Business Case Assignment Sample

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Introduction of Business Case Assignment Sample

Nowadays, the hospitality industry is in the phase of technological transformation. The organisations are inclining towards new biometrics software and devices to handle all their operation. The most famous among those biometrics is “voice recognition”. This technology gives an access to various aspects of hospitality. In this report, the scope of the voice recognition and the trends going on the tourism industry in the context of TUI Australia. Also, this report will define the problem statement and several benefits of the Voice recognition and ways to solve these issues. Also, a business canvas model has been developed as per the mentioned organisation. This report provides the recommendation for using this beneficial interface and aligns the business model with the value proposition

Identify and synthesise existing technology analysis and trends (issues) in the selected organization in the industry mentioned above.

Nowadays, people are looking for ways to ease their task. With increasing influence of technology in the life of people, the demand for innovating a new form of technology has boomed. Recently in a survey conducted by a market-intelligence organisation ‘Tratica', it was mentioned that more than 80% mobile phones would be having speech recognition features by 2020. While traveling, the travellers need not type information they are looking for, voice recognition features have made a major breakthrough in the field of hospitality. The tourism industry has been changing rapidly at a vast pace in the current era and there is a lot of changes is happening in the tourism sector. Technology is the boon for the tourism sector and it is essential that the tourism sector should select the right technology to grow in this sector (Jurafsky and Martin, 2014). Every traveller has used the technology at any point during his encounter with the tourism sector. Technology changes are impacting the behaviour of the customer at any point in time. The company like TUI Australia has used the changing technology by examining the needed changes in the technology.

Technology has not only changes the operational mechanism of the TUI Australia but also at the same time changing the user interface of the tourism industry. The management has a positive perception towards the implementation of voice recognition in operation. They believe that this technology is a promising aid for the travellers from all around the world. Voice operated devices are being seen as the major frontier of tour and travel industry as it assists in delivering convenience for voyagers and would also help in generating more revenue for the hospitality service provider. The user now can able to search information about the trips of TUI Australia by searching the details, recommendations, reviews etc. before starting the trip. The company believes that voice recognition devices have narrowed things down. For instance, instead of showing extra and irrelevant information over the screen, the voice-based search will provide more personal and useful result.

With the voice-based hotel search on the website and mobile App of TUI Australia, the travellers would be provided with a wide range of useful options. In addition to this, the software can also generate information regarding nearby airports, hotels, and restaurant.

Also, now the user will be able to complete the trip booking with the help of paying online by the online interface of TUI Australia (Jurafsky and Martin, 2014). Besides this TUI Australia has also provided the smart tabs to the customers during their entire trip and it will help the user to connect with the company operations team any time during their trip. But there are also issues prevailing in the tourism industry. Extensive use of technology in the tourism sector will take the jobs of the professional who are associated with the industry. An organisation like TUI Australia is changing their interface to chatbots that are using the technology like Artificial intelligence.

The scope of “Voice Recognition”

There is always a technology change is happening around in every corner of the globe in the travel sector. The voice recognition software today is making the speech interface more pervasive and versatile. Voice recognition system has been used to input data or various system commands directly into a system mechanism (Benckendorff, et. al., 2014). This type of software will help the user by speech recognition method and can replace another form of input devices. Speech recognition system is a subfield that is the subfield of the computational linguistics and will implement knowledge regarding the research in the linguistics. The voice recognition platform is totally changing the interface of the tourism industry.

A company like TUI Australia has come a long way by changing the user interface. With its AI voice app, the organisation becomes enable to guide their guests throughout their course of the journey right from the beginning of their voyage. This has also helped the customers in hotel booking by providing them an ease to pick hotels based on their emotional state instead of choosing from a long list. For the hospitality organisation, the use of voice-operated AI system can help in transforming the processes of the hotels and its services as well. Hospitality industry always seeks ways to enhance the comfort for their guests and improve their customer satisfaction.

Many organisations are making use of some advance sensor based technology in order to determine the emotional state of its customers. This can be really helpful in providing a better online booking experience. This way service providers can tailor their offerings in accordance with the varying moods of the customers. In TUI Australia, the management is aiming at making their hotel intelligent by arming them with Voice-navigated AI powered care and services. These may include the following options:-

  • Voice-controlled robots.
  • Voice-activated digital assistance
  • Voice-activated hospitality services
  • The automated data processing machine

In tourism industry Voice has played many significant roles such as providing a car GPS mechanism, helping the user by providing the mobile map applications for providing directions such as Google map etc. Changing the user interface for apps such as Whatsapp, Viber, and various social networking apps and providing digital security locks to tourists. According to the Thrive analytics, 60 per cent of the traveller is using the voice search. Voice recognition is changing the overall dynamics of the tourism industry (Benckendorff, et. al., 2014).

These voice recognition applications have increased the business efficiency, saving the time of the companies that is previously used in the traditional method of approaching the customers. As per the experts it has been analysed that the corporations are now working on the CRM voice interface that will be using the CRM voice software that will pick up the customer intent, feelings and emotions, just by analysing the patterns of the human voice, pauses he take between words as well as the voice inflection of the words spoken. This will help the company like TUI Australia to provide satisfaction to the customer as the chatbots are able to understand the feelings of the user in a better way and provide the user with some faster search results also.

Provide the problem statement and benefits “Voice Recognition” can solve issues identified earlier in the selected organization in the industry mentioned above.

Voice recognition will be defined as the process that will decode the acoustic signal produced by the human voice into a separate sequence of linguistic units that contain the message that the speaker will like to convey (Lee, et. al., 2012). At the one end this system will include a hypothetical device that is capable enough to type ant form of words that is spoken and on another end, speech understanding mechanism will extract the intended meaning from the sounds and carry out the appropriate action like replying a question or controlling a speech recognition mechanism. Speech recognition mechanism has been easy for the human but it is difficult for the machine is compared with the human minds. Human minds are far capable and better than mechanical voice recognition system.

After the launch and a great success of various voice-controlled assistants such as Apple Siri, Google Now, and Microsoft Cortana, there demand in different sectors have registered a great boom. The hospitality sector is also demanding its personalised digital assistant that is voice-operated. This is due to the fact that there are many advantages to doing so. These advantages are mentioned in this section. This has provided some ease to the customer in locating the nearby restaurant. Now, customers need not type as this assistant can respond to their voices and provide relevant information to them. This has also contributed largely to increasing the customer satisfaction as they provide only those results that are the best match for the desires of the customers.

In addition to this, TUI Australia is planning to use the voice recognition software in data processing. This would make the work process more efficient than ever. Data can be stored analysed up to three times faster with voice recognition. This also lessens the work load from the management that further provides the organisation to dedicate more time in serving their guest. This ultimately increases the customer satisfaction. Another benefit of having a voice operated the system in the hospitality sector is that it minimises the chances of error. Majority of these systems are nearly 98% accurate in terms of word recognition.

A computer program that is supporting the voice recognition system is a very complex task and not able to properly work in case of noise, work and pauses between the speech. But still, the voice recognition system is getting better day by day. Accuracy is getting improved and dictation of the voice recognition has been gradually being accepted (Lee, et. al., 2012). Now the voice recognition software is getting intelligent and will attempt to understand the intent of the speaker instead of what is actually spoken by the user. Background noise levels are being discarded by the voice recognition mechanism now and noise levels and environments are being excluded while machine interfaced is talking to the user.

Business model canvas in the context of “Voice Recognition” in the selected organization in the industry mentioned above.

As per Wagner, (2014), the Business model canvas will describe the numerous type of planning and several marketing strategies for getting competitive advantage and success in business. This can be used in strategic planning as it provides a clear picture of the business. Moreover, it can also be used in retrospection. Furthermore, many organisation uses BMC in order to understand the competition. By preparing a business model canvas, the strengths of the competitors, its weakness, constraints, and their inabilities can be determined. This specific model canvas is creating the lean canvas to focus on the way the timeline will affect the revenue of the specified business of TUI UK. The lean canvas is more actionable and entrepreneur oriented.

<td ">Key ActivitiesLodgingFood & BeveragesHotels and ResortCruising

Key Partners

Global Sustainable Tourism Council


The Travel Foundation

Value Proposition

To provide reliable, comfortable and quality services.

Services should be developed by considering customer’s needs.

Customer Relationships

The company believes in building long term relationships with its customers. For this purpose, it keeps working on increasing customer satisfaction level.

Customer Segments

It comprises travelers who travel via aircraft, cruise liners and stay in hotels.

Key Resources

Large ROI

Large Investors

1600 Travel agencies



Ads (Promotion through Celebrity)

Word of mouth publicity

Digital media

Cost Structure

  • Cost for hiring Voice generating professionals
  • Cost of operation and maintenance
  • Cost of purchasing a license.

Revenue Streams

From bookings (both online and offline)

From investments returns

Interests from banks

Technology analysis and trends in the context of “Voice Recognition” in the industry mentioned above.

There are nearly 2-3 million people in Australia who have some sort of disability or physical impairment. The development of Voice recognition system is very beneficial for such people. It acts as their personal assistant. Speech recognition technology is currently being used in various areas, such as military, medical, environmental control, and communication. There are various forms of speech recognition systems that can be used by TUI Australia. The organisation has come a long way by changing the user interface. With its AI voice app, the organisation becomes enable to guide their guests throughout their course of the journey right from the beginning of their voyage. The user now can able to search information about the trips of TUI Australia by searching the details, recommendations, reviews etc. before starting the trip. This system is very advanced and progressive as per the recent trends of the market. Below are the trends in the voice recognition (Angott, 2013).

  • Speech Recognition: Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) is the base of voice and language processing applications. In simple words, this technology permits humans to make use of their linguistic skills to build a conversation with a computer interface in order to bring about certain information. This will include machine learning, signal processing, optimization and statistical techniques. The most recent version of ASR is Natural Language Processing (NLP). This speech recognition system permits real conversation between AI and people. However, even NLP being the most accurate speech recognition program with an accuracy rate of 96 to 99% can provide such results only in ideal scenarios. Nowadays, there are two types of ASR variants, namely directed dialogue and other is natural language conversations.
  • Acoustic Modelling: This is an automatic voice recognition system that is representing the relationship among the audio signal and the phonemes of another linguistic unit. In other words, the acoustic model comprises statistical representations of every unique sound that composes a complete word. These statistical representations are also known as a phoneme. In Australia, the native language is English and therefore, there are nearly 40 distinct phonemes. An acoustic model is developed by incorporating a large database. It uses special algorithms to develop statistical representations. These representations are known as Hidden Markov Models. HMM are still the most used dominant form of the Acoustic model. The speech decoder identifies the sound and then seek the matching HMM.
  • Language Modelling: This is a most crucial component of the Natural language processing tasks such as spell correction, machine translation etc. The language model can be used to recognise speech by a speech recognition engine. It has a large database that comprises a long list of words. This model is often used by various dictation applications. The search can be either probabilistically or absolutely.

Alignment of the business model and value proposition

This process is beneficial for the various customer segments. Voice recognition technology has a diverse form of applications that have been used by the doctors, lawyers, content writers, security professionals as well as several customer support professionals. The primary aim of this software to make the life of the human beings easy and comfortable (Ouchi, et. al, 2014).

The voice recognition system has been coming a long way in the world of rapidly changing because of the taste and preference of the customers is changing rapidly. Earlier the customer is using the yellow pages, print media to reach and then there is web interface evolved that is making the life of the people easy but technology is progressing there is a change in demographics and lifestyle of the people. Now after evolvement of voice recognition system there are also tasks like navigation, on time support is possible in many domains that are changing the lives of customers. This system can be implemented in different stages of tourist arrival. Before arriving at the hotel, the voice-commanded software can be used in storing exchanging data and information, making financial information available to the service provider. After their arrival, the software or devices can be used in making the guest folios and assigning the guest rooms. While the guest is staying in the hotel, these devices can help guest in availing the hotel services and organisation in making them available to the guest. At the time of departure, the devices can be used in managing and settling the accounts.

Recommendation & Conclusion

Voice recognition is an advanced form of technology that will facilitate the business to grow and provide the efficient user interface. TUI UK is already using such a form of technique in the near future. Below stated are recommendations for TUI UK in the context of the Voice recognition system.

  • There are instances when the external factors such as malfunctioning, the external disturbance will trouble this system. There is up gradation needed in such platform so that system will be work trouble free.
  • Input all forms of words into the system because lack of back support available in the interface will create a problem for this interface.
  • In some cases, the use of voice recognition technology is clearly opposed due to privacy issues. Therefore hotels should take care that no law should be breached.
  • To accustom the customers with a voice recognition system, a manual should also be provided.


It has been concluded from the above report that every business will need to work on this platform to make the user interface exceptionally. There are some issues with this technology but if the system is used in the practical environment and all the issues are eliminated then this is the most practical interface available. In this report, the scope of the voice recognition and the trends going on the tourism industry in the context of TUI Australia. Also, this report defined the problem statement and several benefits of the Voice recognition and ways to solve these issues. Also, a business canvas model was developed as per the mentioned organisation. This report provided the recommendation for using this beneficial interface and aligns the business model with the value proposition.


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