performance Teams across Cultures”. With the help of the entire study the overall aspect of the strategic issues has been understood in detail. The study has also tactfully help in understanding how Covid-19 has impacted the selected eight topic as well as proper recommendations has also given in order to deal with the strategic issues identified related with the eight topics. In addition to this the overall study has helped in understanding the underlying principles related to the topic of high-performance from which it has been identified that for achieving any sort of goals high-performance concept plays a very important role in the development of the company.


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